"Ayao, come with me..."

A scarlet figure, erratic, accompanied by a cold and soft voice, ethereal and invisible, seemed to come from far away.

"Are you...calling me?"

Su Jingyao stared at a figure in front of her eyes, and a hazy call drove her forward. She didn't know where she was going, but she just followed the erratic figure in front of her, and kept moving forward.


The figure called out in a low voice, walking around like a wind, leading Su Jingyao forward.

It was a woman in scarlet clothes, leading her through a long corridor with red lanterns swinging on both sides of the corridor.

The lantern moved automatically without wind, the gloomy red mixed with the flickering candlelight, spreading out a blurred bright red strip of light on both sides of the corridor.

Su Jingyao's consciousness was hazy, just like the lanterns on both sides.

This corridor is so long.

Finally, the figure stopped.

At the end of the corridor is an elegant pavilion.

"Do you remember?" She turned to Su Jingyao.

Even though they were face to face, Su Jingyao still couldn't see the figure in front of her clearly, only vaguely discerning that it was a slender woman.

"What?" she murmured unconsciously.

"I have watched fireworks with you here."

Su Jingyao shook her head subconsciously, "Who are you?" She finally asked the question she always wanted to ask, "Have we met?"

The figure seemed to be stunned for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and took Su Jingyao's hand.

"You, don't you remember?"

Although she couldn't see her face clearly, Su Jingyao could hear the unconcealable sadness in her voice.For some reason, she felt that this voice was very familiar, and she also felt pain and entanglement in her heart.

"I'm sorry," she could only say dully, "I have no impression of you."

At that moment, she suddenly felt that the breath of the person in front of her had changed.

A cold and bright light burst out from her eyes, like a bolt of lightning.

The woman looked at her probingly for a while, then let go of her hand and turned away.

Su Jingyao stared at her steadfastly, resisting the bursts of distressed feelings that spread from the bottom of her heart.

Why did she feel so sad since she had never seen her before?

"Forget it." After a long time, I heard the woman's voice, low and cold, completely different from just now, "I made a mistake. I found you by my side, but I forgot that time will pass."

This is the voice that really belongs to her...

Su Jingyao thought silently, and felt pain in her head, as if waves were washing away her memories.Her memory was sometimes blurred and sometimes clear, but there was only that voice that kept calling her name, which made her feel sore.

"You, who exactly are you?"

A ray of white light suddenly shone into the pavilion, lying between Su Jingyao and the figure.

"Can I see what you look like?"

The woman in scarlet clothes turned her head to look at Su Jingyao, her face became clearer and clearer——

The white light became more and more intense, hurting Su Jingyao's eyes and illuminating her face——


An unconscious murmur escaped from Su Jingyao's mouth.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar balcony and fluttering curtains.

There were no figures, it was just a dream.

But why does a dream affect her mood so much?

Su Jingyao raised her hand to cover her eyes, and the appearance of that person emerged in her mind——

With phoenix eyes and black eyebrows, a straight nose bridge, delicate lips, and a bright and clean face like a crescent moon, there is a piercing aura between the eyebrows, which is so dazzling that it is unbelievable.

This person, she felt very familiar.

The noise outside the window gradually became louder, people walking in the morning, shopping, and sleepy students all gathered on the streets of the community at this moment.

Su Jingyao staggered out of bed, went to the floor-to-ceiling windows and opened the curtains a little. A ray of sunlight shone on her body, making her brows and eyes, which were as calm as smoke, seem to be coated with a layer of golden gold, and also reflected her slightly pale lips.

Su Jingyao turned her gaze and inadvertently glanced at a mirror on the table.

From that woman's tone, it seems that she has known her for a long time and has been looking for her for a long time?

Su Jingyao supported the window sill with one hand, and pulled the curtain to the left and then to the right with the other.

And, before that, she had never dreamed of that woman.

This dream seems to have started after she took the bronze mirror back from the store.

And this bronze mirror, she just got it yesterday.

Su Jingyao walked to the table, picked up the bronze mirror, and looked at it carefully.

Rhombus-shaped, round button, with a dragon on each side of the mirror button.The four limbs and three claws, connected end to end, are exactly the bronze mirrors of the Song Dynasty.

And on the first night she got the mirror, she had that dream.

Is it a mirror problem?

There is a very famous antique shop in K City, and there is an endless stream of customers coming and going every day. The antiques sold here are unique and rare.It is precisely because of this that this store has always occupied an excellent location with a lot of traffic, and the income is naturally high.

And Su Jingyao is the owner of this antique shop, Huang Mo Pavilion.

A young man came to the store yesterday, with a scholarly temperament, and brought a bronze mirror from the Song Dynasty.Said that my father dug up this bronze mirror when he was working in the field. He happened to be at home on vacation. He saw that the mirror looked like an ancient thing, so he took it here.

Su Jingyao happened to be in the shop at that time, and saw that the bronze mirror was elegantly crafted and full of antiquity.The lines and carvings also showed that it was a bronze mirror from the Song Dynasty. Unknowingly, the more I looked at it, the more I liked it, so I took it home.

It seems that the key to clarifying that strange dream lies in this bronze mirror.

Su Jingyao took her mobile phone and dialed Ye Bei, the shop assistant.

No one answered the first time, and no one answered the second time.

The corner of Su Jingyao's mouth twitched, and she dialed it a third time.

"Hello?" Ye Bei's muffled voice came over, and it sounded like he was still asleep.

"Ye Bei, don't sleep." Su Jingyao put down the bronze mirror, turned around and walked to the window, opened the curtains and looked at the people passing by outside, "Do you still remember the Song Dynasty bronze mirror brought by that man yesterday?"

"Remember, that mirror is really beautiful, if it is sold in a store"

Su Jingyao couldn't help but touch her forehead. Her buddy has such a problem, her thinking is too jumpy.

"Of course I know it looks good, but I'm not discussing it with you now," Su Jingyao interrupted him mercilessly, "The man who brought the mirror yesterday, find him in the store, I need his help with something."

"Oh, okay, I'll contact him right away." Once Ye Bei started to do something, he was very serious and would not procrastinate. More importantly, he would never talk too much.Su Jingyao took a fancy to this and hired him.

After explaining the matter, Su Jingyao let go of the curtains and went to the refrigerator in the kitchen to get the bread and milk that she bought yesterday. After warming up, she ate a little bit and regarded it as breakfast.

It's not that she can't cook, on the contrary, her cooking skills have always been very good.But for some reason, she just couldn't be bothered to start a fire in the kitchen in the morning.

After clearing the dining table, she received a call from Ye Bei.

"Boss, I've contacted him." Ye Bei's voice became clearer, "But it takes two hours to get here from there, so we won't be here yet."

"Okay, let me know when he gets to the store."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jingyao stood there thinking for a while.Before the man came yesterday, she didn't need to go to the store, but she had nothing to do if she didn't go, so she hesitated for a while and decided to go to the antique street.

Antique Street Wutong Lane is one of the busiest places in K City.As its name suggests, the street is lined with sycamore trees, which can cover the fierce sunlight in summer, leaving only a few spots of light the size of copper coins sprinkled on the ground.Numerous antique shops, as well as some small stalls, gather on this street.There are also tourists and buyers shuttling among them, which is very lively.

But no matter how lively it is, most of the scenes are only in the afternoon and evening. At this time, there will not be many people on the street. Su Jingyao doesn't like crowded places, so she always goes to Wutong Street in the morning.

Although she runs an antique shop herself, she has a deep knowledge of antiques, and if she doesn't expand her knowledge, she will be eliminated.

The streets in the morning are full of people in a hurry, almost everyone is expressionless, just walking quickly and mechanically, and occasionally seeing a few students also have dignified faces.Su Jingyao walked easily among these people, and a burst of indescribable emotion suddenly surged in her heart.

Would she be one of those people now if she hadn't chosen to run the antique shop?

But that's not what she wants.

Su Jingyao did not drive, but chose the subway.She likes the feeling of stepping on the street in the morning, relaxed and at ease.She couldn't help curling her fingers into fists, and then let go.

Sometimes she would wonder, if there was someone beside her at this time, would that person hold her hand, and the two of them would walk forward together.

She has grown up so much, she has never been in love, and she has never been tempted by anyone.When she repeated this action again today, the beautiful face of the woman in the dream suddenly appeared in her mind.

When the woman held her hand, she could vaguely feel that it was soft but also cold.

It's really strange why she suddenly thinks of her.Su Jingyao blinked her eyes, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly returned to her original state.

Someone is following her.

Su Jingyao's five senses are very transparent, and her insight is also very keen. If someone is staring at her, she can definitely feel it.

No matter how well that person pretends.

Su Jingyao quickened her pace, turned left and right, and quickly entered the subway entrance.

Until she bought the ticket and waited for the bus, the person who followed her didn't seem to show up again, which made her feel a little relieved.

After waiting for a while, a car wobbled and stopped in front of her.The carriage was empty and there were not many people.Su Jingyao walked in, picked a seat and sat down.

After a brief pause, the car started up again.

All kinds of billboards flashed in front of Su Jingyao's eyes one by one. She squinted her eyes and suddenly remembered the ghost stories about the subway that she had read before.

What about finding ancient shoes in the aisle, or the passengers who took the bus in the middle of the night saw people floating up, so they got off the bus quickly, but the next day they really heard that the train had an accident and no one survived.

Regarding the theory of ghosts and gods, she does not object to it, nor does she fully support it.

Nothing is groundless. The subway is originally an underground passage dug. Who can say what happened underground?

The carriage swayed and arrived at the station.

This stop was not Su Jingyao's destination, she sat there without moving, her gaze swept over the people who had just got on the bus, and then to the window glass.

That, that is...

A pale face was stuck to the glass, and the eyes were expressionless. The white part of the eyes of ordinary people was actually red, and the red surrounded the black eyeballs, which looked extremely terrifying.

The face was pressed against the glass so tightly that the nose was squeezed and twisted.Those two pale lips moved, and bright red liquid flowed out continuously.

The author has something to say: After all the hard work, I finally published this new article. . .The author just wants to say: Miss Jin, I really love and hate you.The new article needs support, and the author's little heart that was abused by Jinjiang needs to make up, so you understand.Hurry up and hand over the flowers

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