Chapter [-]: Landing

The sound of rumbling water rang in my ears again, mixed with the sound of the fine, rushing waves, and the crashing sound of giant objects falling into the water.

The path winding up from the water is indeed connected to the land above, and its exit - a very simple and unsophisticated stone gate, is set on a raised earth slope.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi did not rush out the door.Outside this simple square stone gate, on the right, is the turbulent Milky Way, in which countless silver snakes keep rolling.Their huge bodies stood up like Optimus Prime, and the next moment they fell straight into the water. The huge bodies collided with the mercury, and the waves raised made a loud explosion like sound.

On the left side of the two, unexpectedly, there are endless waves, and the silver snake that is also playing makes the already turbulent Milky Way more dangerous.

They obviously kept going down, but this short journey up made them return to the original tomb?

Are they really back?

Shen Ye shook his head: "Probably not."

Although it is also the same galaxy, although it is also the same innumerable silver snakes, but looking up, the top of the tomb is no longer the ring-shaped torches, but real night pearls the size of washbasins.

Because of the distance, the night pearl was really as bright as a star, as small as a bead.And the top, which was originally uneven, is now as flat as a wash.

The big night pearls and the pitch-black top of the tomb constitute a vast picture scroll of stars.

They had indeed come to a new tomb.Under that Liu Wu's tomb, there was indeed another tomb—a tomb no smaller than Liu Wu's, no, it should be said to be a larger tomb.

After passing through the underwater transparent corridor, Shen Ye and Xie Yi arrived at the only land between the two galaxies.

After calming down their thoughts, the two stood inside the door and looked out. They saw giant snakes dancing wildly on both sides, and in front of them were undulating small mounds. A piece of flat land was created.

What about the rear?Even if they didn't go out, the two of them could still think about it—there should be the towering "Loess Plateau" behind.

Neither of them noticed at first, but as their sight deepened, the feeling of extreme familiarity allowed them to finally determine the terrain here, as well as the rivers imitated by the Milky Way on both sides.

Whether in the past or the present, the Lieshan tribe's desire and concern for the Shenzhou continent has lasted for thousands of years.

So even with just one glance, they can recognize it.

It was difficult to notice before, but once you stand here, excluding the disproportionate and widened river surface, the shape of these two rivers, coupled with the appearance of the land in the middle, is not the shortened "Yellow River" and "Yangtze River" ?

"Unexpectedly, this is really the legendary 'five lakes and four seas'," Xie Yi sighed, and turned to Shen Ye: "What does Ah Ye think?"

Shen Ye just nodded.According to the shape of the galaxies on both sides, it may be more obvious if it is further zoomed out, but the mounds imitating the peaks, and the "alluvial plain" and "sea estuary" in the distance are really too familiar.

This tomb includes the whole "world".

At present, the Yellow River and the Yangtze River are both present. Is this really the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang?Xie Yi couldn't help turning his gaze to those churning giant snakes.It is said that Qin Shihuang's coffin floated above the Milky Way. If this is true, based on the number and strength of these giant snakes, wouldn't the coffin be overturned long ago?

Trying to get a coffin overturned like a pancake, and the scene of people falling out of it, Xie Yi was worried whether the coffin would directly sink to the bottom of the water.

If this is the case, then it will be troublesome.

Shen Ye could see what Xie Yi was thinking at a glance, he was a little helpless, even a little teasing, he bent his finger and flicked Xie Yi's forehead: "What are you thinking?"

Xie Yijun blushed: "It's nothing..." In fact, what he was more worried about was that the "mountain" here was so low, once he and Ah Ye went out, they would definitely become the targets of those giant snakes.

After all, apart from the taupe soil, the only decoration here is the piles of white bones on the slopes.

Not far away, you can see that on the dark brown "earth", there are many snake bones connecting forward to form a winding corridor.The giant snake stranded on the shore, leaving only a winding skeleton like a passage, it is unknown whether it was directly pierced by a sharp stone or died of fighting among its own kind.

But this at least shows that silver snakes on both sides of the strait can go ashore, and can even reach the center of the "mainland".

The silver snake does not have the ability to think, let alone be vigilant for the dead of its kind.At that time, bewitched by the prey, this large group of giant snakes came ashore, and the number alone was enough to cause headaches for him and Ah Ye.

Shen Ye was also worried about this, otherwise the two would never have stopped here.

"Ah Ye thinks, where is the owner of the tomb?" After the silence, Xie Yi couldn't help asking.

Shen Ye didn't answer, but asked instead: "What do you think?"

If it hadn't sunk to the bottom of the river... Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked towards the direction of the Yellow River, then it might be behind the Yellow River.

This tomb roughly begins with the Yangtze River, and the central part where they are located is even more "a desolate and uninhabited land", which shows that the south in the era when the owner of the tomb lived was definitely a southern barbarian land outside the Central Plains.

The orthodox Central Plains is to the north of the Yellow River, just like where the tomb of the owner of the tomb should be.

It is in line with the situation of the Qin Dynasty.

Xie Yi looked at the billowing mercury, feeling infinitely distressed: "It's really not easy to handle."

In such a situation with no roads and no bridges, it is naturally impossible to swim there.

Then catch a silver snake to lead the way?

Neither of these two methods is suitable.

But staying here is not an option after all, Xie Yi and Shen Ye looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning of departure in each other's eyes.

Before setting off, Shen Ye said in a strange manner: "Let's walk along the snake path."

Snake path, of course, refers to the path made up of snake bones.In the darkness, they are so white and so striking.

Xie Yi had no doubts, nodded and said, "Okay."

The nearest snake road, the pale skeleton is still a little far away from the two of them.But if you rush over, it shouldn't waste too much time.

Without Shen Ye's order, the two quickly rushed out one after the other.

As expected, there are too many monsters in this galaxy. When a silver snake senses the anger of a living person and turns its head, the rest will be known the next moment.

The originally noisy Milky Way boiled more and more, and countless silver snakes emerged from the water, like white mushrooms, scrambling to open their mushroom heads, and by the way, they all swam towards the flat ground.

Just like in the underwater corridor, Shen Ye and Xie Yi can only be regarded as insignificant minced meat, but it is enough to arouse the greed and appetite of all silver snakes.

The nearest silver snake was the first to spot Shen Ye and Xie Yi. It could be said to have taken the lead, ignoring the protruding rocks and the distance from the prey to the river bank. It turned over and swooped over—the tail of the snake was out of the water. , rushed over like a spring.

There was a "bang", that was the sound of rocks being crushed, Shen Ye and Xie Yi felt the mountain shaking for a while, and the two-meter-thick silver snake just blocked their way.

"Let's go!" Shen Ye swung his long whip, because the snake's body was too huge, and it was difficult to determine the seven inches, so he could only cut off the snake's head with one whip.

But the body of the snake is so huge that it is difficult to kill it with a single whip.

Accompanied by the sound of blood splatter, the silver snake screamed in pain. It raised its head and became more and more angry because of the injury.Regardless of his own wounds, the thick snake tail swept away towards the prey that passed it.

The moment the shadow enveloped Shen Ye and Xie Yi, the two consciously cooperated to cut off the snake's tail.It's just that after the strong smell of blood, more silver snakes reached the water's shore.

With a "bang" sound, there was another wave of shaking, but fortunately, the last silver snake was out of alignment, far away from where the two were, and was nailed to death on the spot by a huge and sharp rock.

The beast-like smell of the giant snake permeated the entire space in an instant. Seeing the tragic death of its companions, the silver snakes after that only hesitated for a moment, and then they all swam towards the shore.

The sound of sticky body friction and the "hissing" sound of the snake letter made people's hairs roll.

"Let's go!" Shen Ye and Xie Yi didn't stop for a moment, the goal was only the snake road.

Seeing that the prey was getting closer and closer to the snake bone, those silver snakes didn't know whether they were in a hurry or what, but they swarmed up one by one, rolling each other into a pile.

Shen Ye and Xie Yi are in front, and the silver snake is behind, the distance is getting farther and farther, some giant snakes rush towards them unwillingly, either they are pierced by the rock, or they are strangled to death by the two of them, and they are buried by their companions in the next moment. shadowed.

The sound of rocks breaking continued, and the long swords in Xie Yi and Shen Ye's hands were also soaked in snake blood.Although neither of them was injured, it was very embarrassing to deal with so many giant snakes.Fortunately, Xie Yi and Shen Ye had a good prediction, and before the snakes overwhelmed them, they finally entered the snake path first.

They originally wanted to turn around and continue the killing of the silver snake in the future, but at the next moment, Shen Ye withdrew his hand in doubt.

"Ah Ye?" Seeing Shen Ye's movements suddenly stop, Xie Yi was a little puzzled at first, but when he looked at the attacking silver snakes, he was also surprised.

A moment ago, they were like silver snakes pounced on by hungry tigers, but now they all stopped in place in a daze.

Xie Yi and Shen Ye stood at the entrance of the snake path, looking at the giant snakes that almost piled up on both sides.They raised their heads slowly and slowly, with obvious doubts and hesitation, and after shaking their heads for a while, they were about to turn around and go back into the Milky Way.

And this is indeed the case, starting from the silver snake at the top, they all coiled up their bodies, bypassed those "mountains", and retreated little by little.

Even the giant snakes that were not far away from Xie Yi and the two lost their target in an instant, and after a while, they swam back around the snake path.

Xie Yi was a little surprised: "What is this..."

Shen Ye stood beside Xie Yi, silent.

But the matter was far from over, many silver snakes died during the attack, and those who left naturally devoured their bodies unceremoniously.

It is different from the boa constrictor which swallows its prey whole. Perhaps because there is too little food and too many silver snakes, the group of snakes eat the corpses of their companions without a teacher.

Although the sharp fangs of snakes only have two pairs of upper and lower, but when countless fangs swarmed up, the dead snake body was eaten up in a short while.

This is not the point, Shen Ye and Xie Yi watched the group of snakes recede, and by the way dragged the skeletons of the same kind back into the water to continue eating. All the silver snakes survived unharmed.

Like a convention, and like a symbol of ominousness, those silver snakes who left actually forgot these few pieces of food.

Is it afraid?Still disdain?Would such a greedy silver snake let go of the food it brought to its mouth?

There was only a moment of doubt, and the next moment, the dead silver snake told them the answer by itself.

There was only a rustling sound of cracking, and the two of them looked carefully, and saw that the white snake's body stiffened rapidly and gradually petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The head of the nearest silver snake was not far from the two of them, and the animal pupils that had opened up angrily a moment ago were as lifeless as stone slabs at the moment—although they did turn into slate slabs the next moment.

Several silver snakes turned into pure white rocks almost at the same time, and the group of restless snakes in the distance returned to the Milky Way as if nothing had happened.

What made the silver snake give up its attack?

What made the silver snake give up the food in its mouth?

Both Shen Ye and Xie Yi turned their gazes to the white snake bone beside them.

They didn't see it clearly when they were far away, but now that they are so close, they realized that the so-called snake bone was actually made of jade.

The author has something to say: I am back in a certain field!Do you miss me (update)? (*/ω\*)

Speaking of which, it seems that there are only two more in the collection, and there is only one girl who reminds me to update... _(:зゝ∠)_

You guys definitely forgot about me┭┮﹏┭┮

Be careful that I am proud of a certain field and I will not update it╭(╯^╰)╮

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