Chapter 190 Three: Entering the Tomb ([-])

Where there is light, there must be shadows, which is understandable.What made Xia Yi and Le Wuyi happy was that their shadows were projected impartially on the leftmost one of the three pools.It is more correct to say that the shadows of all the more prominent rocks on the top of the mountain are concentrated on the pool on the left.

Xia Yi was overjoyed, and before he could say anything, his head was pulled by Le Wuyi.Accompanied by a burst of heat on her cheeks and a loud "MUA", Xia Yi was taken aback, and when she recovered, Le Wuyi couldn't wait to run away.

"Master, Master! Look what Yi Ze and I discovered!"

Xia Yi rubbed his cheeks, looked at Le Wuyi's extremely happy face, and suddenly smiled: "Unexpectedly, you took the lead." Shaking his head, he followed with joy.

As soon as the news of the shadow came out, everyone was shocked.At first, I was worried about whether it was a coincidence, but as time went by, when I found that no matter whether the shadow shortened or lengthened, it only intersected with the water pool on the left, my hanging heart finally fell back.

"It's really exquisite," Xie Yi sighed with a smile, "I don't know if it was a natural formation or a man-made miracle."

The three pools are close to each other, and at such a distance, no shadow crosses the boundary.To be able to use sunlight in this way, I have to sigh in awe.

There was obvious joy on everyone's face.

"I finally found it. I thought I couldn't find it."

"I said you were worrying, now you see it?"

The dull atmosphere was swept away, and everyone talked and laughed again.

Xie Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he smiled and looked at Shen Ye, only to find that the man's face was sullen and his expression was a little heavy.

The joyful heart was faintly filled with uneasiness.

Once the entrance to the tomb passage was confirmed, everyone started to move immediately.Although I didn't bring diving equipment, some emergency things are fully prepared.

Taking off the heavy clothes, the cold wind blows, making people shiver.Fortunately, the "hot spring" was just ahead, so the cold was bearable.

Liu Jiaming from the Liu family and Huang Sanwei from the Huang family are good at water, so these two went into the water first to explore the way.

With ropes tightly tied around their waists, the two walked slowly towards the pool.It's just that before they got near the water pool, there was only a crisp sound of "Kara", and the ice layer shattered. The two exclaimed and sank directly.

"Are you all right?" The person in charge of pulling the rope was taken aback.

Liu Jiaming and Huang Sanwei also panicked when they fell, but they recovered their composure after a while, wiped their faces and said, "It's okay." The closer they got to the pool, the thinner the ice layer was.

The shattered ice slag melted in a moment when it met water.Huang Sanwei still did not forget to joke: "How comfortable and comfortable this water is, do you want to come down together?"

Huang Jue smiled: "Hurry up and go, what are you dawdling about?"

Huang Sanwei smiled and swam to the pool with Liu Jiaming.

Because the ice layer was too thin, everyone couldn't watch the two people's movements at close range.After they arrived, they waved to the people in the distance and dived down.

The rope was dragged slowly and disappeared into the water inch by inch.

Everyone stood on the ice, waiting for news of the two.

The time seems a little long.

Shen Ye was still in a trance when he suddenly felt his arm being touched.He looked at Xie Yi, and heard the other party whisper: "A Ye, you said Mr. Hu, why did you do that?"

Xie Yi glanced at the rock stuck in the ice.This stone has no special function, but old man Hu deliberately pushed it down.If it is to cover up the fact of the shadow, it doesn't make any difference if there are more or less rocks in this mountain.Or, to crush them to death?To break through the ice?This is even more impossible.

Xie Yi couldn't figure out why, but felt that he should be more careful.

Shen Ye didn't speak, but grabbed Xie Yi's shoulders and pulled him closer.The cheeks of the two touched each other, and there was a sense of tenderness, so Xie Yi didn't speak anymore.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi were blatantly intimate, Xia Yi and Le Wuyi didn't feel anything, but the Liu and Huang families were still not used to it.But no matter how unaccustomed he was, after a few glances, he turned his head away.

Just at this moment, Huang Yan who was dragging the rope said: "The rope is almost gone." There was only less than ten meters of rope left under his feet, but judging by the slow dragging speed, Huang Sanwei and the others were still diving.

Huang Jue frowned, the rope is nearly 400 meters long, isn't that enough? "Where's the other rope? Connect it."

"Understood." Huang Xiao went to get two more balls of rope, and connected them as he said.

Surprisingly, until the end of the new rope, Huang Sanwei who was underwater did not send a signal to come up.

How long can you hold your breath underwater?

Huang Jue made a decisive decision: "Pull it up!"


Huang Yan pushed hard with one hand, and everyone saw that the rope was tense immediately, and there was a burst of friction with the junction of the ice.Huang Sanwei in the water seemed to struggle for a while, and after a while, the strength of the resistance disappeared.

Both Huang Jue and Liu He frowned, feeling that something was going to happen.

"Hurry up!"

A few more people went up to help, and the rope was recovered at a faster speed.

Just when everyone thought that Huang Sanwei and Liu Jiaming were in danger, they heard a "crash", and the two young men emerged from the water, splashing everywhere.

"Boss, underwater things!"

Without waiting for everyone to ask, and without waiting for the two leaders Liu and Huang to get angry, Liu Jiaming spoke out first.

As soon as these words came out, the anger disappeared.

Liu Jiaming and Huang Sanwei went ashore one by one, and described the underwater scenes one by one.

As everyone expected, the leftmost pool is the entrance to the tomb.Perhaps it was because of finding the right passage, there was no danger lurking along the way.After diving for a certain distance, artificial traces gradually appeared on both sides of the channel.

"Tomb brick?"

Huang Sanwei shook his head: "It's much more valuable." He wanted to make a fool of himself, but thinking of the special situation, he said concisely: "It's crystal."

The light came from nowhere, or the crystal itself was emitting light. Down below, the red-purple crystals were as vast as the sea of ​​stars, shining brightly.

The scene was so gorgeous and magnificent that it attracted all the attention of the two of them, so they dived several meters before they knew it.

"How many meters?" Huang Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he picked up a big ball of rope, "How many meters is this?"

Huang Sanwei coughed and fell silent.

The underwater scene can be expected, but Liu Jiaming and Huang Sanwei have dived so much that they did not see the entrance of the tomb passage.Everyone didn't want to wait any longer, not to mention the two of them guaranteed that the place below was safe, so they prepared to go into the water together.

The Liu family was in front, Shen Ye was in the middle, and the Huang family was at the rear.

The moment he entered the water, Le Wuyi sighed comfortably and couldn't help stretching his limbs.After being cold for so long, it finally warmed up.

Xia Yi had a smile in his eyes, and waited for Le Wuyi to swipe a few times before reminding him: "Let's go."

Shen Ye and Xie Yi had already dived down.

Le Wuyi nodded, took a deep breath, and then turned around like a swimming fish, swimming towards the bottom of the pool.

There is no cave below the water pool, but it is a circular corridor with a width of three to four meters.There are uneven rocks and quartz of various colors on the surface of the corridor, but overall, it is fairly regular and smooth.

The water of the lake first turned from bright to dark, and after an unknown number of meters, as Liu Jiaming and his wife said, the purple-red light began to flicker.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye followed closely behind Liu He, and while going downstream, they were attracted by the crystal.

The prismatic crystals that are connected into pieces are crystal clear, and if you look closely, there seems to be tiny flames burning inside.Because of this, beauty is beauty, and no one posted it to see what happened.

Maybe there was an accident?

The water temperature is gradually rising, but fortunately it is bearable.Just looking for the tomb passage, there is still no trace.But when everyone swam six to seven hundred meters like this, problems arose.

After holding my breath for so long, I still don't feel forced.

Xie Yi turned his head to look at Le Wuyi and Xia Yize behind him, the crystal light was enough to illuminate their faces—they also had strange expressions.

Obviously, everyone noticed this.

Someone touched his chest, and then went to look at others, he was hit on the head, paused for a while, shook his head and continued to swim.

Such an oddity would do more good than harm to everyone, so let's pretend we didn't find it.

Everyone continued to move forward. Although their bodies could bear it, they gradually became tired.The endless crystals, no matter how precious they are, will get tired after seeing too many.

Le Wuyi was in a daze and felt like he was about to fall asleep, but when he opened his eyes again, his spirit was shaken, and he backed away suddenly.But it turned out that after squinting his eyes for a while, he tilted his body and almost hit the crystal wall.

Seeing that Le Wuyi had swum back, Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief.But the next moment, he saw that Le Wuyi had discovered something, so he posted it back again.

No difference?There was no sound in the water, so Xia Yi followed.Before he got close, Le Wuyi kicked his feet, made a beautiful circle in the water, and kicked hard towards the crystal wall.

The seemingly solid crystals scattered in all directions.The lake water fluctuated for a while, and the crystal debris drifted away, revealing a dark stone cave behind.

Seeing this, Xie Yi was surprised for only a moment.He gestured to Liu He, asking him to bring the person in front back, then turned with Shen Ye and headed towards the entrance of the cave first.

Le Wuyi probed his head at the entrance of the cave, surprised that he really kicked a path.It was a mistake to say that, if he didn't think the color of this crystal was not dazzling enough, he wouldn't have thought too much about it.

Xia Yi and Le Wuyi stayed on both sides of the cave entrance, and after a while, Shen Ye and Xie Yi approached.

Le Wuyi also wanted to ask if he should go to the cave to have a look, or continue downstream.Shen Ye didn't even look at it, and went straight into the cave.

Le Wuyi blinked, and after Xie Yi smiled and touched his head and followed, he scratched his head foolishly, and swam in with Xia Yi.

This time, the entrance of the cave is much narrower, and it is fine for one person, but if two people go forward at the same time, they will inevitably bump into each other.Therefore, everyone can only follow one another and keep a good distance.Otherwise, if you get too close, it will be uncomfortable to be kicked by someone in front of you.

The new tunnel is going upwards, and everyone didn't think it was a big deal at first, but they just put in more effort.But when the space gradually narrowed and the hands and feet became more and more unable to move, they finally felt uneasy-the lungs that had always been full of air began to ache faintly.

The author has something to say: I feel a little comfortable posting it without modifying it (⊙﹏⊙)b

At this point, the outline of the last volume is only halfway through. Is this for death or for death?

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