"Why do horses go up in price when there's a flood?" asked Aldrich.

The shopkeeper glanced at him and said with a sneer: "After the flood, the plague was rampant, and many people died. How can I raise horses? And when this kind of thing happens, who knows if there will be a fight next time? The fight will be even worse. Horses are needed."

"Will there be a fight?" Aldridge murmured, as if he was thinking about something.

"Are you scared?" the shopkeeper said with a smile, "but you don't have to worry. Nowhere will you attack the missionaries of the Light Church...except those of the Dark Church."

In the eyes of most people, missionaries will only concentrate on studying teachings and spreading divine grace, and they have no power to restrain chickens. They are not as capable of healing and assisting as priests, nor as capable of fighting as trial knights.But missionaries also received extraordinary privileges, they could directly enter any field, including hostile countries, and no one was allowed to attack missionaries.

The shop owner thought that Aldridge was scared, but Noah knew that this was a sign of his excitement.

Noah brought the topic back to the lucky Dilo: "It has a lot of injuries, and we have to spend more money to treat it. How about it, fifteen orchid silver coins, plus three orchid silver coins, you put us in the carriage .I only have this money, and the older the horse, the less you can sell it."

The shopkeeper gritted his teeth: "Let's make it up, one stone orchid gold coin."

"For the sake of the God of Light, eighteen stone orchid silver coins!" Noah made a prayer gesture: "This is all the money I have left!"

The shopkeeper stared at him: "Okay, for the sake of the God of Light."

Noah smiled slightly, and randomly took out a coin from the package.

The stone orchid gold coin with a gold content of 0.98 and a weight of 5 grams of gold shines in the hand.

Noah silently handed the Shilan gold coin worth 20 Shilan silver coins to the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper took the money silently, pinched it in his hand, and glanced at the bulging package, as if he could see the radiance inside through the rough fabric. gold coins.

Noah stared at him. Could it be that this person wants no change?

The shopkeeper stroked the gold coin and asked, "Do you need a coachman? I can recommend a skilled driver to you. You only need two Shilan silver coins..."

"No, I can drive the carriage." Aldridge interrupted him.

The shopkeeper looked at this tall and handsome slave resentfully, took out two Shilan silver coins and handed them to him.

Luckily, Dilo was led out by Aldrich, and he gently rubbed his head against Aldrich, and Aldrich also patted his neck, while the shopkeeper was amazed.

"Lucky Dilo won't be so docile to everyone." The shopkeeper went back to the backyard, and a few people set up the carriage. Noah got into the carriage, and Aldrich drove.

"When did you learn to drive?" Noah sat in the car, near the front so that Aldrich could hear him.

"When I was young, before I entered the church, I was a slave to several nobles." Aldrich said, "Noah, are we going to the south bank?"

His tone was quite eager to try: "If there is a fight, the south river bank should be the first battlefield."

He did not hide his true nature in front of Noah, whether it was his attitude towards God or his hatred for the Shilan Empire, and Noah always tolerated him.

Noah would neither persuade him to let go of his hatred, nor would he encourage him to seek revenge.

"No, we're going north."

Aldrich said with some disappointment: "Okay." For Noah, the south river bank is still too dangerous, and missionaries shouldn't be involved in wars or anything like that.

"We're going north to Gouffolia."

Aldrich was taken aback, turned his head and said: "But that is the territory of the God of War!" The God of War and the God of Light are not good friends. He is a missionary of the Church of Light and went to Gouveria , far more dangerous than going to the south bank.

"That's why I'm going to take a look." Noah knocked on the wall of the car: "Go and buy some warm clothes. I heard that it's quite cold in Gouffolia."

Noah and Aldrich took the carriage and bought some things for travel, some warm clothes, bread, seasonings, malt wine, pickled fish and grilled chicken, all of which were packed in silver boxes and put in the compartment.They also bought some herbal medicines that can be used to treat diseases such as colds, vomiting, and fever. After all, Noah only learned the Holy Light, Small Healing, and Light Asylum, and he has not had the opportunity to learn more advanced diseases.

Noah also bought an iron sword for Aldrich. This is an ordinary weapon that cannot be enchanted or inlaid, but because it is very heavy, it has enough power even for ordinary chopping.

If you want to use such a giant sword, it is best to bring arm guards and knee pads. Noah simply bought him a whole set of armor, but it is still light, after all, they are going to travel long distances.

The two spent a total of one Shilan gold coin and three Shilan silver coins to fill the carriage. In addition, Noah also moved some books, and the wheels got stuck. Noah touched the lucky Di Luo, said: "Thank you for your hard work."

The lucky Dilo lowered his head slightly, looked at him with deep and moist eyes, and his long eyelashes drooped down, making him look extraordinarily handsome.

They left the city, and Noah's missionary status was the best pass.Aldrich acted as the driver, and his driving skills were not superb, but Dilo was very smart and docile, and he could move steadily in the right direction without any instructions from Aldrich.

When the sun was about to set, they were already some distance away from Wang Du.

"It's still far from the next village." Noah looked at the map and said, "So we're going to rest near here tonight."

The map in his hand is very rough, with only a few simple signs, and the distance marked on it is not very accurate.

They are now in a hilly area surrounded by dense forests.Aldrich took the lasso off Dilo, and Dilo went to find water and grass on the ground by himself.

Aldridge jumped out of the carriage and looked for a suitable place to start a fire, which happened to be in a gentle and open place with a stream beside it.Autumn has just entered the continent of Reedlas, which is a dry and lush season. Aldrich found some branches of different thicknesses and fluffy and broad leaves. On the leaves, the leaves were quickly lit, and the fire pile below was lit.

The flame rose before the night came, and there was a burst of warmth from the fire. Dilo stood aside snorting, and he was not afraid of the flame.

Aldrich took the iron pot and ale from the carriage, and prepared some cabbage and fruit. He threw the cabbage and a little pork into the pot and boiled it. He added salt and pepper, and after stirring well, it was made Made a broth.

Noah sat next to him, watching him busy, lowered his head to open the map, and took out a very thick piece of parchment and a quill.

He's adding more detail to the map.

Aldrich stared at him curiously while cooking.

The pot was steaming quickly, the broth was boiling, the cabbage and pork were floating on top of the soup, and Aldridge scooped the hot soup into a bowl with a long ladle and served it to Noah.

Broth, fruit, and a small glass of ale are their supper today.

Noah looked up at him and said, "Eat first, I'll eat later."

During his career as a slave, Aldrich Weedon never had the right to eat before his master, or in other words, he seldom got to eat.

It is thanks to his strong genes that he can grow into the tall man he is today.

After finishing what he was doing, Noah picked up the bowl of hot soup and put it down quickly.

"It's too hot." He curled up his fingers.

Aldridge picked up the bowl of soup, and after putting it aside, it was no longer so hot.He pushed the malt wine to Noah: "Then you drink some wine."

Noah said, "It's too cold."

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