An irresistible call throbbed in his chest.Loka felt as if he was embracing a fiery cloud in his arms.He gradually felt that he was also ignited by the fiery heat, and the passion completely submerged him like a billowing magma.But there seems to be a kind of sadness in this scorching heat.

In Loka's dream, the underground river appeared again.For some unknown reason, strong winds blew up in the cave, and the river surged with waves.He felt himself overwhelmed by the harsh anger in the air.

Suddenly Loka felt himself falling to the ground. He vaguely felt a lot of gravel hitting his back, and felt a slight pain. His neck was strangled by a cold and powerful force. He struggled with all his strength while struggling in vain, and Luoka felt death, but he also felt his own breathing belatedly, and at the same time felt that this weak breathing was gradually dying off.At this moment he felt his presence.

Loka felt his whole body seemed to be bitten by wild beasts, intertwined with vague or clear stabbing pains.His world was full of cracking pain, and the intense pain seemed to split his whole world.He also felt that his whole world was bursting with blissful splendor in the agony and collapse. He felt that he might be a bunch of fireworks bursting in the silence, breaking through the confinement of darkness and bursting out with the brilliance of life. He felt that he was in the ultimate Blooming into broken flames, little by little dissipated into nothingness.At that moment, he felt death, and also felt an extremely vivid existence.

All night, Loka couldn't break free from this dream.Until he woke up, the strange feeling of softness and soreness seemed to remain all over his body. He recalled the aftertaste of the violent burst in the dream, and he couldn't recover for a long time.


The blonde doll turned into a ball of light, illuminating Mason's pale and quiet face.The light cluster disappeared, and Mason showed a sad smile in the darkness.Mason didn't feel sleepy, and entered the world of deep meditation in the dark.Whether he's afraid or not, he's not going to run away from facing his experience in the cave.The terrible demon in his heart was originally a part of himself, yes, the person who would make his beloved hate him deeply, Mason knew that it was a greedy demon, a moody beast, and also himself.

In the quiet world of meditation, Mason fully feels the experience in memory, not only recalling his personal experience, but also calmly facing the picture in memory as a third person.Even if it is unbearable, I will not avoid it again———

In the dark underground cave, the wide and gentle underground river flows slowly.The shore was covered with large and small gravel, and two washed robes, one black and one white, were spread flat on the large rocks.Traces of energy fluctuations flashed faintly on the black robe; the white robe was soft in texture, these two were a complete set of priest robes, and the white was the inner lining.Not far away is a pile of ashes that have just been extinguished, and the clothes that used to look like they can no longer be seen at all, and all the tears||cracks and blood are reduced to ashes.

In the gentle waves of the underground river, a strong and handsome young man with blond hair affectionately kisses a handsome black-haired man in his arms.

Although the black-haired man was pale and weak, he had an unruly air. The corner of his mouth raised a wild smile, and the wind in the cave also swirled wildly, causing the gentle water surface to be blown up and down.

The black-haired man slowly grinned. Although he was delicate and delicate, his smile was like an evil spirit in the abyss of hell. He felt that all this was like a dream, and he hoped that he would never wake up.But he clearly knew that this was not a dream, only foolish and deluded lambs would sink into the dream, allowing their bodies to become sacrifices for him to do whatever he wanted.He knew that all of this was real, his world was finally completely under his control, and he let himself be overwhelmed by the torrent of ecstasy, pleasure, and lust.Drowning in the endless sea of ​​sinking together with the ray of sunshine that he most wanted to drag into the depths of hell.

He had been released several times to fall into a dark and sweet sleep, and he woke up again in the tender comfort of the most attachment, and was reborn in the darkness again and again. The new self was tired and happy, he thought, the divine liquid is really powerful, my love is in the divine So perfect under the repair of the liquid.This upside-down lingering day and night, he is not tired at all.

With a hint of jealousy, he jokingly bit the tight and muscular shoulder and neck, and a bloody smell filled his mouth.An offended anger suddenly rose in his heart for no reason.

"Not perfect, not perfect, destroyed! Defiled!" He felt his whole mind vibrating in this roar.

The affectionate and intoxicated face of the person he admires the most looks so unreal at this moment, fake, fake, everything is fake!He has never belonged to me, and the love he has never received has been touched by others. Fake, this is just a fake body!

This was the body he coveted for a long time. Although the loss of vitality was restored by the divine fluid, the wounds were all healed.But the body's blood still contained the psychedelic || hallucinatory potion, mixed with the venom of the giant scorpion, and he could still sense the power of the secret spell that contained the mark of failure from the smell of blood.

The failed work he tried to salvage is still an imperfect sacrifice.There was still the smell of someone else's fingering, this thought made him even more furious.

This is unacceptable to all controllers, and the sacrifices are "polluted" by other controllers.This is the method used by the controllers to disrupt each other and interfere with each other that often occurred in the Kedile Shan Miluo religion.There was a blind Xiaoxiao who dared to touch the priest's sacrifice.This thought made him suddenly ignite violent anger.The air in the underground cave also whistled sharply.

"Aw———————————No one can take it away!" The black-haired man raised his head and roared angrily, and there was an almost inhuman roar in his throat.Violent roars and strong winds stirred in the underground cave.The underground river surged with raging waves.

"You are mine, no one can take it away!" The black-haired man growled ferociously.In a fit of rage, he suddenly pushed away the body he was so attached to, and the person he loved staggered back a few steps with a blank expression, and fell to the shore unsteadily, but the sense of loss away from tenderness enraged him even more. Howling angrily, he fell on the body, sucking and biting like venting.

"Mason, I love you." He heard the people under him muttering to themselves. "My favorite."

The voice slightly brought the black-haired man back from his rage.He found that the body under him was covered with criss-cross mottled scars, and he was lying on his back docilely at this moment, allowing him to do whatever he wanted, still looking at him infatuatedly.Those beautiful blue pupils were intoxicated and dilated, and his pale and crazy face was reflected in the empty eyes. From those empty pupils, one could always see that the person's heart was empty, only the person in front of him . "I only belong to you." The bitten thin lip was still stained with blood, like a bright red broken rose petal, which added a strange and poignant beauty to his handsome face, "Mason, I love you" , he whispered obsessively.

The black-haired man saw himself grinning the corners of his mouth in the beautiful but slack pupils, bending a grinning arc, his lips and teeth were still bloodshot, he was no longer afraid of his hideous appearance, he laughed wildly, "Yes Ah, I love you, you are mine, you exist because of me."

He deliberately weakened the control over the imprint in his mind, the body lost the call of the controller's desire, the rune light on his chest gradually faded, became faintly visible, and almost disappeared.

At this time, his beloved was no longer fascinated, and the handsome silhouette with high eyebrows was silent and peaceful, as if immersed in prayer.

"This is you, isn't it? This is the real you." The black-haired man's pale and slender hands strangled the neck of his beloved, getting stronger and stronger, and he looked coldly at the empty pupils The scattered twilight dimmed little by little, his pupils dilated further, his familiar face slowly turned blue from suffocation, but his hands and feet were groping around on the gravel ground helplessly, he felt the whole body trembling Struggling, although the strength of the struggle is negligible, but I have tried my best.At the moment when the last trace of life was almost choked off, the cold grip suddenly loosened, and he fiercely kissed the gray lips, fresh air mixed with spiritual power crazily poured into the breathless chest, he looked at the moment coldly His recovered body, his familiar face with lowered eyelids, even though he was choked by the sudden influx of air and panting helplessly, he still looked calm. He felt the chest under him rise and fall again, and he once again Feel the heat of life.

At the moment when this body was dying, he felt that the induction of the "imprint" in his soul was almost disconnected.He couldn't bear the feeling of loss.Immediately revived the body with a surging kiss.

The appearance of this familiar body struggling unconsciously under the ruthless suppression made the furious heart feel the life instinct of this body, both fierce and fragile. This instinctive reaction to dying made him feel at this moment that his love is The real existence, the one in front of him is not just a fake body, the blue and red staggered scars all over his body are each given by his lips, teeth and claws, which makes him feel more strongly than the "imprint" of nothingness Reality of possession.

He looked at the calm and handsome face, anger mixed with possessiveness was ignited again, he turned over the body roughly, the tyrannical fury quickly invaded the life that had just warmed up, all his anger, love, hate , frenzy, depression, and pain are all galloping freely in the frenzied burning, raging freely.He felt that he was gradually contained by the warm blood, all his rage was tightly embraced by the convulsions of life instinct, and in the exhaustion of venting, he finally felt that he also completely belonged to his beloved.

After an unknown amount of time, the gravel beach on the bank of the underground river was dripping with blood. At the end of the intermittent blood, a black-haired man sat leaning against a boulder, holding his beloved in his arms.His pale arms embraced the tight and flexible waist of the blond young man from behind. The blond young man was hugged and imprisoned by him, his head was tilted to one side weakly, and the blond hair covered the side of his face, covering him calm face.The imprint light on his chest was still so dim that it almost disappeared.

The face of the black-haired man was no longer crazy. While licking and sucking the graceful back of the blond-haired youth's neck, he was caressing the slightly trembling body. Under his loving caress, the intertwined scars gradually disappeared.

Even though my love is not perfect, I still love him so much.

He suddenly grabbed the blond hair that was as bright as the sun, and the person in his arms was forced to raise his head, a look of intertwined pain and enjoyment appeared on his calm face from time to time, his thin lips were slightly parted, and he could only spit out a messy and weak moan, Those beautiful blue eyes are no longer empty, now filled with charming water mist, gradually filling the eye sockets, and the crystals seeping from the corners of the eyes also melted the tyrannical heart.The handsome and holy face looked like a pure sob and an invitation to debauchery at the moment.Yeah, that's who you are, my love, because of me, you exist, and with me, you're real.

The black-haired man feels that there is nothing in the world that satisfies him more than this moment. His love is in his arms, allowing him to get whatever he wants, and with his caressing, an infinite charm of coquettish blooms, but he has nowhere to put it The blazing rage of love is also deeply buried in the body of the loved one, and is tightly contained by that warm life.He felt the instinctive tremors of the person in his arms, which made him feel that this was his true love, not just a body, his beloved was always with him.He fell into the boundless clouds, and in a trance, he felt that they seemed to be penetrated by bursts of currents of the original force of life.

Their figures were intertwined and tumbling, and I don't know how long it took until the black-haired man felt his love bloom to the limit of vitality, and the induction connecting the "imprint" in his soul was almost cut off again.

The underground river was no longer surging, and became calm again.In the gurgling water, the black-haired man lovingly washed away all the scars and blood stains on the blond-haired youth.His eyes fell on the white robe laid flat on the boulder, "Honey, I will make you truly perfect."

The author has something to say:

The black-haired man strangles the blond youth to death, and the whole play ends...

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