After leaving the monastery, Lorca has been silent in strong remorse and self-blame.He just immersed himself in tracking Mason's breath, and never took the initiative to speak again.

The milky white fog shrouds the lush forest like a holy white veil.Stepping into the forest, everything is pure white, and the surrounding trees are only dark shadows in the dense fog, and they are completely invisible a few steps further away.

This feeling of being surrounded by fog and not knowing where the road ahead made Luoka couldn't help but think of the illusion he experienced after being seriously injured and wandering between life and death.Although the vastness of the four fields is invisible, the fog in Loka's heart has been cleared, but the price is heavy.At this time, Luoka can confirm that this is an enchantment that is deceptive and can confuse the senses of ordinary people.For people with strong mental power and magical cultivation, it will interfere with it after a long time.And the sensor that followed Mason all the way disappeared near here.Loka endured the pain in his heart, and cautiously withdrew from the woodland temporarily, surveying the terrain along the edge of the forest.After roughly determining the energy fluctuation range of the enchantment, he quietly returned to the Temple Mount.

Livingston had cultivated a group of subordinates to enter the church many years ago, and now they have a considerable status in the church. Through operation, Livingston and Tilda led the subordinates to enter the holy church in batches as pilgrims. The headquarters of the church - the Temple Mount.

Due to Palmer's rebellion, the influence of the Aranti Presbyterian Church that has been operating in the mainland for many years has suffered a heavy blow.Many high-ranking priests and bodyguards among the Aranti people died or disappeared.Even Elder Abelson is still alive and dead.Among the several elders, Hamilton's department also temporarily lost contact. Only Livingston's and Tilda's department, relying on their perennial cautious habits, keenly sensed the crisis, and transferred and retained most of their strength.They also rescued Waldron and Washburn's divisions in time.Both are now housed near the Temple Mount through Livingston's connections.

On the Temple Mount, the headquarters of the Holy Church, there are exquisite halls and houses of all sizes. In a secluded residence for pilgrims, there are Aranti guards who pretend to be servants and gardeners in the courtyard to guard.An enchantment was set up in the small palace to isolate the sound and the fluctuation of magical energy.

From the study window, you can overlook the perennial fog-shrouded forest.Loka stared out the window, silent.

"At least now we can be sure that Mason is still alive." Tilda concentrated on sensing the weak magical energy fluctuations of the blond doll in her palm.Seeing that Loka was lonely and depressed, she didn't have the heart to say it. What she had worried about for many years finally happened. From Alanti's point of view, maybe Mason's life was worse than his death.

"Why? Why Mason?" Loka frowned, "Isn't that cult group already destroyed? Why are there still people trying to get him after so many years?"

The wide oak desk is covered with various volumes.Livingston looked through the information, "We have been guarding outside the secret all these years, and we have been chasing down the remnants of those evildoers." Livingston frowned, "The two chiefs originally wanted to find a 'holy envoy' to come Resurrection of the founder of the Kedile Shan Mi Luo Cult - Morris, intends to restore the pinnacle of the occult inheritance. But after the death of French, Farr changed his original intention and wanted to use the "holy messenger" to revive French. Strange. Mason is the most suitable container for carrying the remnant soul, because he is the blood of the Shadowmoon royal family. Only the blood of the Shadowmoon royal family can fit with that powerful remnant soul. Because of Morris, "

Livingston sighed, "Morris is also an Aranti, he was originally the prince of the Shadowmoon Clan. Because of the death of his beloved, he devoted himself to the research of the world of life and death and the realm of soul, but he failed to summon back He loved the soul of his lover, but summoned monsters that did not belong to this world. His soul and monsters devoured each other. Afterwards, followers from all over the world established the Kedile Sanmi Luo Sect based on the surviving materials left by him.”

Tilda stroked her eyebrows lightly, and said sadly, "This is also the reason why we in the secret realm Aranti don't like the Shadowmoon Clan. Because of what happened to Mason in his childhood, the elders have always been afraid of him and beware of him, but they forgot that Mason has The purest and noble bloodlines, like our Huiyue clan, will gradually awaken the power in their bloodlines after they reach adulthood. The talent of the Shadowmoon clan is exceptionally powerful spiritual power. Therefore, Mason lives in a secret realm full of aura. Li's age, experienced the first awakening, broke through the memory seal."

Tilda sighed, "But because he didn't have the guidance of inheritance, he didn't know how to face this powerful spiritual power. When he gradually awakened more power, even the memory of the evil spirits he had contacted was awakened. Mason He is a sensitive child, he perceives the fear and guard of the people around him, so he regards this powerful spiritual energy as a sin, but as he grows up, this energy is getting bigger and bigger. In his thoughts Under the shaping, the inner demon was formed. In fact, the two leaders of the past have long been wiped out, and there is no so-called devil's eye at all."

She apologized, "It's our fault. The demon that has been tormenting Mason is formed by Mason's self-repression, and it is also shaped by the power of all of us. Mason is a strong child. He has been struggling and has not been engulfed by the demon. .”

However, it was I who sent him into the hands of real demons with my own hands. Loka remained silent, feeling pain in his heart.

"With Mason's perseverance, he may be able to resist the devouring of the remnant soul, but now he is..." Livingston glanced at Lorca, "I can only pray that he will not be completely destroyed by this blow, otherwise, you will see him again By the time he gets there, maybe it won't be Mason."

"I'm going to save him. No matter what Mason becomes, I won't give up on him." Loka's deep voice was choking. "But I won't be reckless anymore, I need stronger strength. Father, mother, please help me, I want to enter deep meditation and directly break through the realm."

In a small hall in the palace, candles flickered on the four walls, and a complicated magic circle was drawn on the illuminated marble floor.Luoka sat in the center of the formation pattern in a white robe, closed his eyes and meditated.Livingston and Tilda stood guard on the edge of the formation.

This kind of deep meditation can forcibly break through the realm, but it is also quite risky. Because you can't bear the shock of mental power, you may get lost in it and never wake up again.

During the overwhelming mental shock, Luo Ka completely awakened all the memories of his body, and finally connected the whole truth of his mysterious disappearance——

When Loka sneaked into the habitat of the flame monitor lizard, there was a sound of piercing the sky in the silence, and a crossbow|arrow shot into the eye of the monitor lizard beside Loka, and the sharp scream immediately alarmed everyone. The giant lizard, Luoka instantly exposed his figure and fell into a melee.During the backtracking, Loka clearly noticed that the crossbow|arrow came from another direction, not Altai's hiding place, but a higher position.Loka once placed all the team members at the ambush point behind the corner at the foot of the mountain. For Palmer's safety, he specially asked him to take an overview of the overall situation on a high ground and report the situation to the temple.This crossbow|arrow comes from the crossbow that Palmer used for self-defense.

During the scuffle, Luo Ka once sent Ye to command the team members to come to support through the Moonlight Stone. Afterwards, he already knew that it was a malfunctioning communication weapon.In a fierce battle, he used "Morning Dew" to block an arrow that was shot at him. The arrow came from the direction of Altai, and the aftermath of "Morning Dew"'s blade in the air formed a wind blade that happened to pass by. Altai's cheek.

At the same time, the scroll of "Fury of the Wind" flew out from the high ground, and exclamations came from the ambush ground.

However, Luoka's actions became inexplicably difficult and sluggish. After being hit by the giant lizard several times in succession, he was hit by an arrow in the back. , and another arrow was shot into the back shoulder in mid-air, both of which came from the direction of the high ground.The last arrow went deep into the bone, a strange sense of looseness quickly spread from the wound to the whole body, and even the consciousness became dizzy and blurred.In retrospecting his memory, Lorca relied on his strong mental power to clearly experience all the feelings and maintain a clear awareness.After he fought hard with the giant scorpion in the cave, he followed a strong guidance and came to the cave where the huge magic circle was drawn, and came to the eye of the circle.

At this time, Loka already understood that with his previous skills, he could easily avoid the attack of the giant lizard, and he could also avoid these two cold arrows.He was slow because Palmer had drugged all of them in their drinking water.Palmer had volunteered to manage the catering and equipment of the entire squad.

When his consciousness fell into a blur, a person once came to his side.Lorca couldn't see the man's appearance clearly when he was wandering in the illusion.At this time, in the backtracking of deep meditation, he finally broke through the blurred field of vision - he saw clearly the other side of Palmer that had never been shown in front of everyone, he was no longer modest and elegant as usual, he revealed a dark face , approaching step by step.

When surveying the terrain, Palmer once said that although the terrain from the northern foot of Yimeiji Mountain to the habitat of the flame monitor lizard is circuitous and dangerous, the straight-line distance is actually very short.Because he is familiar with the secret passage inside the mountain.

A few days before departure, when Palmer was drinking with Loka and Mason, they talked about the habits of the flame lizard. Palmer was still drunk and sighed, it would be great if there was a water pool there.

So Mason would quietly dig a waterhole.Groundwater was drawn from the interior of the mountain.

Now Lorca knows that the reason why Michael will be silenced is because of Michael's position.The arrow that startled the giant lizard flew right above Michel.But Michel was on a very low terrain, surrounded by rocks to block his vision. He didn't know that the arrow came from the high ground, nor did he know the function of the arrow.It's just that I have some doubts afterwards.At that time, Palmer, who was a prince, was a master of potion preparation, so it was easy for Michael to take an excessive amount of psychedelic potion with wine during the banquet, causing a drowning accident.

While Luoka was in a daze of consciousness, he detected the crisis around him with his remaining fighting instinct, and unintentionally swung the wind blade of "Morning Dew".

Although this blow was no longer as powerful as usual, it also shattered Palmer's hasty defense.His special bracelet can instantly cast a defensive enchantment, which blocked the blow, but was also destroyed by the shock.The aftermath of the wind blade left shallow scratches on the stone wall.At this time, Loka recognized the complete shape of the bracelet, which originally belonged to Altai.Maybe it was privately borrowed from Altai on the day of the incident.

After this blow, although the secret spell imprint in Loka's body had begun to take full effect, and his body and mind had been completely controlled by the power of the secret spell and he could not move, but Palmer was so frightened that he dared not approach again.When Palmer was about to approach again, a giant scorpion suddenly jumped out from the gap in the cave, and he had to flee in a panic in panic.

Then Lorca knew that Mason was following from the gap in the cave.He heard Mason's distressed and distressed call, and he sensed that Mason checked his injuries, and Palmer, who had fled, turned back.Palmer holds a magic weapon that can control the imprint of the secret spell, and the approaching breath caused Mason's phobia.He could feel the loneliness and anxiety around Mason.Mason habitually approached him to be comforted, but at that time Lorca was too weak to hug him.

He felt Mason trembling in panic, like a lost cub, Mason resisted the torment of fear and used his mental power to create an illusion to stop Palmer.

Loka felt that the weak Mason was carrying him forward, and then they fell into the abyss of the crack together...

He heard Mason choke and say: "Lorka, hold on, please don't die, I'll go find the elders to save you!"

He knew that Mason had gone back and forth, bringing back the treasures in the treasure house.

He heard Mason muttering to himself, "Lorca, if I can save you, I would rather become a demon."

He felt that the Solo Yasong liquid repaired the wounds all over his body...

He felt that under the stimulation of blood, Mason's violent mental energy was tearing at his precarious sanity...

Yes, Mason once said "I can't see blood..."

He sensed that Mason's reason and will were gradually collapsing in the outburst of mental power, but he was still struggling helplessly...

He felt that Mason's wild mental power in the cave turned into a real gust of wind, scraping across his skin, and he could even feel the pain of his mental power being torn apart by his own huge explosion...

He knows everything...


He finally knew everything, but it was too late.He also thought that only the dead were trustworthy, and he once alienated Pete because of Michael's death suspicion.

Lorca also thought that Palmer was the same victim as himself, but he didn't expect that he was the culprit of all this.

It turned out that for so many years, I didn't know the real side of the closest friends around me at all.

Only at this moment did he realize that there are so many deep meanings behind the daily bits and pieces, the usual smiles, manners, and indifferent words.

And he just now understands all love|lust and hate

In the deep silence of meditation, Luoka was under the violent shock of mental power, and his soul was almost shattered by the strong love and hatred.The light and shadow of the magic circle floated, reflecting Luoka's handsome and solemn face. In the silence like a stone sculpture, two lines of tears flowed endlessly.

When Lorca finished his deep meditation and opened his eyes, a more powerful and thick sacred aura emanated from his body.Luoka's heart was already extremely clear, and at the same time, he was also extremely clearly bearing the heavy blows of remorse again and again, almost suffocating to the point where he couldn't breathe.

If you made a big mistake with your own hands, you must make up for it with your own hands.Regardless of whether he will be forgiven or not.Although Luoka still doesn't know how to repay that deep love, the most urgent task is to save him first.Otherwise, his conscience will never be able to find peace forever.

Lorca raised his head to meet the worried eyes of Livingston and Tilda, "Father, mother, I want to rescue Mason."

His sapphire-like eyes were clear and deep, "Personally speaking, Mason is my closest friend and my savior, but I pushed him into the hands of the enemy with my own hands. He brought it back."

He looked at Tilda again, with steady and resolute eyes: "Mother, Mason has long been declared executed in the secret realm, and now he is an unidentified person. If he directly asks the elders for assistance in rescue, it will trigger a crisis at this moment of crisis and turmoil. The doubts of the tribe will lead to turmoil in the hearts of the people. But we must not abandon Mason. Mason is our compatriot. He has been silently guarding Alanti in his own way. Not an abandoned child."

Luoka's voice was calm and firm, "So we should go straight to the enemy's headquarters and carry out a rescue secretly. Now it seems that this Duke Timothy is a mysterious force that has been plotting against Alanti for many years. Instead of being passive Hiding is better than going straight to the lair. Rescuing Mason is also fighting to save ourselves. I am the most suitable person to sneak into the enemy's lair to investigate the enemy's situation. Not only can I find Mason, but I can also find out the details of the enemy. , that would be the best, but it seems that it may not be easy to achieve now. We need the deployment of other elders to cooperate fully to raid the enemy's lair. After this battle, we can not only save Mason, but also use this to make it public to all Aranti Mason's secret identity, Xuan Zhao's achievements in cooperating with the raid in this battle, let him return to Alanti with honor. But I must be cautious and not act recklessly. I need your help. Please teach me about Ke Dile Shan Mi The secret technique taught by Luo. When necessary, I don't mind using the means of the devil."

Livingston and Tilda looked at each other, and both of them were in tears.Livingston patted Lorca on the shoulder, and found that the position of the hand was a bit uncomfortable, because Lorca was even slightly taller than him, "New elder of Alandi, come, let's deploy the battle plan."

The author has something to say:

All mysteries revealed:

The History of the Devil's Eye

Scar on Altai's face

The cracked bracelet that the princess picked up in the cave

Wind blade cut marks on the rock wall of the cave

The cause of the pool

The reason why Michael was silenced

When Mason went to the cave to save people, he let go of the giant scorpion as a mount, and then there was a scream. The reason for Mason's sudden phobia after meeting the bloody Roka.

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