[Western Fantasy] The mystery of life and death

Chapter 65 The Mysterious Visitor

【Back Garden of Huiyue Temple】

A "seriously injured" Mason sleeps in chains.He didn't know that the investigation resumed after Tilda's return, but he only learned from the words of the priest on duty that Libertas fought fiercely in the elders' council every day to fight for his life.Lorca has not been here for several days, neither day nor night.Mason accepted all the arrangements obediently, his face was calm, and his heart was also calm. There was already a feeling of despair in his heart.He thought that those peaceful and happy days were also stolen from fate.The final destiny is always to be faced.

According to Tilda's order, Mason was blindfolded again with a black cloth.Outside the bedroom, two high-ranking priests were re-arranged to be on duty.

The moonlight shines on this quiet and simple courtyard.The night wind blows from time to time. There are only junipers in the small courtyard, and the salsa is soft.

Because it is far away from the main palace group that generates its own brilliance, this secluded courtyard is actually a bit gloomy under the moonlight.In the outline of the dark hut, there is only a hazy halo from the window, which seems to be a guide in the darkness.

It seems that a gust of wind blows, the juniper branches in the yard sway with the wind, and the twigs and leaves make a subtle salsa sound, making this small courtyard even more quiet.

The wind was a bit strong tonight, and a high-ranking priest on duty felt uneasy, so he came outside to patrol the courtyard.Another priest in the house felt dazzled, and felt that the door leading to the inner bedroom was opened a crack. He walked over vigilantly and found that the door was still tightly closed. He opened the door and cast a spell to illuminate the inner bedroom. .This bedroom is not big, and it can be seen at a glance from the door. Mason is sleeping quietly and soundly on the big soft bed in the center of the room, motionless, breathing so faintly that he can't even feel the ups and downs of his body.

Maybe I was too nervous and suspicious.The cautious priest checked the room and confirmed that there was nothing unusual.Only after turning off the lights, exited the room and closed the door again.

After the two priests confirmed that there was no abnormality inside and outside, they returned to the hut. They had nothing to do, made two cups of golden epiphyllum honey tea and sat down to chat.They were chatting about gossip about inside and outside the temple. It was late at night, and both of them fell asleep unconsciously.

In the dark bedroom, a black figure stood in front of Mason's bed.It was vaguely a figure in a cloak, as if it came from a shadow in the darkness, silently and slowly moving closer to the bed.The sleeping Mason curled up motionless, seemingly unconscious.

Suddenly, a small group of dim lights lit up in the darkness. This was the light from a small lighting magic crystal. The faint light illuminated the hand holding it, wearing a well-crafted black glove.The gloves are embroidered with intricate patterns with gold thread, and they are all composed of some strange runes.This dim light also slightly illuminated the outline of the shadow.It was a man in a black cloak.The stature is not tall.

The mysterious man whose figure and face were deeply hidden in the hood of the cloak walked slowly around the bed, and then stood by the bed. Mason stretched out his hand above him, and stood silently for a long time, as if he was concentrating on sensing something.The patterns on the black gloves glow faintly.

Then the black figure in the cloak began to murmur to himself, the voice was low and hoarse and the rhythm faltered, it seemed to be whispering or reciting, this was not the ancient secret language of the Aranti tribe.Following the whisper, the runes on the glove began to glow, and gradually a ball of light surrounded Mason.

Mason was still in a deep sleep, his pale sleeping face under the thick black cloth was still peaceful.

The light cluster surrounding Mason grew bigger little by little, gradually covering the entire room.The whispered chant also stopped.There was a strange silence in the whole room, a silence that seemed to be cut off from the world.

As if summoned by the outstretched hand of the mysterious man, Mason slowly floated up in the silence, and the blanket on his body slowly slid down.Shackles and chains are exposed.He was suspended above the bed together with the shackles, as if sleeping in the void.The hem of his nightgown fluttered in the air without any wind.

The man in black cloak withdrew his hand, took a step back, and bowed slightly to the floating Mason.The man began to whisper to Mason again, not in the language of the Aranti tribe.The tone is very respectful.

If there are two experts of "Kedileshan Miluojiao Research", they can understand, that person is speaking the ancient language of Kedileshan.

The general idea is: ask your lord to forgive your sins, ask your lord to tolerate the presumptuousness of your subordinates, please allow your subordinates to wake you up!

The man raised his hand lightly, the delicate runes embroidered on the glove flashed, and two puffs of black smoke flew out, like two ethereal black snakes heading straight towards Mason, lingering around Mason's body, unexpectedly passing through the black smoke. Bu got into Mason's ears!

Mason, who was suspended in mid-air, began to twitch violently all over his body. His whole body trembled in the air. He seemed to want to groan, but he was unable to make a sound. He could only pant hard and weakly, and he looked very painful.

After a long time, Mason finally calmed down.He was suspended in the void, as if floating in the water with the current, and the light cluster covering the entire room suddenly dimmed.The entire room was filled with an indescribable atmosphere, as if the density of the air had become denser.

The mysterious man took a few steps back, bowed his body and saluted, "Your Excellency."

Mason's pale pink lips moved slightly, and he actually uttered the old saying of Kedile Mountain. Although his voice was weak and hoarse, there was a kind of daunting coercion.

"I am willing to follow the guidance, and I am willing to sacrifice my body and mind."

The man in black in the cloak exuded layers of faint black mist and floated towards Mason. Although Mason was blindfolded, he sniffed the air intoxicatedly, with a gesture of extreme enjoyment, as if he was savoring the extremely sweet fragrance, and as if he was in the air. Wander in the colorful gardens in spring.

Suddenly, Mason sucked in all his strength, and his whole body was shaken.The fierce energy crit exploded around him centered on him.There seemed to be a silent bang in the bedroom, but there was a real "click" in the silence.The light cluster is shattered.Mason also fell heavily on the bed.The chains of the shackles rattled.

The black shadow in the cloak has already quickly retreated to the corner.

Everything returned to darkness and silence again. The mysterious man in the cloak slowly raised his hand. With the help of the weak magic crystal illumination, the gloves embroidered with mysterious runes were actually covered with cracks, and even blood flowed from several cracks.

The movement in the bedroom seemed to wake up the two high priests who were taking a nap outside.They approached with vigilant haste.Open the door and look into the bedroom.The two stood vigilantly by the door respectively, and cast spells to activate the lighting magic crystal to illuminate the entire room.

This simple bedroom can be seen at a glance. Mason is sleeping peacefully on the big bed in the center of the room, half of his pale face is calm and haggard under the black cloth that blindfolds his eyes.He was covered in a soft, thick blanket of velvet rabbit, and he was motionless.

Although everything looks fine.The two cautious priests still faintly felt that something was wrong.There seemed to be extremely weak fluctuations of magical energy remaining in this room.When they concentrated again and wanted to confirm, they had completely dissipated.

It was windy outside again, and the branches and leaves of plants and trees in the secluded yard rustled slightly in the wind.

The author has something to say:

Master Jiaozun...

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