In the underground library, it was still dim, and the lights flickered like beans.It is said that some people prefer this kind of environment and can only concentrate in this kind of environment. I don't know if the legendary magician is such a person.

As Noah thought about it, his curiosity about this legendary magician became more and more serious, especially after reading his handwritten notes for a month, he felt as if he was talking to this legendary magician through time.

Julian waited outside the teleportation array, saw him appear, and grabbed his arm excitedly: "You are back, are you okay? Is there any discomfort? Did it work?"

He asked a series of questions, and Noah came out holding the crystal lamp and said, "Successful."

"where did you go?"

"The Orc Empire." Noah added: "It should be."

Julian grinned uncontrollably, and walked quickly to the table. He pushed away the book on it, and took out a piece of parchment and a quill. The parchment had already been densely filled with content.

"Let's talk about it in detail." Julian was ready to take notes.

"How long have I been there?" Noah sat opposite him.

"Soon, faster than I thought." Julian said: "The time of half a rope."

They recorded the time and place of using the teleportation array for the first time. Julian asked a few questions in detail, but for the users, there was no special feeling.

After a while, Noah and Julian stood in front of the teleportation array again, this time testing whether Julian could teleport with him.

The two appeared in the previous place at the same time, and Noah could also take Julian back to the island directly.Then they tried to bring more items, such as books and crystals, which can be brought there.

After doing a lot of experiments, Noah said: "I don't know how many people this teleportation array can take at most, if it can take a lot of people..."

Julian: "Huh?"

"Isn't it possible to transport the army to any place?" Noah said: "The most troublesome thing about fighting a war is the transportation of logistics materials and marching routes. Raiders from heaven.",

"But the cost is very high." Julian counted for him with his fingers: "Using this teleportation array once consumes a lot of magic crystals. We don't know how much wealth we have wasted when we came here."

Even though he said that, he didn't mean to regret it.If Julian was a person who cared about things outside his body, he would not have devoted himself to being a pharmacist and investing a lot of capital in research without hesitation.For him, money is just a tool to achieve his goals.

"Compared with the benefits obtained from the victory of the war, these are nothing. The Shilan Empire was living in trepidation before, and a holy battle victory directly annexed the entire Brooke Empire. Now it dares to challenge the Northern Alliance." Gaining benefits is unimaginable, and can even affect the capital of the country for hundreds of years.After that victory, the status of the Church of Light has become higher, but it has also become more domineering. The nobles said nothing on the surface, but secretly accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction.

Julian listened to him with a look of lack of interest.Noah thought to himself that he was only interested in magic knowledge, the grievances between the nobles and the church, the causes and results of the rise of war, and it was not helpful to magic research, so he would not care.

Aldridge would be happy to talk to me about this.

Immediately after the experiment was over, they went to Aldridge and Evelia to tell them about it.The teleportation array can be used, and they can go directly to the orc empire, even in a shorter time than originally expected.

This is undoubtedly good news. Evelia was very excited, and she asked when she could go to the Orc Empire.

Aldridge said: "After George and the others are settled first, we are leaving. What will they do?"

Noah said: "If they want to stay, they can live on the island. If they want to leave, I can tell the siren to keep an eye on the nearby boats, lead the boats over, and let them leave by boat."

"I'm going to talk to them," Aldrich said.

After Noah and Julian finished this matter, they breathed a sigh of relief for a while, no longer immersed in the collection of books, and returned to Shangdao rarely.

Evelia stepped on Julian's head, and Julian excitedly asked her to take him to see the magic crystal mine.

"It's really rare to see you come out." Aldrich said to Noah with a smile.

"I actually don't like that kind of too dark and narrow environment." Noah shrugged.

Aldridge smiled: "I can't help it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, Noah stretched his waist greatly and said, "Take me for a walk?"

"Okay." Aldrich naturally agreed.

Although Noah asked Aldrich to walk him around, his attention was not on the surroundings.He said, "I think that legendary magician should be a loner."

Aldrich walked side by side with him and asked, "How?"

"From what I read between the lines, I have been reading his records these days, and I have a simple imagination of him." Noah said: "He has dabbled in magic, divine arts, traditions and languages ​​from all over the world. He is a knowledgeable and intelligent man. And a person with a firm goal. As the sea monster said, he should indeed be a person with a gentle personality and would not argue with others over trivial matters. However, his methods were extremely cruel and cruel, and the entire village died in his hands. "

Noah sighed slightly: "At the same time, he is very withdrawn, you see, he chose to sink himself into the sea - but the legendary magician may enjoy it."

"It's probably hard for a person like him to have friends." Aldridge said objectively.

Noah laughed loudly, then he turned his head and glanced at Aldrich: "Fortunately, I have a friend like you. This is where I am luckier than him."

Aldridge stopped.

He looked at the smile remaining in the corner of Noah's eyes, and felt a little happy for a while, but also a little sour.

"What's wrong?" Noah stopped with him, and Aldridge didn't know what to say, but shook his head.

Noah hesitated for a moment and said, "Then what, I actually have something to tell you."

At this time, the dusk had just ended, and the sky in the distance showed a thick dark blue. Noah's face was faintly blurred in the dim light. He lowered his eyes, his eyelashes cast a shadow, and looked very tangled.

If Aldridge had been a little more affectionate, or a little more romantic, he might have thought that Noah was going to confess his love to him.

"That's right, that teleportation array is a one-way teleportation array." Noah said.

Aldridge hummed calmly, see, he knew it.

"I did an experiment with Julian today. For now, only I can enter and leave the island freely, and Julian can only come back when he is with me. I couldn't help but throw him alone today. There, see what he thinks."

"...This is too bad." Aldrich said, "He might cry."

Noah turned his head and laughed silently for a while.

"In short, this teleportation array is too inconvenient for you." Noah turned his head, his tone has returned to calm: "Is there any way for you to freely enter and exit this island, I have been thinking about this question."

Aldridge listened to him quietly.

"Recently, I have been studying the power of this ring to see what step I can do. I am going to share the ownership of this island with you." Noah raised his right hand and said, "But I'm not sure if you willing."

Aldrich was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips and looked at him.

Noah thought, this feels too weird, I just want to give him sharing permissions, why does it sound like asking-would you like to be another owner of my house.

Does that seem right?Where is that strange?

Maybe I shouldn't be asking this?

While Noah was thinking about it, Aldridge asked: "Are you sure? You know the value of this island, the legacy of a god and legendary magician, do you want to share it with me?"

"It's just an island," Noah said.

Aldrich gave him a deep look: "Of course I would."

But I hope you don't regret it... it would be too much to take back after giving it to me.

Noah smiled.

"So what do I do?" Aldrich asked.

"You stretch out your hand." Noah said, "Then close your eyes."

Aldrich hummed, stretched out his hand, and closed his eyes obediently. He felt Noah holding his hand. Noah's body temperature was cooler than his, and the touch was very distinct.There was no movement after that, and Aldridge waited for a while before he heard Noah say, "You feel it."

Aldrich lowered his head, and he "saw" a ball of light emitting from Noah's hand. The light spot continued to spread, centered on them, and gradually covered the entire island.Every plant and tree on the island, insects, fish, birds and animals came into view, and he confirmed that he could control everything on the island.Aldrich felt a sudden clear connection between himself and the island, and all things had animism, expressing kindness and obedience to him.

Shimojima is much more obscure, and the intermittent connection shows that Noah has not fully controlled Shimojima.

When Aldridge opened his eyes, those light spots disappeared, but his sense of control over the island was still very clear.

"Does it look different?" Noah said with a smile, "Let's name this island. It used to be called the Eternal City, but it's not appropriate anymore."

The Eternal City has been destroyed, the God of Loopback has fallen, the villagers have turned into stone puppets, and the Sky City has also fallen down, even being divided into two halves.

Aldrich said, "Then call it the Ark."

Ark... Noah was taken aback for a moment: "How did you think of this name like that?"

"I just thought of it suddenly." Aldrich also had a flash of inspiration, and this idea appeared inexplicably: "Is there any problem?"

Noah's tone was a bit complicated: "'s good."

The author has something to say:


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