The next day, Princess Diana went to see His Majesty the King in the palace, and His Majesty the King prepared a small welcome banquet for her, which was set up on the bridge by the pond, with several attendants serving tea and water, Noah and Odry Qi is there too.

"It tastes really good." Princess Diana took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, in the southeast, there is a drink called Wanguo Wine, which is brewed from ten thousand kinds of fruits. Rich and rare. When I was fighting over there, I always wanted to bring back a glass of Wanguo Wine to Your Majesty, just like when I was a child, you always brought me some gifts every time you came back... Wanguo Wine is a fine wine that serves the king of the world , Your Majesty will definitely like it."

His Majesty the King said with some expectation, "Didn't you bring it back this time?"

Diana shook her head regretfully: "Wanguo wine can only be brewed in the southeast, and it must be drunk on the day it is brewed. Any method of refrigerated storage will change the flavor of Wanguo wine."

"It's a pity..." His Majesty the King was a little fascinated.

Diana smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, you are the king of the orc empire, and the fruit wine should be in your pocket. The humanoid tribes in the southeast are a serious problem for the orc empire. Destroy it, and let the southeast be included in the territory of the orc empire. At that time, His Majesty can sit on the southeast territory, accept the sincere submission of the humanoid race, and enjoy the most delicious Wanguo wine."

His Majesty the King frowned slightly, subconsciously said: "One year?"

"It only takes one year, Your Majesty." Princess Diana said softly: "The southeast was originally located in the territory of the orc empire a hundred years ago, and then it was separated due to the Confederate Revolution. I know that your majesty has always wanted to take back the southeast." , this is not only your long-cherished wish, but also the expectation of thousands of people day and night. As long as you give me time, the humanoid tribal alliance will definitely hand over its territory and loyalty."

"At that time, who will not chant your great name."

His Majesty stood up abruptly.

That's right, the Orc Empire has experienced all kinds of revolutions and wars, and it is a tough and powerful country full of disasters.In the past hundred years, the biggest blow to the Orc Empire was the Confederate Revolution. Humanoid tribes separated from the Orc Empire and have not yet returned.

What His Majesty the King thinks about day and night is to take back the humanoid tribe. As long as this is done, he will not be an ordinary king in history, but a great emperor worthy of being remembered by future generations and passed down through the ages!

Compared with this matter, who the heir is is a trivial matter. He is in his prime, and he will sit in this position for a long time.

"It should be taken back." His Majesty said in a low voice, "How sure are you, Diana?"

"Seventy percent," Diana said.

His Majesty the King frowned.

Diana sighed silently in her heart. At the time, her father told her personally that five achievements can be a gamble, and seven achievements can be used to send troops. There is no war or situation that must be won in the world. Instead, nothing can be done.

After being king for a few years, he forgot what he said at the beginning.

Diana said quietly: "If you don't have to come back for this Ice and Snow Festival, then [-]% of it will be."

His Majesty the King looked at her and said nothing for a moment.

"His Majesty……"

"I understand what you mean." His Majesty the King said coldly, and the faces of the attendants around him became tense for a moment.

Diana's face was as usual. She stood up and saluted His Majesty the King. She lowered her eyes and said, "I am your daughter, and Your Majesty's wish is my wish. My loyalty, even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, belongs only to you. You In the prime of life, the Orc Empire can only be revived under your leadership, Fate is still too young."

"You can show your loyalty with just one edict." His Majesty the King snorted coldly.

Princess Diana raised her head slightly and looked at her father: "The army in my hand does not belong to me, but to you. Both they and I will act according to your will."

His Majesty the King waved his hand coldly: "Call Feite over here."

Princess Diana left sadly.

She clenched her teeth, her eye circles were reddish, and she walked all the way, her red hair flying in the air, like a burning flame of anger.

After returning, Julian saw her like this and asked Noah, "Did you fail?"

"Successful." Noah patted him on the shoulder: "How about the potion I asked you to prepare?"

Julian gestured that there was no problem. Noah's request was too simple for him. He asked: "This is the first time I have participated in a royal infighting. Do I only need to do this? Are there any more difficult ones?" , can let me reflect my own value..."

Aldrich dragged the noisy magician away.

Noah said to Princess Diana: "Your Highness, you should cry in front of His Majesty the King."

Diana's hand gripped the edge of the table tightly: "He doesn't like to cry."

"But Prince Fett can, can't he?" Noah shrugged: "Crybabies do have candy."

"Are you sure those words are useful to him?" Diana had calmed down and asked, "Threatening him with a humanoid tribe is challenging his authority."

"You are just showing your own value. His Majesty the King is very magnanimous and sensible. He called Feite over, probably for you and tomorrow's Ice and Snow Festival." Noah said with interest: "Today I see that there are already some People have gathered in the palace, would you like to go out to relax, Your Highness the Princess?"

"I don't really want to go."

"You should let everyone know you're back."

In the afternoon, Princess Diana sat on the carriage, and more and more people on the street saw her carriage, coat of arms and red hair.

"Her Royal Highness is back!"

"It's Her Royal Highness!"

"Did Her Royal Highness come back for the Ice and Snow Festival?"

"Can I still see Her Royal Highness at the Ice and Snow Festival tomorrow? Great! I want to let everyone know the news!"

"Your Royal Highness, the Chernos raid was so well fought! I heard that the enemy killed thousands of people, and our army only suffered minor injuries!"

"Her Royal Highness fights well in every battle! It is my dream to serve as a soldier under Her Royal Highness!"

Those orcs gathered around Diana's carriage, looking at her eagerly. Not only many young men, but also many female orcs screamed at Her Royal Highness.

The carriage went around the city, and there were people following behind, reluctant to part.

"His Royal Highness is more popular than I imagined." Noah pulled the curtain on the car and said, "But there are many orcs who cast hostile eyes on us."

Aldrich asked: "They are the Lion faction? Why is the orc empire divided into the lion faction and the wolf faction. There are very few wars between the human and the orc empire."

"Because of the Confederate Revolution," Diana explained.

"The Confederate Revolution caused great losses to the empire, and that war was precisely because of the interference of humans. They secretly helped the humanoid tribes and provided them with supplies and weapons-at that time, humans were still allies of the orc empire. That is Since then, the Orc Empire has been divided into the Wolf faction and the Lion faction."

Aldridge and Noah looked at each other, and there was no such thing mentioned in the books they read.

"Lions don't think humans can be trusted," Diana said.

"Don't the Wolf faction think so?" Noah asked.

"The wolf faction also believes that human beings cannot be trusted, but everything must be compromised for the sake of interests. It is not good for the orc empire to completely isolate hostility to humans." Diana said: "If it cannot be completely resolved, then let's get along with each other. I’m sorry for the conflict of the second humanoid tribe, although the humanoid tribe is not the opponent of the empire, but they are always crazy and always come out to stab the empire, which is not a good thing.”

"If they go crazy and come to attack the empire desperately, the loss to the empire will be even greater, and how many soldiers will lose their lives in the war." Diana said: "The life of every soldier of the empire is priceless. .The death of any soldier is a deep pain for the empire."

Aldrich said with a smile: "I always hear people say that you are a fighter."

"People who like war are either people who have never seen war, or because of the huge benefits brought by war." Diana said lightly: "On the battlefield, life is the least valuable thing. Those The corpses are densely spread on the ground, some have broken hands and feet, some have lost half of their body, it is not an exaggeration to flow into a river, have you ever seen the scene where the whole calf is buried in the blood water? Yesterday’s living companion just died like that In front of him, he died full of pain and unwillingness, and the living did not have a good life."

"Some lost their hands and feet in the war, and some lost their faith... People who have experienced war will have changes in their facial features and faces. After they come back, it is difficult for them to integrate into ordinary life. War can easily destroy Everything. The Empire has seen many wars, and I hope that one day it will not be exhausted."

Her tone is very flat, but the content she portrays makes people shudder.

The air in the carriage froze for a while, and Noah broke the silence: "But only a strong country can be free from war."

Aldridge said in a low voice: "One battle ends a hundred battles."

"That's right, concessions, contracts, surrender, alliances... are all temporary, and only absolute strength and interests can make the empire stand on the mainland of Reedlas." Diana looked towards the direction of the palace and said, "Fei It's ridiculous to try to make the empire hand over the territory in the southeast in order to ensure peace between the empire and the southeast. He betrayed the soldiers who fought on the front line. I suspect there are people behind him. "

"It's human." Noah said easily.

Diana shot him a quick look: "Well, that's not what I meant..."

Noah shrugged: "Your Highness, the position of human beings is much more complicated than that of the orc empire."

After going back at night, Diana received a letter from His Majesty asking her to prepare well and attend the Ice and Snow Festival tomorrow.

Attached to the letter, there is also a detailed arrangement of the Ice and Snow Festival. In the middle, there is a process of royal sex. Only Prince Fett was previously scheduled, but now Princess Diana is abruptly added to it, and it is located before Prince Fett.

The author has something to say: Jin Jiang asked to add ideas to the novel. I scratched my head and thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out. It was too difficult.

The title and copywriting are already very difficult...

You said I wrote "fate and love are in my own hands", is it very discouraging_(:з」∠)


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Ji Yulu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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