"It's not me." Li Chuo made a ╮(╯_╰)╭ gesture to show Zhang Tao, clearing the suspicion.

Kachi, Kachi.

Just when the two people looked at each other, that unbearably itchy voice sounded again, but this time because no one spoke, it formed a seemingly non-existent echo in the empty space, if you listen carefully The words seem to have come from the imperial tomb in front.

"In front? It seems to be near the location of the tombstone." Li Chuo had sharp ears, and he listened to the voice to argue, and ran away pulling Zhang Tao.

"Are you sure?" Zhang Tao looked at the incomparably huge Broken Dragon Stone in front of him. How many tons of this stuff would it take to say the least?Can there be living things inside after it falls?

"Listen, did it come from inside?" Li Chuo listened attentively, and became more sure of his judgment.

"Well, it looks a bit like it, could it be a mouse?" Zhang Tao questioned.

"I think you look like a mouse." Li Chuo gave him a white look.

"Emperor mausoleums are generally divided into four tomb passages, east, west, north, south, which symbolize the majesty of the emperor. There are a lot of antiseptic and insect-proof spices on the seals of the four dragon-breaking stones. Even if some small animals were mixed in at that time, they would have been smoked to death after so many years. Can you live till now?" Li Chuo listened again on the Broken Dragon Stone, hoping to locate it accurately this time, but the sound seemed to disappear suddenly, like a cricket that disappeared because of the breath of a stranger.

"Hmm, what if it's a Shuoshu." Zhang Tao waited for a while, and found that the voice had completely disappeared, before he dared to add a word, but even he was not afraid of Shuoshu, which just corresponded to the identity of the big cat.

"Stop talking nonsense, huh?" Li Chuo seemed to have a new discovery. He waved his hand to make the big cat stop the stand-up comedy, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to test the ground at the bottom of the Broken Dragon Stone.

"Calling the Beast, Xueshen, what's new?" Zhang Tao also squatted down as a joke.

"Has someone opened this Dragon-Breaking Stone?" Li Chuo said, stretching his hand to his waist vigilantly, looking around warily. If this Dragon-Breaking Stone was really opened once, it might There is a possibility of corpse change!A dead man who claims to be lonely and widowed is on the same level as himself, so he must be difficult to deal with.

"What? It's alright if it's still here?" Zhang Tao glared, and someone else thought about the items in his recipe first, is that okay?

"Whose little frozen kitty is it? Come out and die for me!"

"What the hell are you screaming about!" Li Chuo waved his hand to signal Zhang Tao to keep quiet, and pressed his sword on guard for a while, but found that there was no movement around him. Thinking about it was right, even if the people inside really became spirits and ran out, I ran away a long time ago, how could it be possible to wait here for hundreds of thousands of years? So, is this majestic and magnificent imperial tomb a decoration that has no one left?

"Look at the traces here, this...should be that the Broken Dragon Stone was opened from the inside, not caused by external force." The child relaxed his guard a little, pointed out the bottom of the Broken Dragon Stone and the mortise and tenon structure. where the scratches said.

"How did you see the swelling?" Zhang Tao tilted his neck and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't figure out how Li Chuo saw it.

"The tomb-sealing stone in general mausoleums is usually called the Broken Dragon Stone for a reason. It means that it cannot be opened again after being put down, so as to prevent tomb robbers from visiting." Li Chuo led Zhang Tao on a journey of exploration and discovery.

"And then?" Zhang Tao excitedly sat cross-legged on the ground waiting for the children to learn about science, itching in his heart, if only there was another pack of melon seeds.

"However, when the mausoleum was built in ancient times, in order to prevent the secrets in the tomb from being taken away, after the construction was completed, the craftsmen who entered the tomb to work would be executed, because the dead would not speak." Li Chuo's eyes flickered. Faint light.

"Baby is so good." Zhang Tao shuddered. In fact, he also knew about this kind of thing, but it seems that this kind of thing is rare after AD.

"Later, with the continuous development of civilization, the system of human sacrifice gradually disappeared, coupled with the improvement of the social system, there were other ways to restrain the craftsmen, and this barbaric behavior gradually stopped." Li Chuo said, he remembers When my own mausoleum was built, there was no tradition of killing craftsmen.

"However, in the early years, in order to escape, the craftsmen would tamper with the one-time mechanism of the Dragon Stone and convert it into a secondary mechanism." Li Chuo tapped the blackboard to mark the key point.

"What witty boys." Zhang Tao nodded in admiration, the wisdom of the working people is almost impossible to guard against.

"Although the artisan sacrificial burial system has gradually disappeared, this craftsmanship has been preserved. It is said that it was discovered by a coincidence in ancient times by a master craftsman who was responsible for supervising the construction of the imperial tomb. However, he felt that there was no need to change it, because the tomb contained There is nothing but the dead, and if the buried monarch can really be resurrected, it is also a good wish. One day, the broken dragon stone will be opened from the inside, and the king who returned from the underworld will lead his dynasty. Towards a new glory." The commentator Li Chuo chattered for a while, apparently he had decided in his heart that he was the superhero Emperor Xia who came out of the mausoleum——emperorman!

"But now you're a kid who's still in high school." Zhang Tao made up his mind understandingly.

"Fuck you, that's what it means anyway. I have been regularly discussing with the ministers about the construction of the imperial tomb since I became the throne at a young age. I still have a good understanding of this area. It has been opened once, maybe...the owner of the tomb is gone." Li Chuo looked at the huge tomb-sealing stone with some mixed feelings. In addition to finding the three delicacies of the earth, he was also curious about the hero and heroine who were buried together. What clues will be found, and the result turned out to be such an ending.

"You were so pitiful when you were young. You have to worry about your own grave when you are only a few years old." Zhang Tao said with some guilt. After all, the child also gathered all kinds of bricks and craftsmen from his own country at that time to build an affordable grave. In the end, he was planed by himself.

"Actually, most of the monarchs who succeed in age will wait until they are ten years old before starting to choose a site and start construction. But for some reason, I seem to understand in my heart that I can't live that long... Well, it's just a feeling." Li Chuo looked at Zhang Tao subconsciously, as if hoping to hear something from him.

"Bah, bah, I dare not say that to myself, my baby, Xianfu, will live forever as long as the heavens." Zhang Tao quickly got down on the ground and offered a big gift.

It seems that this is not right, Li Chuo always feels that Zhang Tao knows something, but this guy's ability is to pretend to be stupid, and he himself did not expose him.

Just when he opened his mouth to say something, suddenly in the quiet space, he heard that mysterious voice again.

Kachi, Kachi.

"Fuck, this guy seems to have rested enough, and now he is resurrected with full blood, huh? No." Zhang Tao listened to the broken dragon stone, the voice...it was indeed from the broken dragon stone The other end sent out the right!

"What's going on here? Shouldn't someone have opened the Dragon Breaking Stone from the inside?"

"I can't tell, but it's clear that this mark..." Li Chuo looked down again at the occlusal part of the bottom of the broken dragon stone. ...Who is this one scratching the door now?

"Tsk, I thought I could go in and have a good time when there was no one else, but now I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten again." Zhang Tao said foolishly, he was just pretending to be shy in front of the saint, and his old cousin knew it, He always fights if he can't win, he will be eaten alive. This big killer has never lost since he fell into grass.

"I warn you, I'm very curious about the owner of the tomb, don't open your mouth unless you have to. Also, you are pregnant now, don't eat anything, let alone a real piece of zombie meat!" Considering the food safety and hygiene of Baby Cinnabar, Li Chuo issued a red and bold warning in advance.

"Ah? I can't eat it... This is very embarrassing." Zhang Tao was a little embarrassed. If he didn't let the old rice dumpling move, he didn't know whether it would be good to mess with it. It's not enough to come and anal with him.

"Okay, then I'll drive it, get ready, let's go! ┏(゜w゜)=" Zhang Tao said, a fleshy claw swept over, like the one used by Nuwa Mending the Sky, who doesn't know how much tonnage to kill The Broken Dragon Stone turned into powder in front of Zhang Tao's claws!

"Cough, cough, cough!" Li Chuo coughed due to the smoke, and quickly covered his mouth and hid behind Zhang Tao. He felt sorry for the stone. It has been standing here for so many years. As for Jia Baoyu, it just became a bowl of sesame paste. Then again, Zhang Tao's hand strength... No, try not to entrust him with the preparation work in the future. If the strength is not controlled well, then his lower body--

"Oh, I forgot about the smog!" Zhang Tao heard that Li Chuo was choking and coughing, and quickly opened his mouth to the northwest, in the gesture of a toad spitting out honey, and puffed out the dust that had gathered at the entrance of the cave. All of them were blown into the depths of the cave that he pulled open with his bare hands.

"How about it, this vacuum product is very powerful." Zhang Tao triumphantly praised Li Chuo, but the child turned red from holding back. Sound like a broken bellows.

This is not a human lung, is it?If so, is this the old lung thousands of years ago?




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