Chapter 13: Reunion ([-])

"Ah hiss, it hurts..." Le Wuyi stood up staggeringly while rubbing his head with one hand, his eyes were still a little blurry, but at this moment his only thought was, is he still alive?He is still alive?After falling so many times, he is still alive? !

If it was possible, Le Wuyi really wanted to burst into tears, really... so moved that she was speechless.

He closed his eyes and waited for the trance to pass, and when Le Wuyi opened his eyes again, his eye sockets widened again, and he meowed, what is this place?

If the mushroom forest in front shocked him, then the completely different scene now gave him the illusion of traveling through time and space and isolating space.

The ground is full of gravel and loess, and the bushes are full of vitality. The fresh green seems to be breathing. He is in a flat and wide bush. There is no trace of the shocking towering mushrooms before?

Looking up, the dark sky is still there, no, it should be said that the dark top of the tomb is still far away, it is an extravagant hope to go back the same way, and as for those iron chains, there are no traces of them.Looking into the distance, it seems that you can see a huge blurry black shadow, towering like mountains and rivers, and some tree shadows shuttle among them, it is definitely not the scene I have seen before.

No, he fell from the mushroom, why is there no trace left here?Not to mention mushrooms, there are no residues left.The previous encounter of heaven and earth was like a dream.

Could it be that he really crossed over?Otherwise, how could the scene change be so radical.Thinking of this, Le Wuyi grinned: "This is really not funny at all."

"Hmm..." A small moan caught Le Wuyi's attention. He followed the sound and saw a figure under the bushes on the other side standing up unsteadily, touching his head and lamenting, It seems that the fall was not light.

When the man raised his head, Le Wuyi was overjoyed: "Xiao Zhao?" Isn't this Xiao Zhao from Huang's group?It is really good luck to see acquaintances in this strange environment.

After Xiao Zhao shook his head for a while and regained consciousness, he saw Le Wuyi waving at him with a joyful face: "Mr. Le?"

Le Wuyi came forward with a smile on his face: "Sir, it's better to say goodbye, just call me Wuyi."

Before he had taken a few steps, he suddenly kicked an iron board with a "touch", and Le Wuyi's body swayed, and he almost fell down.

Why come again?He really fell enough today!

Le Wuyi looked down to see what was stopping him, and regretted it the next moment after bowing his head.

It was a corpse with a pitch-black body and pitch-black skin, with its mouth wide open in pain as if screaming. From the opened mouth, one could see the same pitch-black tongue and teeth, as stiff as bluestone.

Le Wuyi's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help taking a step back.

That little Zhao first wondered why Le Wuyi had a weird look, and then followed Le Wuyi's gaze to see the corpse lying on the ground, and backed away several steps in shock.

From the beginning, the corpse lay silently between the two of them, and they didn't even notice it!

Looking at the corpse, the skin and flesh are still plump and there is no sign of shriveling, but it seems that it has been frozen and soaked, the muscles protrude strangely, and the whole body is pitch black. The most terrifying thing is that the protruding eyeballs, even the whites of the eyes are black.

Xiao Zhao was horrified at first, but after seeing the clothes of the corpse, he exclaimed: "Huang Rui!" Who is Huang Rui who got the gunshot wound?

This corpse is Huang Rui!

The body that hurried forward was stopped by Le Wuyi in time: "Don't touch him, be careful of poison!"

Xiao Zhao was startled when he heard this, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

But he couldn't do it. Looking at the gaping mouth and the companion whose face was so dark that his face was deformed, he was surprised and frightened, but he couldn't calm down no matter what.

"How did this happen? How did this happen? Why did he die?" Even though Huang Rui was seriously injured before, he shouldn't have died in such a strange way!

Le Wuyi also frowned. He and Huang Rui landed on the same mushroom before. At that time, Huang Rui had no abnormalities except for the gunshot wound. Why did he look like he had been dead for many years the next moment?Wait, four people!

Le Wuyi suddenly raised his head: "Is there another one?"

Xiao Zhao was taken aback by Le Wuyi's endless questioning: "There is one more? Mr. Le, you..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Le Wuyi anxiously searching around them, what is he looking for "There is still one"?Could it be a companion?

The next moment, Le Wuyi gasped for air, which confirmed Xiao Zhao's conjecture. Not far from Le Wuyi, he saw a corpse again. The body was also pitch-black to ashen, and his eyes were wide open, full of resentment. And frightened, and most notably, one arm of the corpse was empty.

After seeing the corpse clearly, Xiao Zhao knelt down, with a look of grief on his face.

Le Wuyi looked at the corpse with deep eyes, it seems that it is difficult to handle...


On the other side, the awkward man in a suit formed a triangle with Shen Ye and Xie Yi who were standing together. The air was a little stagnant, until the muscles on the man's face began to twitch.

Glancing at the man in white robe, the other party smiled back at him, and then glanced at Shen Ye with serious eyes, the other party responded with a sneer.

Seeing the person coming, Shen Ye looked very dissatisfied.

Ignore him and continue?

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult to continue. Xie Yi felt his face was slightly hot, but he couldn't explain why there was a sense of embarrassment at the moment. He just stood up with Shen Ye and looked at this. A man who is an "uninvited guest".

"Xiao Meng?" Shen Ye's tone was very cold, so cold that Xiao Meng could almost feel the oncoming ice scum, which could soak his whole body.

Sure enough, he didn't come at the right time, but he also did it unintentionally. Why is it still useless after apologizing?

Xiao Meng coughed: "Maybe, we can talk?" He glanced at Xie Yi in ancient costume, his smile remained unchanged, "Talk about how we can get out."

Shen Ye's eyes darkened slightly, but he still nodded and said, "Okay."

The three sat on the ground, but it turned out that after Xiao Meng woke up, he found that he was separated from Huang Jue and others. He was alone and suffered an earthquake. It's not embarrassing, it's really a leak in the house and it rains all night.

Xiao Meng talked about his experiences one by one. Although he was complaining, he could tell that he was not really complaining. Instead, he had the joy and chic of the rest of his life. As for what happened to Shen Ye and the origin of Xie Yi, he could tell It is time-conscious and did not ask.

"You were near here when you woke up?" Shen Ye asked lightly.

Xiao Meng smiled and nodded.

"Didn't find anyone?"

"Except you." Xiao Meng said.

"Master?" Xie Yi saw that Shen Ye frowned slightly, and then heard the other party think for a moment before saying, "It's nothing."

Does that mean something is wrong?Xie Yi glanced at Xiao Meng calmly, but didn't find anything weird about this man, or was it better for him to cover it up?

It was Xie Yi's address to Shen Ye that caught Xiao Meng's attention: "Master?" Xiao Meng's eyes were filled with surprise, "So this is Mr. Shen's disciple of yours who has never seen the beginning or the end?"

In fact, it should be said that Shenlong is a disciple who can't see the head and the tail. After all, Shen Ye directly accepted his apprentice, Sun Le Wuyi, but there was no rumor that he had accepted his disciple. Now, this gentle and refined man called Shen Ye "" Master", and Shen Ye accepted it so naturally, it seems that the identity of this white-robed man cannot be faked.

No wonder Shen Ye's apprentice has not been found, but it turns out that this person has been lurking in the tomb of the ancient Dian Kingdom to take over Shen Ye?No wonder he only came out with his disciples and grandchildren, isn't it because of the support of his disciples.

Thinking of Shen Ye's calm and unhurried attitude and not being surprised by favor or humiliation all this way, Xiao Meng sighed in his heart, maybe Shen Ye could be so calm because of the credit of this disciple in front of him.

It has to be said that Xiao Meng's thinking is not generally divergent, it can almost be compared with Le Wuyi. Before Shen Ye and Xie Yi said anything, they filled up Xie Yi's origin on their own.

Shen Ye didn't know that Xiao Meng had already figured out the origin of Xie Yi, so he just accepted his amazement indifferently: "Yes, he is my disciple, Xie Yi."

Xie Yi heard the words but looked at Shen Ye with joy in his eyes.The memory of Master introducing himself to outsiders like this is really too far away and fuzzy. It was only now when he heard his words that Xie Yi deeply realized that he really came out of the tomb of the goddess. It is also true that she and Shen Ye will meet again, and the two can start again.

Shen Ye naturally also noticed Xie Yi's gaze, turned his head to see Xie Yi's heartwarming smile, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Xiao Meng looked at the two people who were looking at each other and always felt a little strange in his heart, but he still stretched out his hand to Xie Yi with a smile on his face: "So it's Mr. Xie, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Xie Yi stared blankly at the other party's outstretched hand, then smiled and shook hands with it: "Me too, nice to meet you, Mr. Xiao."

Without the slightest hesitation, and without the slightest flaw, except for the white robe embroidered with green patterns, Xie Yi acted like the most ordinary modern person.

Being able to judge and answer through Xiao Meng's words and deeds, Xie Yi is so sensitive, witty, and calm when dealing with things.

"Then since Mr. Xie has been in this ancient tomb, he must have inquired more thoroughly, right? Does Mr. Xie know how to get out?" Xiao Meng's eyes were sincere, but also somewhat urgent. I have never been comfortable for a moment, so I really want to leave here.

Xie Yi smiled politely: "I just arrived here by chance, and I met Master before I started searching." Even if I didn't know what it meant.

"It's a pity," Xiao Meng didn't sigh too much, "It seems that we have to find a way out slowly."

Xie Yi smiled apologetically, which made Xiao Meng feel embarrassed.

"Then let's go," Shen Ye said, "Staying here is also a waste of time."

"That's right," Xiao Meng was the first to echo, "How do you look here..." But his voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes just stared at the lake that he had ignored before.

Thinking of the tomb of the goddess in the water, Xie Yi's heart shuddered, but his face was still smiling: "Mr. Xiao, what's wrong?"

Xiao Meng didn't respond, just looked at the lake in a daze.

Shen Ye frowned: "Xiao Meng?" The deep words carried a force that cannot be ignored.

But Xiao Meng still looked dazed, he stretched out his hand, pointed at the lake and asked: "Is there a tree in this lake?"

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