In fact, as Aldrich said, they formed a team and needed to pay another ten gold coins to get the team badge.

"Ten, yellow, gold, Canadian, coins!" Noah fumbled out ten glittering gold Canadian coins, counted them carefully and handed them over to the staff in charge of the registration team.

This staff member is much friendlier than the previous one, and Noah guessed it was because of his higher commission.He couldn't help asking: "Can every adventurer come up with so much money?"

The staff kept a warm and sincere smile, and said: "This money is usually pooled by everyone, but for adventurers, the cost is not high."

He sat up straight and analyzed Noah word by word: "Your Excellency, think about it, adventurers are generally warriors, right? There are also a small number of magicians, priests, archers, summoners, etc. Take the most common fighters as an example, civilians cannot become fighters. Apprenticeship requires money to practice, and money is required to buy weapons and armor. This money can only be spent by people with rich background. Not to mention magicians, magicians That's a profession made of money, and rumors say that any staff they have is worth hundreds of rare Canadian dollars."

Noah touched the holy stick on his body, which was a cheap product distributed by the Temple of Light for free.

While the staff babbled about this to them, they registered the information on the team badge: "Is it a soldier or a priest? May I ask who is the captain?"

Aldridge asked: "Is there any difference in the captain?"

The staff patiently explained: "The client and other adventurers can check the captain's information through the team badge, so generally speaking, the most powerful person will be selected as the captain. After all, a strong captain can attract The addition of other powerful adventurers will also allow the client to hand over the commission to you with more confidence."

"Then Noah..."

Noah shook his head: "The captain is Aldridge."

Aldrich turned his head and quickly understood what Noah meant.In Noah's case, he will no longer be able to register as a priest in the future. I am afraid that he will always bear the name of a junior priest, or the undocumented one.Aldrich can find any fighter union for testing and registration. If the captain is Aldrich, the team will look better.

The staff asked again: "Where is the team name?"

"Hmm..." Noah scratched his head and thought for a long time before saying, "It's called the Ordinary Adventure Team... Aldrich, what do you think?"

"I think it's pretty good." Aldrich naturally listened to him.

"Okay." The staff buried their heads in processing the information and said, "If you want to add teammates or disband the team later, you can come to my place to register."

Aldrich: "...Thank you."

The staff handed him the team badge and said with a smile: "One more thing, after completing the task, you can not only get gold coin rewards, but also individual points and team points."

Noah asked: "What's the use of personal points?"

"Didn't the staff just tell you?" The staff looked at the window just now, smiled apologetically, and explained: "Well, the points are used to upgrade the badge, and after the personal points reach [-], you can apply for it." Silver badges and team points are the same. Moreover, if you spend in the association, you can use personal points for settlement to get a discount. A little personal points can be exchanged for one silver Canadian dollar. Personal points are stored in badges. After completing tasks or making consumption, you can The balance can be calculated automatically."

"Does the Adventurer's Association have its own currency system?" Noah asked with interest.

The staff explained: "Adventurers' Guilds are spread all over the continent of Reedlas. Except for the Northern Alliance, other countries and forces use different currencies. For adventurers, it is very troublesome to conduct transactions between currencies. .So we provide a point system with a unified price. Any currency can be exchanged for points, and points can also be exchanged for any country’s currency. Adventurers can even use points to trade directly.”

He smiled meaningfully: "This is a very great initiative. It was the great adventurer Job Garcia who proposed the points system. After that, the Adventurers Association began to develop rapidly, and only then did today's adventure associations."

Any currency needs to have a strong credit score to spread widely. Personal honor points can become a common currency for adventurers. In addition to the credit support of the Adventurers Association behind it, it is also because the points can be used to directly consume within the association. Buying adventurers most needs of various materials.

If everyone chooses to use personal points to purchase materials and conduct transactions, personal points will naturally become a powerful currency system.

After successfully forming the adventurer team, Noah and the others officially became two bronze-level adventurers.The staff member pointed to the wall surrounded by many people and said: "There is a mission area there, where the client's missions are posted, divided into three parts according to the difficulty, namely bronze level, silver level and gold level. Bronze level Adventurers can only accept bronze-level quests."

"Is the highest level only gold level?" Noah asked.

The staff member smiled and said, "You will find out when you reach the gold level."

Noah: I really have a lot of questions.

The two of them went to the mission area, and the bronze-level people were the most. Everyone looked up at the content on the wall board and discussed in a low voice from time to time.

Noah looked over expectantly. There were many tasks posted on it, so dazzling that it was difficult to choose.

"Follow Carol, find the place where he is dating his lover, and investigate his lover...Mission Difficulty: Bronze Level...Mission Reward: 8 Silver Canadian Dollars..."

"Looking for a warrior, tutoring the young son to practice fighting skills, the mission lasts for one year, and there is an assessment period... Mission difficulty: Bronze level... Mission reward: 5 silver coins..."

"The pet dog Bob has been lost for two months. Adventurers are invited to find the pet dog... Mission difficulty: Bronze level... Mission reward: 1 silver Canadian currency"

"There is a strange phenomenon in the farmland, causing the crops to wither. Adventurers are invited to investigate... Mission reward: 3 silver Canadian dollars"

"Go to the Twilight Forest to collect ten parts of Moon Night Grass. You need to be of good quality and specialize in medicine collection..."

"I urgently need the blood of the Frostwolf and the soil of the Stoneclaw Swamp. Anyone who has clues can talk about it..."

Noah: What kind of missions are these!

Catching rape and catching dogs, tutoring in cultivation, investigating strange events... It is completely different from the entrustment order he imagined.

A little more reliable collection task, but unfortunately he doesn't know how to collect medicine, and there is no clue about the Frostwolf blood. Although there are many tasks, Noah finds that he can do very little.

And the one who got the most reward was actually the order to catch the rape!

Although Aldridge was mentally prepared, he was also shocked by the various commissions. He coughed and asked, "Noah, which commission shall we accept?"

"Catch the rape!" Noah reached out and tore off the entrustment order, and he said decisively: "From today, I am the best adventurer who is good at catching rape."

Noah and Aldrich took the entrustment order and went to the window to register first, indicating that the entrustment was taken over by the ordinary adventure team.The staff at the window said with a smile: "This commission is a bit special. The client proposed that if the adventurer accepts the commission, he would like to see you first."

"Is that so..." Noah's mood was a bit complicated: "Then when will we meet?"

"At noon tomorrow at the Greenwood Tavern, the client will be waiting for you by the window on the second floor of the tavern."

Noah carefully put away the entrustment order and silently wrote down the information.

The staff blinked at him: "By the way, in order to improve the efficiency of completion, the bronze adventure team can only accept one commission at a time."

After the two of them came out of the Adventurer's Association, which was full of people and the air was turbid, they immediately felt reborn.

"It seems that we won't be able to start the task until tomorrow." Noah said, "Fortunately, I still have some money on me. Where shall we go first?"

Aldrich pinned the team badge and his own badge on his body, and said, "Go find someone to repair the yard first, we can't live at home during this time, we have to find a hotel to stay temporarily."

Noah responded, then looked at him, frowning slowly.

"What's wrong?" Aldridge asked a little nervously.

"Your clothes don't match your badge." Noah looked at him from top to bottom. Aldrich was dressed similarly to him, with coarse linen and long trousers, and the armor and big sword on his body were also very crude. Duchy of Green, snatched from robbers.

Although Aldrich has deep eyebrows, handsome facial features, and tall stature, and is extremely conspicuous in this kind of clothes, but...

Noah pointed to himself and Aldridge: "We two don't look like warriors and priests. Let the client see it tomorrow. What if we don't trust us? We are the best adventurers who are good at catching rape, we must be sorry That's the title."

Aldrich: "Let's forget about this kind of title..."

Afterwards, Aldrich first contacted a few friends to repair the exterior wall and roof of the house, and the two went to buy a brand new set of armor and a big sword for Aldrich, with black moccasin boots and black underwear. The gown and the slim waistcoat cost a lot of money, but after Aldrich put it on, he really looked completely different.

In the past, when he went to the street, he would at most attract the attention of some women, but now that he was standing there, everyone had to look at him.

"Handsome!" Noah patted his hard chest and put the badge on him.

"I don't believe it, this set can't win the client!"

Aldrich reminded him: "We are just going to pick up the mission..."

Noah waved his hand, and then said to the boss: "Look, we bought so many, please send a priest's robe."

The boss readily agreed, after all, the sale of Aldridge’s suit would be enough for him for two months: “The small shop can only make ordinary priest robes, and the priest robes with special magic can only be sold in associations. in-app purchase."


"What style of priest's robe do you need? Which temple needs to be marked on it? The god of war? The god of luck? Or the god of the forest?"

"Ahem." Noah said, "Guangming... Forget it, don't mark anything, just give me a piece of white cloth."

The author has something to say:

Aldrich gradually turned into a phoenix.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 boiled cabbage;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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