Chapter 150: Helper

Because the distance was too far, Xie Yi couldn't see the appearance of those people clearly, he could only roughly judge their height, shortness, fatness and thinness.The people in this crystal wall are tall and low, but without exception, they are all extremely thin. At a glance, they seem to be skeletons standing upright.

Those black shadows were all upright, if Xie Yi hadn't been in it, he would have thought that those people had already died.

People are tall, short, fat and thin, how can everyone be as skinny as a stick?Obviously, this is not a good sign.

Xie Yi tried to move his body again, but unfortunately, the result was still the same - unable to move an inch.How should I go out?Xie Yi became a little annoyed.

Xie Yi was worrying on this side, but Le Wuyi on the other side held his breath and carefully hid in the groove above the tomb passage.Under Le Wuyi's body, the sound of "hissing" one after another was as lively as a market.I saw a man in armor on his upper body swimming past the wall. The bronze sword at his waist was glowing coldly, and his exposed muscles were extremely strong.But looking at his lower body, there was a snake tail as thick as a bucket constantly swinging, and where the snake tail passed, there was a slippery layer of mucus.

Because the lower body is a snake tail, this snake man is probably more than two meters tall.Le Wuyi glanced roughly, then tried to retract his protruding head, because if the snake man raised his head, he might be found.

Meow meow, he just stepped on the air, why did he come to this ghost place?I don't know what happened to Yi Ze and the others, alas...

"Hiss!" "Hiss!" In a place where Le Wuyi couldn't see, the sound of the snakes became louder and louder.According to the snake shadow on the tomb passage, Le Wuyi speculated that they were most likely engaged in some kind of activity.

The dim fire light appeared and disappeared, and there were countless snake figures walking back and forth. As long as you looked closely, it was not difficult to find that they were circling around the fire.

Is it a celebration?Is it a sacrifice?It can't be cooking, right?I really want to see what's going on.Le Wuyi scratched his head, and the next moment he tried harder to get closer to the groove - the armored snake man was walking back.

Meow meow, forget it, my life is more important.

But...he can't stay here forever, can he?How should I go out?Le Wuyi was also troubled.

The sound of snakes has no quiet expression.

"Hiss." "Hiss."


"Oh, there is no end," Le Wuyi couldn't help muttering to himself when he heard the snake man's voice, "Or wait for them to leave by themselves before going out?" It's not easy to get along with each other, so don't be reckless.


"Oh, I know it's not over yet."


"Really, can you stop being in my ear..." Le Wuyi was shocked when he said this.In front of the body, there seemed to be a gust of cold air.

No way……

Cold sweat broke out in an instant, and Le Wuyi's heartbeat suddenly accelerated.He raised his head cautiously, and saw a burly man standing in front of him, under the cold helmet, a bright red snake letter was slowly stretching towards him.


What happened to Le Wuyi, Xia Yi naturally doesn't know at the moment, but he has seen clearly where Xie Yi is being imprisoned.

It can be said that Xia Yize's luck is indeed much better than Xie Yi's.Xia Yi did not lose consciousness when he was separated from the crowd. He walked straight along the tomb passage and came to this huge cave that can be called a crystal cave.

Except for those spiraling stone paths, the entire body of this crystal cave is made of transparent crystals.These crystals can be said to be extremely strange, and they can shine brightly without a light source.And this cave is small at the top and big at the bottom, with smooth walls, and the stone roads snake like snakes looping down.Looking closely at those stone paths, it is better to say that they are plank roads built in the air than the cave itself.

Xia Yi is located in a robbery hole above the cave. The ingenuity of this robbery hole is that half of it is covered by the stone path, but the remaining half is enough for people inside to see the things below.Therefore, when the monsters in retro clothes appeared one by one, Xia Yi carefully hid.

But as cautious as he is, when he saw Xie Yi being transported by those monsters, he almost couldn't help but rush out.

But before he moved, another figure suddenly appeared.But before the man could touch Xie Yi, he was thrown away by the huge silver snake's tail that suddenly appeared.

The silver snake was too huge, and its strength should not be underestimated, so the man's not-so-thin body hit the crystal wall and immediately lost consciousness.

After a silver snake, several silver snakes came out one after another.Facing the half-human, half-snake monster and the gigantic silver snake, Xia Yi could only stand still for the time being.

The stunned man was turned over by the snake man, unexpectedly it turned out to be Huang Hua, Xia Yi lamented that they really came down, and at the same time saw the inexplicable excitement of those snake man.

Those snake people were male and female, dressed in toga and sleeves, but they moved extremely swiftly.The two strongest snake men loosened their clothes, dragged Huang Hua back and flicked them left and right, then kept flicking their tails at the other snake men.

This is probably the way of communication between snake people.

Sure enough, the rest of the snake people were even more excited.They left behind two female snake figures, and the others lifted Huang Hua and left.The silver snake that followed was huge, but it made way for them very carefully, but after a while, Huang Hua and the snake men disappeared.

At this time, the only ones left at the bottom of the cave, apart from the unconscious Xie Yi, were only two female snake figures and three silver snakes.

Xia Yi clenched the sword in his hand, and before he could lean out, the next moment, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly retreated to the original place.

"Pa-ta", "Pa-ta", the sound of slow footsteps came from near Xia Yize at some unknown time.

Someone here?

Why are you so close to him?

Could it be...he was discovered? !

Xia Yi leaned down, and kept his breathing to the lightest while accumulating energy in his feet. In the blink of an eye, he was ready to attack.

Soon, a piece of red gauze appeared in Xia Yize's field of vision.The red gauze is very light and thin, and several small golden dragons are embroidered with gold thread on it, fluttering in the wind like living things.

In just a moment, this unknown person stepped over from where Xia Yize was, as if he hadn't found the hidden ambusher at all.And only for a moment, Xia Yi frowned.

Although it was just a glance, Xia Yi can be sure that this person is wearing a crown suit.

In ancient tombs, regardless of the tomb owner or the burial person, the higher the level, the stronger the attack power of the deceitful corpse.The monster just now had a high status.

Could it be...he is the owner of this mausoleum?

Xia Yi was speculating, but suddenly heard the footsteps and came back.The unhurried footsteps seemed to show the calmness of the master.Or... a banter from a Predator.

The footsteps finally stopped, and the bright red hem of the crown filled Xia Yize's sight—he stopped right in front of Xia Yize.

Xia Yi's expression remained unchanged, but his eyes became extremely sharp.The unknown person outside the cave and him inside the cave seemed to be accumulating strength.I don't know how long it took, maybe a long time, maybe only a moment, before Xia Yi was about to make a move, the man suddenly jumped forward and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This sudden development made Xia Yi startled. When he reacted and carefully approached the entrance of the robbery cave, he saw that the man in the gorgeous crown had already stood in front of the two female snake men.

The silver snake is afraid of the snake man, and the snake man obviously obeys the masked man.I saw the snake-man lying on the ground like a court lady, and the man seemed to be explaining something.Finally, the two snake men nodded, turned around and put on Xie Yi, and followed the man to the mountain path.

Xia Yi saw everything that followed clearly, and at the same time, he somehow felt that the man was deliberately doing it for him to see.

Xia Yi watched them carry Xie Yi up the mountain path, the man took out a dark green stone from his hand, and as the stone appeared, something seemed to crawl out of Xie Yi's arm.Because the distance was too far and the thing was too small, Xia Yi couldn't see what it was.But looking at the faces of the two female snake people who suddenly became angry, Xia Yi knew that the situation that caused Senior Xie to faint might not be very good.

The man stopped the female snake who wanted to tear Xie Yi up, and pointed to the crystal wall, the two snakes could only suppress their anger and obey.

I saw them pull out the golden forks from their heads and carve something on the crystal wall. When they finished, the crystal wall melted and sank.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two snake men pushed Xie Yi in.

Seeing that Xie Yi was swallowed by the crystal wall, Xia Yi couldn't hold back any longer and wanted to strike, but the man seemed to have sensed his intentions, and waved his sleeves casually.

The movement was very simple, and Xia Yi understood it.

The meaning of the other party is: don't do it.

The author has something to say: Speaking of "If I Go Back", why did no one leave a message? QAQ Don’t you like watching it? QAQ Don't you like 2.0? QQ

"If I Go Back" is over tonight, let's go see what QAQ

PS: In order to prevent everyone from misunderstanding, Ah Tian declares: This is not resuming the next day update ( ̄_, ̄) Please note: "No".The part-time job is not over yet, Ah Tian is still working hard.

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