Aldridge and the others drove all the way west, crossed half of the Northern League, arrived at the Kansero Mountains, and after bypassing this vast and mysterious mountain range, they arrived at a small town called Luncie County.

They encountered many rangers and robbers along the way. This kind of occupation is not uncommon, but the Northern Alliance has a lot of them, and it has grown to the point of madness in recent years.Since all kinds of rare products were shipped from distant overseas, the status of merchants has been further improved-they themselves have mastered most of the means of production in society. As the economy becomes more and more developed and the market gradually expands, a Freedom of thought slowly swept across the Northern League.

Freedom to buy and sell, personal freedom, freedom of belief...freedom of oppression, freedom of plunder, freedom of exploitation.

"Luncy County is a seaside city. It was just a small fishing village before. Later, the sea route to the east and south was opened from here. With the influx of a large number of adventurers, this place became more and more prosperous and became an independent city. "

Julian pointed to the nearby city and said, "It's a mess here, everyone be careful."

After he finished speaking, there was a silence.

Aldridge sat outside beside him and thought of a question to break the silence: "What kind of place is the East?"

Julian coughed, and quickly replied, "I don't know, but I heard that there are gold, gems and treasures everywhere."

Evelia snorted coldly: "It's just an adventurer's rumor."

Julian choked on her and shrank his neck.I don't know why, ever since he left Feibian City, Evelia has always troubled him. Julian still has a few cat paw prints on his face, all of which were taken by Evelia.But to say that Evlia hated him, she also bought a lot of expensive magic materials for Julian in the next few cities without blinking an eye, and Julian was terrified when he saw the bill.

It is no longer a figure that can be paid back by selling one's body.

Noah had been reading a book before, and when he heard Julian talk about Luncie County, he closed the book with a snap and said, "Such a city where money and wealth flow is actually an independent city. It is surrounded by..."

He didn't think about it for a while, and Aldrich went on to say: "The Kingdom of Shiya and the Kingdom of Rogao."

Julian has always been very slow in political matters, and then he heard Evelia say: "Everyone wants to get this city, but the kingdom of Silya and the kingdom of Rogao are comparable in strength, and they check and balance each other. Due to the terms of the alliance, Runsey County became independent instead. However, the conflict between the two has become more and more intense recently. Although it will not be serious to the point of war, small-scale battles occur from time to time."

Noah sat across from her, glanced at her quickly, and asked with a smile, "What do you think?"

"My father's recent business is doing well." Evelia said with emotion: "No matter what tragedies happen in this world, wars, plagues, natural disasters... there will always be someone who will benefit from it, and my father is People like that."

She is no longer wearing a gorgeous long dress today, but rather neatly dressed, but her words and demeanor are still very sharp.

"You see, I seem to have a lot of assets under my command. In fact, compared with my father, it is really a drop in the bucket. I have to run around every year to check my property, deal with various problems, and beat the people under me. But my father only needs to sit in his study Here, decide the strategic direction of development. You see, I am being flattered and flattered by others, but sometimes I am so worried that I cannot sleep at night..."

Noah and the others listened to her quietly.

Julian sighed and said with concern: "I didn't expect you to be so stressed..."

Evelia continued: "When I can't sleep, I can only count gems."

Noah: "..."

They finally entered Luncie County. The streets here were wide and messy, and the fishy sea breeze was blowing from the sea. Although it was already summer, Luncie County was very cool.Many adventurers gather here, for them, the other side of the sea represents honor and wealth.

However, the order here is indeed chaotic, and the mixed crowd is prone to friction.Noah and the others saw a lot of small conflicts as they walked all the way.The city lord doesn't care about this kind of small friction, and everyone just treats it as a show.

Noah and the others were also stopped.

Those who stopped them were a group of local people, and there were quite a few of them, like seven or eight.

Aldridge asked with a smile, "May I ask what you guys want?"

"You're new here, you don't know the rules." The leader said, "We are not bad people. It's just that Luncie County is busy recently, and there are many troubles and dangers when it's busy. You're just here, so you're definitely not good here. Familiar, we are very helpful and can help you settle down. But we can’t work in vain..." He was obviously here to collect protection fees. Don't dare to mess with them, just pay the money and go.They won't provoke that kind of well-trained and well-equipped mercenary group, and they have taken care of it with the city lord, so they are very confident.

They also came together because they saw that these people were not big and easy to bully.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, Julian whispered: "Let me just say, it's a mess here, be careful!"

The local snake was taken aback for a moment, and then he heard the man in black hard leather armor and black deerskin gloves say softly, "Sorry, we don't need it."

Although his tone was very gentle and he still had a smile on his face, the local snake felt afraid for no reason.This man is quite tall, with broad shoulders and a thin waist, with deep and distinct features, and a very calm and convincing aura about him.

After the local snake slowed down, he felt ashamed and indignant at the momentary fear in his heart. He looked at Aldridge's expensive outfit and sneered: "Brother, I'm kind enough to help you, so don't toast or eat fine wine." .”

Aldrich wanted to say something more, but Noah's voice came from inside the carriage: "Odd."

So the local snake saw the man who was still smiling just now suddenly draw out the big sword behind him, and he was in front of him in the blink of an eye, his blank face was reflected by the snow-white sword light.

They never expected that Aldridge would do it as soon as he said it, without saying a word of nonsense, and those few people rushed to fight.Aldrich slammed down on the ground snake with his big sword, the ground snake spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell down instantly!

It was too easy for Aldrich to deal with these gangsters, and he knocked out most of them with three strikes.The rest saw that he was not easy to mess with, so they rushed towards the weak and old Julian. The magician reached out and took out his huge staff, and slammed the stick on the man's head with his backhand. His movements were very skillful, as if Repeated hundreds of times the same.

The force of this stick was no less than Aldrich's, and the man fainted on the spot.

When those people came to stop Noah and the others before, the good-natured people gathered around to watch, and then Aldrich made a sudden move, and it only took a moment for several local snakes to fall to the ground.

It's over as soon as it begins.

No one expected this matter to be resolved so quickly.

This independent city dominated by adventurers believes in strength the most, and the onlookers are also very courageous. The battle just now was crisp and neat, and they discussed Aldrich's strength one after another.

"The shot was too fast just now! Don't say I can't see clearly, I'm afraid there is no one who can know what's going on."

"I saw him go from behind one person to another in an instant."

"Does he teleport?"

"George the Serpent has fallen this time!"

At this moment, Noah opened the curtain of the car, and people only saw a white and slender hand sticking out under the sun, the fingertips were flushed, and the knuckles were as beautiful as a statue. Who is the master.Then came out a priest with a hood whose face could not be seen clearly. He was holding a young girl by his right hand.

A very beautiful and domineering girl, almost the moment she stood up, everyone was attracted by her.

Evlia stood on the carriage and said condescendingly to the poisonous snake George: "Don't bother your Excellency about the accommodation. I have several yards in Luncie County, which are next to the City Lord's Mansion. If you are interested, welcome to come as a guest." After she finished speaking, the local snake almost instantly thought of the unoccupied but luxuriously decorated courtyards near the City Lord's Mansion.

Noah said softly: "As expected of the eldest lady."

George the Viper staggered to his feet, gritted his teeth, and moved out of the way for them.

It's his problem that the idea is difficult and the wrong target is chosen.

"...Yes, I'm sorry, I offended you." The most important things in Luncie County are strength, vision and financial resources.Those who know the current affairs are Junjie, and the poisonous snake George knew that he could not afford to offend these people, so he simply apologized: "I hope Miss will forgive us for our sudden collision."

Of course, if the other party grabs him and doesn't let him go, he has no choice but to fight to the death.

Evelia glanced at him lightly, raised the corners of her mouth, and returned to the carriage with Noah.

Aldrich and Julian put away their weapons, and Aldrich smiled at the local snake and said, "Brother, I didn't hit hard just now, you can just go back and recuperate for a few days, don't worry."

The local snake froze for a moment.

He couldn't tell what it was like for him for a while, he was a little jealous and admiring, Evelia looked different from them, the look in her eyes just now was similar to looking at an ant.But the strength of this soldier absolutely crushed them, and the other party's eyes were frank, his words were gentle, and he was a truly admirable person. The local snake even felt a little ashamed for a moment when he thought that he was shouting ignorantly in front of him.

Aldrich turned around to get into the carriage, but the local snake called him, and when Aldrich turned his head, the other party was speechless again.

So Aldridge smiled at him, and drove the carriage to the yard bought by Evelia.

The chaos on this street was naturally cleaned up by someone.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 46 bottles of Magpie; 1 bottle of Freya;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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