From Cold Wind City to the Beastman Empire, one needs to cross the side of the Kansero Mountains, head west all the way, cross the Miluxi Sea, pass the Eternal City, and then reach the coastline of the Beastman Empire.

"Do you want to take a boat?" Noah pointed to the route on the map. From Cold Wind City to the Beastman Empire, it spanned almost half of the Redras Continent. The areas he passed were forests, sand dunes, oceans and so on.

Aldridge clicked on the location on the sea area: "Yes, but it should be quite fast by boat, and you can reach the Orc Empire in about half a month."

Evelia lay lazily beside her, her hands were hidden under her head, her eyes were half-closed, and she seemed to be asleep.

Julian is driving outside.

Noah was very surprised that he could actually drive a carriage, and his skills were very good and very stable.But that's good too, Aldridge doesn't have to be outside all the time, he can switch cars with Julian.Now is the time for Aldrich to rest. He put away the map and asked, "Noah, have you ever been on a boat?"

"No." Noah paused: "Actually, I have never seen the sea."

Evelia snorted, and Aldridge said, "I have seen the sea, but it was only when I was very young."

"I've seen it too!" Julian's voice came from outside: "It is rumored that there is a sea monster in the Miluxi Sea that can make people fall into illusion with singing. I don't know if I can meet it, but I want to hear about it singing."

Noah recalled what he had read in the book before, and he did describe the siren with a mermaid body: "You mean the sea demon Acheloids?"

"That's right," said Julian, "and the Eternal City, the Eternal Glory, and the Angel of the Sky..."

He paused, and Noah continued: "The soul of the Fleck family is immortal."

"That's right, that's right." Julian smiled happily: "I really want to visit the Eternal City. I heard that the Fleck people have wings and are the messengers of God."

Aldridge: "Isn't that a legend? It's just an illusion seen by the sailors."

Noah shrugged: "Who knows, but it will take some time before we reach the Milu Xixi Sea. We have only been walking for a month."

"Less than a month." Aldrich reminded: "We just walked out of Suha Kingdom..."

Julian said: "I thought it was a long time ago, but it's time to prepare a new shape-changing potion for the eldest lady. Recently, I just had a new idea. If I add a little mandhar insect mucus to the shape-changing potion, it may relieve the pain." The effect of the shape-changing potion on the body. However, Mandeha worms are only sold in the south, and there are only dried worms in the north..."

He was rambling on, and Aldridge couldn't interrupt at all.

Julian was always like this, easily caught in his own thoughts, unable to stop talking, and said things that others could not understand.Noah told Aldrich that Julian likes to be self-conscious. Although he didn't understand what self-promotion meant, Aldridge could feel it a little bit.

He said those things about magicians or pharmacists, and only Noah could connect with him occasionally.Aldrich turned his head to look at Noah, Noah was already asleep, but he was not in a deep sleep, the sunlight hit his face through the car curtain, revealing the blue blood vessels under the white skin.His long eyelashes seemed to glow, and the sun softened his contours.Aldrich knew that his skin had always been thin, like white paper filled with water, exquisite and fragile, making it impossible to touch it...

but it is not the truth.

Although Julian was noisy, his voice was pleasant, just like the wind that could be faintly heard in the bed in winter. Noah fell asleep like a lullaby.When he first fell asleep, he felt hot and bright, but soon the curtain was pulled down.He fell into a reassuring darkness, and the hand on his lap seemed to be held carefully by something, the heat was transmitted through his fingers, warm, as if floating in the clouds.

I don't know how long I slept for this sleep. When Noah woke up, he found that Eveliya was lying on his lap at some point, and his hands were firmly pressed by Eveliya under his body, which was soft and warm.

Was it a cat just now?

It doesn't feel like it...

Noah stroked the cat's hair, and Evlia opened her eyes, feeling that he was disturbing her, so she moved her body and continued to sleep in another place.The cat sleeps for a long time every day, and she can't control herself.

"Are you awake?" Aldrich's voice pulled Noah from the cloud of confusion, and his voice became clearer and clearer: "It's getting dark, there are no villages here, and the next city is very far away." It’s far away, so let’s rest here first.”

"Okay." Noah wiped his face, and Aldrich brought a glass of warm water, he poured it down, and then asked, "Is the next city Feibian City?"

"Yes, we have entered the scope of the Emerald Kingdom."

"I've slept for so long..." He tried to stand up, and then found that his legs were numb, and Noah grinned: "Has Evelia been lying on my lap?"

Aldrich smiled, but did not answer the question: "It's better to have a simple meal at night, and you can go hunting tomorrow morning."

They lit a fire outside, and as Julian said, he did have a lot of experience in going out, and he had a lot of experience in how to prevent the attack of monsters and the infestation of night beasts.He sprinkled a pale yellow powder around the camp.

"Although we are not afraid of encountering monsters, it is better to sleep well at night." Julian said: "This is called alert powder, which simulates the breath of high-level monsters, and can isolate most of the monsters. And If there is an accident, it also emits a strong smell instantly to wake us up."

The three of them slept together in the carriage at night, and Evelia the cat stood on top of them and looked at them for a long time, then chose Julian's chest and lay down on it.

"Don't wow." Julian shouted: "Can you go to someone else, I can't breathe..."

Evelia opened her eyes, and her two reflective pupils stared at him in the darkness.

"Hmm..." Julian gave in.

Noah slept for a long time during the day, and now he couldn't sleep. He stared at the carriage and said after a while: "So, you were kicked out of the White Tower because you couldn't communicate with the elements?"

Julian immediately retorted: "It's not that we can't communicate, it's just that it's more difficult."

For Julian's current situation, it is like an excellent pianist. He has skilled skills, profound ideas, and rich experience, except... without a piano.

Noah: "That is to say, you were indeed kicked out?"

Julian paused and said: "You know the Emerald City we are about to arrive at. The Emerald Kingdom is a magical kingdom. There are two white towers in the Emerald City alone. Every year in the Emerald City, a meeting is held, called Magic Creation. Yes, the full name is Magic Circuit Creation Alliance Press Conference."

"Every magician dreams of being able to stand on the podium of the Magic Creation Association and tell all the magicians loudly about the new magic circuit they invented. My goal is there. When I invent the magic circuit, I will return to Emerald City , standing on the podium and letting everyone know that I, Clarence Julian, was right..."

Noah asked, "What is the magic circuit you want to create?"

"It used to be called Enhanced Sensing Technique." Julian said in a daze, "Now it's called Lucky Enhanced Sensing Technique..."

He fell asleep.

Noah stared at the magic pattern on the roof of the carriage in the dark. So, Julian might have been in a white tower in Emerald City, but was he kicked out because of his poor sensing ability?

He pondered for a while, then looked sideways at Julian, who frowned in confusion, as if he was having a nightmare...

The next day, Julian woke up panting, and met Evelia's eyes in shock.

He grinned and put Evlia aside, sat up and took a few breaths, rubbing his chest, his consciousness still stuck in the nightmare of last night.

Evelia: "Aww!"

Julian mumbled, "I see, I'm going to make you a transformation potion."

He looked around the carriage, Noah and Aldrich had already woken up, they always got up early, and their living habits were very regular.Julian couldn't adapt at all. He usually made potions by himself, and it was common for him to stay awake for three days and three nights when he was inspired.When I have no inspiration, I just sleep with my head depressed. When I wake up, I don’t know what night it will be. I also like to go to the store or not.

He sells magic potions only to maintain his life and earn the necessary costs for making magic potions, and he doesn't have any requirements for the quality of life.It doesn't matter where you sleep, what you eat, when you rest and when you wake up.

Julian got out of the car, only to find that it was already very bright outside, but Aldridge closed the car curtain intimately, so he didn't disturb his sleep.

"Good morning." Aldridge greeted him: "Breakfast is ready, rabbit broth and lettuce, wine and hot water are available. What would you like to eat?"

"Good morning." Noah said without looking up, "Where is Evelia, I caught some birds for her..."

Although they have been together for almost a month, Julian still feels quite different when he sees this scene every day.He never thought that one day he would get along with other people in this way. When he was in the White Tower, although everyone was trapped in a small White Tower, and they couldn't see each other when they looked up, but there was nothing wrong with each other. Obviously they are all strangers.

He walked over and said in his mouth: "I had a dream yesterday. I dreamed that I was going to die because of a heart problem. It seemed that there was a big mountain pressing on my chest. I woke up today and saw, isn't it? Evelia is so fat—— "


Evelia jumped on top of his head and slapped the pad hard.

Julian staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Aldridge helped him up in a blink of an eye, and Julian saw that he was fully armed, with a big sword in his right hand, and Noah also held a sword in his hand, and asked wonderingly, "What are you doing?"

"Discuss." Noah said, the strength that Aldridge obtained at the beginning still needs to be displayed through fighting.

Julian asked in surprise: "Can you use a sword?" Isn't his usual weapon a chain hammer?

"Of course it will." Noah said as a matter of course: "It's just that it's not used very well."

The author has something to say: Noah, you are humble.



Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of silk wrapped iron stone; 1 bottle of Yu Qianfeng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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