Gluttonous canteen

Chapter 152 Blood Tofu

Chapter 14. Disguise

"Hey, have you heard? The Holy One has been elected."

"Why haven't you heard of it? If I knew it, I wouldn't change shifts with them, and I could see it with my own eyes. What kind of person did you choose?"

Seeing it with your own eyes, you think this is the time to witness a miracle?Li Chuo lay on the bed and listened to his colleagues talking about the post-election affairs in the court room, and complained silently in his heart.

Could it be that he was dizzy from eating expired food?He sees the world clearly through Zhang Tao's big eyes, which are a circle bigger than his own. In the study room of the Nuan Pavilion, he clearly drew a circle on Zhang Tao's big face with a cinnabar pen. This is called Yubi Hand-picked, can't go wrong.

But why are his own mother, stepmothers, and the rest of the court ladies and maids, all the talented women, all blind? It’s so nice to see that there is also a problem of aesthetic differences. Can’t men and women not see it?

"What's it like? You can't say for sure, she's not a beautiful woman, but she's always pretty. You know that. After the election of this dynasty, the appearance is second to the virtuous, and it will be born in the future. In the East Palace, the Holy Majesty can choose a concubine, but who dares to stop him if he wants to choose a fairy."

Li Chuo squinted his eyes and looked out from under the quilt. He was talking to a colleague who watched the post-election scene with him that day. So he also saw the portrait, and he also thought it was a girl from Xiaojiabiyu?What about choosing a concubine, choosing a fairy, alas, you guys don’t know, our big cat is a fairy attack, but then again, even a big cat feels physically too much for him, Another concubine of this size... Just thinking about it makes my back hurt.

"At first, I wanted to watch the fun, but I didn't expect that our Majesty and the Empress Dowager's spirits will match up this time."

"Who said it wasn't? I've been arguing about this for almost a year, but I didn't expect to agree so painfully after seeing the beauty picture this time."

"It's just that this lady who has not entered the palace is good-looking. The Holy Majesty has never had much contact with girls since he was a child. Now he should be curious when he sees a little girl."

You are paralyzed by curiosity, that is my wife, who is so curious about how many times she has been put to sleep!Li Chuo huddled under the blanket and held back his breath.

"Let's not infiltrate here, it's not easy to wake up this one in a while, Mr. Zhang is now a celebrity in front of the Holy One, and I heard that he will be awarded the title of Master Master soon. This time, if he leaks a little bit casually between his fingers, he will be rich." An official's voice said in an envious tone.

"Let's go." The others echoed in a low voice, followed by the rustling of the hem of the clothes.

A group of teenagers from Wuling went out of the palace to play, leaving Li Chuo alone in bed complaining, and taking kickbacks, trying to blind your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes, this guy not only didn’t take my things, but gave me back It is also drunk to be buried with a treasury.

"Still sleeping? Queen."

Emma!Li Chuo frowned, he had very good hearing because of his long-term martial arts practice, but since his colleagues left, he didn't hear when there was another person in the room.

However, Zhang Tao's body didn't seem to have any reflex arcs, and he was still lying lazily in the bed, and it took him a long time to get up.


It's really a nobleman who speaks late, usually in the cafeteria like a broken mouth, but now he has turned into a generation of cold male gods, it's a pity that big cats don't mix in the entertainment industry.

"How is it, third child, is the errands okay?" Wang Dun got on the kang as soon as he lifted his buttocks, and he didn't feel a sense of awe that his elder brother was like a father. It is estimated that these old cousins ​​are very familiar with each other. Don't hold it up.

"You can take it easy, people will see that I am making friends with ministers." Zhang Tao raised his leg and kicked Wang Dun's ass, kicking his whole body down.

"Zhang Laosan, you are cruel enough. There are all my people outside. You treat me as the sweetheart of the old concubine. Pistachio is dead." Wang Dun got up from the ground dissatisfied. I feel that there is a difference between seniority and inferiority, but I dare not go to the kang again.

"Hey, you have grown up and can handle things. I can close my eyes now." Zhang Tao nodded in relief.

"But our little emperor... yes, your little emperor." Wang Dun changed his words very knowingly and wittily when he saw Zhang Tao's sharp eyes in the middle of speaking.

"The mouth is strong enough. The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty did not use blindfolding tricks on him alone. What he saw should be your body in the portrait, and you can still open your mouth to eat it. It is also a generation of enlightened rulers. The spirit of the Lord." Wang Dun finally began to believe in love from the bottom of his heart.

"This is gambling. Because you don't know the result, your heart beats." Zhang Tao turned over and said cheerfully.

You are not gambling, are you playing with your heart, boy, are you playing with your heart?The child cried out in the big cat's shell.

"Haven't you ever thought about it, what if the little emperor doesn't like it? Then it's a sorcery. If you investigate it, if the little Liuzi, the court painter, is exposed, he might even bring you to the door." Wang Dun was a little bit annoyed. I can understand this pair of dog abusers who are more than friendship but less than lovers.

"I don't think he will kill me, hey, do you think he will?" Zhang Tao had a laid-back and sycophantic face from the beginning, but now the expression on his face suddenly became vivid. Many teenagers are in love for the first time. The feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

"Didn't he agree to choose you to enter the palace? That means he is happy in his heart and acquiesced." The young man Wang Dun didn't know how to feel sad, seeing his eldest brother suddenly lose his IQ, he didn't like to talk to him.

"I know, I knew from the beginning, you know? I said I wanted to build the imperial mausoleum for him, but he wasn't happy anymore. I knew he didn't want me to go, hehe!"

Zhang Tao hugged the quilt and laughed twice, then fell backwards childishly, rolling from the top of the kang to the tip of the kang.The child's body was rolled around by him, and he was a little "sick", and wanted to vomit salt soda all over his face.

"Damn, if you're okay, I'll leave first." Wang Dun stood up and shook his pleated skirt, oh no, flying fish clothes, I don't really want to stay here, I heard that nymphomaniacs will too Infectious.

"Wait a minute, how is the arrangement of our people in the Ministry of War?" Zhang Tao stopped his nymphomania, sat up cross-legged, his face sank like water and his eyes were sharp.

Fuck?Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck?There are still people in my military department, you kid. If you dare to infiltrate the inner palace and the palace calligraphy and painting academy, you are so close to raising the flag to rebel!Li Chuo was so aggrieved that the first thing he decided to do when he wore it back was to put the big cat in limbo first, um, 10 minutes, I can't take it any longer.

"It's okay. It depends on what you want to do. It's always okay to make a rebellion, but now you want to get along with the Holy One, why do you make him rebel?" Wang Dun, an eunuch, followed the other with a relaxed and happy expression. A close minister was discussing the matter of treason, and his tone sounded as if he was discussing where to drink a bowl of wonton after work for a while.

"If you don't rebel, just let the fourth brother take people to the border to stand up. Don't go too far. It's best to subdue the enemy without fighting, understand?" I live in troubled times, I don't want to be known to the princes, but I want to marry and have children with the princes."

"You want to beat and beat the powerful, and let them move into the mausoleums around the imperial mausoleum like the previous dynasty?" Wang Dun said.

"Necessary, the Holy Majesty is concerned about these two things. If I can't handle it, I won't be looking for a lottery? After all, they have already agreed, hehe." The second half of the sentence automatically changed to a nympho face.

"Yes, I understand what third brother means, can I go?" Wang Dun shuddered, stood up and prepared to run.

"It's alright, alright, get out of here." Zhang Tao made arrangements, sent Wang Dun away, and went back to sleep with his ass pouted.

The big cat fell asleep, and basically all five senses were turned off. Only the child was quite active in the shell, in absolute darkness, and wanted to cry.

That sour feeling is not sad, it's a bit like hearing a tragic song or seeing some spectacular scene, the mood is ups and downs and even the eyes are sour.

He has been competitive since he was a child, but he is not particularly interested in fame, wealth and power. He is just used to seeing the many unfreedoms of the royal relatives. In a sense, if a child wants to get the pleasure of adolescence when he is not fully developed, he has to use the method of entering youth and adulthood in advance. It took a very long time to exchange, and it is ironic to think about it.

At this point today, he still has two things to worry about, one is marriage, and the other is the imperial mausoleum, and this man who lights up the lamp for himself every dusk and stands guarding him in the corridor, does everything he can to help him solved.

The baby wants to go home, wants to go home and pet the cat, but Li Chuo is rolling in Zhang Tao's shell. You don't need to be separated by a shell to understand all his thoughts.

Li Chuo remembered the chicken soup that the Chinese teacher in high school gave them to Amway, saying that human beings were originally angels, and some of them planned to live on the earth later. The gods were afraid that they were too powerful, so they split every angel in half with a knife. In the mortal world, half of the angels spend their whole lives looking for their other half. Only when they find their other part can they return to the lost paradise.

But the child doesn't have much time to mourn the spring and autumn, because the day when the big cat enters the palace is coming soon. These days, he has been running between the imperial mausoleum construction site and the small household where he pretended to be, looking at the big cat. I am so busy every day, but I am still very happy, the child feels very distressed, he is about to experience be, but this baby wants to give my baby he.

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