They sat on the boat with only a small amount of food and water. Fortunately, Julian, as a magician, could extract pure water from the elements.They floated on the sea for two days, and encountered a rare and long-lasting storm. Dark clouds hovered overhead for a long time, making it difficult to distinguish day from night.The big waves lifted the boat violently, and they kept spinning, making them deviate from their original direction.Nothing could be heard or seen but the roar of the sea.Noah's boat was soon separated from Aldridge and the others. He hugged Evelia in his arms and held onto the side of the boat tightly, looking into the distance through the huge waves and dark clouds.

"The weather is so bad! We lost contact with Aldridge and the others... This damn storm, we may not be able to reach that island." George complained, his heart was full of despair, and this voyage was more difficult than he imagined. Oops, as if all the bad luck had exploded together.

There was no fear in Noah's voice: "We have water and food, and this boat is still usable."

George looked at him in amazement. Mr. Pastor was calmer than a man who lived at sea for a long time. He thought that the other party must not know how terrible the ocean is. If they can't reach land, they will soon die due to lack of water. .

Even so, George was infected by Noah's composure, and he said: "Yes, we can catch fish to eat, and their blood is enough to keep us going for a while."

However, the misfortune continued. At night, the storm became stronger and stronger, and Noah and his boat were overturned by a big wave and torn apart.Noah didn't know how to swim before, but in a critical moment, he still controlled his body very calmly, pressing down on the sea water to float himself up.He clung to a plank beside him, and their food was completely swept into the sea, and Evelia clung to his shoulders and turned into a drowned cat.

"Are you okay?!" Noah shouted to George not far away.

"I'm fine!" George was very good at water. He swam over pulling the planks and connected the two planks together with a rope.At this time, most of their bodies were soaked in the water. George smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know what will happen next...all the bad things happened."

"I just saw land." Noah said, "Let's swim across."

He has encountered a lot of things so far and knows what he can do.They put Evelia the cat on the board and swam towards the island together.George even taught Noah how to swim with the correct posture. Until the next day, the storm calmed down, the sky showed a blue and gentle color, and the land was close at hand. The instinct to swim forward.The instant he touched the ground, George couldn't help smiling even though the gravel stung his soles, and he fell straight down, landing on the sand.

Noah was better than him, wearily stepping on the uneven gravel beach.He dragged George up a few steps to prevent the seawater from rising up and submerging his body, and then Noah hugged Evelia and looked towards the sea.

After the storm, the sea presents a rare gentleness at this time, the blue sea surface is like a gemstone, the gentle wind blows from the ocean, white waves rush to the feet, and the clear sea water sparkles in the sun .The blue sky and the sea complement each other, the sea and the sky line, quiet and vast.

Evelia let out a groan.

Noah touched her head and checked what was on her body.Both the holy battle stick and the knife are there, but the "Book of Light" has been lost. It is estimated that it has drifted to nowhere in the ocean at this time.

He sighed slightly.

If this is the case, there is no way to get it back.

He asked Evelia to close her eyes, and then a dazzling white light shot out from the top of his holy staff, rose to the highest point, and spread out suddenly, covering the entire field of vision.

"If Aldrich sees this light, he will come." Noah was comforting Evelia, but also to reassure himself: "And Julian is with him, nothing will happen."

Noah woke George up, and in this case, he couldn't go to sleep directly anyway.When George woke up, he sat there for a while, then burst into tears.

Noah was waiting for him to vent his emotions, and looked at the island by the way. At present, they don't know how big the island is.The fine gravel under his feet was washed by the sea day and night, and the color was very dark.Further inside is a piece of stone, and the stone turns into rock again. Sparse trees are interspersed among the rock, and further inside is a forest.Looking from him, one can see a high cliff on the left. Under the cliff is a reef with sharp corners. The sea water hits the reef and breaks into white waves.The right side looks much calmer, only endless woods, maybe there are waterfalls or caves inside.

It seems that no one has ever set foot here, and it seems to be just an ordinary island.

After George calmed down, he quickly asked, "Where are we now... Where are His Excellency Aldrich? And my companions!"

"Odd and Julian are together. This is the island that Julian said. They will definitely come in this direction."

"...are they still alive?"

"Of course he is alive." Noah smiled: "Odd is not someone who will die in a shipwreck, and Julian also has something to do."

Their beliefs are much stronger than their own.

The two of them walked a few steps inside. They were cold, tired and hungry. Fortunately, the sun had risen.George built a fire with wood, which Noah couldn't do.The two took off their wet clothes and hung them on a wooden rack to dry. George stood on the beach and looked down for something to eat.

He found some crabs and oysters, but most of the creatures were unknown to him.George looked at the sky, it was not night, and he couldn't use the stars to tell the direction, but he knew in his heart that he must be in an unexpected place.

Those crab shells and oysters can only temporarily fill the stomach, but the fish will not come to the shore, and the only way to catch fish is to dive into the sea.Noah and George shared the food, and Evelia ate some.

George looked at the white cat and asked hesitantly, "Is she really the young lady?"

If their relationship had been very dull before, it can be said that they are friends of life and death now.Especially in this kind of place, the two of them can only depend on each other.After going through the past, Noah's calmness, tenacity and strong strength made George admire him very much.When he asked this way, it was inevitable that he meant to draw in the relationship.

At the beginning, he saw the battle between Noah and the monster with his own eyes, and Noah won!

"That's right." Noah didn't explain much: "I'll walk around the seaside to see the island. Maybe Odd and the others came to the island from other directions. You stay here and I'll be there soon. return."

He didn't put on any clothes, so he walked along the coastline bare-chested.

The coastline is very long, but you can see the obvious curved outline. Noah kept walking, and his footprints were quickly washed away by the sea.The terrain ahead is flat, with neither mountains nor cliffs in sight, it is a bare and clean beach.After the sun rose above his head, Noah found a very large corner. He stood at the corner and did not continue walking. Instead, he moved a few huge stones and placed them in a conspicuous place as a mark.

After he went back, George asked: "How is it? How big is this island? Have you found any traces of Ord?"

Noah shook his head, and George said hopefully, "I'll see at night, the stars will guide us."

They ate some more, and George also found a group of coconut trees. He pointed to the green and oily coconuts hanging on the trees, and shouted happily: "We can drink coconuts to replenish water."

He shook off a few coconuts and came back happily holding them.But the coconut skin is extremely hard, and there is a layer of fine mesh inside, which cannot be broken by human hands at all.

Noah took the coconut and took out the pocket knife he carried with him.Holding the coconut, he slashed down hard with the knife, splitting the outer skin precisely. Then he tore off the white silk screen, and then cut the coconut with a flat opening.

The transparent coconut juice splashed out, and Noah took the coconut to Evelia for her to hold and drink, and then split one for himself and George.

After drinking the coconut juice, they dug out the pulp and ate it.The slightly sweet and refreshing coconut milk made them feel much better, so Noah proposed to go inside the island.

This small island has a shape of high on the left and low on the right. They walked all the way in and saw many different trees and shrubs. The products were rich and the climate was refreshing.George was able to talk about some plants he knew before, but then he kept silent.There are many animals here, and when they see them, they hide alertly. They step on wet dead wood and soft soil under their feet. Some bushes grow red fruits, and those gnawed fruits are edible. Yes, but don't know about the others.

Although the overall ground is not very high, there are still some low mountains here. Evelia suddenly called out and pointed to their right.

The hearing of cats is much more sensitive than that of humans. They walked for a few minutes before Noah heard the sound of dripping water. A small stream flowed out from the stone wall, forming a pool, and continued to spread downwards. Seep into the ground.The water in the pool was extremely clean, and their arrival alarmed the small animals drinking the water, who looked at them warily and fled away like flying.

"The water is clean!" George looked up at the stone wall and said happily, "Our good luck has come!"

Their good luck did come, for there was a hole in the middle of the solid stone wall, into which they could rest for the night.

Noah squinted his eyes, and raised the holy stick in his hand to gesture.

That cave looked like it was formed by a flame ray smashing through and smashing that piece of stone wall.

The author has something to say:

Coconut is really delicious!


I have always wanted to write an article about interstellar farming in which a spaceship crashes and drifts to a certain planet! !Just like Robinson Crusoe and Mysterious Island, you can refer to Ring World for details.

Build homes, find food, tame wild animals, recruit partners, develop technology, and defend against threats... just think about it!

However, the Huanshidai fanfare article has been pre-collected for more than a year, and no one wants to read it at all_(:з」∠)_

So miserable, so miserable.



Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: @北西风6 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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