[Western Fantasy] The mystery of life and death

Chapter 19 The Treasure Vault Theft

Custa learned the news as soon as she returned to the temple.She didn't care at first.The theft of the treasury was not an emergency in itself compared with the successive crises.Affected by the seal, the operation of "Hecate's Light" also became slow, which soon affected the entire Aranti secret realm.From that night onwards the climate was completely in disarray.Creatures everywhere appear abnormal.The ruling king Augusta cooperated with the five elders to take away most of the priests in the temple, and guarded the Soloa pine forest day and night to maintain the operation of the "Light of Hecate".Only Prince Palmer stayed in the meeting hall on a daily basis.

But she soon discovers that the theft seems to outweigh any immediate crisis.The ruling king, the five elders, and the three priests, who were so busy that they couldn't see anyone every day, all returned to the Huiyue Temple.They didn't even care about the abnormal changes in the psychic powers everywhere, and they didn't even care about finding the missing Lorca. They devoted all their energy to the investigation of the theft of the treasure house.

The treasure house is located in an inconspicuous round arched palace in the courtyard behind the palace group of Huiyue Temple, but there are several magic restrictions in the courtyard in front of the steps.There are two teams of guards stationed outside the courtyard all year round.In the palace, there are two full-time chief priests on duty.

Ordinary magic materials are stored in special warehouses.The treasure house is located in the basement of this palace, and the interior space is very small.The most precious things are often small.Only the most precious and rare magic weapon in the entire Yalanti is stored here - the oldest version of the Book of Gaia, the spiritual source magic crystal that maintains the "Light of Hecate", and the sap of the Soloa pine tree used in the ceremony, refined to the best Pure mirror dream crystals and top-grade magic crystals, as well as some magic scrolls.

The list of stolen items is very long: including all mirror dream crystals and top-grade magic crystals, 10 spiritual source magic crystals, and a "Wind Fury" magic scroll. "Song of the Netherworld".Almost all the wooden shelves on both sides have been emptied.

When Cuista saw this list, her heart moved. The scroll of "Fury of the Wind" reminded her of the storm that suddenly "broke out" outside the habitat of the flame lizard.

Priestesses of the Mirror Lake Clan are very good at dispensing magic potions, and Cuista, a princess of the Mirror Lake Clan, is even more skilled at it. She checked the water samples in the pool and found that it contained the ingredients of Yimi Flower and Datura Flower , the combination of these two ingredients will produce a strong psychoactive effect.Enough to confuse the mentally strong magician's sanity.

When checking the water samples, she smelled a conspiracy from the cloudy water in the bottle, and now she even pointed to the guess: it was very likely that there was no so-called "space airflow shock" at the time of the incident.

The flamingo habitat is clearly a melee.According to the members of the investigation team, they didn't know the situation over there, so they were directly hit by the storm.

Based on this, it can be inferred that while the ambush was encountering a storm, the flame monitor lizard was alarmed for some reason, Loka exposed Xingzang in advance, and had to fall into a bitter battle with the flame monitor group.

Flame monitors hate water, and there happens to be a waterhole in the middle of their habitat.

Loka disappeared into this small pool.

Only an unusable message leaf and a faint smell of blood showed his last trace.

The Vault's stolen list includes exactly one scroll of "The Fury of the Wind".

The tornado encountered at the ambush location is likely to be the power of the scroll "Fury of the Wind".This type of scroll is difficult to craft.People who can enter the treasure house of the temple must be extraordinary.

Could the theft of the treasury have anything to do with Loka's murder?Could the murderer and the thief who planned the trap be the same person, or an accomplice?Who is it?Why is he doing this?

These suspicious things made Custa feel that every member of the investigation team was suspicious.And these people are high-ranking priests and high-ranking guards with considerable status.

[Huiyue Temple Meeting Hall]

The ruling king Augusta and the Council of Presbyterians immediately secretly interrogated the guards on duty in the treasury in the meeting hall.

They found that all the guards on duty the night before yesterday had memory confusion, and some of them were still a little groggy.

Prince Palmer investigated all the guards and priests on duty that night, and found that only the guards and priests on the route from the back of the temple to the treasure house had amnesia.And they, like the priests guarding the treasury, lost their memories of the time from late night to early morning.

And the prohibition of the treasure house was not disturbed at all.To enter the treasure house, you need to hold the keys of two chief priests at the same time to enter.The two chief priests who guarded the treasure house realized in horror that the door was probably opened by themselves, and their memory of that time was blank.

It was on the day when Palmer's team had an accident, there was a violent space shock over Mirror Lake at night, and the treasure house of the temple was stolen at the same time!

The Presbyterian Church has never been stricter.All those involved were held in secret and underwent brutal interrogation in the meeting hall.Custa had never seen such a cruel side to these kind and friendly elders.Elder Abelson even advocated their immediate death.

In the meeting hall, the ruling king Augusta, the five elders, and the three priests were all silent, and everyone's expressions were as heavy as the dark clouds that filled the sky above the secret realm of Aranti.

Since the successive crises in the secret realm, the atmosphere of every meeting in the meeting hall has been heavy, but this time the atmosphere has an unusual sense of depression. Custa felt that there was something wrong with the silence of the ruling king Augusta, the three priests, and the council of elders. Many complex emotions.She remembered that when the Soloa Pine Forest was just sealed, everyone felt the panic of the doomsday, and they still looked calm.

She even felt their fear.

Compared with the precious "Wind Fury" scroll, top-grade magic crystals, and spiritual source magic crystals, Custa felt that what they really cared about was the treasure called "Song of the Netherworld".

"Father, what is 'Song of the Ghost'?" Prince Palmer asked puzzled.

Custa felt a mournful silence subdued in the council hall.

Apparently, this name reminded the ruling king, the Presbyterian Church and the three priests of the past that they didn't want to mention.Those years of depression, sadness, and fighting.

those days of despair.

The weird mind control found in the treasure house theft inevitably awakened those bloody years.

The tragic death of many, many siblings.Startling panic and doubts at every step.

The purest loyalty is no match for that weird sorcery, human nature is devoured, and there is no way to trust anyone, even the closest friends and relatives. He drank the drug with that warm and familiar smile, and became the minion of the mindless devil, who continued to capture the next victim with a bewitching smile.

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