The man outside stopped opening the door, clicked his tongue, and paused for a few seconds, as if he was judging whether he should ignore it, or deal with the troubles outside first, and then go back to the handsome young thief on the bed. After playing a cat-and-mouse game, after making choices, he still chose not to leave any future troubles, and opened the door first.

"Huh..." Li Chuo let out a long breath, and said in his heart that if it wasn't for Zhang Tao, Xiao promised that he would basically bid farewell to bedtime in this life.

"Huh?" The entrance of the living room is not very far from the master bedroom. Li Chuo vaguely heard the man's surprised tone, and always felt that there seemed to be an element of surprise in that surprised voice.

"Why are you here?" The man's voice was a little frivolous, which greatly reduced the original good voice.

"Next to Zhang Tao." It was Zhang's promised voice!Li Chuo didn't understand why his eyes were hot and his heart was wide. He didn't feel like this when he was under siege by the enemy for several days.

"I was ordered to make snacks for you." Zhang Tao's voice was full of laughter, and the ancient style was majestic, just like a martial arts movie.

"Feed me snacks? You like this kind of... Mmm!" The man's obscene tone stopped abruptly in the middle of the speech, and was replaced by a sharp and piercing wail compared to an adult man.

Immediately afterwards, the bedroom door was knocked in from the outside, and the man rushed in backwards, clutching his chest with both hands, where was Zhang Tao's hand, pressing firmly on it.

With great strength, Zhang Tao pressed the man's heart with one hand, pushed him into the room from the outside, and finally pressed him against the wall by the window.

There was a hoarse voice in the man's throat. I don't know if his heart was restrained, but he couldn't make a logical sound. He struggled helplessly in Zhang Tao's hands for a while, and suddenly his limbs twitched violently a few times and stopped moving. .

Zhang Tao's slender and cold fingers slowly pulled out from the man's chest. Only then did Li Chuo see that he was holding a long sword in his hand. It was Li Chuo's saber—Shangfang Sword.

Last time at Caishikou Execution Ground, Li Chuo used this sword to give the tortured prisoner a good time. The sword was entangled with hostility and sealed into a bone-scraping steel knife. changed back.

Zhang Tao drew the sword for a long time, the man's face became as pale as paper as the hilt was pulled out, and his expressionless face looked much more handsome. With Zhang Tao's movement of drawing the sword, his body lost Supported, it slowly slid down the wall, like a scabbard wrapped in gold but abandoned by someone, and finally slid to the ground without a trace of vitality.

Li Chuo had never seen Zhang Tao kill someone before. His killing action was clean and neat. From breaking through the door just now to piercing the heart with a sword, there was no slightest hesitation or pity. He is a natural killer, and Li Chuo had already realized it a little bit. He was gentle and shy when he was in bed, but every time he gave him a fatal blow, he was so precise and decisive.

"Zhang Tao."

"Hey!" Different from the imaginary action of the underworld big brother blowing the gun coldly, Zhang Tao's side face was still so calm, and when he turned his head, he immediately burst into a silly smile, comparable to ab changing heads*.

This man never seemed to want himself to share any important things in his life. It seemed that he was a glazed jade cup that could only be held in the palm of his hand to protect him. Once he let go, he would be a piece of glass.

grass.Unconvinced, Li Chuo slammed his face: "Hurry up and save me!"

"Cha!" Zhang promised to jump onto the bed three times and two vertically, and picked it with Li Chuo's sword point, and the bracelet snapped off.

"Did you die?" the child asked indifferently, it was somewhat the first time he went out to drink, and he felt unconfident when he was nervous and bored. He didn't want Zhang Tao to think that he had never experienced anything, but was just a scum, It's broken, obviously the little emperor doesn't know much about the modern legal system, and he is still living in the fantasy of the king letting his ministers die.

"No, how can we do that kind of thing." Zhang Tao waved his hands again and again, expressing that the concubine is a pure white lotus, I don't know about murder and arson, and stared innocently at Li Chuo with a pair of deer eyes.

"Aren't you...?" Li Chuo was skeptical, kicked Zhang Xu away, jumped off the bed and came to the man who was limp on the ground, stretched out his hand to check his breath, and stretched out two fingers to press the side of his neck .


"You didn't kill him?"

"Why would I kill him? The takeaway the customer wants is snacks." Zhang Tao shook his head, walked over to help Li Chuo up and let him sit on the bed.

"Killing is nothing more than nodding. What the little assistant wants is a heart-wrenching business. Throw in that dim sum knife and scrape the rouge off his heart."

"What is rouge oil?" Li Chuo looked carefully at the man's chest. Except for a broken button, the exposed pectoral muscles were very smooth, and there was no evidence that someone had opened his chest. trace.

"It's just to get rid of his mind for him, and turn this adulterer into a good young man with upright views and hatred." Zhang Tao said with gestures, afraid that Li Chuo wouldn't understand, he added: "Oh, it's like I do."

"→_→" Li Chuo gave him a speechless look, really not understanding the deal.

"Co-authoring the little assistant has paid so much reward value, we are as tired as grandsons, and in the end, it's just to help him change his ways and start a new life?"

This is too holy father, I would have known that I would be too lazy to take this troubled water, Li Chuo is not a tyrant, but he definitely has the self-knowledge that he is not enough to be a king, Yaoshun, at best, he is a normal monarch who treats an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye. If I don't offend me, I won't offend others. If someone offends me, I will be courteous, and if someone offends me again, I will kill the grass and roots. But now it seems that this scumbag has clearly forced people to death. Emperor Li Chuo felt very uncomfortable.

"It's true to change from evil to good, but it's hard to be a new person." Zhang Tao spread his hands and said that he was paid according to the contract, and everything else had nothing to do with him.

"How to say?"

"Because the criminal law of Dim Sum will not erase people's memory. Let's put it this way, when this guy wakes up, he will be a good young man with upright views, compassion and compassion. At the same time, he clearly knows that he has done it before. What, do you understand this feeling?"

I understand, Li Chuo understands too well, this is what my job is all about, the professional quality training that he must accept is to talk sweetly, hide the sword and hide the knife in the belly. Whoever wins the bite is the head dog.

When the little emperor ascended the throne and sat in the palace, he was still full of dog hair, and the rest of the cubs also had a good death, but they were all packed up and locked up in the palace to eat and sleep, eating and sleeping. There are a lot of wives and concubines, that is, ten thousand years of otaku can't get out of their own 25 yards plus a Suzhou garden. How to put it, it can only be said that the goal that modern men want to achieve in their entire lives is nothing more than becoming the defeat of Li Chuo.

But even so, when the little emperor dreams back in the middle of the night, he will think about whether he was too cruel. After all, he is a cub born by his father, and he is not a real, raw-haired animal. If he bites too hard, he has to add up , let alone the current situation of this man.

This is equivalent to formatting a killing robot into an ordinary robot that strictly abides by the three laws, but only the c drive is formatted, and there are still video files of him killing humans by various cruel means in the other hard drives.

As soon as the robot is turned on, it will keep calculating why it did those crazy things that now seem to violate the three laws in his eyes. If it is placed on a machine, it may burn out in the end. What about a living person?Punishment...

"What will happen when he wakes up?" Li Chuo looked at the man who slid to the ground with staring eyes. He was formatted now, and his eyes were not as cunning as before, but rather clear. , the facial features are no longer distorted by selfish desires, and he looks upright. To be honest, the embryo is really good. If he never learns to be bad, he can be regarded as a young man with outstanding talents and appearance.

"Regret? Becoming a monk? Suicide? Who knows, people who eat dim sum react differently. The guest officer I have served so far is the best ending anyway." Zhang Tao said nonchalantly. He has been in the catering industry for a long time It's been a long time, it's impossible to remember what kind of bizarre experience every customer at the end of the takeaway order has had, not to mention that he doesn't care much about the life and death of a scumbag.

"Why did the little assistant punish him?"

"This guy hooked up with his boss, took a video, and threatened to spread the video if he didn't participate in the soy sauce feast. Maybe his boss is still a child. He just debuted on the [-]th line. He has never experienced such a thing, so he couldn't think about it for a while. Sigh..." Zhang Tao felt that the little assistant who was so stupid was quite embarrassed, and he would definitely give him a [-]% discount when he came back in the future.

"He didn't complain?" Having been with Zhang Tao for a long time, Li Chuo also knew about going to the Hall of Ten Kings to beat drums and complain about grievances. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, there were all kinds of signs, so the child couldn't help but believe it.

"No, maybe it's a shame to be a ghost. I even asked a friend of mine—that's Lu Han, whose children sometimes come to buy mochi."

"Oh, broad beans." That quirky kid is often accompanied by a handsome guy who looks like an oil bottle, which is very impressive, but I don't know if it's his illusion, but Li Chuo always feels that the big guy is the only one. is a real baby.

"There are so many guests here, why do you remember that brat..." Zhang promised to be very alert, the lotus blossoms were white and white, and his ears were pricked up.

"Children are quite cute." Although Li Chuo is known as the master of the generation, he seems to be no more resistant to plush toys and babies than other adolescent girls.

"But it's not bad to have a dog, like a doge, or a puppet cat?" Li Chuo didn't notice Zhang Xu's mouth twitching, and the cuteness quickly shifted from a baby to a small animal, and finally took a peek at Zhang Tao's Ass, kinda miss his squirrel tail.

"→_→" Zhang Tao vomited, and put his heart back into his stomach. What, he thought he was about to unlock a new function.

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