【Western Fantasy】City of Light

Chapter 4 The Bride of the Wolf

Chapter 4 Bride of the Wolf

In the middle of the night, Wangdu Church.

The Church of the Goddess of Light is the most solemn building in the royal capital. Countless white marbles are built into the domain of God that is as spotless as pigeon feathers.The towering spire dome seems to be about to pierce the clouds, which is a symbol of human desire to step into the kingdom of heaven.Row upon row of tall painted French windows, colorful glazed combinations, depicting an ancient legend.

On the colored window, a tall and graceful goddess stands on the top of the continent. She holds a light ball and wears a crown. She is the goddess Aurora.And dying at her feet is Cynthia, the goddess of the night.I saw the demon kneeling on the ground, her red eyes and lips tightly closed in pain, and the dirty muddy water splashed her pure silver long hair and robe.

The exquisite picture silently tells a great story. A woman in white hurriedly walked past the window, as if the goddess in the painting walked into the world.

The moonlight was slanting to the west, and the glazed window cast colorful light and shadows on her fair face, adding a bit of mystery to her pure beauty.


At the other end of the long corridor, a priest trotted all the way, panting close to the woman in white.

"Sir Bishop."

The woman known as the bishop turned around, her clear green eyes faintly revealing a hint of weariness.

The priest didn't dare to look at her face, lowered his head and said cautiously: "Lord Tiana, Your Majesty the Queen invites you to a banquet in the palace for a night drink."

Tiana's cold voice was like a frozen lake: "The queen... didn't she hold a salon during the day?"

The current queen is seventeen years old, just when she likes to have fun, and because her parents died young, this girl is particularly undisciplined and has a rather willful personality.Under the leadership of this spoiled little queen, the nobles of the royal capital generally lead a life of extravagance and prostitution.Bishop Tiana's repeated words had no effect, so she had a lot of complaints about the little queen.But the queen likes to provoke Tiana, knowing that she will reprimand her, and often sends people to the church to invite her to have fun.

The priest was also full of complaints about the queen, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of the bishop, and just maintained a humble posture and waited silently.

After a while, Tiana sighed almost inaudibly:

"...Go into the palace and see what she wants to do today."

The priest immediately said: "The palace carriage is already waiting at the door."

The two left the church one after the other.

Suddenly, a familiar call sounded from a corner behind him:

"elder sister……"

Tiana paused, then turned around and looked back hesitantly.

The night was like water, the corridor was quiet and there were no traces of humans.

"My lord bishop?" The priest turned around suspiciously.

Do you miss your brother too much?

I don't know if Yarlin, who acted recklessly, handed over the family letter to Ansel properly.

Tiana rubbed the center of her brows, the feeling of missing relatives gave the god-like ice-cold bishop a touch of human warmth:

"Let's go."

"Let's go."

Someone pushed his back hard, and Ansel staggered to his feet, barely standing still.

Because his eyes were tightly bound by black cloth strips, the blond priest didn't know where to go, so he could only stand there cautiously.

On Midsummer Night, more than a dozen young girls disappeared in the city. Ansel and Yarlin brought people to the Summer Palace to look for the missing children.Unexpectedly, in the thorn forest outside the summer palace, they encountered a powerful black magic circle.At the critical moment, Ansel tried his best to draw the teleportation spell to help Yarlin and other partners escape from the sky.

The teleportation magic succeeded, but the priest who had exhausted his divine power and accidentally drank the poison fell into a coma.

In a state of unconsciousness, Ansel couldn't perceive the passage of time, and he didn't know how long it took before he slowly woke up from exhaustion.

He tried hard to open his eyes, but what he saw was darkness.Ansel felt that his eyes were blindfolded, and his body fell into the soft bed.

Now, I should be lying in the summer palace.

There is a faint smell of death all around, which is the decayed smell of vampires.

This time, he completely fell into the enemy's trap.

Ansel couldn't help feeling extremely regretful and angry.

If he hadn't drank Alai's poison at that time, he wouldn't have been unconscious for so long, even being taken into the Summer Palace by the vampires without consciousness.

Now, not only did he fall into the enemy's hands, but he was also in such a weak state, which couldn't have been the worst.

Alley, alley.

Ansel could not help but let out a painful sigh.

It was him, it was him who betrayed me...

Suddenly, a cold hand rested lightly on Ansel's waist, making the priest tremble with fright.

Immediately afterwards, the second and third hands landed on Ansel's body.

This is the hand of a vampire.

Realizing this, Ansel felt a chill all over his body.

When did they come in?

These vampires didn't care about the priest's resistance. They had a clear division of labor. Without saying a word, they picked up the belt of the blond young man, unbuttoned it one by one, and stripped off the entire priest's uniform neatly. They didn't even give Ann a single piece of underwear. Searle stays.

What is this for?

The priest turned pale with fright, and tried hard to turn over and try to break free, but his whole body was limp and without any strength.

The water Alai gave him was mixed with strong drugs, and the symptoms of fatigue before coma have not been relieved until now.

With no room for resistance, Ansel could only let the vampires play with his body until all his clothes were taken off, and his body was exposed to the air naked.

If any real eyes fell on the naked body, Ansel curled up in anger and shame, and buried his flushed cheeks deeply in the soft velvet cushion.

After taking off the priest's clothes, the vampires prepared to scrub his body.

Ansel heard the sound of splashing water coming from the side of the bed, and then someone used a wet towel to wipe him carefully from head to toe, inside and out.

The action of wiping must not be matched with gentleness, Ansel knew that his skin must be reddened by the vigorous action.However, there were countless vampires watching his every move, Ansel gritted his teeth, unwilling to make any sound of showing weakness.

He silently read his sister's name over and over in his heart, hoping that his resolute twin sister would give him the courage to face danger.

The vampires worked very carefully, and even Ansel's most shameful parts were meticulously cleaned thoroughly.

Ansel knew that these demons lived on the blood of animals, but he didn't know that the vampires had to wash the food before eating.

Or, because he is a well-known priest, he has such "special treatment"?

A pair of painful red eyes flashed through his mind, and Ansel suddenly remembered the vampire boy Paian who was executed at the celebration.

At that time, Ansel sent Paian to the execution ground as the winner, and watched him disappear in the sun.

Now, he became the death row prisoner who let me fish.

Maybe they'll suck all the blood out of me.There was a wry smile on the corner of the priest's mouth, maybe the vampires are also happy to appreciate the public execution.

Is this Goddess Aurora's punishment for standing idly by, or Cynthia's cruel revenge?

Ansel couldn't figure it out.

The vampires wiped the priest's body tirelessly until the nasty bright aura on his body was gradually diluted by the cold water.

Ansel was shivering from the cold towel, and when he was about to sneeze, the other party finally mercifully redressed him.

To Ansel's surprise, the clothes prepared for him by the vampires turned out to be a set of women's clothes.

They asked the priest to lift his arms and legs like a doll, put him in a women's corset and panties, put on long silk gloves, and put thin thigh socks on his legs, and tied them with thin lace garters. Fastens securely around the waist.

Ansel was very disturbed that no species on the continent would handle its food in this way.

The priest suddenly realized that his enemies would probably use more terrifying methods to retaliate against him than sucking blood.

A chill enveloped the young man's heart, and before he could think of any way to resist, a vampire rudely pushed him up from the bed.

The priest had no choice but to stagger and stand upright on the edge of the bed, and someone put on him a long skirt that was extremely tailored.This gauze dress is a sleeveless and backless style, exposing the priest's chest and back to the air, which further accentuates his height, long legs and fair skin.

The eyes of the vampires were on their backs, and Ansel felt a small pimple appear on his bare skin.He uncomfortably lifted his skirt to cover his back, but it was in vain.

At this moment, the blindfold on his face was torn off unexpectedly.

Suddenly regaining his vision, Ansel was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes reflexively.Then, he forced his eyes wide open and quickly scanned his surroundings.

He found himself in a not-so-big room. Judging from the decoration, it should be a room in the summer palace, like a place where servants live.

The room was very dim, with only a few flickering candles lit by the bed.There seemed to be many shadowy figures hiding in the dark of the room.

Ansel felt very angry when he thought of being "surrounded" by so many vampires silently while changing clothes.

Before he had time to see the faces of those vampires clearly, the priest felt his head sinking, and someone put a veil on him.

The texture of the veil is light and thin, but the mesh is very finely woven, and it hangs down layer by layer. It seems that a layer of white mist has risen in front of Ansel's eyes, and he can barely see a shape when looking at things, so he can only give up. Observe the plans around you.

The priest looked down at himself.Layers of white gauze skirts, the style is extraordinarily dreamy, like a girl's wedding dress.

Someone knelt on the ground, lifted the hem of the skirt and put on a pair of white high heels for him.Through the edge of the veil, Ansel saw the pale, thin, lifeless hands.

It's the hand of a vampire, there's no mistaking it.

Although he realized that these people were all vampires, Ansel still shuddered when he faced the truth. It was the primitive fear of low-level prey facing high-level predators that flowed in the blood.

The owner of the hand seemed to sense the fear of the blond priest, but he didn't say much.After quickly putting on the shoes for Ansel, he quickly got up and stepped aside.

"Let's go."

An order suddenly sounded from the corner, and this was the first sentence Ansel heard after waking up.

The voice was magnetic and charming, reminding the priest of the popular male singer at the Hampton Theatre.

It's just that compared to that singer, this person's aura is more domineering and powerful.

The vampire who spoke seemed to have a higher status. As soon as he spoke, the other vampires left the room one after another.

Now, only Ansel and the vampire in women's clothing remained in the small room.

Ansel was very disturbed.He took a step back involuntarily, but because he was not used to the high heels, he almost fell to the ground.

A deep laugh came from the opposite side, and then, a black shadow approaching quickly flashed in front of Ansel's eyes, and someone held his arm tightly.

The priest looked down and saw a big hand with white gloves on his arm, and several very expensive gemstone rings on his hands.

The man, or rather the vampire, politely took Ansel's arm between his own and led him forward.

This vampire was very tall, and Ansel was even shorter than him in high heels, so he could only lean on his shoulder and follow him.

After walking a few steps, the vampire noticed Ansel's extraordinarily clumsy footsteps.

He let out an "ah" in surprise, and then said apologetically, "Please forgive my rudeness." After speaking, he bent down and hugged the priest firmly in his arms.

Suddenly losing the support of his body, Ansel let out a cry of surprise, and put his hands on the vampire's chest.The man said again: "Sorry, I'm worried that you will be late for the ceremony, I think you must not want to be late, right?"

Although he was apologizing, his tone didn't sound sincere at all, but rather cheerful.

Ansel wanted to resist, but was tortured by the powerful dark aura of the vampire with a headache.He gritted his teeth and asked in a hoarse voice: "... What ceremony?"

"Hehe—" the vampire smiled and replied as he walked, "Of course it's your wedding ceremony. We've been preparing for this for a long time."

wedding ceremony?Who are you marrying?With vampires?

Ansel was confused by this answer. Is this a new way for vampires to humiliate humans?Hate someone and marry him?

Guessing that the priest is in a state of being puzzled, the vampire caressed his back ambiguously with a big cold hand, and explained kindly: "I know what you are wondering about, but don't worry, you are not my bride. Unfortunately, very few vampires marry. We are already living in the grave, and there is really no need to step into another 'grave'."

After speaking, the vampire was amused by his own pun, and Ansel heard a slight laugh overhead.

The blond priest was not in the mood to laugh. He tried his best to resist the strong evil aura on this person, and leaned stiffly on the temperatureless chest.

"Let me tell you the truth." The vampire seemed unwilling to finish the journey quietly, "You are the bride of the little wolf."

Little wolf?

A pair of pure black eyes appeared in front of Ansel's eyes.

"And I, Lord Harriet, am your witness."

The vampire who claimed to be the Earl of Harriet hugged Ansel, walked through corridors, climbed countless steps, walked through various palaces, and finally came to the most magnificent main hall in the summer palace.

In the past, it was the place where the queen entertained the nobles, and now it is a paradise for vampires to have fun.

The weak Ansel lifted his head feebly, through the veil, he could vaguely see two heavy doors opening outwards.

A strong dark breath rushed towards the face, making the priest who lost his power feel even more uncomfortable.

Earl Harriet held the bride tightly in both hands, and walked into the main hall calmly.

Suddenly there was sharp laughter and cheers all around. I don't know how many vampires came to the summer palace to watch this special wedding.They blocked the magnificent halls of the palace, and everyone stretched their necks to see the face of the legendary priest.

The count struggled to push through the excited crowd and walked towards the center of the hall.

The current Ansel is no different from the lamb that fell into the pack of wolves, no, maybe even worse than the lamb.Ansel sincerely hoped that these vampires would tear him to pieces quickly instead of devising all kinds of weird ways to torture him.

For the upcoming "wedding", the priest felt helpless and uneasy.Ansel raised his head in the count's embrace, the huge light above his head made his pupils constrict involuntarily.

An extremely gorgeous crystal palace lantern hung from the ceiling, illuminating the entire hall like daytime.

The vampires who have always hated light sources actually lit up the crystal chandelier in order to see every detail of the ceremony!

The priest, who wanted to cry without tears, suddenly thought of the vampire boy executed by the citizens at yesterday's ceremony.

Was that vampire named Pei'an as frightened as I am now?

Yes, it must be.

He clearly deserved death, but I watched him being burned alive.

Ansel thought to himself, this is the Goddess's punishment for refusing to save me.

After much effort, Earl Harriet finally succeeded in escorting the bride to the ceremony.The vampires set up a medium-sized high platform in the center of the hall, and this is where the ceremony will be held.

The count put the priest on the ground, and then led him to the high platform step by step.

On the high platform, a teenager is anxiously waiting for his bride.

Alai combed his short black hair neatly, and his slightly childish face had a hint of maturity.There is no doubt that when he grows up, he will be a handsome and handsome man.

Now, the groom is wearing a black tuxedo with a bow tie around his neck so he can barely breathe.Seeing the longing priest walking towards him step by step, Alai's heart beat so fast that it was about to explode!

Soon, the count brought Ansel to Alai.He stood between the two and looked at the "newcomers" with interest.

The wolf boy is shorter than the human priest, and because the priest wears high heels, it makes the boy look like a child who hasn't grown up.

Ansel stood stiffly and straight on the spot, and the bride showed an uncooperative attitude, so the groom had no choice but to stand on tiptoe, holding the bride's arm with one hand, and lifting the white veil with the other.


Ansel tightly pursed his light-colored thin lips, and his emerald green eyes were as clear as jewels.He stared fixedly at Alai, as if he wanted to say a thousand words, but couldn't say them...

The magnificent hall fell into a brief silence... Then, the crowd erupted in amazement, and the beautiful blonde bride made all the vampires excited!

Alai looked up at his beloved with his little face up, and murmured: "Master Priest..."

The earl on the side reminded me with a smile: "Alai, he will soon be your wife, why don't you just call him by his name?"

A suspicious blush appeared on the boy's wheat-colored cheeks. He couldn't help but hugged the priest's waist, buried his face in his chest, and called out shyly and obediently: "An, Ansel..."

Ansel looked away in humiliation, not wanting to take another look at the boy who had betrayed him.

"Okay, let's hold the ceremony first." The count stepped forward and lifted the little groom who was hanging on the bride.

Ansel looked at Harriet. The vampire count was indeed tall. With silver hair and red pupils, he looked handsome and evil, very similar to the deceptive demon in the magic book.

Alai stood opposite Ansel according to the earl's instructions. When the two took their positions, the earl coughed lightly, and the whole hall fell silent immediately.

"Today, we are here to witness the birth of a new couple." With a perfect smile on his face, the earl presided over the wedding ceremony with a deep and moving voice.

"Although the new couple are not vampires, they have a very close connection with us. This groom—" the earl gracefully stretched out his white-gloved hand, pointing at Alai, "he is The son of the leader of the werewolf tribe and the closest friend of the vampires."

werewolf?Ansel glanced at Alai who was particularly excited.

It turned out that he was really not a vampire... In fact, he was more like an obedient puppy.

It was because of this that he was deceived by him.

Ansel closed his eyes.

"As for the bride." The count smiled, "He is a follower of the Goddess of Light and the greatest enemy of our vampires."

Fierce cursing and ridicule resounded in the hall, Ansel remained unmoved, and stood silently on the spot with his eyes closed.

Yarlin will definitely bring someone to rescue him, and the missing girl in the city is still missing... Before solving the huge crisis, he must not commit suicide, and can only bear everything that is about to happen.

As long as you live, as long as you live, there is hope.

Earl Harriet continued impassionedly: "This priest made the friendship between werewolves and vampires closer. It was because of his existence that Alai agreed to cooperate with me. Werewolves are a race that keeps its promises. Yesterday During the Midsummer Eve Celebration, our companions got help from Alai, and have infiltrated human cities one after another. The thirteen girls are just playing around, what we want is—"

Having said that, the Vampire Count deliberately paused.

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

There were high-pitched and angry shouts in the hall, and the earl smiled with satisfaction, that smile was handsome and cruel.

Hearing the call that almost lifted the ceiling, Ansel's scalp tingled, and his heart beat wildly because of extreme tension and fear!

Now Umpton is like a treasure exposed to robbers, and Elizabeth and the others are simply unable to protect the entire city.If there are really vampires sneaking into the city, then the safety of the citizens...

Alai watched the priest's face worriedly. Seeing that he was short of breath and pale, he couldn't help holding his hand.

The hands were carefully appeased, Ansel recovered from his fear, and immediately wanted to pull his hands back.The boy's hand was very strong, and he held his hand tightly and refused to let go.

"...We not only sneaked into Ampton, but also successfully captured the priest of the Light God Cult. Ansel Sadna, he is the twin brother of Bishop Tiana, and one of the two with the strongest light power on the mainland. One. Now, he is our prisoner."

The count stared at Ansel with a smile, his blood-red pupils showing excitement.

"According to the cooperation agreement between vampires and werewolves, Alai helped us get Umpton, and we will provide shelter for his priest. Even if vampires and humans go to war in the future, we will never harm this priest. Beauty always Such luck, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Ansel's heart trembled, and he opened his eyes to Alai in great surprise.

The young man was looking up at his innocent and lovely face, staring at him with wet begging eyes.It's as if a puppy who has done something wrong is begging its owner to forgive itself and to continue to love itself.

Only then did Ansel notice that Alai's eyes turned pale silver like moonlight, which looked like pupils unique to beasts.

Perhaps, the black pupil color in the past was just a cover-up of the wolf clan.

"...I announce that Alai and Ansel Sadner are officially married."

Earl Harriet raised the corners of his mouth and smiled wickedly, "The groom can kiss the bride now."

Alai looked at the priest with a complicated expression in fear, he was so afraid that the priest would be angry and hate himself!

But, but...

The blonde beauty's thin lips are soft and graceful, more attractive than the siren's singing voice...

Alai struggled for a long time, but in the end he couldn't resist the temptation in front of him. He stood on tiptoe tremblingly, wanting to kiss his beloved priest.

Ansel snorted coldly, raised his head slightly and easily avoided it.

The impulsive little wolf dog slammed into his chin with an "owwow" sound!

A roar of laughter erupted from the vampires onlookers, and Alai stood there bewildered, clutching his forehead in grievance.The silver cute round eyes are moist from the pain, looking extremely pitiful~

Seeing his weak appearance, Ansel almost had a conditioned reflex, and immediately wanted to reach out and touch his head.Obviously, he almost raised his hand, but was held back by the master forcefully.

Ansel struggled to look away, avoiding Alai's begging eyes.

"I think our groom is a little shy, he can't even kiss." Earl Harriet could not allow the priest to escape.He hugged Ansel from behind, his silver hair glowed faintly in the backlight, and his evil smile looked very malicious:

"Let me help the shy bride..."

Then, the vampire count lowered his head slightly, and kissed the priest's slightly surprised lips.

The tip of the cold tongue thrust into the mouth domineeringly, the sharp fangs bit the soft lips suddenly, and the blood from the wound drained rapidly... Ansel trembled all over, and tried his best to push away the count's embrace.However, the vampire's arms are as solid and strong as cast iron, not allowing the lovely prey in its arms to escape even half of it.

The sweet smell permeated the tip of their mouths and tongues, the earl slightly narrowed his bright red pupils, greedily sucking the delicious liquid.

Gradually, the priest's clear eyes became blurred, and the power of resistance gradually weakened...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the bride limply fell into the arms of the witnesses, and the vampire count finally let go of his hands.

Alai quickly took over the weak priest.He sat down on the spot on the high platform, letting his beloved blond-haired young man lean on his arms.

The pair of beautiful green eyes have lost focus, and the lips are abnormally red.

With Ansel now incapable of thinking clearly, Alai finally got his wish, kissing his bride tremblingly.

Those soft lips and sweet taste made Alai's long-dormant animal nature boil with excitement!He couldn't help hugging the young man tighter and kissing him harder.

A seductive blush appeared on the delirious Ansel's face, he let the werewolf boy beg, and only moaned weakly when he couldn't breathe.This seemingly invisible voice made Alai even more excited!

He never thought that the priest would lie in his arms so docilely, and he could actually bully the high priest like this, and leave his own scent on his holy body that belongs to the gods!

Under the enthusiastic gaze of the earl and other vampires, the werewolf boy put his arm around Ansel, and put his hand under his skirt, between his slender legs in white stockings...

The author has something to say: Alai: Comb your hair to look like an adult, and put on a handsome suit~

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