Ansel's hands began to tremble violently due to the strong shock, and he repeated in a daze: "My sister and I... are both Aurora?"

What the vampire earl said was so bizarre, the goddess who had believed in him for many years was actually himself?The most absurd dramatist could not write such a play!

Earl Harriet nodded, and then corrected: "To be precise, your sister is 'more' Aurora."

Ansel couldn't understand even more: "What do you mean?"

The vampire count stroked his chin and said meaningfully: "Your sister Tiana has Aurora's divine body and most of her soul. Her appearance, personality, and way of doing things are all exactly the same as Aurora. There is only one difference, that is, she is obviously a god. , forgetting that he is God.

Tiana is limited by the memory of mortals. As for you, although you are not as powerful as her, you possess the most critical soul core of a goddess.

This part of the soul core has been dormant in your body, as long as it wakes up, it will naturally return to Tiana.Once Tiana has a full soul, she will realize the fact that she was born a god, and transform from a mortal to a goddess of light. "

Harriet said that the soul of the goddess was like a child's jigsaw puzzle. Ansel was confused, but he still grasped the key part: "How do I wake up the spiritual consciousness in my body?"

The count sighed, and said sullenly: "This is what I want to know too. I think the most urgent thing is to restore your divine power, and then try to stimulate the goddess soul in your body."

It turned out that he was also crossing the river by feeling the stones.

For a while, the two were relatively silent.

After a moment of silence, Ansel asked again: "Why do you help sister, Aurora?"

Harriet smiled, showing her white and sharp fangs: "Didn't I just say that Cynthia's divine body has been destroyed."

Ansel suddenly understood something, and said in shock: "You want to take away Tiana's divine body for Cynthia?!"

Harriet was dissatisfied with his choice of words: "Aurora's divine body."

It was a wishful thinking and bold plan, and thanks to him he could figure it out.Ansel snorted coldly and said, "You're just a vampire, how could Aurora let you take away her divine body?"

The count smiled, stretched out his finger, and tapped Ansel's forehead lightly: "Of course I have my way, but I can't tell you."

It's nothing more than some shady dark magic.

Ansel tried hard to recall, and thought of some remote spells that could temporarily keep the soul out of the body.As long as the vampires help the goddess' soul to be fully united, and then use some means to make the goddess' soul escape, then Cynthia can take advantage of the void and occupy the empty divine body.

The dove occupied the magpie's nest, and in order to assist Cynthia, these vampires did not do their best.

It's just that the goddess of the night is acting too capriciously.

She didn't fall asleep honestly, she caused such a lot of trouble for herself, and she didn't know what ulterior motives she had.

However, after listening to this speech, Ansel finally understood the intention of the vampire count, and also understood the weakness of the enemy.

Then, as long as he cooperates with the earl's treatment, how can a few vampires control him when he recovers his divine power?

Ansel made up his mind that as soon as he regained his strength, he would immediately find a way to escape from here and deliver news to his sister.

Thinking of his sister, Ansel couldn't help but feel a little confused.

He admired this strong and resolute sister since he was a child. Even when they grew up, they lived in two places and guarded different cities, but they never broke their correspondence.When Ansel was in danger, he always used his sister as a spiritual pillar to encourage himself.

Now it seems that Tiana is indeed a goddess.However, do you really want to worship your sister as a high-ranking goddess?

Ansel thought about that scene, and always felt a little weird.

"Tsk, it's already this time."

The count stood up and straightened the pure black tie around his neck: "It's getting dark, and it's almost time for me to go out. My lord priest, I have told you so many secrets. I hope you can cooperate with my treatment."

Ansel nodded. At this stage, the purpose of the two of them is the same.

He pointed to his long hair and said, "Can you please change my hair back? I'm not used to it."

While speaking, Harriet had already walked to the door.Hearing this, he turned his head, leaned on the door frame and said, "Maybe an image like yours will help awaken the soul core of the goddess, so let's keep it. look pretty with long hair."

Ansel snorted coldly, the earl raised the corners of his mouth and smiled evilly, and walked out the door.

"By the way, don't meddle in the matter of the little wolf." Earl Harriet's voice sounded from behind the closed door, "His father is a bad-tempered guy, and he gave me a lot of anger at the beginning. I have to settle this account..."

Ansel didn't answer him.

After the count left, he took off his skirt first, and found a new set of clothes to change into.Then he opened a desk drawer to find a letter opener to cut his hair with.

However, he searched the entire desk and could not find any sharp objects.

Either the vampires carefully emptied the chambers of dangerous objects, or they were illiterate and never wrote letters.Ansel thinks the latter is more likely, otherwise how could these shameless guys say that Aurora is not as powerful as Cynthia.

Ansel had to gather all his blond hair to the left, and clumsily braided himself a long crooked braid.

Hampton girls are keen to imitate Wangdu's fashion, and they have recently tried high-rise hairstyles.Ansel tried a few times, but he really couldn't figure out such a profound hair combing technique, so he had to randomly twist the braid behind his head, and casually pulled the silk ribbon tied to the curtain to fix it.

The time is almost up, and it is estimated that Harriet has gone far.

Ansel got up and went to the door, skillfully opened the small square door for cats and dogs, stretched out his arms, and fished in the emaciated little wolf lying in the corridor.

Today, the little wolf still has a high fever, and he doesn't wake up in a daze.

His injured right eye was tightly bound by Ansel with torn cloth, and the hair all over his body was withered and dry like a winter haystack, making him look more and more emaciated and pitiful.

Ansel put Alai under the covers and fed him some water.He broke off the little wolf's fangs and carefully poured water into them.A slender stream of water slowly flowed into the wolf cub's mouth, wetting a small piece of pillow.

The cool water moistened the dry and burning throat, and the little wolf let out a moaning sound, and began to twist and struggle unconsciously.

Ansel hastily put down the glass, and gently stroked the little wolf's fur.Alai hummed for a while, then quietly lay back on the bed again.

Ansel tucked in the blanket for him and got up to find a stash of dry bread.When he came back, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the little wolf weakly opened his intact left eye.

Among the messy black hair, the silver-gray wolf pupil looked dull, like a pearl covered by dust.

For the first time in days Alai opened his eyes.

Ansel was very happy, he gently scratched the place between the two pointed ears of the little wolf, and asked softly: "Alai, how do you feel? Are you still hot?"

Alai closed his eyes, and he gasped for a moment before opening them again.

Raising his head with difficulty, Alai stared at Ansel dazedly, and the originally clear voice of the young man became extremely hoarse: "Master Priest..."

"Well, I'm here."

Seeing that the little wolf's physical condition was so bad, Ansel's nose was sore and he almost shed tears.

"My lord..." Alai seemed dizzy from the fever and hadn't recovered his sanity yet, "Cough, why is your hair gone?"

Ansel leaned over and patted his shoulder, then turned his head slightly to show him the twisted hair on the back of his head: "It's hard to say."

Alai arched his body and dawdled a few times, putting his head on Ansel's lap.

He looked at the officer's poorly crafted hairdo, and actually grinned heartlessly.

Ansel didn't have much confidence in his curling skills, but now that he was laughed at by the little wolf, he was a little annoyed, so he simply reached out and removed the ribbon, letting the long braids roll down his shoulders.

The ends of the golden braids hung over the edge of the bed, swaying slightly in the air, almost touching the ground.

Alai arched his body hard, and rubbed against the priest's arms, greedily breathing in his fresh and pleasant smell.

To his surprise, Ansel did not push him away, but covered him with a little quilt.He touched Alai's forehead, which felt hairy, and his body temperature had dropped significantly.

Looks like Alai has made it through.Ansel was very happy in his heart, and there was a smile on his face.

Alai lay quietly in the priest's arms, looking up from the bottom, he felt that the priest's smile was more gentle and beautiful than usual.Because of the dim light, the pair of green eyes seemed to be shining brightly, as bright and lovely as the fireflies in the woods in the summer night.

Seeing him staring at him in a daze, Ansel worried that it was the sequelae of high fever, so he couldn't help but nervously said, "Alai? Are you still dizzy?"

Alai gave a soft "hmm", but Ansel didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.

At this moment, the atmosphere between the two is soft and sweet.Ever since he came to the Summer Palace, it was rare for the priest to greet him with such concern, and Alai couldn't help but think of his childhood.

In the past, when his adoptive father brought him sick to the church, the priest took care of him so tenderly and kindly.Ansel himself was still a teenager at that time, because he didn't grow up, his face and figure didn't look like a boy, but more like a beautiful and pure girl.

In the past, he would hold little Alai tightly in his arms, and healed with the purest light magic, without stinging his strength at all.

At that time, Alai was still young.

He left his hometown alone and came to a strange human city with anxiety, and he also shouldered the dangerous undercover responsibility.Although old Toby treated him like his own son, and the people around him were very friendly, Alai lived in fear of his identity being exposed every day, and was in constant anxiety.

Only Priest Ansel, the most dangerous person to him, gave him incomparable warmth and peace of mind in an unfamiliar environment, like a ray of light in the darkness, which made the lonely heart full of yearning and longing .

Since when did you like him?Allie couldn't remember.

By the time he realized the youthful feelings in his heart, it was too late, and he couldn't take his eyes off the priest.Whether it was when the two were alone, or when the priest was praying in front of the crowd, or met unexpectedly on the street, Xiaolang's heart was gradually occupied by this figure.

He has been observing the priest in the dark, watching him gradually fade away from his indistinguishable youthful temperament, become mature and handsome, and grow into an upright young man worthy of trust and favor.

As time passed day by day, the love in the young man's heart did not diminish, but became stronger and stronger.

There is no way to turn back, only to love him, there is no other way.

Alai thought vaguely, maybe Priest Ansel was the hunter, and he was the innocent prey who was lured into the trap without knowing it.

It was impossible for Ansel to think that this little wolf's head was full of hateful thoughts that confused black and white.

Seeing the little guy staring at him obsessively, grinning foolishly and sticking out his tongue, he thought it was funny and cute, so he pulled Alai's pointed ears and said, "Alai, can you change back to human form now? I want to help You check your body."

When Alai came to his senses, he quickly "bang" and turned into a naked boy with animal ears.

Ansel wanted him to lie under the sheets, but Alai didn't want to.The werewolf boy sat on the young man's lap with his legs apart, wrapped his arms around his neck coquettishly and said softly, "Ansel, I want to hug you."

This guy... just recovered from his illness and started to get sticky again.Ansel gave her a disgusted look, thinking that the wolf cub who just blankly called "Master Priest" was cuter.

However, the little wolf has suffered so much, so this little request should be satisfied.

So, Ansel put on a thin quilt for him, took off the bandage on his right eye in a embracing posture, and began to examine the injury carefully.

Although Ansel was well-informed, he was still somewhat familiar with the human body structure.The little wolf had been in a coma before and couldn't transform, so he could only do a rough check.Now that the little wolf had turned back into a human form, Ansel observed carefully that Cynthia's technique was very neat.

She gouged out the little wolf's right eye without much loss or loss, but other than that, no other organs were injured.

Ansel sighed, and rewrapped the little wolf with a simple bandage.

No matter how skilled the doctor is, he has no ability to live and die. The right eye socket of the little wolf is now empty, and there is no possibility of recovery.

When Ansel was conscientiously bandaging him, the little wolf curiously grabbed the pale golden braid and twisted it around in his hands, and wrapped it around his neck like wearing a scarf.

Ansel's hair became very long, and there was still a lot of room left around Alai's slender neck. The playful young man used that braid as a whip, waving it in the air. Domineering!

Unexpectedly, Alai hadn't been so majestic for a long time, and he lost his center of gravity for a moment, and accidentally fell from Ansel's lap.

The little wolf was lying on the floor with his feet up in the air, struggling and rolling, and still tightly clutching Ansel's hair.Unprepared, Ansel was pulled by his hair and fell to the ground with him, throwing his whole body on Alai's slender young body.

Oops, it won't crush him!

Ansel was startled and quickly sat up, but Alai's scalp was numb again, so he had to bend over Alai's body and said anxiously: "Alai, how are you?!"

"Cough cough cough-"

Alai's face flushed and he coughed violently, his hands desperately tore at the braid around his neck, and he was about to strangle himself to death!

Ansel: "..."

This stupid look is... like beating him up!

However, beating the wounded is a very immoral and tasteless behavior. Ansel took a deep breath to suppress the urge to beat people, and reached out to help Alai, untying his braids.

"Woo..." After untying the restraint around his neck, the little wolf covered his eyes and began to whimper in grievance, sobbing and rubbing against the priest's arms.

Ansel knew that the boy's self-esteem had been frustrated again, so he couldn't say much. He surrounded the little wolf with the bed sheet that fell to the ground, and hugged him tightly.Then, he sat down on the bed, let Alai sit on his lap, and coaxed softly: "Okay, since no one else saw it, I won't say it."

Alai raised both hands to wipe his eyes, and when he realized that he had only one eye, he wiped his eyes with one hand and grabbed the priest's hand with the other.

"But, but, Ansel, you saw it... um... so embarrassing..."

Ansel held the boy's hand back, and he turned his head to the side, showing a gentle smile: "But it's not the first time you've lost face in front of me. Ah——I still remember you were sick when you were young, old Toto Bi brought you to church, at that time you were thin and dark, like a little beggar from the country—"

Alai howled dryly, and quickly reached out to cover Ansel's mouth: "Don't say any more, I beg you!"

It's really tiring to have an older lover who knows all about the dark history of her childhood!

Above Alai's palm, Ansel's beautiful green eyes rolled slyly, then he opened his mouth and bit the boy's palm lightly.

This subconscious action was very suggestive, and just after finishing it, both of them were stunned.

There was a blush visible to the naked eye on Alai's wheat-colored cheeks, and the two pointed animal ears stood straight between the short black hair.

The little wolf stared shyly into the priest's eyes and said, "Ansel, I, I..."

Ansel quickly pushed away his palm, his tone extremely flustered: "I, I didn't mean that, don't get me wrong!"

"Ansel!" Alai didn't listen to his excuse.The boy threw off the blanket on his body and threw himself into Ansel's arms, the wolf's tail behind his buttocks swayed excitedly in the air.

Ansel hesitated for a while, and tentatively put his hand on Alai's back.

Alai's wolf tail immediately bent back enthusiastically, and the tip of the fluffy tail lightly swept over the back of Ansel's hand, like a feather, stirring his heart seemingly without a trace.

I really lost to him...

Ansel embraced Alai's slender body, closed his eyes in compromise, and his fair cheeks were so red that they were about to bleed.

Ansel looked like... as if he was waiting for me to kiss him!

Alai's heart moved, and he carefully held Ansel's cheek.

From forehead to chin, the boy devoutly left one kiss after another on the beautiful and noble facial features.

From a very close distance, Alai saw that Ansel's slender, light-colored eyelashes were trembling slightly, like a small golden butterfly, soft and tame.

Alai took a deep breath intoxicated, the taste of Ansel was like his favorite honey lemon in summer, sweet and fresh.

In the ambiguous air, the youth's affection is pure and turbulent, stirring in the limbs and bones like a warm current.

Alai kissed Ansel's tightly closed eyes cherishingly, and sensitively noticed that the eyeballs under the eyelids rolled nervously.

The werewolf boy couldn't help but grinned, showing an innocent smile: "Ansel, I'm so happy. Fortunately, Cynthia didn't take your eyes away."

Although Cynthia has insight into the world, she doesn't know that Alai's most precious thing is not her own eyes, but the priest.

Unexpectedly, after hearing these words, Ansel slowly opened his eyes, and mist rose from the beautiful green eyes.

Alai was startled, and quickly reached out to wipe Ansel's eyes, and hurriedly said: "Ansel, don't cry, am I talking stupid again? Please, don't be sad. When you cry I feel bad too, I feel like my heart is going to break."

Seeing that the boy was in such a hurry, Ansel felt even more sour.

He wiped his eyes, pointed to the family crest on the boy's left chest and said, "Alai, do you know what this is?"

Alai glanced at his chest following his gestures, and said in shock, "When did it become like this?!"

How is this kid so slow in some ways, what is going on in his little head all day long?

Ansel rubbed his forehead. If he really asked this question, he would definitely answer with that innocent smile: "I only have Ansel in my heart!"

Don't ask, my heart is already messed up...

Ansel vaguely noticed that his vacillating mind seemed to be leaning towards a dangerous place.

No, now is a dangerous time, you can't think about other things...

Therefore, Ansel settled down, and briefly described what happened after the little wolf fell into a coma, especially the earl's shocking remarks.

Alai's cute round eyes widened, and when he heard Ansel say that he might be the clone created by Aurora, the young man held Ansel's hands in a panic, as if he was afraid that he would die in the next second. will disappear.

The furry wolf's tail also stood upright, exuding a highly alert aura around him.

Ansel observed his expression, and could only draw the conclusion that Alai knew nothing about it.

It seems that the vampire earl just used the wolf boy from the beginning to the end, and didn't tell him anything superfluous.Alai has been in love with Ansel since he was a child. As long as the earl lures them with a bright future, Alai can be easily driven.

Although the wolf boy is not a fool, he even thought of signing a devil's contract with Earl Harriet to restrain each other.However, who would have thought that the vampire count was so shameless that he took advantage of the loopholes in the contract and cleverly avoided the shackles of the devil.

He also turned Alai into his own slave. If Alai wants to rebel against his orders in the future, he doesn't know which body part he will lose.

The future prospects are very bad, and the sisters don't know if they can deal with it.

And Yarlin, he should be in the capital by now, I wonder if he has successfully invited reinforcements?I heard that the little queen has a rather arrogant personality, but in the face of such a major event as the alien invasion, she should not lose her temper.

Ansel's expression became more serious, and Alai's heart was flustered, but he was worried about Ansel's safety.

If it really goes according to Harriet's plan, and Ansel awakens the sleeping goddess soul core in his body, what will happen to Ansel when the core returns to Tiana's body?

Will Ansel become a hollow shell?

Alai used to spy on Ansel obsessively in the dark.In addition to the unspoken love, he had a vague feeling in his heart at that time.

He always felt that Ansel was different from other priests, or in other words, he was different from other humans.

Ansel always seemed to exude a faint light, and Alai could always find him in the crowd at the first sight.

The priest is too beautiful to be a product of the world.Maybe in the next second, his figure will become light and transparent in the air, and finally disappear completely...

As long as he thought that Ansel might disappear, and might leave his side forever, Alai felt extremely uncomfortable.

Enduring his crying, he called out "My lord—" with difficulty, and then threw himself into the opponent's arms.

Ansel, who was deep in thought, was taken aback, patted the boy's naked wheat-colored back and said, "What's the matter?"

The wolf cub didn't cry much when his eyes were gouged out by the devil, so why does he always cry when he gets along with him?

Did he suddenly know too much and feel scared?

Alai hugged Ansel tightly, buried his face in his shoulder, hot tears soaked Ansel's right shoulder little by little.

Ansel had no choice but to put aside his confused thoughts, and coaxed him softly for a while.Only then did the little wolf stop crying with red eyes, and lay down in Ansel's embrace nostalgic and exhausted.

At this time, Ansel remembered a small thing. He grabbed Alai's wolf tail and shook it: "Alai, can you change the claws and help me cut off these hairs?"

Alai lay on his shoulder and muffled "Huh?", as if he didn't understand.

Playing stupid again...

Ansel simply grabbed the little wolf's tail, put his five fingers together and stroked it vigorously from the root to the tip!

The sensitive tail trembled violently, and Alai immediately surrendered with excitement all over his body: "It is possible, but, but..."

Hearing this, Ansel let go of the tail in his palm, and stroked it comfortingly: "Has your body not fully recovered yet?"

Alai sat up straight slowly, carefully looked at Ansel's face and said, "I've recovered, but I don't want to cut your hair for you... Ansel, you look so beautiful with long hair."

The young man's expression was extremely serious, with a hint of shyness.

Ansel blushed, and grabbed Alai's wolf ears one by one: "...little pervert."

The wolf boy covered his ears and smiled, that smile is the unique youthful appearance of young people, innocent and cute.

Looking at his clear smile, Ansel was inevitably shaken in his heart.

No matter how dark and complicated the prospect is, at least at this time, let him quietly appreciate this smile...

The author says:

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