Chapter 14: Reunion ([-])

"Husband!" The beautiful woman had tears in her eyes, but her pretty face was filled with determination in pain, "Are you really going to abandon the relationship between our husband and wife for many years?"

"This is just a stopgap measure. When I come back from taking the scholars, I will definitely not have to be afraid of these powerful people." Although there is apology in the man's eyes, it's just that he has made up his mind and will never make another plan.

"Husband! I am your wife, not Yingyingyanyan. You really have a clear conscience when you do this?!" The woman burst into tears, but her eyes gradually turned cold.

"Ma'am, there is nothing I can do!" The man held his head in pain, "When I have the power, when I have the ability, I will carry you back with a big sedan chair."

The red lips were bitten with blood, and the woman finally stretched out her hand in resentment, and slapped her across the face.



The calm surface of the lake is bottomless when looking down. The difference from Jiulong Pool is that this pool of water can see the thriving aquatic plants, clumps of clumps, dark green covering the entire bottom of the lake.

However, in the direction Xiao Meng pointed, one could see the silver pink that stood out from the dark green. This plant mixed with water plants seemed to be indeed a tree.

But that tree is very unique, the branches are covered with silver-pink flowers, and some petals are scattered scattered, shining faintly.

But if you look closely again, you can find that the crown of the tree in the water is inverted, so the tree is not so much growing in the lake as it is a reflection in the water, but... Shen Ye and Xie Yi looked at each other, There are no such conspicuous silver trees around the lake.

Where did the reflection in the water come from?

"Master, I think this tree..."

"It's an ancient species." Shen Ye said, he had seen it in Liuyue City's books before, and he would not admit it wrong.

"Why are there still remains of this tree species that should have been extinct?" Xie Yi was a little puzzled.

And why, leaving only a reflection in the water?

Xiao Meng didn't hear the whispers between Shen Ye and Xie Yi, he also discovered the strangeness of this tree, and felt a faint throbbing in his heart, as if something attracted him.

In any case, wouldn't you be able to find out after entering the water to investigate?

Xie Yi saw Xiao Meng's eagerness to try, he didn't want to stop it, there must be a demon in every abnormality, maybe some clues could be found in it, but he didn't want to see a transparent figure wandering in the water out of the corner of his eyes and was obviously taken aback, But he walked a few steps forward and subconsciously wanted to jump into the water.

"Xie Yi," Shen Ye held him back with one hand, "Your body has not healed." If you are weak and want to show your strength, Shen Ye will naturally not allow him to go into the water.

"Master..." Only then did Xie Yi recall his situation, but the anxiety in his eyes was hard to get rid of. Who is the transparent figure that shuttles among the water plants, Wushan Goddess?When did she come out of the tomb of the goddess?Why do you want to come out?

Because the figure of the Goddess is far away from the silver tree, Xiao Meng, who has attracted all the attention because of the silver tree, has not found it for the time being. If Xiao Meng finds out, it may be another trouble.

Shen Ye naturally also saw the exquisite figure hidden among the water plants, which was very similar to the woman named A Ruan back then. Thinking that this person saved Xie Yi, she quietly walked behind Xiao Meng, raised her hand While the opponent was not paying attention, he chopped down with a knife.

I don't know if Xiao Meng paid too much attention to the silver wood in the water or Shen Ye's breath was hidden too well, but the other party didn't notice Shen Ye's approach at all, and was knocked out without even making a muffled groan.

Xiao Meng's limp body was thrown by Shen Ye at will by the lake, Xie Yi glanced at the man apologetically, and then heard Shen Ye say: "I'll go down and have a look, you stay here."

"Wait, Master, I..." Before he finished speaking, Shen Ye gave him a cold look, "Be obedient."

Xie Yi opened his mouth, but suddenly smiled gently: "Master, I won't make fun of my body. I can still go down in this lake."

Shen Ye frowned, and wanted to refuse at first, but seeing Xie Yi's persistent appearance, and thinking of this person's stubbornness, he felt a little dissatisfied and said helplessly: "It really won't affect it?"

"Master," Xie Yi said with a smile, "I still want to serve Master all the time, why would I make fun of my body?"


Shen Ye finally sighed and agreed, but after entering the water, he still held her in his arms to prevent any accidents in the water.

Xie Yiben habitually wanted to stand behind Shen Ye, but thinking of his limited ability at this moment, he temporarily gave up his plan to protect the master, not to mention that it was rare to be so close to the master, and he felt a little joy in his heart.

The lake water was not as cold as imagined, and even warmer. The two went towards the goddess of Wushan, but saw that the other party stopped in front of the silver tree with a tender look on her face. Was the goddess also coming for this silver tree?

Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked at each other, and slowly approached the Wushan Goddess staying in the water.

When they got close, the goddess didn't seem to see them, she just stared at the pillar of silver wood, no, it should be said to be a seedling.When looking down from the water surface, it is clearly a silver tree that has bloomed, but it reveals its real body in the water. It is not a reflection in the water, nor is it a giant tree growing in the water, but a small seedling with sparse leaves. Not to mention flowering, the roots of the tree have not penetrated into the wall of the pool, and are half suspended in the lake like a lantern.

The faint golden powder scattered and drifted with the water waves, Xie Yi was taken aback, this is, the tears of the goddess?

On the pretty face of Wushan Goddess, two streams of clear tears were slowly falling down, because she was already a spirit body, the tears turned into faint gold powder after she left the body, as the gold powder became more and more, Xie Yi momentarily I don't know how to comfort each other, they are in the water, they can't open their mouths and can't speak.

It's just that Xie Yi couldn't help but stretched out his hand and patted the Goddess on the shoulder, even if he couldn't touch her, it was still a comfort.

He didn't want the goddess but seemed to feel it, and finally turned his head to face the two Xie Yi beside him.

The goddess who had always been lively and cheerful had tears on her face at this moment, but there was joy in the sadness, as if she had waited for thousands of years, and hope was ushered in at the moment of giving up, even though the other party was beyond recognition.

Stretching out her hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, the goddess finally smiled again, but the smile was very complicated, and she couldn't tell whether it was all joy at the moment. She looked at the hand on Xie Yi's waist, waved her finger, Then there is a golden powder condensed in the water.

[It seems that you got what you wanted, is he the most important person to you? ]

Xie Yi smiled and nodded with a gentle expression.As Shen Ye looked at the line of words, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The Goddess smiled, feeling relieved for Xie Yi: [Congratulations. ]

Xie Yi couldn't speak, he could only smile to express his thanks.

I didn't want the gold powder to gather again into a line of words: [I still want to thank you, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to come out. ]

Xie Yi had doubts in his eyes, he remembered that the goddess had said that she did not want to leave the tomb of the goddess, why did she suddenly change her mind?

The Goddess has been with Xie Yi for more than a hundred years, and she is familiar with what his expression wants to express, so she waved her hands and condensed the gold powder and explained: "If I don't open the Yanchu Shimen, of course I can't get out, so I can't take him with me." gone back. ]

he?Xie Yi looked at the seedling floating in the water, did it mean that it was not successful?Could this be the Immortal Si You?

Xie Yi looked at the Goddess with slightly surprised eyes, and got an affirmative answer from the other party.

But it turns out that the person the goddess has been looking forward to is by her side?

Just as the Goddess knew that Xie Yi was concerned about his master Shen Ye, why didn't Xie Yi know about Si You who had entanglements with the Goddess?When she was in the tomb of the goddess, wasn't the man she liked the most talked about by the goddess?

It turned out that Si You didn't leave after his reincarnation, but stayed beside the goddess in this way. If he didn't break through the Yanchu stone gate and come out, wouldn't the goddess have to wait hopelessly again?

Should it be said that good fortune tricks people?Or, is it God?

The goddess didn't think so much about Xie Yi, she only knew that the man had finally returned.

[He also said he didn’t like me, how could he become like this if he didn’t like me? ] She clearly remembered the appearance of the silver tree planted by the two of them.

She asked him if he liked her just a little bit, a day, a month. At that time, he didn't say anything, and silently rejected himself.

[Hmph, it turns out that what you said didn't come from the heart, I think you just like me. ]

The Goddess's tears fell again, not knowing whether to complain or to be happy.

Blame him for never telling the truth, but also happy that the two will finally meet again.

The silver tree that the two of them planted together at the beginning must have been wiped out, but what about Si You?Do you have something on your mind?So after reincarnation, it became the same silver tree, with the memories we shared together, by our side.

[Obviously it's your turn to take care of the saplings, now it's my turn to take care of you, hum, when you wake up, I will definitely punish you. ] Mingming was quite angry, but the goddess carefully took the sapling to her side with her divine power, and carefully hugged it into her arms, as if she had found a treasure.

Seeing Goddess redeeming the treasure, Xie Yi was also relieved in his heart. Finally, Goddess has found her cherished person.

Wushan Goddess wiped her face, and when she looked up again, she finally returned to her usual bright smile: [Are you going out?Go up, go up and go back to the ground. ] All things have spirits, especially the plants around the tomb of the Goddess. She who can communicate with all things naturally knows how to get out.

Shen Ye nodded to express his gratitude, but he directly pulled Xie Yi to swim back.

Xie Yi was taken aback, and wanted to turn his head to say something to the goddess, when he saw a few lines of words reappeared in the water: [The plants have already told me that Shen Nong is no longer here. ]

[In the future, I will stay in the Goddess Tomb. ]

[You used to say that there is always a banquet in the world, but now we are saying goodbye. ]

[With Si You to accompany me, I will not be alone, don't worry. ]

[You too, have a good time with your important person. ]

Those simple but sincere words have accompanied Xie Yi for countless years, and his heart was captured by the sadness of parting, but in the end, there was only one lip shape: "Take care."

The last line of words appeared in the water: [Well, goodbye. ] Just like the smile of a goddess, it is brilliant and radiant.

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