Serpent George saw them and straightened his collar. He was wearing decent clothes today, but the expression on his face was really not good.

"Want to fight again?" Julian raised his chin.

The poisonous snake George shook his head. He said to the three of them, "I'm here to apologize today. I offended everyone yesterday because I didn't know Taishan."

Noah let out a long oh.

It was the first time for George to do this kind of thing, so he was very awkward. Noah's expression and Julian's words made his face turn red and turn white.Fortunately, even if Aldridge made a clearance, the atmosphere eased.

"I also hurt your brother yesterday, so it's even." Aldrich said with a smile, "In this case, we can make friends."

The poisonous snake George breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "I apologize, if you need any help in the future, you can come to me. Don't look at people like me, I still have some contacts in the city."

"Thank you." Aldridge didn't mean to look down on him. He was just about to be polite, but Noah patted him on the back and said, "Just in time, we need your help with something!"


"How big is the boat?" Serpent George asked carefully.

"The size of a boat that can go to sea is not necessarily the same, but it must be suitable." Noah said.

In the hall, several people were sitting together, and the cat Evelia was lying on the table, staring at George.Under their gaze, George was under great pressure. Hearing Noah's request, he said, "Boats that go out to sea... small fishing boats can also go out to sea, but they can't go far. Do you want the boat to go to the far east?"

There are too many adventurers going to the East and the South China Sea through the Luncie Wharf. Aldrich and the others are dressed in typical adventurers, so George guesses that they are also gold diggers going to the East.

"In fact, there are many adventurers who go to the east, but very few of them can come back and make money." George said this is completely thankless, but he is very sincere: "The east is not a treasure house full of gold, it is very dangerous , there are also many powerful people. And if you go to the east, you have to go through a sea of ​​death..."

Noah lazily interrupted him: "We're not going to the East, we're going to the Orc Empire."

George froze for a moment: "The Orc Empire?"

Aldridge nodded: "That's right."

"To go to the Orc Empire, it's better to go by land." George said with a serious expression: "From here, if there are no accidents, you can reach the Orc Empire in about six months. It takes two months to go by water, but that A sea area is very dangerous, guarded by the siren Acheloids, it is called the Lost Sea. Even the best captains and sailors will lose their way in the siren's singing."

Julian asked in surprise: "Isn't the song of the siren Acheloids a legend?"

"Of course not!" George said excitedly: "Decades ago, my father met the sea monster Acheloids, but he was lucky enough to drive the boat back. Even so, my father was completely crazy , He chanted the name of Acheloids all day long, and soon after, he secretly went to sea by himself, and never came back.”

"Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer adventurers going to the Orc Empire, and the old people who know it try to avoid that sea area, so the sea monster Acheloids has gradually become a legend. But the sea monster does exist, I will always remember that night, when my father boarded the fishing boat, no matter how much I shouted, he was indifferent and went to the lost sea alone..."

"So if you want to go to the Beastman Empire, it's safer to go by land."

Noah pondered for a moment and said, "But we still choose the waterway."

Evelia the white cat whimpered softly and turned to look at him.


"Because we are in a hurry." Noah patted the head of the white cat Evelia, and said, "The waterway only takes two months, so please find us a big ship that can go to the Orc Empire, and find some good hands." Boat."

George stood up and said anxiously: "Actually, there are not many big ships that can be used now. There are too many adventurers going to the east. They have already snatched up the big ships. Finally, there are usable ships, and there are many adventurers. Even the rich and powerful people are very difficult to build a big boat."

"But it's very important to us and Sir George would be very grateful if he could be of any help," Aldridge said.

He said this, and George had no way to refuse. He gritted his teeth and said, "I will find a way to get you a big boat, but you must not make any noise, one give me one month, I will We can get the boat over here."

Noah asked, "Can you go faster?"

George shook his head: "It can't be any faster."

Noah leaned back and let out a long sigh of relief: "Then please, Your Excellency George."

The ship matter was barely settled, and Aldrich sent George out.He offered a large sum of money to George, but George refused to accept it, and Aldrich said, this is not only for you, but also for your brothers.

They chatted outside for a while before George finally left.

In the hall, Julian said: "Actually, one month is pretty good. I can prepare enough potions in advance. It shouldn't be so convenient to configure potions at sea. And after one month, it's just enough to make Evelia change Return to human form."

Evelia also nodded seriously.

"No matter how urgent you are, there is no need to rush this day and half a month." Julian said: "It is more important to make complete preparations."

"That's what you said, just let me see if I can break through the new magic during this time." Noah then saw Aldridge walk in, and continued: "Although please George, we have to do more Prepare with one hand, if there is really no big ship, you can only lower the standard—Ode, how much did you give him?"

Aldrich compared the numbers, and then said: "Then what about Evelia, she looks like this, the servants will definitely become suspicious after a long time."

And in the absence of the master, the three of them have been living in other people's homes, which feels quite strange.

Evelia flicked her tail irritably.

Noah lowered his head and looked at her: "Let's just say that you went out to play, attended a banquet, mined ore, etc. For a month, take it easy."

In the next month, George never came to them again, and Noah kept talking about whether he ran away with the money.Julian has been configuring magic potions, and Noah and the others finally saw what state Julian was in a free state.The day and night are reversed, the work and rest are chaotic, and sometimes the lights can be turned on all night at night, but no one can see him during the day.

Aldrich once brought him a meal, and accidentally saw Julian's face pale like a ghost, a strange smell came from the house, some strange liquids flowed down from the workbench, and there were even dead animals... Julian floated to the door and said quietly: "Captain, do me a favor."

"Hey, tell me." Aldrich was really afraid that he would die suddenly in the next second.

"Buy me some materials, and I won't go out."

"Okay, you should also pay attention to rest." Aldrich wrote down the materials he wanted to buy, and reminded him by the way.

Then Aldrich came to Noah's room. Compared with Julian, Noah's room was very clean and tidy.

He has not moved.

Noah said before that he was communicating with the breath of light and learned new magic in this way.He maintained a praying posture, which triggered a faint miracle. In recent days, the light aura on Noah's body has become more and more obvious, even to the point where it is visible to the naked eye.

This is a picture that is enough to drive any believer of the light crazy. If the believer of the light sees it, who would doubt the God of light's preference for Noah.

Aldrich looked at him for a while, and was about to leave when Noah opened his eyes.

"Is there anything to eat?" Noah stood up, and the holy light on his body disappeared without a trace: "I smell the smell of meat."

"... Can I eat meat when praying?" Aldridge asked hesitantly.

"Wine and meat have been worn through the intestines, so why don't you keep it in your heart." Noah said: "I have a very devout belief in the God of Light. I just eat a few pieces of meat. He is so magnanimous, so he will definitely not mind."

Aldrich had no choice but to prepare food for him, carefully baked meat products.While Noah was eating, Aldrich asked, "Is this the way to learn magic?"

"Prayer is just an appearance." Noah frowned: "The magic is actually quite complicated. Although magic is difficult, there are traces to follow, and it can be deduced through logic and theory. But the magic is a bit unreasonable." , whether in terms of learning methods, sources of strength or ways of realization.”

"My speed of learning divine arts is much slower than other priests. The godfather was very disappointed in me because of this incident."

Recalling the past, Noah showed a little smile: "At that time, I found that the magic arts I learned were different from others, and I didn't know what to do, so I simply followed the godfather's advice and went to the training camp. I didn’t expect to become a pastor now.”

Aldrich didn't know what happened to him at that time. He silently imagined Noah's appearance when he was a child. He was already well-behaved. He must have been cuter when he was a child...

"I didn't take it as a disciplinary knight, and then I went to the library to prepare to be a missionary." Noah suddenly remembered the first time they met, and said with a smile: "You must have scolded me in your heart at that time."

Aldridge also remembered, he hesitated: "...I don't remember."

Noah laughed: "I liked you very much at that time, and I thought this was a beautiful and smart kid." If such a child can only be a slave, abused wantonly, buried in busy tasks, he will never be It would be a pity if you couldn't turn over.

He slowly restrained his smile and became thoughtful.

Light and darkness……

After a while, Noah recovered from his thoughts, only to find that Aldrich's face turned red, and even the tips of his ears were red.

The author has something to say: Aldridge: (*/

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