After getting the ring, the statue of the goddess of ringback shattered and collapsed, and huge stones fell down one after another, just like the scene in Cold Wind City.

Noah protected Evelia from the falling stones, and the ring disappeared after putting it on. Noah felt his body temperature drop and his heartbeat became slower and slower. At the same time, he learned a lot about this in his mind. information about the island.

This is indeed the Eternal City. 200 years ago, this place was still an uninhabited island floating in the air, and it was the temporary residence of the God of Loop.Until Buchania fell, the survivors boarded a large ship, and they were going to flee to a place where there was no war.However, in this sea area, they encountered a storm and lost their way.

When they woke up again, they appeared on this island. The God of Loopback rescued them and was willing to send them home.But those who survived would prefer to stay here. There are wars and disasters, oppression and death everywhere outside.

Only here is the only pure land.

The God of Loopback agreed.

They stayed here, and the God of Loopback provided them with inexhaustible resources. Time on the island was almost static, and no matter whether it was ten years or twenty years, those people hadn't changed in any way.They are always young and strong, healthy and beautiful, friendly and harmonious.

They carved this magnificent statue for the God of the Ring. The ring on the statue condenses the power of the Eternal City and the God of the Ring. Those who own the ring can control the Eternal City.

"That's why it's called the Eternal City." Noah opened his eyes and said slowly, "The God of Loop is the god who manipulates time. On this island, time flows at different speeds in different places, and the time outside is normal. Yes, the closer to the center, the time freezes, and the Flyboco people who live in the center are completely unaffected by time."

Evelia groaned, if this is the case, why did the Eternal City become an island.

Noah took a breath, he could feel the power of the ring oppressing his spirit: "I don't know, the information given by this ring is limited."

The sea monster Acheloids looked at him coldly: "Do you think you can withstand the power of this ring?! You are courting death, human!"

"You should call me master now." Noah stretched out his hand: "Acheloids, the sea monster, you are the pet raised by the god of loops, and you are also the gatekeeper of the eternal city. Your duty is to serve The master of the Eternal City serves!"

"I don't have to serve the dead!"

Because of the restraint of the ring, it did not attack, and stared at Noah closely from a distance.It didn't believe that Noah could survive, and even the liar back then didn't dare to put on the ring directly.

Noah sat down slowly, controlling his breathing.He felt his body getting colder and stiffer, almost turning into a statue.Evelia anxiously rubbed against his neck, trying to convey a little warmth.

This is different from Aldrich's ring...

Noah sighed in his heart, if Aldrich could absorb the power of the ring, then he would be fine.

In fact, in this short period of time, Noah has already mastered the usage of the ring.

"Part of the information in this ring is missing." Noah stared at the sea monster Acheloids and said, "I hope you can tell me why, it seems that you don't want to say... Hehe, it's okay."

The sea monster's face changed: "What are you going to do?!"

"Exercise the power of the master." Noah closed his eyes, reached out and pulled down hard in the air.


Aldrich desperately resisted the attacks of the Flecks. Although he had the power to manipulate time, he was still gradually exhausted under the siege of the Flecks.

The previous stone sword had already been broken, and Aldridge changed another sword.As the fighting time got longer and longer, he gradually accumulated more experience in manipulating time.In the beginning, he could only control the passage of time for a moment, making it extremely slow, and the intervals were extremely long.But now he can control the time of nearly three breaths, and he is getting more and more handy.

Sure enough, actual combat is the most effective way to improve strength, and Noah is not there, there is no light to protect him, the threat of death is pressing on him, and he must protect Julian who has completely sunk into his own world behind him.

Aldridge is getting stronger at an almost terrifying speed, but his physical energy consumption is also increasing.When he looked up at the sun high in the sky, how long had it been.Why did he hardly feel the passage of time?

"I have a solution!!" Julian yelled, causing Aldrich to wake up suddenly.

"The circuit of the legendary magician is difficult to destroy, but I can temporarily cover it!" Julian filled a bottle of sensing potion with a very heroic gesture, then stretched out his staff, and drew a pattern in the air.

Although he looked very excited, Julian's hands were extremely steady, and he muttered words-this was the first time Aldrich saw him chant spells and manually construct magical circuits before using magic.

This prudence made the magic in his hands show extraordinary power.

The circuit was completed, and a soft blue light diffused from the top of the staff. All the Fleck people who were illuminated by the light put down their weapons and stood in place, like real statues.

"This is only temporary, we must find a way to completely solve these Fleck people." Julian took a breath: "It's too bad, we haven't found Noah and the others yet, we are trapped in this kind of place... Aldridge ,What are you doing?"

Aldridge came back to his senses, his heart beat violently just now, the ring suddenly appeared on his ring finger for a moment, and then disappeared instantly.

"Noah..." Aldrich rubbed his ring and murmured.

"I miss him too, but there's nothing I can do about it!" Julian said, "Stop talking about him, think of a way...cough!"

He bent down and covered his mouth with his hands, and the transparent liquid kept leaking from between his fingers.

Aldrich: "What's wrong with you?!"

"It's okay, I just drank too much induction medicine." Julian waved his hand, his face was extremely pale, pale and blue: "So we have to solve these as soon as possible..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly felt a falling force.Julian closed his eyes, the sudden weightlessness made his hairs stand on end, he exclaimed: "Are we falling downward?!"

"No, we're going up!" Aldrich said.

I don't know how long it has passed. For Aldrich, his concept of time gradually became blurred.But when he stopped, he felt the cold water first.

"It's fucking water again!" Julian roared, and then he saw Noah and Evelia, and he froze in place.

Noah waved at them: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Aldridge rushed up and hugged him tightly.

Evelia was frightened by his aura, her tail exploded, and she jumped onto Julian.

"Why are you so cold?" Aldridge was trembling all over, and pressed his face against Noah's forehead and face, and then held his cold hand: "Why are your hands so cold? Your heartbeat is so slow, you Are you okay? Noah, is it because of that person?"

Kraken: He put the ring on himself!I can't stop it!Also, don't treat me like a human being!

It was extremely angry, but the four people who met again ignored him at all.Julian rushed over with the cat Evelia on his head, and gave Noah a bear hug: "Noah, I finally found you! Ah, why are you so pale?"

Noah pushed Julian away, and his tone was very calm: "I'm fine, and, besides, I found you. But you, you seem to be much more serious than me." He said this not to comfort Julian and the others, but It is true.When Aldridge was close to him, he could feel the resonance from the ring.It made him very comfortable, and the pressing pressure finally eased, like the same water finally came together.

But even if Aldrich is not around, he will definitely be able to gradually adapt to the power of the ring.

"I just took too much medicine, hahaha." Julian stepped on the broken stone statue of the God of Loops away from the water, and then sat down on his buttocks: "How did you find us?"

Noah raised his hand and said with a smile, "Because I inherited the power of the ring and became the master of this island. Let me introduce you again, the siren Acheloids, the guardian of this island."

The siren Acheloids looked at him uncertainly.

Aldrich only glanced at it, then stared at Noah, and asked softly, "What's going on here?"

"Let me start from the very beginning." Noah said methodically: "We encountered a storm in the sea area, and encountered a sea monster, and finally the ship capsized. We were scattered in the storm, and finally we all boarded this Mysterious island."

"At the edge of the island, I put a holy light spell, and my time was normal at that time, you saw the holy light spell, so you also came to the island. But this island is very magical, not only are we not on the same Time, not on the same island."

"What do you mean we're not at the same time?" Julian asked.

"Because the time flow rate is different in different places on this island, the edge is close to normal time, and the further you go, the slower time passes. In this case, we will naturally not be able to find each other."

"Then why aren't we on the same island, isn't there only one island here?"

"Because these are actually two islands, one is located in the sea and the other is located under the sea. It just uses some kind of space magic, so you can't notice the difference." Noah explained: "But no matter the space Whether it is a fragmentation or a dislocation of time, there will always be a central point."

He stretched out his hand and drew a circle on the water, with different time scales pointing to the only center.Then this turned into a sphere again, and the scales of different planes still pointed to the center of the sphere.

"This is where the God of the Ring and the Ring are located. We who are in different times and spaces can contact each other."

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