Chapter 140: City of Fog

Back at Longbing Islet, it was still the well-behaved Hua Yue who welcomed everyone back.

"Your Majesty, you are back." Huayue took a step forward and bowed in salute.

Shen Ye nodded: "Has something important happened in Longbing Island recently?"

"Yes, this subordinate is about to report." Huayue handed over the information she carried in her hand, "It is related to the Huang family, please take a look at it."

Shen Ye took it over without flipping through it, and continued, "What else?"

Seeing that Huayue hesitated to speak, she must have reported more than one thing.

Sure enough, Huayue nodded and said: "Your Majesty, please follow me."

Her complexion was a little dignified, and everyone couldn't help but suspect that something important could make Hua Yue's face change.

Therefore, when that person appeared in front of everyone, not to mention Le Wuyi, even Xie Yi was surprised.

This is the place where Longbing Island is used to detain serious offenders. Usually there is no one there, but today, there is a man sitting inside the iron fence.He was wearing a priest's uniform, and his appearance could be considered handsome, but it was a pity that he had colorful hair, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, with a full range of colors, more fancy than hodgepodge.What's more did his eyebrows get colored?

Meow meow, this is more powerful than washing, cutting and blowing.This is Le Wuyi's idea.

What a disgrace to wear!This is Shen Ye's idea.

The priest of the giant gate... is really changing with each passing day. Could it be that this is the latest fashion?This is the idea of ​​Xie Yi and Xia Yize.

Forgot to take medicine?This is Hitomi's idea.

Seeing a crowd of people standing outside the iron fence, and Shen Ye's livid face, the priest of the giant door, Yu Feng, didn't care about his disrespect in front of his seat: "High Priest, listen to my explanation!" He hastily He hurriedly stood up, and then everyone noticed that although his upper body was wearing a priest's uniform, his lower body was a colorful long skirt.


A big man in a floral dress? !

Shen Ye's face became even more stinky, and he blocked Xie Yi's sight with one hand: "Don't look, be careful of dirty eyes."

Talking is really merciless.

Xie Yi was a little helpless, but he was obedient and didn't look too much.

After listening to Shen Ye's words, Xia Yi tilted his head and saw Le Wuyi looking up and down excitedly, his face changed, and he stretched out his hand to cover it.

But this one is obviously not very happy: "Yi Ze, what are you doing? I can't see it anymore!"

After glancing at Yu Feng, Xia Yi endured it, and finally didn't say the word "dirty eyes", but the disgust in his eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Yu Feng really wants to cry, you bunch of heartless bastards!Is it interesting to see this joke?

But seeing Shen Ye's eyes almost wanting to kill him, Yu Feng also wanted to cry but had no tears. I haven't cried yet, high priest, what do you mean by that?

The skirt behind Yu Feng finally slid off the bed, spreading lightly all over the floor, but it was colorful peacock feathers, brightly colored and exquisitely crafted, very gorgeous-it didn't match the simple colored upper body at all, but it didn't match the messy hair. The hair is quite harmonious.

"Ahem," Hua Yue finally said, seeing Yu Feng's handsome face turned bruised and purple, and the faces of everyone around him also excited, "Please listen to my explanation, Your Majesty."

Yu Feng nodded desperately, he couldn't say anything about this embarrassing thing.

The cause of the incident was simple. When Shen Ye asked Huayue to take people to investigate the Liu family, Yu Feng was one of them.

They spent nearly a month in contact with each other, overtly and covertly, not wanting to just get nothing.Those Liu family members took the live off to the ground as before, without any other superfluous actions.

Just when Hua Yue returned empty-handed, Yu Feng came up to her in shock.


Just because he discovered that he had a mutation.

Shen Ye looked Yu Feng's attire up and down: "Is this what you call a mutation?"

Dress fancy, neither male nor female?

Yu Fengxiang thinks that he is unparalleled in beauty, and he follows fashion trends closely. This is not the first time he has worn strange clothes.

I don't want Yu Feng to look sad and angry: "Your Excellency, High Priest! Will this shit be my taste?"

Unexpectedly, everyone on the opposite side showed the expression "Isn't your taste just like this?"

Yu was so angry that he couldn't speak, and could only pant for breath for a while.

Huayue saw that the other party had difficulty speaking, and said, "The most important thing is that the priest of the giant gate is probably unconscious in the morning, and it took until noon to regain consciousness."

As soon as these words came out, everyone really turned their eyes over.

Huayue continued: "But when we met in the morning, the priest of Jumen behaved the same as usual. Even with official business, he was very orderly."

But Yu Feng, who is chatting and laughing, and speaks normally, said in the afternoon that he has no impression of doing things in the morning.

Would this be the behavior of a sober person?

"With my hair and clothes, how can it be normal..." Yu Feng did not forget to mutter.

Yu Feng would change his hair color back every time before going to sleep, but every time he woke up, he found that he had become like this again, which is unbearable!

Shen Ye was thoughtful: "When did you start to look like this?"

Yu Feng shook his head: "How did I know, it has been like this since I returned to Longbing Island."

"Who have you come into contact with in the Liu family?"

Hua Yue took a look at Shen Ye, did your lord still think it was related to the Liu family?

"This..." Yu Feng tried his best to recall, and finally said after a while, "The head of the Liu family, and some of his subordinates, there are no others."

Shen Ye frowned.

Unexpectedly, Yu Feng said again in the next moment: "Oh, by the way, there is also the young master of the Liu family. Before I left, he personally sent me to the door."

Liu He?

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows, exchanged a glance with Xie Yi, and stopped talking.


There is no evidence and no clues about the Liu family matter, so there is no rush.But Yu Feng's weirdness must be thoroughly investigated.

Recalling the pitiful appearance of Yu Feng being carried away by Tong earlier, Le Wuyi could only pray for him silently.

Priest of the giant gate, I hope you can come back alive.

On the opposite side, Shen Ye was sitting at the table, looking at the information that Hua Yue handed over to him. Xie Yi sat next to him, and also looked at the information carefully: "That Mr. Huang, do you want to ask us for help?"

Shen Ye snorted: "It seems so."

At the beginning, this information was the general information of a tomb, but it was in a remote mountainous area in the inland.The mountain peaks there have special soil quality and cannot be climbed.Huang Jue invited a helicopter to come over, but he didn't want to hear from him not long after he flew up.

If this is the case, forget it, and the helicopter was borrowed from their Lie Shanbu.

For this, Shen Ye didn't mean to blame Tong, because there were several photos attached at the end of this document, one of which was an abandoned small temple near the mountain peak.There are no gods or Buddhas in that small temple, only a half-destroyed figure is enshrined—the clothes carved on the figure are very similar to the priest's clothes of Lie Shanbu.

"How long ago did it happen?" Shen Ye asked after putting down the information.

Hua Yue said: "If there is no news from the helicopter, it will still be yesterday."

Shen Ye nodded: "I understand."

Xie Yi looked at Shen Ye: "A Ye."

Shen Ye nodded and said, "I understand."

It's a pity that the plan to rest was in vain.They came back from Ghost Mountain, but they hadn't had a good night's sleep, and unexpectedly they had to go out again.

I'm afraid, it's another toss.

"Hua Yue, go get ready." Shen Ye said, "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Yes. Your Majesty, do you want to send more people this time?"

Shen Ye frowned and said, "No need, you should keep an eye on the Liu family for me."

After all, the Liu family gave him a much less stable feeling.

Hua Yue bowed and said, "Yes, this subordinate will retire."

Seeing Hua Yue go away, Shen Ye, who was sure she would not come back, looked at Xie Yi again: "As for you."

Xie Yi smiled at him, he thought that Shen Ye would entrust him with some affairs, but he didn't expect the other party to say in the next moment: "You accompany me to sleep for a while."

The transition is a little bit quicker.

sleep for a while?Xie Yi was stunned: "A Ye?"

Shen Ye didn't give the other party a chance to refuse, pulled Xie Yi up and left: "You have been tired for so long, you should take a good rest."


"Rush back to Longbing Island in a hurry, and set off tomorrow, do you think you are made of iron?" If you leave tomorrow, don't you give him a gentle chance?


"I'm tired too."

This sentence was the most effective, Xie Yi really kept his mouth shut, and followed obediently.

Seeing that Shen Ye and Xie Yi were also gradually going away, Le Wuyi, who was still sitting on the chair, held his chin and said, "Yize, do you think Grand Master has forgotten us?"

Obviously, yes.

"It's okay," Xia Yi said with a smile, "It happens that I'm tired too, it's no different, let's go to rest too."


The author has something to say: I’m going back to school this weekend in a certain field, my feet are not healed yet, but I can’t ask for more leave, I’m so happy…

There are still a lot of things to deal with. After all, I owe two weeks of studying, and I can’t afford to write a thesis as soon as I go back. ⊙﹏⊙

So please take a leave of absence here, and wait for a certain field to do the things that need to be done, and then come back to update after writing the course paper of Marxism and Social Science Methodology... I will make a complaint silently, similar to Marxism, the final exam will be a test Isn't it over? What's the matter with writing a thesis?It’s still the fourth week, and I haven’t even attended class yet. This tragic feeling_(:з」∠)_

PS: Why is it not updated when there is still Friday...Because Moutian will go back to school on Friday ⊙▽⊙I will use it to update another article tomorrow.

PPS: There is another good news, that is, there are two volumes below that are not one volume, and I am not going to combine them in a certain field (*/ω\*)

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