Ancient Sword II: The Tracking of the Fierce Mountain

Chapter 160: The vines are like a forest

Chapter 160: The vines are like a forest

"Why is he here?" Le Wuyi blurted out.If it's the pilot of the helicopter, that's pretty normal, why is it Huang Jianghai who went to the sandy mountain with them?

Looking from a distance, Huang Jianghai's head was next to the helicopter, with a ruddy complexion and a peaceful expression.With his eyes closed, he didn't look like he was in a coma, but rather fell asleep peacefully.His clothes were neatly worn on his body, without any embarrassment.

"Do you want to go and have a look?" Xia Yi said.

Shen Ye nodded, and said: "Be careful."


The three of them slowly approached Huang Jianghai, but the man didn't open his eyes when they came in front of him.

Shen Ye squatted down, and sniffed the other person's breath.

"How is it, Grand Master?" Le Wuyi asked.

Shen Ye got up and said indifferently, "Dead."

"Huh? Dead?" Le Wuyi was surprised, "But he looks..." He pointed at Huang Jianghai's face, whether it was a good complexion or a demeanor, how could he look like a dead person?

Xia Yi tried to touch Huang Jianghai's face: "It is indeed ice." He tried to lift the other's hand, but it was still very soft, "It seems that he just died not long ago."

But in this way, the question arises—how did Huang Jianghai die?

Xia Yi checked one by one, out of respect for the deceased, he did not take off all his clothes.After looking through it for a while, he frowned and said, "I can't find a fatal wound."

Shen Ye nodded, jumped into the cab of the helicopter.There was little damage to the interior of the cab, except for the broken glass, everything else was intact.

It's always feels a little strange.In the narrow cab, Shen Ye frowned and thought.

Outside the helicopter, Le Wuyi looked at Xia Yize who was inspecting carefully, and couldn't help stepping aside.

Serious Yi Ze is really convincing.It's just a sight to behold.

Le Wuyi leaned on the helicopter with appreciation, regardless of whether it was still secure.I just didn't want to just post it, but felt something "slip" from behind, and it was a little itchy.

"Huh?" Le Wuyi turned around, but saw the extremely smooth fuselage behind him, but nothing else.


I touched the fuselage, nothing unusual.It's just that Le Wuyi didn't dare to take it lightly, Naihe fumbled around, but couldn't figure out a clue.

Is it really just an illusion?

Le Wuyi raised his head to look at Shen Ye, only to see that his Grand Master was shrouded in darkness, with a particularly serious expression.

Looking at it, Le Wuyi suddenly thought of a question: the cab...wasn't so narrow before?

"Great Master," Le Wuyi tilted his head, "Is this really our Lie Shan Department's helicopter? When did it become like this?"

Shen Ye turned around after hearing the words: "Why, did you find out?"

Le Wuyi scratched his head, thinking that he was particularly curious about machinery and haganism since he was a child, so he went to every factory on the island.It can be said that he is very clear about the specifications, equipment, and performance of Lie Shanbu's helicopters.

Who would have thought that after traveling too much in the past few years, the changes in this helicopter are a bit unfamiliar.

"It's nothing, hehe," Le Wuyi said, "I just feel that the space in the cab has become a bit small, too narrow." As he said, he patted the fuselage, "This color is also, it still looks good before. ……hiss……"

Le Wuyi felt a pain in his palm, and he withdrew his hand in surprise, only to see two light-colored strangle marks on the palm, and a few drops of blood seeped out.

Looking at the smooth body and the palm of his hand, Le Wuyi was dumbfounded.

He could hurt himself out of thin air?

Or has he finally touched the right place?

Le Wuyi was still surprised, but Shen Ye and Xia Yi's expressions suddenly changed.It can be said that when Le Wuyi said that the helicopter was different, the two became alert.

"Wuyi, get out of here!" Xia Yi threw down Huang Jianghai, who had already died, and threw Le Wuyi to the ground in a flash.Shen Ye also responded in a timely manner, flying out from the cockpit, leaping lightly like a cat, away from the helicopter.

It's just that they're fast, and what's glued to the helicopter is faster.

I saw the lifeless helicopter, and suddenly a pure white flower bloomed.With the helicopter as the center of the flower, the "petals" can't wait to spread out - they are countless transparent vines.

It turned out that the transparent vines densely wrapped the helicopter, whether it was the fuselage or the cab, it was completely entangled inside and out.Because it is transparent, it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Therefore, Shen Ye felt strange, feeling that the cab was a little dark and crowded, but he couldn't find the specific reason.Only Le Wuyi, who is too familiar with helicopters, can detect even a little difference.

After the transparent vines were peeled off from the fuselage, they naturally rushed towards the three of Shen Ye.Xia Yi rolled on the spot with Le Wuyi, and the vines barely grazed their heads.It's just that more vines are wrapped around their feet.

Xia Yi exerted force on his feet, but the vines looked slender, but they were extremely strong, and they couldn't break free for a while.

Shen Ye ran to the two of them, cut off the vine with one sword, and dragged the two of them to leave.

"Master!" Le Wuyi shouted, "This thing sucks blood!"

While speaking, more vines entangled themselves.

Shen Ye watched the vines on his arms gradually turn red, frowned and said, "I know!"

Xia Yi and Le Wuyi used their strength to get up, but before they could stand still, there was another strong pull on their feet, but it was those vines that pulled them, trying to drag them towards the helicopter.

The place entangled by vines, after the initial itching, was stinging from blood sucking.

The three of them wanted to retreat, but the countless vines kept pulling them, like a tug-of-war, with infinite force.The vines rushed up like a flooding river, and the three of them looked at their upper bodies without caring about their lower bodies. In the end, even their faces were tingling.

"Ahem, how can these ghost things... stretch so long?" Le Wuyi struggled back while protecting his neck desperately.

At this moment, the three of them were already some distance away from the helicopter, but as Le Wuyi said, the vines were very flexible and could chase them no matter how far they were.

Shen Ye's quiet face was gradually stained with anger, but unfortunately, facing the endless stream of vines, the three of them could only fight and retreat.

Pulling each other with the vines, I don't know how far back, Shen Ye accidentally got several scars on his face.

With anger burning in his eyes, Shen Ye turned the sword into a whip and danced it quickly to protect the safety of his whole body.Unexpectedly, at this moment, a black shadow flashed above, Shen Ye immediately jumped out a few steps, and when he landed, he saw Huang Jianghai lying on the ground with a gentle smile on his face.

"Meow meow! It's a scam!" Le Wuyi sighed with emotion while running.

"What kind of corpse?" Shen Ye stared, "He's still dead."

No, at this time Huang Jianghai tilted his head to one side and kept shaking, his eyes were still closed, and the peaceful smile on his face did not change.It's just that his body is "alive", with his limbs curled up like a toad, crawling on the ground, and then kicking his feet, he rushed towards Shen Ye again.

At the same time, Xia Yi discovered with sharp eyes that there was something strange on Huang Jianghai's back.Just now, because of the so-called "respect", I shouldn't have missed this point by mistake!

"Senior Shen, be careful!"

The three saw that Huang Jianghai's back was swollen, and a vine sprouted, and the clothes were torn apart with flying flesh and blood.A small part of the vines is connected to the helicopter in the distance, while the rest is like a spring flowing towards Shen Ye.

Xia Yi and Le Wuyi wanted to step forward to help, but Huang Jianghai's head hanging between his arms was suddenly thrown up, hanging upside down on his shoulder at 180 degrees.Huang Jianghai opened his mouth, like a spider spinning silk, a blood-red vine shot out from his mouth.

"Is this all right?!" Le Wuyi dodged Huang Jianghai's attack, but staggered on his feet - the vines behind him caught up.Why did you forget the back!Le Wuyi gritted his teeth.

With the addition of Huang Jianghai, this time, the three of Shen Ye were under attack from both sides.

The long whip in Shen Ye's hand was heavily entwined by vines, and it was difficult to swing it because of the force of the vines.Looking at Le Wuyi and Xia Yize again, the swords in their hands were wrapped in pure white, and their tense faces seemed to be the same.

Shen Ye turned sideways, and Huang Jianghai rushed over in front of him. After landing, he jumped and turned over. After adjusting the direction, he attacked again tirelessly.

There were more and more vines wrapped around Shen Ye's whip and his body, and his evasive movements couldn't help but gradually become sluggish.

Just as the three of them were struggling to deal with it, and their bodies were getting more and more scars, a helicopter in the distance, a lighter with sparks flying and spinning, landed on the piece of gasoline from mid-air.

There was only a soft "chi" sound, and the faint blue flame rose instantly, was blown by the wind, and surrounded the helicopter from the bottom in a short while.Those vines seemed invincible, but they were powerless after encountering fire. Some curled up, and some climbed to the top of the helicopter.But no matter which one, they cannot escape the ending of being burned.

The ignited vines made a twisted sound that was neither animal nor vegetable.They fell from the top of the helicopter, bouncing and struggling like earthworms, but turned into ashes and dissipated in a moment.

The helicopter's fuel tank was already leaking oil, and under the double burning of gasoline and vines, finally, a burst of flames rose up with a loud noise.

"Ji——!" Huang Jianghai's gentle smile finally changed, and a very strange scream came out of his mouth.The flames burned from afar, causing Huang Jianghai to curl up and roll on the ground.He was like a ignited log, and in the end, a raging flame burst out of his body and burned him up in a short time.

The explosion was too violent, not to mention that the three of Shen Ye were already in the desert, so they couldn't stand steadily.Fortunately, after the explosion, everything returned to safety.

Shen Ye stood up first, and tore off the vines wrapped around his neck one by one.The plants, which were aggressive and powerful just now, are completely dead at this moment.The flames snaked along the vines from a distance, and burned all the way to Huang Jianghai's body.

Le Wuyi got up while coughing: "Meow meow, I was almost strangled to death."

Xia Yi beside him was not much better, with red marks all over his wrists, and several lacerations in his pants.

This time it was really embarrassing.

Le Wuyi was a little helpless, but also a little thankful: "Fortunately, Yi gave me this suit, or else... meowing, I dare not even think about it."

While he was talking, a figure flashed in front of Le Wuyi, but it was Shen Ye running towards the helicopter.

"Huh? Grand master?"

While the helicopter explosion helped a lot, was it necessary to go back in such a hurry?Le Wuyi thought belatedly, could it be that the helicopters were not caused by these plants to kill themselves, strangling sparks and exploding?

He turned his gaze to the direction where Shen Ye was running, and saw a vague figure swaying on top of the sand mountain.

"Could it be..." Le Wuyi burst into tears instantly, "Master—!"

The author has something to say: Uncle Xie finally appeared at the end of the’s not easy _(:з」∠)_

PS: We are going home on the National Day, we will stop updating for a week, hereby inform you.

Reason: My dear sister, I’m going to take me on a poor tour, I’m so looking forward to it~(≧▽≦)/~

I heard that there are not many people. It is really not easy to find a place with few people during the National Day~(≧▽≦)/~

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