Chapter [-]: Nether Ship

The boat was finally getting close, Shen Ye and Xie Yi could clearly see what was going on inside the boat with just one glance.This is really an ordinary boat, without a canopy, the wooden hull is only big enough for two people to sit side by side, and an oar that has been soaked in mercury for many years has almost turned silvery white.

The oar slowly opened the water surface, once, and again, leaving black scratches on the water surface, which lasted for a long time.

Is it possible for the paddle to move by itself?

Naturally, it was impossible, so the boatman on the boat became the only focus—this was a pottery figurine that Shen Ye and Xie Yi were all too familiar with.

The boatman stood upright, motionless in the center of the boat, and the cold and hard texture of the rock rushed towards his face.But his arms were no different from those of a living person, his wrists moved flexibly, changing the angle of the oars like a pendulum swinging back and forth—if, ignoring the black everywhere.

The black, withered arm was not so much a human hand as a dead man's arm.If they got closer, I believe Shen Ye and Xie Yi could still see the corpse spots covered by black.The junction of the terracotta figurine's arms and shoulders is very flat. The off-white pottery and the black arms seem to be glued together as if they have nothing to do with each other. However, the arms move freely as if they were growing on them.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi watched the boat getting closer and closer in silence, and just when the boat was about to pass below, they heard a "crack" sound, the boat seemed to hit something, and the whole body of the boat There was a shock, a burst of ripples, and the boatman, who was standing still, fell forward even more straight.

The boatman's arms still held the oars firmly, as if they no longer served any purpose other than the oars.But the terracotta figurines fell, after all, it is not a problem.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye watched helplessly at the junction of the arm and the shoulder, strands of black threads appeared like blood.There are more and more black threads, entangled with each other, and the entanglement becomes tighter and tighter. After a long time, it becomes a columnar shape.And after a while of wriggling on the smooth cylindrical surface, if you look closely, it has become a pair of new arms.

Yes, a new arm, but in the blink of an eye, the terracotta figurine grew a second pair of hands.

The new arms were obviously used to straighten the boatman, and I saw two hands leaning against the side of the boat, slowly pushing the terracotta figurine back.However, as the terracotta figurine stood upright again, the palm of the hand kept touching the bottom of the boat, and only the arm kept getting thinner and longer until the terracotta figurine stood upright again, leaving only the skeleton as thin and straight. arm.

The boatman finally stood firm, but he was not in a hurry to turn the boat, but the pair of novice saw his right hand directly pulling his left hand, and the next moment he heard a "poof", the right hand was actually fleshy, and he slammed it hard. Tore off his left hand.But the black silk is so real, the muscles and muscles at the break can be seen faintly.

The left hand, which was more than two meters long, was mercilessly thrown into the quicksilver, but it disappeared after a while.After dealing with the left hand, the new right hand was also unambiguous, and the arm was rotated 180 degrees directly, and it pressed against his shoulder with a "click".The blue veins in the skinny arm bulged, and the bulging tendons were crawling like a reptile again, and the next moment there was a "poof", the right hand once again pulled himself off with an unimaginable force .

Seeing that his right hand fell to the ground, the boatman finally moved, and he pressed the oar against the front of the boat, as if there was a real wall there.But Shen Ye and Xie Yi knew that what existed there should be the piers of the overpass.

The bow of the boat gradually deviated from its original position. After fumbling with the oars for a while, the boatman finally found the bridge hole, and slowly sailed forward again.

And the right hand moved again, it wasn't connected to the body, it just crawled forward with the palm rubbing, using the five fingers together, it was difficult to drive the whole arm to squirm.

The right hand climbed up the ship's side with great difficulty but also very quickly. The moment the boat passed by the transparent pier, it stuck to it, and there was only a "click", and the jet-black arm stopped. No, it should be said that it stopped on the pier.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked at each other, what is this for?

After a long time, when a dull "creak" sound came, the two finally understood the intention of the right hand - to guide the way.No, it should be said that the boat and the boatman are the guides, and the right hand is left to prevent latecomers from bumping into the pier.

Behind the small boat, a huge figure appeared in the thick fog, and it was difficult to see clearly.The sound of countless oars scratching the water surface came over regularly like music.The bow post of the huge monster was the first to break through the white mist, and there was actually a pattern of a dragon soaring on it.After the stem is the deck, the cabin...

This is a big ship, and you can see countless red flags attached to the flagpole. Because there is no wind, it is so sad that it has no spirit.But the solemn soldiers lined up on the deck, the showgirl drummer in the cabin, and the curtain made of gemstones of various colors all tell the value of this giant ship.

The arm under the overpass kept swinging, and the palm was pressed against the pier, swinging its arm in reverse.And that ship obviously sensed it, it changed its direction slightly, and when it reached the overpass where Shen Ye and Xie Yi were, it staggered the position of the right hand.

Shen Ye raised his eyebrows, he looked at Xie Yi: "Go down?"

Xie Yi nodded: "Naturally."

At this moment, the big ship had come directly below the two of them, and the deck was only two or three meters away from them. Without hesitation, the two jumped towards the empty deck.

The two landed gently on the bow of the boat without making a sound.A big drum was placed on the deck, surrounded by those soldiers and servants, one could see the pairs of black arms clinging tightly to the sides.

Strangely, these terracotta figurines were different from the ones they had seen before, they didn't turn around vigilantly, and didn't seem to indicate anything about their arrival.

Shen Ye stood up, and immediately saw the word "Qin" on those bright red flags, he frowned slightly in surprise.

After his death, he still patrols all over the world. Could it be that Qin Shihuang is really in this boat?

Xie Yi didn't look at those flags, he touched the wood under his feet, and finally understood why such a wooden boat can last forever: "It's golden nanmu." He looked at Shen Ye who was standing beside him, "Maybe, my The Yanjia Bird has been here."

Xie Yi will never forget the piece of wood that the broken bird held tightly in its hand.

Shen Ye nodded, this ship is indeed a valuable item, but obviously they will not stay here, there is nothing else on this deck except soldiers.He looked at the dense terracotta figurines in the cabin: "Go in."


When you part the curtain, you can hear the crisp sound of "ding ding dong dong" of the gemstones, which is clean and clear, completely different from the lifeless pottery figurines in the cabin.

This is the bow cabin of the ship, and the inside is really resplendent and resplendent as expected, and everywhere you look, it is actually a piece of gold.Because jade was not popular in the Qin Dynasty, there is only finely crafted gold in the cabin.Tables, chairs, tea tables, beams and pillars on the cabin roof, depict scenes of birds facing the phoenix and immortals descending to earth in detail.

Various terracotta figurines were crowded together, but after passing through some servants by the door, Xie Yi and Shen Ye discovered that a banquet was being held here.

More correctly, it was imitating holding a banquet.

In the middle of the cabin, several women are dancing. They are obviously pottery dolls, but the ribbons, clothes, and movements are all light and real.On both sides, there were several men in official uniforms sitting kneeling, some smiling as if they were enjoying the singing and dancing, some with wandering eyes as if they were in a daze, and some of them turned their heads to look at the first seat in the cabin—— There are two tables over there.

There are two tables in the first seat, which is enough to show that the host is entertaining a distinguished guest here.But the mat on the left is empty, which is a bit strange, but it makes sense.After all, if this is really the burial place of the tomb owner, the tomb owner would not really be placed here, presumably in a deeper cabin.

And on the right...

Xie Yi couldn't help sighing: "It seems that the news is correct."

Shen Ye didn't speak, but stared at the man sitting on the right side of the mat with scorching eyes, a man wearing the priest's uniform of Liuyue City.

The author has something to say: I don’t want to make this volume too troublesome, so let me simplify it_(:зゝ∠)_

There is also the issue of updating. I update every two days for a certain field. If I can’t update it, I will notify you in the copywriting. In terms of the importance of copywriting ╮(╯▽╰)╭ (being photographed)

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