After Aldridge came in, the robber didn't see him, but the hostess looked over here first.

Aldridge gestured to her to silence her, then moved to the back of the robber, raised his big sword, and swung it down heavily.

He has been practicing with Noah during this time, and Noah taught him how to use the big sword correctly, but this is the first time Aldridge has used the big sword to attack a living person, and the angle is a bit skewed.Therefore, with this sword, only half of the robber's neck was cut off.

The robber was taken aback, and subconsciously turned his head back. Half of his neck was broken and he couldn't support his head, so he hung in mid-air very strangely, and the blood gushing from the wound stained Aldrich's armor.

He opened his mouth wide, trying to shout.

Aldrich's scalp was numb, but he was more excited. He raised his sword again, aimed at the robber's crumbling neck, and chopped it down.


The sound of the blade cutting through flesh and blood was similar to that of cloth.Aldrich felt the touch from the great sword, his body shook slightly, and then kicked the headless corpse to the ground without hesitation.

"Are you all right?" Aldridge turned to look at the hostess of the house.

The hostess covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face. She shook her head and stood up firmly.

"What should we do now..." She asked in a panic, "They can't stop them, those robbers—"

Aldridge gave her a reassuring smile, which calmed the hostess a little.

"I remember you, are you the village chief's daughter?" Aldrich asked. When Noah made the announcement, he stood aside and observed, subconsciously remembering the people on the field.

The hostess looked at him with some surprise: "Yes."

"Bring out the high-quality wine." Aldridge spoke so fast that the hostess almost didn't hear him clearly.


Aldridge said firmly, "If you want to help them."

The hostess saw the firm will in his eyes, and took out the wine barrel from the kitchen. The bright red liquid dangled in the wooden barrel, making a gurgling sound.Aldrich took the barrel and strode out.

He opened the lid of the wine barrel at the door, and the intoxicating aroma suddenly diffused out, mixed with the smell of burning wood, which made people feel the danger of shivering down the spine.

At this time, a robber saw him and rushed over with a big knife. Aldridge didn't panic at all. He raised his hand and poured out the wine barrel, pouring the robber all over.

Then he took out a burning log and threw it at it—very easy, because the whole village was on fire, and the flaming log fell on the robber, who was surrounded by flames almost instantly.

The church has invented distillation, the wine has a very high alcohol content, and grape trellises are planted outside every church.For the people in Redlas, drinking wine is one of the ways to share their divinity. They use wine instead of water every day, so every household stores a high level of wine.

Ale is a cheaper alternative with a lower alcohol content, and tastes sour and stale.

This scene was seen by the hostess, and she exclaimed, already understanding what Aldrich meant.

Aldridge looked back at her and said, "Go tell everyone to do this."

The hostess nodded decisively: "Okay!"

Aldrich watched as she went to the next house, went to kill the robber who was engulfed in flames, and then beheaded him.

He carried the robber's head and walked towards the back of the village, where the battlefield had already moved.

As time passed, the defense of the village became weaker and weaker. The bandit leader led the bandits on a rampage, robbing food and women recklessly.

Aldridge threw his head at the robber, held up his big sword, and said loudly: "Follow me to defend the last line of defense, support will arrive soon!"

He killed the robber in front with a single sword, and a tall figure walked out of the fire, wearing silver armor and holding a bloody sword, walking in front of the villagers.

When everyone heard his voice, they focused their eyes on him. The firelight and armor covered his Neilbrook features. They only saw his heroic figure and firm voice, and followed him involuntarily.

The bandit leader was furious and slashed at him with a heavy hammer.

Aldrich swung his sword to block him, and after a few breaths, he was out of breath.After all, he hasn't been trained for a long time, and his combat experience is not as good as that of the bandit leader, so he can barely support it.

At this moment, women came out with wine barrels. They poured wine on the unprepared robbers, and then threw the fire over them. There was a smell of roasted meat in the air. The shouts sounded one after another.


At this time, the loss of the robbers has exceeded the estimate, and if it continues, the loss outweighs the gain.

The bandit leader yelled to retreat, leaving Aldridge alone, pulled his horse's head to turn around, and led the rest of the bandits who were still alive to escape.

When he ran to the entrance of the village, he looked back at Aldrich and shouted: "I will kill you, you wait for me, Neilbrook!"

Aldrich turned a deaf ear.

He was busy walking to church.

As I said before, the thieves did not break into the church, nor did the fire spread. Among the villages, only the church was made of stones.Aldrich hurriedly took off his helmet and went to the backyard, where he saw Noah sitting by the boiler boiling water.

Noah yawned and said, "Is it over?"

Aldridge walked over and sat beside him, the burning sensation caused by the violent fire just now remained on his skin, but before Noah's eyes, there was a little spark like a sprout.

"They left," Aldrich said. "Many bandits died. They may not dare to attack the village again."

Noah shook his head, smiled and poured boiling hot water into the wine glass. People here don't like to boil water for drinking, and the water quality is very dirty. Drinking unboiled water will cause various diseases.

"Tonight's wine is too strong." Noah said: "Drink some hot water and rest, there will be a lot of trouble tomorrow."

"What's the trouble?"

Just when the hot water was about to cool down, Noah explained: "The people in the village may not appreciate your brave deeds so much. On the contrary, they will question and criticize you tomorrow."

"Why?!" Aldridge asked angrily.

"These robbers will not let it go, but will redouble their revenge. Before, they only faced the plight of being robbed of food and women. Next, the robbers will slaughter the entire village in order to maintain their position." Noah shook his glass, Thought there was another reason, you're a Neilbrook.

In the Shilan Empire, you are destined not to be appreciated and respected.

"Why do they hate me, not the robbers?" Aldridge asked in a low voice.

"It's a very painful thing to resent an existence stronger than yourself." Noah fiddled with the charcoal fire at will, and extinguished the flame: "People always want to live a happier life, so they want to avoid pain, so hating a Ni It's a lot easier for the Albrooks."

"Maybe they won't be like this..." Aldridge said hesitantly, "I saved them after all."

"I hope so too." Noah sighed softly.

Aldridge was silent.

Noah signaled with his eyes: "Take off the armor."

Aldrich took off the armor as he said, and soon the smell of blood spread.There was a blue and black bruise on his body, which spread all over his back, and he looked very scary.

"Blunt trauma, did the enemy use a heavy hammer?" Noah asked, pulling Aldridge in front of him and making him turn his back to him.

"Yes, he's very strong." Aldrich felt his whole body's bones were falling apart when it hit him, but he gritted his teeth and held on, not letting anyone see the clue.

"The lord of the distant world, I will give you the name of light... save lives, eliminate pain..."

Aldrich heard the voice of Noah reciting in a low voice, his back was wrapped in a pure white light, and soon, the bruises disappeared.

Small healing.

This was one of the only three divine arts he learned when he was a trainee priest.

Aldridge twisted his shoulder, the pain was gone, even some old injuries, he had never felt better.

Is the priest's little healing technique so powerful?

Aldrich always felt that this was different from the small healing spell he knew. The small healing spell was a basic divine spell that every priest knew. It had the advantages of fast casting and low consumption. Treat minor injuries.

But he has never really seen the small healing technique, nor has he ever felt it, maybe the small healing technique is like this!

Aldridge put on his coat and whispered, "Thank you."

"There are not many people who use heavy hammers to fight, and even fewer people use them so well." Noah commented casually, and handed the hot water to Aldrich: "Go to sleep after drinking."

The next morning, Noah got up before morning prayers and then worked out in the yard.

He saw Aldrich who was making breakfast in the yard. He was wearing a thin coat, with two big dark circles under his eyes, and looked tired. It was obvious that he hadn't fallen asleep at night.

"Noah." Aldridge greeted, "What would you like to drink in the morning?"

"Just boil the water, I don't want to drink." Noah had a good rest in the second half of the night. He put on a black missionary robe, with a chain hammer hanging on his wrist, and held the "Sacred Book of Light" in his left hand.

After they finished their breakfast, the church was already full of people.

Noah stood at the forefront and put the "Holy Canon of Light" on the podium. Aldrich stood beside him without any armor, and his typical deep eye sockets and long eyelashes were exposed to everyone.

As Noah said, there was no gratitude in the eyes they looked at Aldrich, only anger and resentment.

"Some unfortunate things happened yesterday." Noah said proactively, "May the God of Light guide the dead to his side."

"Something more unfortunate will happen soon." The village chief took off his hat, and he glanced at Aldrich meaningfully, and said to Noah: "I don't understand why you take such an evil slave out, He brought disaster upon us."

"I beg you to punish him."

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