In the middle of the night, Evelia still fell asleep leaning against the wall of the car. Aldrich woke Julian up and told him to get up. The two gently carried Evelia into the car to sleep.

"It's so heavy." Julian said sleepily and tiredly, full of resentment: "Her skirt weighs at least twenty pounds, and she actually wears that skirt every day. Captain, you are the same, and you only torment me."

"That skirt is full of precious stones, so of course it's heavy." It was Noah who was talking, and he climbed out of the carriage with a yawn, and said, "This may be the trouble of rich people. Although precious stones are valuable, they are heavy... ..."

"I don't mind having such troubles," said Julian. "If you have such troubles, just come to me!"

Aldridge didn't want Noah to wake up at first, he and Julian just took turns to watch the night, but there was nothing Noah could do when he woke up, the three men sat withered until dawn.

When they woke up the next morning, they entered Cuibian City in a carriage.After entering the city, they found a hotel to rest for a while, and then the four of them came down for dinner.

The four of them are extremely eye-catching, not to mention Evelia, she is simply a walking luminous body.Aldrich is also very handsome, friendly and steady, exuding a strong momentum.Noah was wearing a pastor's white robe, looking obedient and gentle.Julian was dressed as an ordinary magician. There is no shortage of magicians in this city, so everyone stared at Aldridge and the others.

Evelia naturally doesn't mind others looking at her, she was born to live under the envious or jealous eyes of others.Aldrich ordered food, and soon, a table of sumptuous meals was served.

Noah ate a few mouthfuls casually, and was barely full, so he didn't want to eat any more.He put down the food without saying anything, but Julian could feel his disgust.

This kind of food is already considered delicious, and Aldrich ordered the most expensive good things in the store.Sometimes Julian thinks that Noah is too picky and meticulous, and if he doesn't like it, he really doesn't touch it, but some people are used to him being picky.

Aldrich brought Noah's portion of food over, and asked softly, "I'll go buy something delicious later, what do you want to eat?"

... It's not that I'm used to it, Aldrich simply enjoys it.

He just likes to feed and take care of Noah like this, and no one can deprive him of this right.

After eating, they left the hotel amidst all the attention and went to the local branch to withdraw money.After Evelia went up, a well-dressed middle-aged man soon greeted Evelia very respectfully. He also looked at Noah and the others secretly, and quickly looked away.

The middle-aged man must have gotten the news before, and handed a stack of reports to Evelia, who quickly reviewed it and asked a few questions.

He didn't feel slighted at all because of Evelia's age and appearance, and answered Evelya's question perfectly.As the questioning deepened, the middle-aged man's forehead was gradually covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Evelia kept her composure and said slowly: "As I said before, Alan is not allowed to intervene in my things. I don't know. I thought this mine belonged to him. He is dead now, and the Overwatch City Iron Mine Who will bear the responsibility of smuggling to the Shi Lan Empire?"

She raised her eyes to stare at the middle-aged man, held the report in one hand, and said dignifiedly and elegantly, "Are you, Your Excellency Dulan?"

Du Laien trembled all over, and his knees were about to kneel when his knees gave way. Evelia gave him a look, and Aldridge grabbed his collar in a blink of an eye, making him stand up feebly.

"I'm sorry...Miss Evelia..." Evelia, who is far away in Suha Kingdom's Cold Wind City, found out about this!Moreover, Allen is dead? ... how did he die!

"What are you doing so nervous? Speaking of which, you've helped me a lot." Evelia said in a low voice, "So, don't do anything wrong, Uncle Dulaine."

"Don't dare... dare not..." Du Laien was shaking like a sieve, sweating from being frightened by a young lady.

Evelia took the report and pondered for a while, then said, "Half of this year's income will be transferred to Cold Wind City, one third will be transferred to my private account, and the rest will be discounted later."

"Yes Yes."

"Don't act rashly in the salt field, just keep investing."


"The earnings expectations of the wool industry can be adjusted appropriately..."

Noah and the others couldn't understand what they said later, and the man named Du Laien agreed, and gradually he became less nervous.

Yes, he has been working under Miss Evelia for so long, so what if he has gone through all the oil and water, how to dig mines and identify gems, he taught the lady himself.

"Is there anything else?" Evelia asked.

Du Laien bowed and said, "The youngest son of Marquis Hansen heard that you are coming, and wants to see you."

"I don't see you." Evelia said coldly, she might not even meet Marquis Hansen in person.

"Prince Hill holds a banquet tonight, and specially prepared invitations for you..."

"Don't go."

"Shelley's Underground Auction will open tomorrow night. I heard that there is a batch of new gadgets. Viscount Shelley has also prepared invitations for you..."

Evelia rolled her eyes in her heart, tomorrow night I will become a cat.

Her appearance made Du Laien more and more confused, and finally said embarrassingly: "The Magic Creation Association will have a press conference tomorrow, and they also sent invitations, but Miss, you have never been interested in magic, hahaha... "

Evelia was about to refuse, when she saw Julian's eyes suddenly lit up, she paused and asked, "How many invitations are there for the Magic Creation Association?"

"One." Du Laien replied blankly.

"Let them prepare three more." Evelia said, "I'll go tomorrow."

They slept in the courtyard near the branch at night, which was also the private property of the eldest lady.Several people were sitting in the room, and Julian couldn't contain his excitement. He took Evelia's hand and slapped it hard.

"Brother, well done!" Julian said: "Magic Creation... Let's go to see it together tomorrow. There are many new ideas in the Magic Creation. Maybe I can get some inspiration..."

He obviously fell into a state of self-indulgence again. Evelia looked at her flushed palm, and her forehead throbbed.

She suppressed her anger. Anyway, she hasn't been a human for long, and it's not worth wasting anger. It's better to wait until she becomes a cat and then get revenge.

"At the Mochuang meeting tomorrow, you can go in with the invitation card, but it's best to control Julian's mouth. If you encounter any problems, just mention my name."

Noah nodded: "I promise he won't say anything tomorrow."

"A few months ago, Allen passed me and sold a batch of iron ore to the Shilan Empire with the assistance of Du Lane. I have already asked people to track down the whereabouts of that batch of iron ore." Evelia calculated herself Turning back to the time of the cat, he said quickly: "I thought it was the iron ore bought by the aristocratic forces of the Shilan Empire, but later I found out that Alan's relationship was with the Church of Chaos. Hehe, he took my things to buy it The Church of Chaos wants to use the Church of Chaos to make me fall in love with him, I—"

She said a euphemistic social term, and it seemed that even if Alan didn't die in Daniel's hands, it would not be easy in her hands.

Noah looked at her, thinking that the Church of Chaos really had no vision, and actually chose Allen instead of the real eldest lady, Evelia, but if they had chosen Evelia at that time, they would probably have been taken over by the same pot.

"I originally wanted to follow the vine to collect clues about the Church of Chaos, but now I can't do much." Evelia continued: "The Church of Chaos bought iron ore, which is likely to be used for..."

She took a deep breath and slowly waited for the familiar sharp pain, but after a while, nothing happened.

"Is it used in war?" Noah asked: "Speaking of which, if the Church of Chaos really decides to dislike jihad, the Temple of Light must be the first to bear the brunt. But they may not be ready, I think Daniel and the others are obviously looking for something thing."

Evelia looked at her hands, her brain shut down, she nodded unconsciously, and then asked in a daze, "Why?" Why didn't she turn into a cat?

Julian replied casually: "Because the medicine has been improved, don't underestimate the advanced workbench! Don't underestimate me, okay?"

Evelia never underestimated him, because the magician beside her father said that if there is one person in this world who can create such a stable transformation potion, it is Julian.

He followed the earl, of course, he had already tried to use magic or other means to transform Evlia back, and even consulted his master, a real great magister, but it failed completely.

The power of the Twilight Gem is really weird.

"I thought you knew." Julian smiled and said, "Tomorrow we will go to the Magic Creation Club together."

The next day, Evelia woke up anxiously and found that she was still a human being.

She was in a complicated mood, and then she put on a new skirt, and then ordered her men to go down and buy supplies for the road ahead, and asked people to prepare some clothes that were convenient for movement.

Aldridge and the others had already made preparations. Noah took off the priest's robe and put on a young nobleman's attire. He believed that Mochuang would never welcome a priest to their press conference.

The Mochuang Club is in the center of the square in Feibian City. From here, you can see three white towers towering around the city.The magical atmosphere in the city is extremely strong, and there are many gadgets that have cast magic, such as lamps that do not use kerosene, fast-moving carriages, and undefeated flowers all year round.

They entered the venue, which had a large area, a circular dome, a cross design, and rows of semicircular seats.The four found a place to sit down, and Noah was next to Julian to prevent him from talking nonsense.

Not only high-level magicians came to the press conference, but also many nobles and rich and powerful guys.The Magic Chuanghui deliberately sent invitations to them, just to connect the channel between magicians and nobles.One has power and the other has money and power, and it is always easy to see each other.

The author has something to say: Happy 520, thank you for your support, and give a small red envelope for comments in this chapter!


I wrote and posted [-] characters on Weibo, but it was actually [-] characters!



Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Su Qian 1;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 110 bottles of Su Qian; 20 bottles of Tingchen; 8 bottles of salmon father-in-law; 1 bottle of Yu Qianfeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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