It has been two months since Lorca left the secret realm.

He is extremely busy every day, busy learning new insights, learning different professions, and learning to integrate into different new environments.Accepting the tasks assigned by the Presbyterian Council, no matter how simple or complex, he continued to accept various tasks one after another, so that he had no time to spare. Only by being constantly busy could he not have time to take care of the grief in his heart.

Two months have passed, and Lorca still can't accept losing his best friend in this way.However, due to the trials in various affairs during these days, with Luoka's excellent talent, he quickly comprehended many world affairs and human nature that he had never understood before in a crisis, which made Luoka's mind quickly mature.Now his heart is still sad and resentful, but his rationality has to understand the elders' decision to sacrifice Mason.

He didn't expect that the situation of the Alandi people was so critical.

At the same time that the entrance to the secret realm was exposed, several strongholds of the Aranti tribe on the mainland were also devastated.The centuries-old jewelry store "Cuishe" in the capital of the Romanian Empire was ransacked by mysterious people overnight, and only a few high-ranking priests escaped.Several mercenary regiments dominated by the Alandi people were also raided in dangerous areas one after another and were completely annihilated. The ordinary mercenaries and even the guards from Alandi were not spared.It is very obvious that there is a powerful force targeting the Aranti tribe.And several important gathering places were destroyed almost at the same time, which is not something ordinary forces can do.Obviously long-planned.

Could it be that the notorious Kedile Shan Miluo teacher has revived, and is it a comeback revenge?Loka thought of everything that Mason had suffered since he was a child, until he was wronged and executed, and the grief and anger in his heart turned into hatred.

Every time he thought of this, Loka's whole body exuded a cold breath, as if the air was also full of burning pain and unbearable pressure, and the surrounding guards couldn't help avoiding it far away.

Fortunately, Lorca came back to his senses quickly. He noticed that the horse he was riding was trembling, and he could hardly move forward.He sighed, restraining the momentum he had inadvertently exuded.Wei Wei used her spiritual power to calm the poor horse a little bit.

Lorca was leading a caravan from a remote town at this time.After resting at this station, this caravan loaded with goods will cross a large area without human habitation.Loka looked at the rolling mountains in the distance. On the map, this mountain was named Doro Mountains. This familiar pronunciation reminded him of the Doro Mountains in his secret home.However, the mountain is dangerous and rugged, but it can be compared with the Yimeiji Luoshan in the secret realm.A hundred years ago, the Romanian Empire expended a lot of manpower to open up a mountain road for horse-drawn carriages during the war, which became the only way for passing caravans.

The Doro Mountains are majestic and precipitous, like a huge and ferocious monster dormant on the caravan's itinerary.Loka's range of vision is far better than that of the high-ranking Aranti guards. On the plain, he can already see the mountain trails in the mountains that are looming among the strangely intertwined rocks, winding like thin snakes.

Although within sight, the actual distance is still very far away.Lorca immediately ordered the guards to stay vigilant. After they left the town, they drove day and night without stopping, and it would take two days to reach the mountain in front of them.

As an "ordinary" caravan, naturally it cannot use the power of magic to speed up.The guards led by Loka have learned to restrain the use of magic in two months, and to use the power of magic covertly when necessary.Although theoretically entering the "no man's land", with Luoka's wide range of perception, he has already noticed the sound of loggers around the woods, and there are hunters making traps in the woods.In order not to shock the world, they restrained themselves from maintaining an "ordinary" appearance.Not using magic power is also accumulating power for this kind of team.Luoka even noticed that the fast-paced sound of horseshoes was entering the Doro Mountains from another direction.It is not difficult to judge that it is a well-trained team, maybe it is a mercenary army, maybe it is the private armed force of some lord, maybe it is the imperial army, or it belongs to the force that makes Luoka hate it.

The wheels kept rolling through the dense woods, and they encountered no bandits.But Lorca ordered the team to remain on alert.They didn't take a rest, and continued to walk through the wilderness and plains where the green and yellow transitioned.

During this long journey, Luoka let go of his mental power to sense the endless sky, wilderness, and endless breath between heaven and earth.Although he quickly adapted to the new environment, looking up at the vast night sky every night still made him feel extremely small.Although the secret realm is full of psionic energy, he was still shocked by the vast and boundless aura when he came to this vast world.This strong sense of reality and existence gave him an illusion of "unreality" about his past life.In the past two months, he has seen people with different skin colors, shapes, and appearances, crowded towns layer upon layer, and vast wilderness forests. Compared with these, the exquisite and pure architecture in the secret place of Aranti is as unreal as a dream .But the secret realm is indeed the hometown where he grew up.

This kind of thought came about because of the huge shock that Loka received when he first came out of the passage of the secret realm. Although two months had passed, Loka still hadn't fully recovered from the huge contrast.

When Loka left the secret realm, he was still immersed in the sadness of losing his best friend.In the last few days when Mason's execution order was about to be executed, he was restricted by Tilda at home and unable to go out.When he finally cracked the formation and rushed out, the fire of purgatory had been burning for three days.He could only watch helplessly as the blazing fire of purgatory slowly annihilated, taking everything away, and the altar was empty without even ashes.

Grief, sadness, anger, injustice, and frustration intertwined into a huge web, which weighed heavily and almost made it difficult for him to breathe, and he couldn't face everything that happened.He heard his mother Tilda sigh and mutter behind him, "I don't know if it's right to do this."

But as a reserve elder, he didn't have much time to allow Roka to immerse himself in sadness and loss.The riddled secret place can no longer accommodate the Aranti people, and they must find a new habitat within ten years.And beyond the secret border, powerful enemies from unknown sources have attacked several secret gathering points of the Arantis one after another.

The crisis has not passed, and the fate of the Aranti tribe is becoming more and more unpredictable.

When Lorca passed through the passage of the secret realm, the chaos of time and space made him feel a little familiar. When he saw his surroundings clearly again from the endless white light that blurred time and space, the ups and downs of the wooden floor under his feet almost made him fall , Trista supported him.He originally thought that he would come out of a huge arch that pierced the sky and pierced the earth.But it was surrounded by a small wooden house.Only later did he realize that he was in the cabin, which was a cargo ship sailing on the sea.When he wanted to find the grand passage in his heart, there was no trace around him.

Trista arrived some time before him, and she directed Lorca to the desk in the middle of the cabin.A piece of torn parchment was laid flat on the table.A map is drawn on it.Loka quickly recognized that it was the map of the secret land of Alandi.

A suspicion arose in Loka's heart, and he suddenly felt his heart trembling in the wild hunting wind as if it was hanging on the edge of the high cliff of Yimeki Mountain.He carefully touched the texture of the parchment, sensing the faint aura emanating from it, which was the psionic energy in the secret realm of Aranti, the aura from the home where he grew up.

Loka thought of a series of recent crises. Thinking of this, Loka began to examine the parchment map carefully, not missing every inch of traces, ink stains, or even damage.

The facts confirmed his conjecture—there were some signs of wear and tear in the area where the Mirror Lake-Imeki Fall Mountain area was drawn; and there was a crack at the position where the Wendy Basin was drawn, as if it had been cut open by something.In the location of the Soloa pine forest, the ink color is obviously lighter than other places.

He looked up at Trista in disbelief, and Trista gave him a reassuring look in return.

It turned out that the place where he lived for decades from birth to growing up was actually inside this thin piece of parchment!

His homeland is so vast and beautiful, but so fragile, as long as it is torn apart by external force, it will be torn apart in an instant.Looking at the gap in the center of the parchment, Lorca recalled the thrilling landslide and ground fissure in the Wendy Basin, and the river stopped flowing.

When Loka stepped out of the cabin and came to the deck, seeing the sea and the sky in the distance, he was shocked by the ubiquitous and surging atmosphere between the heaven and the earth for a moment, shocked by the unprecedented sense of reality, and couldn't recover for a long time.He has been standing on the deck, as if standing like a statue, from day to night, feeling the changes in the breath of heaven and earth that alternate between day and night.Under the vast starry sky, Loka is bathed in moonlight and starlight, which is different from the brilliance of stars and moons in the secret realm.This is a real and vast world!As for his homeland, he once thought it was the whole world, and he had heard stories and legends about the outside world, but he couldn't imagine what the outside world really looked like.

Luoka thought of the place where he grew up, which had carried his experience of joy, anger, sorrow and joy for decades. That vast land, beautiful and beautiful, but now the fragmented homeland was just a map.His decades of life were actually spent on a thin piece of parchment.This huge contrast had a strong impact on the "reality" and "existence" in Luoka's heart.

Loka thought of the entire Aranti tribe, who had been thriving and living in this small world on this map for thousands of years, living in one corner.The damage to this map was not directly caused by external force.Livingston and Tilda told him that it was caused by a huge magical shock during the battle.Just being affected, the world of the secret realm was turned upside down, and it was almost destroyed. The stability that had been maintained for thousands of years was so fragile.In those days, in order to avoid the flames of war, they temporarily took refuge.The whole family has indulged in peace and happiness for thousands of years.

Could this catastrophe be God's will?Lorca thought, could it be the warning of fate?The Alantis cannot continue to hide in this thin parchment.It's time to face the vast real world.

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