"what sound?"

Li Chuo jumped onto the dance floor and came back to the door. He looked outside through the cat's eyes in vain. Because there was no light source, he couldn't see anything. He could only hear the sound of thump, thump, thump. It was getting closer, and the noise made people a little upset.

"It's cloudy now? If there's moonlight..." Li Chuo remembered that there were several very tall floor-to-ceiling windows in the corridor they passed through when they came in. At first glance, it looked like the style popular in the 90s and [-]s. If tonight With the big moon, it is not difficult to see the situation outside clearly.

"Oh, wait for me for a while." Zhang Tao whispered from behind, and touched the small ventilation window above the dance floor with a flick of a finger. With a slight push of his hands, the small window was pushed open by him.

"Hmmmm." Zhang Tao stretched his neck, puffed up his face, and kept sucking in air. His originally flat and firm abdominal muscles swelled up, as if he had been caught by children. The frog that rolled over and kept poking its belly.

Just when Zhang Tao's eyes widened and he was about to turn into a pair of copper bells, his lung capacity seemed to have reached its limit, his face turned purple and swelled up, and with a puff, he spat out what he had finally inhaled into his lungs. Almost all gas in the interior.

I don't know what the lung capacity of this guy is, because he exhaled too fast, even though Zhang Tao was striding forward, he was hit by the recoil and sat on the ground all at once. At the same time, all the textures inside the ballroom The soft things started to float, and a strong air flow moved in the almost completely enclosed space, making Li Chuo stagger.

"What are you doing?!" the child asked in a low voice, with a slightly reproachful and puzzled tone.

"Blow away the clouds, didn't you say that it would be great if there was a big moon." Zhang Tao rubbed his stomach as a matter of course, obviously the deep breath just now had choked him enough.

"Don't be kidding, how can..." Li Chuo walked to the window impatiently, and suddenly stopped talking.

The flag stood up too fast, my face hurt, the moon star was sparse outside, and the black magpie flew south, making ah... ah... ah... cry.

"You magic stick." Although Li Chuo saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe his eyes. Although feudal superstition was prevalent in their dynasty, there were not a few magic sticks who were capable of calling wind and rain, but just a living person It is really the first time Li Chuo has seen someone who can blow away the clouds.

"Hey, it's amazing." Zhang Tao didn't seem to fully understand the meaning of the word "magic stick", and continued to firmly implement his dirty nickname, misinterpreting the meaning of the little emperor's words.


Li Chuo's face was a little hot. As a ruler of human society, his character was born with a certain admiration for strength. He had an innate affection for powerful power. In the first half of his life, almost There is no chance to meet an opponent or meet a good talent, and seldom get psychological satisfaction except narcissism.

But now standing beside him is a man who can blow clouds away with a single mouth, and has a strong body and a beautiful face, and most importantly, he can make him sleep with him as soon as he whistles.

But politicians are all film kings, so the little emperor certainly didn't want his newly appointed promise to see how obsessed he was with this blue-faced disaster, so he quickly cut his love with a sharp sword, abandoned Zhang Tao with a cold face, and ran away again Going back to the back of the door panel, I focused my eyes on the peephole and looked out. This time, the French windows outside really revealed the clear light all over the floor, illuminating the entire corridor brightly.

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he saw a pair of big feet raised upright, dripping with blood.

"Oh!" Li Chuo was startled, subconsciously looked away, and calmed down.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Tao suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, making the child go crazy, but he quickly maintained his usual calm.

"There's a stubble outside." Li Chuo didn't know how to explain those big feet, so he abdicated and gave Zhang Tao the cat's eye.

"Hmm." Zhang Tao glanced through the cat's eye, and he didn't seem to be very surprised. Then, he bent down under the door panel again, pouted his buttocks and stuck his neck, and continued to watch from the crack of the door below.

"Ah, it really is." He muttered to himself, got up and patted the dirt on his body.

"Really what is it?" Li Chuo squatted down immediately, trying to use a more elegant posture to grab the crack of the door and take a closer look, but he soon realized that it is a matter of wanting to maintain self-esteem when fighting. Things that can be met but not asked for.

"I think you'd better not look at it." Zhang Tao raised his head, lowered his buttocks, and kindly reminded him.

"I'm not afraid." Li Chuo doesn't like this way of getting along very much, let's not talk about the things in bed, if there is one person among them who is full of aggressiveness, it must be him.

Following Zhang Tao's example, he pouted his buttocks, lowered his head and neck, and bent down to look out through the gap at the bottom of the door.

Outside the door is a pair of eyes, a pair of blood-filled pupils, lifeless eyes, blue-white pupils staring at Li Chuo lifelessly.

"Heh!" Li Chuo suddenly raised his head and knocked directly on Zhang Tao's chin.

"Ouch! I told you not to let you see it." Zhang Tao held his chin aggrievedly. Fortunately, he didn't have plastic surgery, otherwise the prosthesis would have been knocked out by him all at once.

Li Chuo finally figured out what was going on, the person outside the Ganqing Gate had been walking with his own head!He subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched his neck, it hurt even thinking about it.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of head hitting the ground sounded again, this time it was the sound of a skull hitting the door panel. It was obvious that the man was trying to use his head to knock the door open.

After understanding the source of the sound, Li Chuo felt chilly all over, and touched the sword at his waist behind him.

"It's not the right one, it's none of our business."

Zhang Tao pulled him from behind, grabbed the child's waistband, shortened his stature, and then jumped on the ground, even jumped directly onto the beams of the roof, and gently grabbed the wide main body with his limbs. Liang's neck was subconsciously stalked, just like a big cat stealing food in the kitchen after being discovered.

"There are still beams in this place?" Li Chuo looked around curiously. It was a bit different from the modern residential houses he had gradually become familiar with. It was a bit like the 798 that Li Zi took him to play some time ago when he was familiar with the environment. , There is no ceiling on the roof, but the internal structure is completely exposed|exposed, but the roof of the art area is still reinforced concrete, and the beams here are really good wood.

"This is a remodeled pharmacy in the old society. It used to be called Haoniantang." Zhang Tao looked around, and sure enough, he found a plaque in a very hidden place behind the beam. The three big dark red characters of Hao Nian Tang are displayed.

A pharmacy was built at Caishikou, a famous killing spot in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It is a bit ironic. This common saying says that good medicine is good for the disease, but it also pays attention to the fact that the disease cannot be cured. What kind of medicine can cure the disease? The wound from the severed head has been healed, and the shopkeeper's brain is really strange.

However, there are also legends that because the people believe in human blood steamed buns, Hao Nian Tang chose such a murderous place for the convenience of selling this kind of forbidden drug that promotes feudal superstition. Relying on this kind of medicinal material that was severely criticized by Mr. Lu Xun made a fortune, and then gradually washed it and started to operate a regular medicinal material business.

There is also a legend that this place used to be a stationery store, which became famous for its specialty of judge pens. Later, it saved enough money to open a herbal medicine shop. It is said that any examinee who uses this brush will definitely win the first prize.

Zhang Tao cooperated with the rhythmic thump thump of the skull percussionist downstairs, lying on the beam of the house, and the spitting stars flew all over the place. The lower door was crumbling from the impact of the skull.

Boom, boom, boom!

The painful sound formed by the collision of human bones and wooden utensils became more and more urgent, and it seemed that the person outside seemed to be a little anxious.

"What did he come in for?"

"I don't know, let's talk about it after looking at it. There must be something he wants here." Zhang Tao also shook his head. This is the style of his work. Basically, things that have nothing to do with his business will suppress the burning gossip. The soul automatically ignores it, which is his respect for the dead* as a living creature.

With a bang, the door was finally knocked open. Li Chuo didn't know what kind of mentality he had, but he felt a sense of relief. Maybe it hurt too much, and he felt that the corpse was not worth it.

Immediately afterwards, he began to regret it, because he saw a human body enter his field of vision in a very twisted way.

It was a walking corpse with its head down, and it was moving in a rhythmic rhythm. It could be said that it looked like a Qing Dynasty zombie looking upside down while jumping.

The man's skull was knocking on the floor, still persistently making thud, thud, thud, because the door panel was knocked open, that ethereal sound echoed in the corridor, and it made people feel hairy.

No wonder the janitor ran away desperately after hearing the shouting. These internal staff should know more or less about this kind of supernatural event, but it may be because of the attendance rate. People have dismantled this matter, but they definitely know it well, so they are so scared when they hear the sound. Li Chuo weighed it in his heart, and said to himself that it is fortunate that he is a member of the circle, and ordinary people should not be scared to death directly. ?

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