Chapter 24: Body parts

"I've made up my mind, you don't need to say more." Shen Ye's expression was indifferent, but his eyes were full of deep meaning.I don't know when these corpses will erupt and become a hidden danger. Instead of putting Xie Yi in danger, it is better to get rid of him from the beginning.

Xie Yi disagreed: "Master, I am not so weak yet." As a disciple but unable to defend the master, how could he endure his own incompetence.

Le Wuyi was surprised: "Master, are you injured? Is it serious?" He glanced at Shen Ye with a serious face, "The grand master is right, if you are not feeling well, master, forget it. "

Xie Yi just shook his head: "My body is naturally clear, there will be no problem."

"But..." Le Wuyi was a little hesitant, looking back and forth between Shen Ye and Xie Yi.

Shen Ye frowned: "Xie Yi." There was helplessness in that decisive tone.

Xie Yi smiled and said: "Master, if there is an accident, as long as I am in this room, I have nowhere to hide. Rather than being alone with Wuyi, it is more appropriate to come with Master."

Le Wuyi thought about it, and immediately turned against him: "Tai Shifu, the master is right, isn't it safer for us to have you here?"

Shen Ye was silent, he turned around and took a look at the countless corpses, which were arranged densely like a fortress, and the central position must be the place where the corpses are most densely populated.If these corpses break through the restraints, which one is more dangerous, the group of people standing in the middle or the two people standing on the periphery, I don't need to elaborate.

Although Shen Ye has confidence in his own ability, but that is as far as he was concerned, in this world where his powers have been exhausted, it is absolutely impossible for him to resist thousands of troops by himself, so if these countless corpses gather together to attack, he will be safe. Taking the lives of three people doesn't mean they can keep them safe, not to mention that Xie Yi's body can't withstand too much shock at this time.

If it had been before, he would have let Xie Yi give it a go. His disciples would have gone forward bravely. When the master and apprentice join hands, what kind of joy will it be.But now he can't gamble, and he can't afford to gamble. If the situation gets worse, where will he go to find this living Xie Yi?

Seeing that Shen Ye's eyes gradually became resolute, Xie Yi knew that Shen Ye did not accept what he said earlier: "Master, I..." was interrupted before he finished speaking.

Shen Ye waved his hand: "I have my own considerations, I'll go get the key back, you and Le Wuyi will go around and check the mechanism to see if there is a direct road leading to the outside world," Shen Ye glanced at the stairs leading to the top, With deep eyes, he said, "If there is an accident above, at least there is still a chance to escape."

Xie Yi was taken aback, and also took a look at the staircase. The white marble was immaculate, solemn and solemn, but it made people feel a little flustered after looking at it for a long time.It was his duty to be fully prepared.

"I understand." Since Shen Ye requested so much, Xie Yi could only compromise, "Master, please be careful."

Shen Ye smiled faintly: "Naturally."

Xie Yi sighed again, and then straightened his expression: "No difference, let's go."

"Ah? Oh, okay." Seeing Xie Yi turn around and continue walking, Le Wuyi could only say to Shen Ye, "Master, be careful" and followed Xie Yi's pace.

Xiao Meng watched Xie Yi leave with some reluctance, and he sighed in his heart. He didn't want to go in, but he wanted to go in, but his own master who wanted to go in didn't let him in. If they could exchange each other, it would be great, the best of both worlds ah.

At this moment, Huang Jue and his party had been waiting for Shen Ye for a long time: "Mr. Shen, let's go."

When Shen Ye turned around, his complexion had already returned to sternness: "Okay."

In front of him was an innumerable group of corpses. Although the corpses were close together, fortunately they were not jostling each other. There was a small gap between each corpse. If people walked sideways, It's okay to pass, but it's a pity that no matter how you turn your body sideways, in such a narrow space, you can't escape the close contact with those corpses.

It was an indescribable feeling and smell, like rotten but not rotten, like rotten but not rotten, as if all the stink was suppressed in the corpse, only a little bit was revealed, but the smell of the corpse has always been It is the most stinky, so when these weak breaths condense together, it makes people feel sick.

In addition to the smell, whenever you accidentally collide with the lower part of the corpse, when the cold and hard texture hits your face, the thick dead air will also fill your nose. If you look up again, you can see clearly that the heads are split The expression of the dead body must be an unforgettable nightmare experience.

Shen Ye walked in the second place, with an indifferent and indifferent expression as if he was just walking on an ordinary path, which was in stark contrast to the pale faces of the two people in front and behind.

Xiao Zhao lamented that this person was really extraordinary, but his arm was suddenly grabbed by Shen Ye. Xiao Zhao looked at the grasped arm in doubt, and was dragged forward a big step in the next moment, and was sideways by such a After taking a big step, he was naturally unstable, but the sound of "click" at the next moment made him stunned.

The sound came from his side, and he couldn't help but turned his head to look, and saw another person beside him looking at his feet with puckered pupils, Xiao Zhao felt startled before he lowered his head, and when he looked down, he was sweating coldly. It popped up in an instant.

It was a piece of meat, more precisely, it was a quarter of a human head. Xiao Zhao was not a doctor, let alone learned dissection, but even a doctor's dissection would not be so terrifying.That is really a quarter of a human head, the blackened cross-section, the brain that has turned into the color of concrete, and the thin lines between the gray and white, maybe nerves?That's okay, when one of the eyes on the piece of meat started to move randomly, Xiao Zhao almost didn't cry out in fright.

"Let's go." Shen Ye let go of his hand, his tone unchanged, as if the corpse was just a prank toy.

Eyelids covered with cold sweat, Xiao Zhao reluctantly retracted his gaze. After taking a deep breath, he could only continue to walk sideways following Shen Ye's footsteps, but the impact of the body was still too great, and Xiao Zhao exhausted all his strength to keep his body from shaking. .

The group of people behind were also panicked. The corpse was lying on the road they had to pass. Looking at the crazy eyeballs, they felt that this was nothing more than a nightmare.But what else can they do but move forward?

Everyone forced themselves to calm down, but when the chunks of flesh under their feet suddenly started to bounce like fleas, the originally well-ordered team suddenly became chaotic.

"It's moving, it's moving!" With a scream, the foot of the person closest to the piece of meat gave way and almost fell off. At this moment, his reason couldn't control his emotions. He seemed to have forgotten that there was a corpse in front of him. , actually retreated, the next moment, bumped into the body behind him with a "bang".When he raised his head, he saw that the strange head made of four different pieces of meat on the corpse was actually showing a stiff smile.

The obviously asymmetrical mouth was all upturned, and it was strange to think that this smile seemed to be a call from hell, but the next moment, the piece of meat in the mouth fell straight down.

Time seemed to be stopped at this moment, and the man forgot to dodge, staring blankly at the half of his lips that turned up towards him.

With a "click", the corpse that had already been as stiff as a stone hit his face, the cold breath, the bloody smell of a living corpse that should have dissipated, and the smile on the other half of the lips of the corpse, All came into view.

The blood color gradually faded away, and the half-open lips kept trembling, even if the corpse fell to the ground and made a light "touch", it was difficult to regain his sanity.

"Help... help..." When this man was in a mental breakdown, the people around him immediately made a decision and chopped off his neck with all their strength. Was knocked out.

Quickly stabilized the swaying body, the person who did it looked at his companion, but he was embarrassed: "Boss Huang!"

Huang Jue was at the place of the two before, seeing this situation, he could only grit his teeth and say, "Xiao Jiang, take him away and help Mr. Xie and the others find the exit." It is naturally impossible to leave Huang's family here regardless. , and carrying this burden will indeed hinder them, it is better to find an exit.He looked at the stiff corpses in front of him. They were obviously dull eyeballs, but each of them had a fierce light.The corpses on this floor are like this, so the ones on the upper floor are probably not optimistic. What's more, they fell directly into this tomb, that straight upward passage, and they obviously cannot climb back from the original passage without any support. .

As soon as Xiao Jiang gritted his teeth, he dragged his comatose companions back, and the rest of them all had serious faces, but this time there was no need for Huang Jue to remind them.

The falling of the body parts seemed to be just the beginning. When the sounds of "Beng_——" "Beng——" and "Beng——" sounded, and more and more body parts fell to the ground, the originally cold and terrifying space became It really became hell on earth.

The head parts were fine, after all, everyone could convince themselves that they were small, but when the arms, arms, thighs, and soles of the feet were all scattered on the ground, and they all began to struggle on the floor, it was clearly broken but it seemed They are living limbs, densely packed almost occupying the entire space.Those dismembered corpses kept rolling and climbing around, even interlaced with each other, and some would even be knocked to the ground by other limbs that fell again. It would be fine if they were alive, but these limbs were only part of the body but thumped like living people. It was really a dance from hell.

Faster, faster!If it was possible, everyone really hoped to run straight forward, but unfortunately the space was limited, so they could only keep moving forward profusely, and when some severed palms grabbed their calves or feet, many people sighed, They still have the strength to kick away these broken limbs, huh, should I say that they are brave?Unfortunately, apart from wry smiles, they really couldn't say a word.

Shen Ye didn't move in the wind and rain, and waved down the filaments connecting the corpses at an angle that everyone couldn't see. The moment the filaments broke, the corpses that came back to life returned to silence, but unfortunately, here There were too many corpses, and it was impossible for Shen Ye to kill them one by one, and after he passed by, those broken filaments would be replaced by other ones. In this situation, it seems that we can only reach the destination as soon as possible. up.

I just hope that Xie Yi can gain something.

The author has something to say: I found that I don’t have the ability to take titles, and the last few chapters are all "corpse" "corpse" and "corpse" ==

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