Chapter 120: Second Floor Space

After throbbing for a while, Xie Yi was in a trance, his feet were a little soft, and the clothes he put on were loosely placed on his arms, and his bare skin was scorching hot from another person's body temperature.

Xie Yi panted slightly, his eyes stained with water vapor were slightly closed, feeling Shen Ye's lingering kiss.

After a lot of rubbing hands, Xie Yi finally sobered up a lot. He rejected the person in front of him: "A Ye... that's enough..."

Although this place is extremely secluded, although he knows that no one will disturb him, but thinking of the broad daylight, and Le Wuyi and Xia Yize who have not met yet, Xie Yi feels his whole body burns badly.

Shen Ye placed several light kisses on Xie Yi's shoulder, and after a long time he was satisfied and said, "Alright."

After the rustling sound, Shen Ye supported Xie Yi to sit down, and helped gather his lover's clothes back.Inadvertently, Shen Ye bumped into a hard object and took it out of Xie Yi's pocket, only to find a small bottle the size of a palm.

The bottle contained some liquid, transparent as if nothing, and did not fluctuate with Shen Ye's shaking: "This is..." The water in the pool in front?

Xie Yi's face was still red, and he buttoned the buttons one by one before explaining, "I think Tong will be interested."

Not to mention Hitomi, even Xie Yi himself is full of curiosity.Isn't it fun to take this weird pool back for research?

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, every time he went to the ground, Xie Yi would bring some good things for Tong?

The lover always thinks about others (not), this feeling, only Shen Ye can understand.

Le Wuyi, Tong, Huayue... all of them...

After finally eating and drinking enough, Shen Ye began to feel dissatisfied again. He could only embrace Xie Yi and give him an extremely deep kiss, only then did he feel much more comfortable physically and mentally.

As for Xie Yi, who was ashamed of himself, such a kiss was within the acceptable range.As for the unspeakable soreness between the legs... Xie Yi secretly glanced at Shen Ye, silently wanting to take a bite from that slightly upturned mouth.

But considering the consequences, this plan was stillborn before it was implemented.

Dressed neatly, the two returned to the stone path after a short rest and continued to walk along the stone path.

On the other side of the pool, the man-hewn stone path was replaced by steps.The stone steps were cut from ordinary rocks. Although they have been through wind and rain, the steps are as hard as new.

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but when I stood on the stairs and looked down, I could only see the clumps of green shade at the foot of the mountain, but I couldn't see the beach, the foot of the mountain, etc.If you stand at the bottom of the mountain and look up, it must be the same.

"Xie Yi?" Seeing the other party stop, Shen Ye thought for a while and suddenly pointed out, "Tired?"

Xie Yi was taken aback for a moment, but when he understood, he blushed: "...not tired."

Facing Shen Ye's meaningful smile, Xie Yi felt embarrassed.

He's a good boy even after getting the cheap, serious as Shen Ye, and he's easy on Xie Yi.

The stone steps spiral up along the ghost mountain, and its end point is a relatively open flat land.There are only dense forests in front of you, and you can't see the edge at a glance. Fortunately, the mountains in the distance are still clearly visible.But if you look down from the top, you will find that the flat land is similar to the stone path below. Although the area is much larger, it is surrounded by the mountain from the periphery.

The interior of this flat is overgrown with trees, and the plants are much denser than those below. There are so many types that it seems to have entered a tropical forest, not at all like being in a temperate zone.

The road is gone here, and I think I have to go up again, and I have to go deep into this small forest.

Shen Ye didn't hesitate: "Let's go."


The fallen leaves piled up under the two people's feet, but unlike the ones seen below, the land here was extremely humid.Look at those tree trunks, the dark green moss is almost climbing to the top of the tree.

The trees here are dense, and it is difficult for sunlight to enter, so I feel a little dizzy when walking, but fortunately, there is no hindrance to seeing things.

"I don't know, it doesn't matter if they are also here." Xie Yi said.

Shen Ye was noncommittal: "Maybe."

Such a forest, if you want to come across it, you can only rely on luck.

Around the two of them were trees growing in a disorderly manner, and under the dead leaves they passed by, something suddenly stirred, and a few dead leaves were pushed away.

"Huh?" Shen Ye turned her head vigilantly, but saw darkness behind her, with only traces of the two walking on the fallen leaves.

"A Ye?" Xie Yi retreated vigilantly to Shen Ye's side, but his eyes were fixed on a tree in front of him.

For some reason, he always felt that something flashed past the treetops just now.

But the branch didn't tremble, as if an animal had hibernated there.What's more, the two walked all the way, except for the foot of the mountain, there really are no other animals on this ghost mountain, that is, insects. Earlier, Xie Yi turned over a few piles of fallen leaves, and the bottom is also clean - so clean that it shouldn't look like this at all. .

Shen Ye frowned. He looked at the marks where the two of them had stepped on, frowned and said, "It's okay."

The small pile that was originally raised had returned to its original shape long before Shen Ye turned around.

Xie Yi also looked away and didn't speak, but the two became more vigilant.

In this dark woods, except for those trees of various colors that grow wantonly, there is no sound at all.Even the sound of the wind cannot be heard here.Only the sound of Shen Ye and Xie Yi walking, rustling, passed among the densely packed dark tree shadows.

One after another unnamed trees surround the surrounding area, and the deeper the tree goes, the thinner the trunk becomes.But yes, vines here have replaced the moss, and every tree is entangled by this parasitic plant, and vines rob nutrition. It is reasonable to say that the trees here are thinner than the outer trunks.

"Shusha" "Shusha", the footsteps of the two continued. In the silence, Shen Ye suddenly reached out and stopped Xie Yi.

Xie Yi looked at Shen Ye, and saw that the other party frowned slightly, apparently discovering something: "Ah Ye?"

Shen Ye didn't speak, and motioned for the two to move on.

Xie Yi followed his words.

The slight sound of footsteps sounded again: "Shusha", "Shusha", "Shusha..."

Hearing the sound made by the two, Xie Yi's expression also changed.

"Shusha" "Shusha..." "Shusha..."

Behind them, something synchronized the sound with the footsteps of the two, and slowly followed.

Once the two of them stopped, it was convenient for them to regain their composure, and when they turned their heads to look, there was no trace of other traces.But once he continued to move forward, the voice, which was so weak that it was almost inaudible, followed him like a shadow, and he couldn't leave it behind.

What is following them?

Shen Ye and Xie Yi's footsteps quickened, but to their surprise, what was mixed in the sound of their footsteps was extremely leisurely, following them at their original pace, without seeming anxious.

It's just the distance, instead of increasing, it is decreasing.

"Shusha..." "Shusha..."

Shen Ye closed his eyes, the source of that voice...

In the next moment, a sword light cut straight towards the tree on the left of the two.Under the watchful eyes of Shen Ye and Xie Yi, the tree trunk, which was only as thick as an adult's arm, split in half.

"Kalala——" The tree fell to both sides, and after shaking up a pile of fallen leaves, it returned to calm—nothing unusual.

Shen Ye's complexion became more and more ugly.

Xie Yi held Shen Ye's hand: "A Ye." The consolation was very obvious.

Shen Ye clenched his sword tightly: "Go on."

Xie Yi smiled slightly: "Okay."

But when the two moved forward again, the sound of following reappeared.

"Shusha..." "Shusha..." It seems that they are not afraid of exposing their whereabouts at all, or, they are confident, and they are just a warning to the two of them.

It feels like there are enemies all around, which is really not good.

Xie Yi looked at Shen Ye's gloomy face, not knowing what to say.

At this delicate moment, suddenly, a familiar roar came from the front.The sky-shaking sound, the trembling of the ground... Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked at each other, and said in unison: "It's a waterfall."

There are also waterfalls here?But looking at the distance and terrain, the possibility of connecting with the previously seen waterfall is extremely low.

While vigilant around, Shen Ye and Xie Yi quickened their pace again.When the very familiar white mist filled the surroundings, what the two saw in front of their eyes was indeed that very strange waterfall.

It's just that there is no mountain wall except for the rushing down waterfall.The forested mountain is still in the distance, but here, there is only this extremely abrupt waterfall.

If you want to describe it, it is better to say that someone is in the sky, and it is more appropriate to pour this water from the basin.

In a place of this size, surrounded by trees, only sunlight and water pour down together.It's a pity that the warm sunshine can't illuminate the gloomy woods nearby.

The waterfall is only more than one meter wide, and those vaporized water droplets also converge into pieces of gauze, slowly merging with the pool surface.It's just that the water in this place was dug into a three-story altar.What's even more strange is that after the white "gauze" fell down and layered on top of each other, the water in the pool turned red, as deep as blood.

The two approached the altar: "There is no smell of blood."

But why is it blood red?

If you don't look at the pool of water, among the layers of trees, such an altar looks very simple, not to mention that the top looks like a waterfall falling from the sky.

Because the roar of the waterfall is too loud, it is difficult to hear the "rustling" sound behind you.

Not being able to hear it does not mean that the danger is gone. Just when Shen Ye and Xie Yi were exploring the surroundings, waiting for something unknown to attack, the pool of blood behind the two of them had layers of ripples rising from the center of the pool.

On the bright red surface of the pool, a black shadow cautiously approached.Although there was no sound from the calm surface of the pool, the whole pool trembled because of it.

The black shadow was approaching all over the ground, like swimming fish, or slowly growing aquatic plants.When the water surface was broken from the inside, a face as pale as paper slowly floated up from the water.

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