Chapter 150 Eight: A Forest of Bones ([-])

How can I "wake up" myself?Xia Yi thought for a while, and finally carefully took out the Qingxin Talisman that Qinghe gave him.

You must know that in today's world, spiritual energy is lost, gods are dying, and even martial arts have been lost, let alone the use of magic.Although Xia Yi himself can use the Qingxin Mantra, in terms of its effect, it is definitely not as powerful as the talismans written by Qinghe Daoist.

"Break!" Xia Yi played out the Pure Heart Talisman, and saw a burst of strong golden light from the red rune, and several auras scattered from the culture of the rune gathered in Xia Yi's body.

The drowsy mind became sober in an instant, and even the body became light.

In the ear, the "rustling" sound became clearer.

The Heart Purification Talisman dissipated into nothing with a "pop", and Xia Yi opened his eyes. This time, the seemingly vast desert finally revealed its true colors.

I don't know if the illusion has been broken, the sun is no longer hot, and the sand under my feet is no longer hot.

It is still yellow-brown sand, but the sky is "haze".Xia Yi looked up, and saw a floating island entrenched in the sky, out of reach, just covering half of the sun.

The floating island is too far away, but green trees and towering mountains can still be seen, and the rest are blurred.

Xia Yi took a closer look, and found that the island was actually hanging in the sky, not connected to the ground.

Fairy Mountain?Now there are still fairy mountains?

Is this... still an illusion?

The rustling sound finally became clear, but it was a stream of quicksand pouring down from the floating island.The sand pillars are as thick as an adult's arms, falling from the nine heavens like a waterfall.Right below it, sand dunes with a height of [-] meters have already accumulated.

Xia Yi walked near the sand pillar, raised his head to look up, and felt that there was no end in sight.

Quicksand falling from the sky... Xia Yi was thinking, when he suddenly felt his feet tremble, and then heard a dull "bang" sound, but for some reason, the sand dunes around him collapsed from the top!

Xia Yi was caught off guard, and saw the yellow sand smashing down on his head and face, and an irresistible force came overwhelmingly.In the blink of an eye, he was rushed more than ten meters away by the yellow sand.

Thanks to the yellow sand collapsing in all directions, although Xia Yi was buried, it was not buried deep.The yellow sand hadn't calmed down after the collapse, Xia Yi coughed and got out of the sand.

This time, Xia Yize's hair and clothes were completely soaked in yellow sand.As soon as he raised his hand, sand flowed from his sleeve, and in the blink of an eye, rain-like grains of sand fell from his eyelashes.

Extremely embarrassed.

"What the hell is this..." Xia Yi only felt the smell of dust in his mouth, and before he had time to sort it out, he heard a muffled "bang", which came from a distance.He turned his head, but a sand dune blocked his view.But judging from the dust flying all over the sky in the distance, I am afraid that another sand mountain collapsed.

Looking at the sand that was a foot deep under his feet, and seeing the unabated quicksand pouring down from the floating island, Xia Yi's face became serious.

If Senior Xie is in the same place as him, he must be found as soon as possible!


Le Wuyi still remembers getting lost when he was a child. At that time, he was too young and not very courageous, so looking at the dark forest at that time, he felt that every tree was a grimace, with teeth and claws.Where the wind blows, the sound from the branches is like the shrieking of ghosts with malicious intentions, which is extremely terrifying.It wasn't until now that he realized what the real Grimace Forest would look like.

Since the forest with the skeletons was around the hole in a circular shape, no matter which side Shen Ye and Le Wuyi wanted to leave from, they had to pass through this "forest" without any breath of life.

The "forest" is unexpectedly vast, and the only branches and leaves—skeletons, are also unexpectedly numerous.If these skeletons turned out to be grave robbers, it would be too exaggerated.

At this moment, on top of Le Wuyi's head was a skeleton with twisted limbs and its head facing down. Beside him was a skeleton with its head stuck in a tree branch and its body dangling left and right under the tree. Right in front of it was an upside down skeleton. It's by the tree, but its head is facing the skeleton here.

Full world: Skeleton Skeleton Skeleton.

Always feel: looking at me, looking at me, looking at me.

"Too... Grand Master," Le Wuyi held back the goosebumps that were about to pop up, "Tell me, if they all..." Before the word "live" came out, Shen Ye turned around and glared at him, saying: " Shut up!" After speaking, he kicked the skeleton in front of him and flew away.

The skeleton rolled several times on the ground, dancing its limbs, and finally the body was separated, leaving only the body, and the head rolled forward.

Le Wuyi was a little bit aggrieved at first, but when he saw this, he immediately calmed down—he didn't want to be kicked out by the Grand Master.

With this interruption, the two didn't look at the head that rolled out, so they didn't notice it, it kept rolling, rolling, rolling, slowly rolling out of their sight, and continued rolling towards the depths of the forest.

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi continued to walk forward, the closer they got to the end of the forest, the fewer skeletons were hanging on the branches.This is normal, just like us, when it comes to drying clothes, we always pick them nearby. If there is really nowhere to put them, we will go far away to find a place.But when a skeleton with its head down was displayed in front of their eyes, both of them couldn't help frowning.


Because the skeleton was lying on its head, its nails were deeply embedded in the tree trunk, and its body clings to the tree trunk like a snake, appearing to be climbing down.The same is true for the skeleton on the other tree. Although it is still hanging on the tree, he is holding the trunk with one hand and flying in the air with one foot. Looking carefully, he looks like he is looking for a point of strength.

If you look at it from a distance, the bodies of the seemingly motionless skeletons are a little unnatural.

This time, Le Wuyi didn't dare to say that they were "alive".However, he still couldn't figure it out: "Grand Master, since they might be...that or something, why did you just do that?" He pointed behind him, "You want to re-soak that skeleton again?"

After talking about Le Wuyi, I regretted it. Obviously, the previous skeleton was "resurrected" after being stained with blood, but the skeleton here is pure white-this is the color after being processed.If white is the color that reassures those snake people, then, if all these skeletons are resurrected...

Shen Ye pulled out the sword: "Obviously," he said slowly, "because we are all different."

After speaking, I saw a cold light flashing, a skeleton that was lying quietly by the tree, bowed like a wild dog and rushed towards it.Before he could bite Shen Ye's leg, Shen Ye chopped off his head.

"Meow! I didn't say anything this time!" Le Wuyi wanted to cry but had no tears.

At the same time as Shen Ye made his move, Le Wuyi also chopped off a flying skeleton in half.Unexpectedly, after the skeleton was chopped off at the waist, it still had the strength to use both hands to try to climb back up again.

Le Wuyi admired the opponent's perseverance, and struck him in the middle, giving him a refreshment.

The skeletons with broken skulls stopped moving, but the skeletons that had been lying quietly by the tree started to move one by one.They stood up tremblingly, first swaying from side to side, and after standing still, they swooped towards them like vicious tigers.As for the skeletons on the tree, some slowly climbed down from the tree, while others jumped down from the top of the tree.If you are lucky, you will run towards Shen Ye and Le Wuyi after landing. If you are unlucky, you will break your own bone and fall to the side of a tree, pinched together with your equally unlucky companion.

"Get out of the woods!" Shen Ye gave an order, and the sword light passed, and the broken bones flew together.

"Yes." Le Wuyi turned his head and ran, not wanting to run a few steps, he jumped up vigilantly and backed up again and again, "Grand Master, be careful where you step!"

As soon as Le Wuyi finished speaking, several pairs of sharp claws broke out from the sand, and the sharp nails gave off a faint cold light.

Shen Ye immediately slashed down with his sword again, not wanting to hear a "Dang", the tiger's mouth went numb, and the sword body was actually shaken back.

"Climb the tree!" Shen Ye made a decisive decision.Accompanied by his voice, more sharp claws protruded from the sand.

"Meow meow, is it an evolutionary version?!" Le Wuyi and Shen Ye rolled over the tree, one left and one right. Fortunately, the trunk was extremely strong, and even if all the skeletons below were surrounded by it, it would not fall down.

With the trunk as a support, it is also much more convenient.Once those skeletons tried to climb up, they were beheaded by Shen Ye and Le Wuyi.As for those who wanted to climb over through the nearby branches, they also cut off the branches and landed directly to join their companions.

When the skeletons under the sand saw their prey on the tree, they gave up hiding and broke out of the ground one by one.Maybe it's really an evolutionary version. Unlike those skeletons who only know how to be crowded, they actually directly attacked the giant tree itself.The sharp nails pierced into the trunk, trying to saw off the trunk.

Shen Ye frowned, turned his sword into a whip, and the whip turned rapidly, wrapping around the necks of several skeletons.Shen Ye waved his hand, and many skulls flew out.

It's a pity that there are too many skeletons underneath.

Le Wuyi only had time to kick another skeleton that climbed up, and was pulled up by Shen Ye: "Jump!"

The tree trunk fell in response to the sound, and crushed several skeletons. They danced their hands and feet and struggled. They couldn't get out, but they were stepped on several times by their companions.On the contrary, Shen Ye and Le Wuyi had nothing to do with each other, and were surrounded by another tree again.

Seeing more and more skeletons gather, although Le Wuyi looked nervous, he did not forget to ease the atmosphere: "Fortunately, there are quite a lot of trees here, right, Grand Master?"

Who would have thought that as soon as the words fell, several skeletons with glowing fingertips left them and started working under other tree trunks.

Le Wuyi was dumbfounded, looking at Shen Ye's almost murderous eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he didn't dare to speak anymore.

Contiguous trees fell down, rolling up a burst of yellow sand.Accompanied by the sand and dust, there were also skeletons beheaded by Shen Ye and Le Wuyi.

Just when the two were hiding and killing, jumping around like squirrels, a sudden change occurred.I saw a skeleton on the outside seemed to have hit something, and the next moment, it flew up, and the skull and body split in mid-air.

"Huh?" Le Wuyi paused, "What's going on?"

Several more skeletons were separated and died inexplicably.The circle under the tree that was originally surrounded by skeletons was forced to vacate a corner.

Shen Ye naturally also noticed the abnormality, but he whirled his whip and kept moving his hands: "Continue!"

The unknown, whether it is an enemy or a friend is still unknown.And they are besieged, and it is more important to stand out from the encirclement.

Le Wuyi's heart trembled: "Yes!"

It's just that the unknown thing below really seemed to come to help them.

No, after a while, more skeletons had their heads shattered and fell to the ground.

On the top, Shen Ye and Le Wuyi swept across, and on the bottom, there was a transparent thing sweeping, and the pressure dropped suddenly.

The strange thing is that these skeletons can't feel the unknown danger around them. Even though more and more companions died inexplicably, they still headed towards Shen Ye and Le Wuyi without hesitation.

To be honest, this is really much more convenient for the invisible person.

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi had external help, and the extremely dangerous situation suddenly became easier.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer complete skeletons, even those with sharp nails have been killed cleanly.In the end, in the forest, there were only a few skeletons that were pressed under the tree trunks and could not move.

Shen Ye and Le Wuyi stayed on the tree, looking wary.It was empty below, and it didn't look like there were people, but they knew that there must be something standing below, quietly observing them.

No sound, no footsteps left on the sand, what could it be?people?

"Who are you, why don't you meet in person?" Shen Yelang said in a clear voice.

However, a gust of wind blew by, and there was no response from below.

Could it be that it is an enemy and not a friend?

Shen Ye frowned, and was about to speak again, but Le Wuyi pulled him with a strange expression: "Great Master..."

Shen Ye looked at Le Wuyi while guarding: "What's wrong?"

Le Wuyi had an expression that didn't know how to describe it: "I always feel... a bit strange." Why did he suddenly feel relaxed when there was only Tai Shifu by his side?Yi Ze is obviously not there.


Yi Ze?

Scratching his head, Le Wuyi could only point to the tree trunk and said, "Look, Grand Master, is the tree trunk even more curved?"

Become more curved, the reason can only be increased weight.Shen Ye's complexion changed, and the long whip whirled around, and slammed it towards Le Wuyi's side.

"Great Master, wait!" Who would have thought that Shen Ye's first reaction would be this, and Le Wuyi, who couldn't express clearly, immediately regretted it.

So, after finally seeing Le Wuyi, and finally helping out, Shang asked if Le Wuyi was injured, but Xia Yize, who couldn't hear the other party, was almost killed by Shen Ye's whip.

The author has something to say: light wax for brother coordinate o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

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