"Aren't you, can you eat it?" Li Chuo twisted on Zhang Tao's back for a while, took a deep breath, and whispered in his ear.

"Uh, I've got some food left." Zhang Tao blushed and had to tell the truth. His physique is like that. After swallowing the little monster, once the first stomach bag is full, he also needs to be like Ultraman. Slowly accumulating the energy bar in that way, without digesting the last trace of negative energy, it is difficult to perform other swallowing behaviors.

"What's the use of you, get out of here." Li Chuo's voice was not as majestic as usual. Although the child said harsh words, he pushed Zhang Tao away, and he also struggled to climb on the rock wall with one hand. Supporting the carved beams and painted buildings in the Shinto, with the other hand waving the Shangfang sword, stabbing at the little spiders trying to climb up by the method of stacking arhats.

"Your Majesty, the general attack, I am so moved." Zhang Tao sniffed, wiped away his tears, and handed over the front battlefield directly to Li Chuo, and retreated to the rear without hesitation.

"→_→" Li Chuo didn't expect this man to be so real, he didn't even have any modesty, and ran away, talking about freedom and equality, modern men are just unreliable, full of foaming mouths, full of flowery intestines, If I can get out alive this time, I don’t have to carry it, let him add my name to the booklet of Er Huan Shop first, if he doesn’t want to, then break up with him, anyway, there are so many gays now, and I look so good Handsome, don't worry about not leaving home.

"Three laps on the left and three laps on the right, twist your neck, twist your butt, go to bed early and get up early, let's do some exercise, shake your hands, shake your feet, take deep breaths, and learn how to sing and dance like grandpa, and I won't grow old~"

Just when Li Chuo was unilaterally preparing to negotiate a divorce, Zhang Tao who was behind him not only didn't know how to repent, but even sang a song.

"What are you doing?!" Li Chuo stabbed a little spider to death with his sword, and with a flick of his wrist, he picked it up with the tip of the sword, directly piercing the little beast's stomach, and looked back bitterly.

I saw Zhang Tao was flipping, jumping, tossing and moving, doing the eighth set of radio gymnastics alone on the rock wall behind him.

"Digest food! After I finish the eighth set of radio gymnastics, I can feel it, can I eat something!" Zhang Tao's face was twisted, and he hugged his stomach bitterly and jumped.

"..." Li Chuo is used to being pampered and pampered. He used to be served by court ladies and eunuchs to take a nap before getting up to continue his work. Now seeing Zhang Tao's distorted expression, he knows how much his stomach hurts because of his forced exercise after meals. up.

"Stop jumping, just rest for a while, I can still handle it." Li Chuo said with a bit of distress, pulling up his energy, holding a sword flower, and piercing a baby girl who was climbing up with the sword. body.

"...!" That little female spider looked like a little lolita, but she didn't expect that being cut by Li Chuo's sword, her stomach would explode, and more densely packed little spiders would emerge!

"What the hell is it now!" Li Chuo was dazed, resisting the dizziness caused by trysophobia, and turned to Zhang Tao.

No wonder these little bastards started driving as soon as they were born, and it was a roller coaster. The co-authors wanted to drive at full speed to create successors to feudalism as quickly and economically as possible.

"Children and grandchildren, are there infinite deficiencies?!" Zhang Tao pulled out a rare ancient Chinese sentence, took out a rayban from his pocket, and threw it at Li Chuo.

"Here, labor protection! Quickly bring it, and it will be coded automatically in front of you."

Li Chuo had never worn sunglasses before, so he didn't care too much at the moment. He took it and pushed it on the bridge of his nose, and the world really fell into a darkness that day and night didn't understand.

This kid is so fucking handsome.Zhang Tao looked at Li Chuo's appearance, swallowed his saliva, and thought that this time when he went home from business, he must get a Smecta military uniform for him to wear, and then hehehe.

"No, there are more and more! How is your radio gymnastics..." Li Chuo kept dancing the Shangfang sword in his hand, dancing like a meteor cluster, a cluster of silver lights flashing In the place, the little beasts were dying and dying, but they also consumed a lot of Li Chuo's little physical strength left because he vomited all the way.

"It's fucking, bear with it!" Zhang Tao yelled, and danced the eighth set of radio gymnastics more vigorously, without even noticing that there seemed to be something wrong with his choice of words and sentences.

"I can't stand it any longer. The first batch of people who were born have already learned how to coil silk, and they will be able to weave nets and climb up in a while! Phew..." Li Chuo gasped, but his tone remained in a kind A little urgent, but still not too turbulent. The on-the-job training has made him develop a character that does not wander in wet clothes, and it is also reflected in the details of how he handles people.

"Ouch, my stomach seems to be cramping." Zhang Tao stared at the bitter melon face, covering his stomach and yelling behind him.

"What? Then what to do?"

"Help me take a look, my throat seems to be stared at by what I just ate, woo..." Zhang Tao cried pear blossoms with rain, which formed a sharp contrast with his big and thick body.

"Why is it at this time?" Li Chuo swiped his three swords and dealt with the latest batch of little beasts that climbed up, and most of the rest seemed to have learned their lesson. The possibility is almost zero, and they start to form webs at a very fast speed in other directions on the rock wall. Once the spider web coils close the hole, the rest is a contest of time and physical strength.

"Open your mouth, let me see." Li Chuo was out of breath, covered his waist and barely stood up, helped Diaoliang Huadong to Zhang Tao's side, held his shoulders, Crooked his neck and looked into his mouth.

"I'm sorry, Li Chuo." Zhang Tao smiled at him. I don't know if it was Li Chuo's illusion. He felt that his smile was quite pure, which was very different from his original slightly frivolous smile. It's different, he smiles so refreshingly, it can even be said to be holy, people can't help but want to hold him in their arms and dedicate all the good things in themselves.

Suddenly, Zhang Tao's head was tilted back at an unbelievable angle, and the corners of his open mouth tore the flesh on his cheeks, like wounds stretching on both sides, blood vessels burst, splashing blood all over Li Chuo's face, finally, His head was completely torn apart, and the whole head was facing the ring, exposing the flesh and blood inside the cavity, which was still wriggling.

"Zhang Tao!" Although he was wearing labor protection sunglasses, Li Chuo was still frightened by his seemingly self-harming behavior. He didn't know how to stop him, so he could only hold his arm tightly and shout loudly with.


The cavity suddenly squirmed, and suddenly rushed up, using the black blood hole to directly greet Li Chuo's head.

"Zhang Tao!" Li Chuo shouted his name loudly. After struggling, he realized that he couldn't get rid of Zhang Tao's strong physical strength at all. The bloody cavity had a bloody mouth, and he bit it directly with the attitude of Mount Tai. come over!

"Hmm!" Li Chuo closed his eyes, waiting for the inexplicable pain.


However nothing happened.

With his eyes closed, he suddenly felt that he had entered a very warm place, gentle and warm, like a spring garden.The strong smell of blood just now was blown away by the spring breeze.

A song suddenly sounded in Li Chuo's heart, the song Zhang Tao often sang to him.

"Sweet honey, the sweet honey of your smile, like flowers blooming in the spring breeze, blooming in the spring breeze."

"Zhang Tao!" Li Chuo opened his eyes at once, and in front of him was a scene he was all too familiar with. It was the Dongnuan Pavilion where he had slept for 18 years, his bedroom, the window lattice was slightly opened, and the warm spring breeze blew in. He came in, with little by little peach petals, some of which were printed on his face, he reached out and touched his cheek, it was still as smooth as an egg that had been boiled and peeled off its shell, although Skimmed by many peach petals, none of them could stay on his tender face.

He remembered this scene as a scene after lunch. At that time, he was not married or even engaged. On a certain spring afternoon, the noble emperor was treated like an ordinary young man. Inspired by the season, I began to pay attention to my appearance.

How is this going?

Li Chuo was lying on the wide dragon bed, reaching out to grab a few petals blown on the bed by the wind, clutching the soft cloud brocade quilt under his body, breathing in the air with the fragrance of peach blossoms mixed with ambergris. Everything is so real.

What was all that just now?Could it be that I have always been on the throne of the emperor, and I have never died, the gray jungle with tall buildings, the smog and haze everywhere, the bustling cars like flowing water and horses like dragons, and the boy who loves me so much, Everything is just an absurd dream, never had it?

"Zhang Tao."

Li Chuo called out Zhang Tao's name, and suddenly burst into tears. He subconsciously covered his mouth, not daring to speak out, and felt ashamed.The wrath of the emperor, laying down millions of corpses, bleeding thousands of miles, let alone his sorrow?

Zhang Tao, he can't be like this, it can't be just a dream, after he has softened his heart so much, it suddenly becomes an elusive dream, so what should he do?He is no longer a rock-solid emperor, he tore a gap in his body and mind, and just wants to leave like this?

"Zhang Tao!" Li Chuo shouted almost in despair, and sat up from the dragon bed all at once.

Mechanical voice: "Hi, what help do I need?"

Li Chuo: "..."

Mechanical voice: "Hi, I'm listening."

Li Chuo: "..."

He felt that the sound was coming from his own buttocks, and when he looked down, he was actually still wearing the labor protection equipment he wore when he was fighting. So, everything just now was real?

He touched his butt, and there was something hard vibrating in his pocket. Li Chuo reached out and took a look in his hand—it was his rose gold.

Mechanical voice: "Hi, I'm listening."

"Fuck, Siri?!"

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