Chapter 140 Four: Sand Sea

I don't know when, there is a pungent smell of sulfur in the yellow sand, and the smell becomes stronger the higher you go.Looking around again, the yellow mist that was thought to be very far away has actually enveloped everyone in it.

But it turns out that when the sand scorpion climbs up, it will inevitably raise a long wave of yellow sand. Therefore, everyone is used to seeing the yellow-brown surroundings along the way. How could they know that the yellow fog above and the yellow sand confuse their vision, and quietly To, prostrate beside the crowd.

poisonous!This was everyone's first thought, their expressions became more cautious, but their actions were not in a hurry.A group of people took out a simple gas mask from their backpacks and carefully covered their mouths and noses.

Presumably, the message sent back by the helicopter had already mentioned this extremely weird yellow mist, so it was normal for everyone to be prepared.

The smell of sulfur was kept out, but before everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Xie Yi discovered something was wrong—the movement of the sand scorpion became difficult.

The movement of the armored scorpion's appendages did not slow down, but the speed did slow down.Xie Yi took a closer look, but it was originally a straight upward trajectory, which gradually turned into a curved shape.

Where everyone passed by, there must be quicksand falling down, but now, there are several streams of fine yellow sand flowing in front of the sand walking scorpion.They continue to gather, from thin to thick, from slow to urgent, as if something is about to break through the ground.


Xie Yi grabbed Shen Ye, turned around and shouted, "Hold on to the Sand Scorpion! Get down!"

Xie Yi's anxious voice became a little low and hoarse through the mask, but Xia Yi's reaction was naturally heard clearly, and he pushed down Le Wuyi beside him.On the two nearby Yanjia scorpions, although the members of the Huang clan couldn't react, seeing the sudden movements of the six people in front of them, they followed suit. Only the last one, the sound of the sand scorpion climbing and the sound of quicksand overwhelmed everything. However, those three young men still had the thought to look around.

It's too far away!

Xie Yi wanted the Sand Scorpion to get closer as soon as possible, but Shen Ye pressed him into his arms and threw himself on the Sand Scorpion.

At the moment Xie Yi was pushed down by Shen Ye, suddenly, the world changed drastically.A gust of wind blew head-on, and the hurricane crushed like a torrential rain. The rolling yellow mist became black due to superimposition, and rolled down like a wave. There was only darkness in everyone's vision.

With Xie Yi's order, the sand scorpion has already parked on the spot, but its texture is as heavy as a piece of armor, and it was also shifted by the strong wind.

The sand scorpion's appendages clung to the sand surface, and several grooves were drawn across the surface of the yellow sand, letting the strong wind take them to an unknown place.On the last sand scorpion, Huang Yan only had time to throw one of his companions down. The moment the strong wind hit, the other companion flew out of Huang Yan's face like a rag without even having time to scream.

Huang Yan's eyes were wide open, and his roar was only a weak tone of "rustling" amidst the howling wind.

Xie Yi and the others in front could only hold on tightly to the Sand Scorpion, feeling the fluctuations as if they were rolling on the waves.The yellow sand was accompanied by the hurricane, and it was difficult to breathe even with a mask, not to mention that the sand hit the bare skin, which was even more painful.

If it was such a strong wind, it would make sense for the helicopter to crash here.

Xie Yi tried his best to raise his head, he still remembered the last sand scorpion, if he didn't react in time, the three of them might be in danger.

It's just that before Xie Yi could turn his head back, he felt his neck sink and was pushed back by Shen Ye again.

Faced with Shen Ye's rather displeased expression, Xie Yi blinked, eager to say something, but the next moment his eyes went dark, let alone the possibility of raising his head this time, both of his ears were imprisoned by Shen Ye. Hold it tight.

In this situation, Xie Yi can't struggle too much, he can only close his eyes helplessly, waiting for the storm to pass.

Shen Ye placed his lover in his arms, and squinted his eyes to observe the surroundings.Seeing the quicksand below the sand scorpion rushing down like flowing water, the already unstable sand scorpion may be even more unsustainable in the future.

Next to the other Yanjiaxiu, Xia Yi was pressing on Le Wuyi, but it was good for Le Wuyi, after confirming that Xia Yi was safe, he still had the strength to grab another companion.Huang Jue's side was far away, and he could only see a small piece of blackness, and he didn't know what the situation was.

The yellow sand rolled down like a torrential rain, and Huang Xiankun, who had difficulty breathing, felt a little powerless. The quicksand slid over his hands, and his palms began to slip.The cold sweat was mixed with sand and soil, and it turned into mud on his face. No matter how hard he tried his hands, he couldn't stop the panic in his heart.

The person in the distance is temporarily out of reach for Shen Ye, and the people around him naturally have the ability to rescue him.A soft rope was thrown over by Shen Ye, and it was looped twice in Huang Xiankun's hands. Huang Xiankun was stunned for a moment, and then ecstatic.Fortunately, he moved fast enough to post the rope before he could no longer hold the sand scorpion with his hands.Afterwards, Le Wuyi only felt that there was something on the sand scorpion of Master and the others that kept jumping up and down like a ball, and there was no safety.


When the roaring raging wind stopped, everyone had no idea. When the sand scorpion below finally lay down on the sand, they had a chance to raise their heads—the wind finally stopped.

The yellow fog around him has dissipated, and the sky above is blue, as clear as a mirror.The yellow sand around them was fine and smooth. If it hadn't been for the disaster that was no different from the desert storm, everyone would almost begin to suspect that this sand mountain hadn't changed.

This storm-like disaster will never be the first time.So how did this so-called sand mountain survive until now?What is even more strange is that the sand on this mountain did not float to other regions.The range that has been fixed within this mountain peak, could it be that it is really the curse of the mountain god?

Shaking off the thick layer of sand accumulated on their bodies, everyone stood up one by one

Because of Shen Ye's protection, Xie Yi's body was still clean, but seeing his slightly silent appearance, Shen Ye knew that this person was angry.

Pushing the other party's broken hair behind the ear: "It's just that you're fine." Shen Ye said.


"What's the matter?" This was a question knowingly, because Shen Ye's words were very gentle.

Xie Yi could only sigh, and then squeezed Shen Ye's hand tightly: "Next time, I will definitely protect you." His eyes were firm, just like the oath.

As a lover, being carefully guarded by Shen Ye every time, Xie Yi only felt guilty.

The two of them should have been the other way around.

Unexpectedly, Shen Ye smiled slightly: "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be what I am now."

Not far away, Le Wuyi was helping Xia Yi to shake the yellow sand out of his hair. Huang Hua behind them thanked him and looked at the intimacy between the two with envy.

This feeling of being cared for... He turned around to search for Huang Yan's figure, but when he turned around, there was nothing behind him, not to mention Huang Yan's sand scorpion, even Huang Jue was gone.

Huang Hua's exclamation finally attracted everyone's attention.Apart from Shen Ye, Xie Yi, Le Wuyi, Xia Yize, and Huang Hua, the only ones remaining on the surface of the sand mountain at this moment are Huang Min, Huang Tao, and Huang Jianghai who were on the other Sand Walking Scorpion, and , Huang Xiankun who was forgotten by Shen Ye in the sand.

Shen Ye fought back, and Huang Xiankun, who had suffered all kinds of hardships, was finally dragged back from under the sand, lying on the armored scorpion with a suffocating cough, very embarrassed.

Xie Yi took off his mask, indicating that everyone's breathing was safe, and then directed the remaining three sand scorpions to approach each other.

Without Huang Jue, the rest of the Huang clan were naturally a little flustered. Huang Hua almost threw himself on another sand scorpion: "Where's the boss? What about Huang Yan and the others? Have you seen it?"

It's a pity that this is what the three of Huang Min wanted to ask.

Seeing their panic, Xie Yi comforted him, "Since we are all safe and sound, we must have been blown away by the wind, so don't panic."

Having said that, Huang Hua and the others must be uneasy before seeing the living person.

In this vast sandy mountain, it is definitely not a good way to find people scattered, so there are only two options before everyone: retreat or advance.

After finally coming here, there is nothing to see under the feet except yellow sand, and retreating is obviously not a willing choice.Huang Jianghai also said: "If it is the boss, he will definitely not go back."

Without too much discussion, the remaining nine people got together and rode the sand scorpion to climb up again.

The author has something to say: A lot of comments have been deleted recently, and sometimes you can see them and sometimes you can’t see them, and you can’t even reply...Jinjiang you won_(:з」∠)_

And in a certain field, I wanted to go to the photo shop to ask for the cover of "If I Go Back", and the comment I wrote was undefined. Jinjiang is really invincible_(:з」∠)_

So... Unhappy Mou Tian started to give out bento, this time I only got one bento, who will be next ( ̄_, ̄)

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