Diana's five fingers clasped Fate's wrist with such force that Fate almost felt that she was going to crush the hand abruptly.

Feite looked at Diana's pupils, where there was anger suppressed by reason, burning like a fire in her eyes.My sister doesn't look like him, no matter in outline or eyebrows.The elder sister is like a father, and he is more like the gentle mother who has long since died.

"Why is my sister so careless?" Fei Te said with a half smile: "The coming-of-age ceremony will be held after the Ice and Snow Festival, and it's not too late for my sister to come back after the Ice and Snow Festival."

During the Ice and Snow Festival, His Majesty the King will issue an edict announcing the successor, and when he comes back at the coming-of-age ceremony, it will be too late, and the king will completely side with Prince Fei Te.

"My sister has worked hard all the way back, why don't you go back and rest first." Feite shook off her hand: "At the Ice and Snow Festival, those people will be very happy to see Her Royal Highness come back."

Diana didn't care. She withdrew her hand and said to the king, "Your Majesty, have you prepared all the matters for the Ice and Snow Festival? I heard that you left all these matters to Fate."

"He is almost an adult, and he should do something to exercise." The king said.

Diana smiled, and looked at Fett with concern: "In my heart, he has always been a kid running behind me. In the last year, let him relax. Why don't I come to the Ice and Snow Festival?" Help His Majesty manage..."

Feite interrupted her loudly: "Sister, during the time you were not in the palace, I have been studying with my father. Moreover, all kinds of material scheduling and personnel arrangements in this palace, my sister must not be familiar with it if she hasn't come back for many years, so don't trouble is you."

The king said with a smile: "That's right, Feite has been with me all these years, and I just took this opportunity to test his learning achievements."

Feite smiled and said, "Of course I won't let my father down."

The two of them enjoyed themselves together, but Diana couldn't.

When she left the palace and went to the border to guard the country, she never imagined that the situation would turn out like this.The king became more and more afraid of her because of her military strength, and Fei Te took the opportunity to win over the important officials in the palace to add weight to himself.The border of the Beastman Empire has been in constant war for years, and only barely stopped for a while during the cold wave. She must stay there all the time, isn't it wrong?

She wasn't here, so my father forgot about her.

Diana took a deep breath and said softly, "Your Majesty, I want to stay in the palace when I come back this time."

Feite was stunned, the smile on his face receded slowly, and he looked at her suspiciously.The king asked: "Dear daughter, why do you say that suddenly?"

"I have led the army to destroy 57 humanoid tribes, and the tribal alliance has been disbanded. In the next few years, they will no longer be able to pose a threat to the orc empire. I want to come back to share the worries of your majesty. Fate is still young after all, Some ideas are immature, how can we rush him to take care of things."

After she finished speaking, the king did not respond, but thought for a while.He didn't expect that Diana had achieved such success in the southeast.The main reason is that the southeast has always been a chronic disease of the orc empire, and it can't be beaten completely. It comes to harass it from time to time. Even if a few tribes are cleared, the humanoids will rebuild the tribe quickly. As long as the orc empire relaxes a little , then surrounded like flies.It is very good to have a stable life for a few years.

Feite's face was cloudy and uncertain, extremely complicated.There was nothing wrong with what Diana said, and he couldn't stop the princess who had won the war from returning to the palace.He could only comfort himself that it was too late for Diana to come back at this time.The king had already written the edict, so he waited for the Ice and Snow Festival to read the edict and announce it to the public.

This matter is already a certainty, and Diana can't stop it.

It's only a few days. To be precise, three days later, the Ice and Snow Festival will begin.

"That's what you said." The king looked at Diana's wounds and facial features similar to his. Diana lowered her eyebrows and looked very docile.

He sighed, "I've worked hard for you all these years."

Diana maintained a respectful attitude: "As a daughter, there is no one who is not willing to share his father's worries."

After she said this, the king's face became softer, probably because he remembered something from the past.

After Diana left the palace with Aldridge and Noah, Feite also returned to his palace.

"Why didn't she die outside!" Feite kicked the table fiercely: "She said I was immature?! Oh, just let the father think about the edict again!"

What alarmed Fett Peters was that the king really seemed to hesitate because of this.

Diana's combat exploits are real.

"Your Highness, please be careful with your words." A figure appeared behind him, beckoning the surrounding attendants to leave, and then closed the door.

He said slowly, "You should be happy that Her Royal Highness is back."

Fit Peters raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "Your Excellency, I entrusted you with the task of intercepting Diana, but you disappointed me very much."

The man bowed slightly, his movements were standard and elegant: "When I was in Reef City, I could have stopped her. But something unexpected happened."


"There are some people protecting her, and they are very powerful."

"The two humans who followed her into the palace?"

"Yes, and a magician."

"Humans...huh." Fit Peters shook his head: "The relationship between the Orc Empire and humans is not very good now."

"Because of this, Her Majesty's move must not be liked by His Majesty. Besides, she didn't come back with an army, and she was isolated and helpless, which is better than being at the border." The man said slowly: "Therefore, Your Highness, you should really be happy. That's right. She delivered it to the door herself, and in the palace, it's not up to you to decide."

Fit Peters showed a smile: "That's right."

He suddenly thought of what Diana said today—in my heart, he was still the kid who ran behind me.

No, I'm not a child anymore, sister.

Feite Peters murmured: "I can't follow her forever..."

"So from now on, we just need to proceed step by step. I will send someone to monitor the situation at Her Royal Highness's side. If there is any movement, I will report to you immediately." The person beside him said so respectfully.


Diana returned to her residence and arranged for Aldridge and Noah to rest first. By the afternoon, the entire palace knew the news of her return.

A few nobles came to visit her, but on the whole she was left in the cold.

In the hall, Noah and Aldridge were sitting on both sides. Diana was staring at the military map on the wall in a daze, but obviously her attention was not on it.

However, the most conspicuous thing in a princess's residence is a military map that occupies half of the wall, which is also rare.

"Your Highness, do you need me to comfort you again?" Noah asked.

Diana came back to her senses and waved her hand.The problem she is facing now cannot be solved with spiritual comfort.

She took a deep breath, and then said to them: "Sorry, the situation is worse than I thought, I can't provide you with the palace secret medicine for the time being..."

This is just a polite remark, and Noah has long been mentally prepared for it.

"I didn't expect that the first thing His Majesty asked after returning was the whereabouts of the army." Diana sat down on the chair. Noah and the others had already known her most embarrassing side, so they didn't care about anything: " He doted on Fei Te more, when his mother died of illness, she was a gentle and unforgettable woman, Fei Te was very similar to her..."

Before she finished speaking, an attendant ran over and said, "Your Highness, the Duke of Durham is here to visit."

"Duke Durham?" Diana frowned, "Isn't he a neutral?"

She thought for a while, then suddenly turned to Aldridge and Noah and said, "Have you seen the elves?"

Noah shook his head. He has always been yearning for the legendary elves, but he has never had the chance to meet them. There are very few elves adventuring in Redras, and most of them are half-elf or quarter-elf. lineage.

"Duke Durham is a real elf." Diana said with a smile: "He is the elf clan's ambassador to the orc empire. Do you want to meet him with me?"

Duke Durham stepped into the princess mansion and saw the princess and two humans who warmly welcomed him.He thought to himself that the princess deserved to belong to the wolf faction, and she actually brought the human race by her side at all times. Could this move be to please the wolf faction.

Her Royal Highness returned to the palace this time, and the situation is not very good, and the Wolf faction has been suppressed by the Lion faction led by Fit Peters in the past few years, and it has gradually declined.He is not optimistic about the alliance between the two.

Of course, the Duke of Durham is a neutral faction, neither a wolf nor a lion. His status is very strange. He is the emissary sent by the elves to the orc empire. He is about 300 years old this year. He is still very young, but he has already stayed in the orc empire. for more than 30 years.

When His Majesty Peters took the throne, he had a share of the credit, and His Majesty appreciated him very much.Therefore, the Duke of Durham is not only a genuine member of the elves, but also a member of the parliament of the Orc Empire who actually participated in the discussion, as well as the territory and title granted by His Majesty Peters.

While he was weighing in his heart, Noah was also looking at him.

Diana said before that the Duke of Durham was over 300 years old, but she couldn't see it at all.He has light golden hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin, slender and tall, delicate and delicate, which is incompatible with the overall style of the Orc Empire.

He also has a pair of pointed ears that can move flexibly in response to the sound. Duke Durham wears the service of the nobles of the Orc Empire, but made some minor adjustments to make it more in line with his temperament.

After the meeting, the Duke of Durham saluted Princess Diana lightly and gracefully: "Your Royal Highness, your safe return is our luck. May the God of Nature and the God of War bless you."

The author has something to say: here we come! !


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Qianyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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