While Tilda took a series of severe and decisive measures in the investigation, at the same time she ran secretly to confirm every doubtful point.During the whole process, she couldn't really trust anyone - including Lorca.

Tilda first goes secretly to the place where all the mysteries point to - the cave.She quietly changed into a neat hunting outfit and came to the northern foothills of Yimeijiluo Mountain.She didn't use any lighting, and she still walked unhindered in the dark, completely unafraid of the rugged and steep gullies.

Sensing that no one was following her, she set up some warnings and restrictions at the forks near the cave, and then raised her bare hand, and dozens of lighting magic crystals flew out and embedded in the rock walls everywhere.

She and the three priests have repeatedly studied the trail from the water pool to this cave.Now it has been confirmed by visiting the site for inspection and feeling.It was indeed the last trace of Loka before his mysterious disappearance.Although the road leading to the pool has been covered by small man-made landslides.The traces of the battle with the giant scorpion have also turned into scorched marks.But it is the cover-up itself that points more forcefully to the truth—Lorca was murdered.

Tilda followed the dried bloody footprints back into the cave.All the runes of the weird magic circle on the top of the rock formation were illuminated to the last detail.Alone at this moment, she didn't need to pretend anymore, the great sadness and weakness made her unable to hold herself back, she knelt down on the side of the protruding rock and sobbed suppressedly.She knew that the last place Lorca stayed here was the eye of the magic circle.This formation is not an ordinary secret spell, it is the disaster of the Alante people in those days - the secret spell of sacrificial souls!

When Tilda first returned to the secret realm, she was pleasantly surprised to learn about her precious son's adventure.After losing Elder Abu Sauron, the high-level officials in Aranti actually expected the Council of Elders to return to a group of seven as soon as possible.It's just that Lorca is too young and has too little experience. The elders decided to wait for the passage to the secret realm to be opened again, and send him to travel outside the secret realm for a few years to increase his experience and knowledge.Only then can Palech's Scepter be officially given and become a member of the Seven-member Council of Elders.The four elders have already started to congratulate her in advance.

But she found out that Lorca had completely lost the memory of the time when she disappeared, and she was already alert.When she studied the traces from the water pool to the cave, especially the residual blood and high concentration of hallucinogenic drugs found in the water pool, she had a very bad premonition.

During the secret meeting, Tilda spent a lot of painstaking efforts to downplay the attention of the elders' council on this magic circle.Especially that old stubborn Abelson.

Tilda was an undercover agent in Mount Kedile back then, and her status in Milo Cult was close to that of the vice pope.She is familiar with the use of all the secret spells and runes taught by Kedile Shan Miluo.When she saw this formation, it seemed that the blood in her whole body froze, and her worst guess was verified.She unleashes her full potential in an instant, and perfectly uses all the tricks she had when she was an undercover agent.Then it was to deceive the Milos, but this time it was to deceive the Council of Elders.

When Tilda was talking eloquently in the meeting hall, she observed everyone's demeanor, grasped everyone's psychology, and adjusted the most suitable attitude.

She pretended to be relaxed to hide the turmoil in her heart, and tried her best to confuse Abelson's thinking with understatement.At that time, she explained: "This is a kind of prayer rune, and Miluo believers often use it to improve their spiritual power." She lightly skipped it, as if it was an irrelevant detail.She pointed to the pattern, "This is obviously a formation commonly used by low-level believers. Hamilton, do you remember that we raided the outer strongholds of the Miluo Cult several times. Those little guys drew this kind of formation everywhere on the wall, Here, it’s like this.” Her finger painted with Danko pointed and outlined the internal structure of this complex pattern in the video, helping the audience understand.

She smiled disdainfully, "You can't control advanced formations."

She observed the situation, except for Libertas who was still thinking, she knew that everyone else had been deceived.

As Lorca's mother, she must protect her child no matter what he becomes!She will do anything to save him.Even if it cannot be saved, his last dignity must be preserved.While Tilda was chatting and laughing freely in the meeting hall, her heart was bleeding.

This is the secret spell that she is very familiar with.The couple studied a problem that has not been overcome so far.It is different from other ordinary secret spells.This spell turns a person into a living corpse.This kind of secret spell is almost impossible to completely remove, as long as there is any residue, it will be re-controlled at any time.

Back then, Tilda personally killed many comrades and compatriots who were under the spell.Even if they haven't shown any abnormal behavior yet, once suspicious signs are found, they have to be "purified" with tears.

In order to avoid more tragedies, Livingston and Tilda went undercover on Kedile Mountain with a mortal heart, hoping to find a way to completely remove the spell.But their research has not found it so far.

From the bloodstains left in the pool and the high concentration of hallucinogenic drugs, it is certain.The implementation of this secret spell requires the victim to be willing to let go of the magic circle and walk into the magic circle to be successful.Otherwise, you will die on the spot.In the Miluo Sect, the priests and pope-level figures use powerful spiritual power to confuse the victims into submission, while those low-level believers with low mana need to use mental hallucinogenic drugs to implement it.

She is very aware of her son's strength.There is no need to fight hard against a giant scorpion.At that time, he had already fought so hard, which showed that his sanity had been affected.The hallucinogenic potion left in the pool must have seeped from the blood of the wound.Even when the "imprint" had been planted in his body at that time, when his consciousness was blurred, he would come to the formation by himself under the induction of the "imprint" and the magic circle.

The storm at the scene was clearly faked.Someone sneaked up on Lorca in the back and faked the storm.That person must have been responsible for the theft of the treasury, because one of the stolen items was a magic scroll of "Fury of the Wind".

Tilda trembled and stroked the dried blood on the rock. She never thought that she fought bloody battles and paid such a terrible price to end the disaster. Many years later, in what she thought was the most peaceful era and the safest place, that Sorcery actually took her beloved child.Tilda burst into tears, her heart weeping blood.

Suddenly she stood up vigilantly, and the entire cave was immediately filled with magical energy that was on the verge of firing.The ban has been moved!Someone is following!

"Tilda! It's me!" Libertas' voice came from the crack in the rock.

When Libertas appeared in front of her, Tilda had wiped away her tears, but she was still fully alert.

Libertas sighed, "You really lied to Abelson and the others."

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." Tilda took a step back dejectedly.She couldn't hide her sadness.

"We grew up together. Of course I know you. Every time you have a plan, you will be particularly radiant and radiant. There is a special charm that makes people want to convince you and follow you unconsciously." Liberta Ruth looked at the distraught Tilda.She stepped forward and patted Tilda's clenched fist reassuringly.Finally, Tilda couldn't hold back, and wept on her friend's shoulder.

"Tilda, don't lose faith. Things may not be so bad." Libertas wiped away tears for her, "I believe in Lorca."

"You're just...comforting me...that's all. My...child...my Loka...he's been taken away..." Tilda broke down in tears.

"No, no," Libertas said, "I really believe him. He can control the Palech Scepter. I saw it with my own eyes. He guarded the big hexagram with us. He saved all of us present !His spiritual power and the breath of his whole body are completely connected with the formation. All the people guarding the formation can sense each other. The ancient original power of Alanti flows in Luoka's body. It is full of the breath of the sacred source of life."

Tilda looked at her suspiciously, "But this formation, everything here, you already guessed it, right?"


"Why do you still believe him? Have you seen less?"

Libertas sighed, "Maybe it's a kind of intuition. I still choose to believe in Roca. I have always believed in Mason." She held Tilda's hand and said, "It's because I saw too much. I decided not to We live under the control of fear. How many of our compatriots were killed in those years just because of doubts. That era has been ended by our own hands. The tragedies of the past cannot come back to the next generation because of our demons." She His voice was full of compassion and firmness.

In the cave, Libertas' words reminded Tilda, instantly illuminating all the fog.

At the end of the secret meeting, Tilda was getting closer and closer to that desperate guess, but there was still a glimmer of hope in her heart, and she wanted to check the situation of Lorca herself.But Lorca needs to fully relax and cooperate.

She knew that the elders would inspect Loka before, and Loka had confided to her the discomfort in his heart. Although he could understand, it was still difficult to eliminate the strong sense of humiliation.In Tilda's mind, this kind of trivial inspection made him so uncomfortable. If Lorca is still Lorca, her detection method may leave a huge psychological shadow in his heart in the future.

Only cast spells without his knowledge.

According to the elders, Loka's realm suddenly broke through to the level of an elder.This surprised Tilda.She couldn't be sure what state Lorca was in now.After all, there were cases where high-ranking priests were cursed before.Loka's realm has reached at least a high-level priest or above. His sensitivity and mental power are very strong, and it is generally difficult for him to cast spells without him noticing.

So Tilda had to ask Custa for help.She told Custa that she suspected that Roca was poisoned when he was attacked. The poison lurks deep and it is difficult to remove it if it is detected. It can only be completely removed without Roka's knowledge.As a highly respected senior expert of "Cedile Mountain Milo Education Research" and Loka's biological mother, Custa naturally believed in her deeply.She quietly handed Custa an ice crystal covered with patterns.Teach her how to let Lorca ingest this magic circle into her body without knowing it.

She deliberately confiscated the magic key in Loka's residence in the Moonlight Temple, and announced the execution of Mason, leaving Loka in an extremely disappointed mood.In this way, Cuista can logically suggest that Lorca return to his childhood home on the grounds of changing his mood.It was full of Loka's warmest memories there, and that environment gave Loka a sense of security. He would relax completely, and with the company of his most beloved person by his side, he was easily put down.

Livingston and Tilda built their own small residence outside the Temple of Huiyue, initially to enjoy the idyllic life and the undisturbed two-person world.But later it became their secret laboratory of "Kedila Miluo Teaching Research".Tilda can conveniently use the high-level secret technique taught by Kedile Shan Miluo to directly investigate Loka's situation.

Tilda was very busy that night.

After secretly tempting Mason, she rushed back to her old residence to check on Lorca.She found something odd that was both expected and unexpected.

Tilda pretended to be a Milo cultist and went to test Mason first.She suspected that Mason might have been partly invaded by the evil spirit of the devil's eye, maybe he had been struggling and troubled, otherwise why would he have designed so many confinements to seal himself up.If he has become Devil Eye French and is in an extremely weak state at the moment of recovery, he will urgently need loyal believers to enshrine his spiritual power and drive them to run and serve him.

However, when Mason absorbed the spiritual power of Miluo Cultists, he suddenly launched a full blow at the moment when he was completely connected with the spiritual power.Unexpectedly, in such a weak situation, Mason could use the spiritual power he had just absorbed to suddenly deliver such a fierce critical strike, which also came with a mental shock.It directly destroyed the magic weapon that Tilda carefully refined many years ago.The danko she painted on her nails was not only a decoration, but also a kind of protection, which was also destroyed by the violent blow.

Tilda was suddenly hit by Mason's fierce counterattack, and reflexively provoked a mana defense to resist, and broke the barrier she had set up, alarming the priest on duty, and she had to leave hastily.

Mason's reaction was playful.Although he was full of French breath at the time, he made such a strange move.Although that crit is not strong.But the timing and strength are very precise.But if it is an ordinary Miluo believer, when the spiritual power breath around him is fully connected with him, he suddenly receives an explosive attack, accompanied by the impact of spiritual power, those with slightly stronger mana will be unconscious on the spot, and those with low mana will be stunned. Instant death.At the same time, it will also alarm the guards outside.Hidden Miros will be exposed directly.

If it was French, he wouldn't be so self-destructive.

Although those were French's aura and means, they were Mason's choice!

After some investigation, Tilda found that Mason was still the original Mason.

So what about Loka, is he still the same Loka?

It is difficult to describe the state of life of those who are controlled by the special secret spell taught by Kedile Shan Miluo - the secret spell of sacrificial souls.Is it alive or dead.From the outside, they have breathing, heartbeat, temperature, and even daily inertial behavior.But they no longer have souls, and their lives depend on the imprints in their bodies.

When Tilda rushed back to her old residence, Custa was still hugging the sleeping and unconscious Roca at a loss.She had already charmed Lorca with the success taught by Tilda.But Tilda didn't come home for a long time, and Lorca never woke up, which made her frightened.Tilda didn't dare to tell her about her doubts about Lorca, but said that she needed to be checked and treated by spells, and she could not be disturbed, so she shut the restless Trista out of the secret room.

Tilda set up an enchantment to isolate movement and magic energy fluctuations.She directly used the high-level secret technique taught by Miluo to investigate Luoka.This is a secret technique that can only be performed by the pope-level mana back then. It can directly check whether there is a mark and who controls the mark. Those with powerful mana can even directly seize control of the mark.

Tilda had already prepared for the worst.If Lorca had really lost her soul by that sorcery, she would directly seize control of the mark.She will cast spells to maintain his body, so that there is no flaw in his daily behavior.Then take him out on an excuse to practice, take him outside the secret place, and find a place that no one knows so that he can truly rest in peace.

This is the limit of what she can do for Lorca as an elder and as a mother.In this way, not only can the person who cast the secret spell be found out directly, but also Luoka's last dignity can be preserved.

The situation of Loka was even more strange, his body was emitting a faint light under the weak stimulation of magic energy, and his whole body exuded a sacred aura, which was the rich and pure aura of Soroya's divine fluid!

Confirming her worst guess, a mark appeared on his chest.After taking out the imprint, his whole body was actually covered with the runes of Kedile Shan Miluo.These runes are used to refine the controlled bodies and retain their former soul breath.Vicious Mira Cultists sometimes refine these husks to fill them with poison and throw them back.

But these runes on Loka's body are actually full of the sacred aura of the source of life, which is the divine liquid refined by Solo Yasong, the source of life in the secret realm of Aranti!If Luoka was to be murdered, why did he use a large amount of divine liquid to nourish his soul?This person actually used the secret technique taught by Kedile Shan Miluo to arouse the magical effect of the divine liquid.Tilda could identify those runes that only the top masters could use in the Kodile Shan Miluo religion.

Seeing these top methods, Tilda already had something in her heart. When she sensed the imprint in her palm, she was surprised that it was the light of Hecate!It's just that it's a simplified version of Hecate's Light.

From all the signs on Roka's body, it can be deduced what happened to him.

Loka once lost his soul, but he came back.The current Lorca completely belongs to him!He was once harmed by the secret technique taught by Nakdile Shan Miluo, but was later rescued by a more advanced secret technique!

Tilda was shocked: "Song of the Netherworld"!

The magic stone that was once used by Pope Farrar, who was taught by Kedile San Milo, to perform a forbidden spell with the intention of resurrecting French, the devil's eye, was actually used to resurrect her son many years later!

This also explains why Loka suddenly awakened almost all the power in his blood.

Tilda used her spiritual power to investigate and found that Loka's body and soul were fused with a large amount of divine liquid.

In this way, as long as time passes, the realm and strength that Roca can achieve in the future is limitless.

When the small light ball returned to Luoka's body, the white light on his chest condensed into a mysterious pattern again.The imprint on the body of the person who has been cast a secret spell is generally the emblem of Diller Shan Miluo Sect.Or the name of the controller.

Tilda carefully discerned that the pattern on Roca's body was not the emblem of the Kedile San Miluo Sect.This is vaguely a combination of the pine leaf shape and runes of the Thoreau pine.

This rune is a cursive variant of the ancient text of Kedile Mountain, which means - light!

The name "Loka" also means light in ancient Aranti language!

To enumerate the entire secret realm of Alanti can only be done by those who have fully mastered all the means and mana of French, the Devil's Eye.When Livingston and Tilda were undercover agents, they were already masters in the Kedile Mountains, and Tilda asked herself that such a method might not have been imagined by the couple.

Mason is such a genius!He actually had such quick wit and such a bold initiative when Loka's life was dying!He actually thought of combining the high-level secret arts of Kedi Leshan and Aranti.

Incredible!It's incredible!

Tilda did not expect that she had fought with these secret techniques for most of her life, and finally this secret technique saved her son!

Tilda then figured out all of Mason's actions since his arrest.

Since he was a child, Mason has been tortured by the Miluo religion of Kedile Mountain, and he has seen many insidious methods in Kedile Mountain.All his parents and clan were slaughtered by the Miluo Sect of Kedile Mountain.Mason deeply understands the fear of Aranti's high-level executives towards Kedile Shan Mi Luojiao.He also knew that he had been guarded by the elders all the time.Kedile Shan Mi Luojiao is a huge shadow in the hearts of the Presbyterian Church. Once they know that Loka has been under the secret spell, Loka will no longer be trusted by the high-level officials of Alanti. His reputation in Alanti Status and future will all be destroyed once.

Mason knew that he could not explain to the heavily guarded Presbyterian Council how he used the secret technique taught by Kedile Shan Miluo to rescue Loka, who was murdered by the secret spell of Miluo.As long as he has something to do with the secret spell, Luoka will no longer be the darling of the Huiyue Temple, he will be abandoned by the Huiyue Temple, and will be suspected by the entire Alanti for life.And all these suspicions, precautions, and contempt have been with Mason from childhood until now.Mason knew exactly what that was like.

When Lorca woke up, it was already noon the next day, and he found that he had been reclining on the suede sofa all night, and Trista was still sitting beside him. Both of them were neatly dressed, as they were when they were drinking last night.Custa smiled shyly, "This wine is so strong that we were all drunk." Her delicate and shy smile made Loka's handsome face flush.

Tilda watched the lovely couple from the window in the garden.The beautiful picture of them snuggling up happily slightly dilutes the gloomy mood of the past few days.

So who exactly arranged this trap carefully?Who cast a spell on Loka?

Who is this mysterious man?

Mason was once poisoned by Yimihua in prison. If you want to kill him, why not just use poison-drugs instead of psychotropic drugs?In other words, that person didn't want to kill Mason, but wanted to control him!

Is everything that happened in the secret realm related to the exposure of the entrance to the secret realm?Could it be the forces attacking the entrance of the secret realm?

Could it be that there are still remnants of evil that have not been cleaned up in the past, wanting to get Mason, the "Holy Envoy" to resurrect the Devil's Eye?

The author has something to say:

Why do smart and capable parents raise silly and sweet sons?

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