The Kingdom of Suha, in a small remote city, belongs to the territory of the Earl of Manlin. Afterwards, the Earl assigned this small city named Cold Wind City and its subsidiary territory to his second son, Marcus Manlin. Viscount.

The town is small, but it is still prosperous, with a large number of people coming and going, most of them are merchants or adventurer teams, and occasionally you can see orcs or dwarves.There is a special product here called Haal bread, which is a long loaf of sweet bread, which is cheap and filling.

In Coldwind City, in a small courtyard, tall and luxuriant white oak trees are growing vigorously. There is a chair, a stove and a stable in the courtyard.The ditch at the root of the wall is wet, the winter snow has just disappeared, and some small green shoots are exposed in the courtyard, which is the most immature color of the year.

Noah sat on a chair with Hala bread in his mouth, looking up at the sky.

After a while, there was the sound of steady footsteps at the door, and Aldrich pushed the door open, holding a live chicken in his hand.

"Have you found it?" Noah asked without hope.

The hen croaked twice, and Aldrich grabbed it by the neck, and then said: "I didn't find it, I bought a chicken, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Noah sighed and became more and more decadent: "The cat is not found, how can I be in the mood to eat chicken... Let's stew it, don't we still have mushrooms at home?"

Aldridge responded, and went to search for the mushrooms left before, lit the fire, boiled a pot of water, and then killed the chicken.

The hen clucked and screamed, and the yard was covered with chicken feathers. Noah slumped on the chair, wondering where to find the cat.There was a commission order on the table, with a white cat head drawn on it, and the client who issued the commission note noted: "The white cat, named Evelia, is two years old and was born in Greenwood Square on April [-]th. Lost, I hope to find it as soon as possible. Evelia is aggressive, please pay attention to adventurers."

"Mission Difficulty: Bronze Level."

"Mission reward: three rare Canadian coins."

"After completing this last order, we can upgrade to the Silver Adventure Team." Noah chewed Hale bread, and said to himself: "But we have been searching for three days, and we haven't even seen a cat hair." .”

While plucking the chicken, Aldridge said, "I've been walking around the city for the past few days, but I haven't found anything. I'll ask my friends at the Greenwood Square tomorrow morning."

Noah was stunned for a while, then suddenly asked, "Where did you get the money to buy the chicken?"

"I didn't buy it, it was a gift from someone else." Aldrich cut the chicken into pieces and put it in hot water, saying, "The wood is also a gift from them."

It was only later that Noah learned that all the wood had to be bought, and he could not go to the forest to cut it without permission.Because according to the "Natural Law", the forests, rivers, insects, fish, birds and animals in the territory of Suha Kingdom belong to the king.If the king's tree is cut down and the king's fish is caught, it is an infringement of the king's property and is an illegal act.And the wood on the market is not something that anyone can afford to consume at any time, so the common people cannot form the habit of drinking hot water.

They are poor and white now, and even Noah is starting to worry about money.Fortunately, Aldrich has a special talent. They lived in Cold Wind City for just half a year, and Aldrich has made many friends, and he can bring back some free ingredients from time to time.

Noah had only heard of Aldrich before, but he had never seen a person like Aldridge, who wandered in the market, helped the poor, generous and generous, and had many friends.

If there is anything, everyone loves to ask him for help and ask him for advice.

Noah can't do this. He has a difficult relationship with these people, and he never planned to blend in.

"Where do cats usually go?" Noah wondered, "Why is it so difficult to catch a cat?"

Aldridge was putting mushrooms in the pot, and he comforted Noah, saying, "Don't worry, you will find them. Cats are different from other animals. They are cautious and good at hiding their tracks."

Noah came out slowly smelling the fragrance, swallowed, and asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

Aldrich smiled and said, "From what I've heard in the past few days, I quite like cats."

"Huh?" Noah sat up, ate the whole bread, and said, "Do you like cats?"

"Yes, the cat is very cute." Aldrich turned to look at him, as if looking at a large cat: "There is a furry cushion, but there are extremely sharp claws hidden inside. It usually looks lazy, but practice They are very serious when hunting. They are also very greedy, want to eat everything, and are very picky about things.”

In the end, this is not cute in any way.

But Aldrich said so in detail, it shows that he really likes cats very much.Noah stood up and said, "There are very few people who like cats. Most churches regard cats as evil. So, the owners of cats are also very interesting. Do you know who issued the commission?"

Aldrich said: "The client has hidden his information, so there is no way to know it. If we catch the white cat, we just need to send it directly to the Adventurer's Association."

"It would be great if I could catch it." Noah sighed, "Otherwise, what are we going to eat tomorrow?"

Aldrich said naturally, "I'll make whatever you want."

Noah: "That's not what it means..."

It just so happened that the stewed chicken with mushrooms was ready, and Aldrich's skills were becoming more and more exquisite. Even without expensive seasonings, he could still make tender and delicious food.

Noah ate chicken stewed mushrooms while recalling how they fell to this state.

A year ago, he and Aldridge left the city of Banyaf, crossed the Kansero Mountains, and came to the Kingdom of Suha.

The Kingdom of Suha belongs to the Northern Alliance. The biggest difference between this place and the Shilan Empire is that the beliefs here are very complicated.Although dominated by the God of War, various other faiths have their place.In the small Cold Wind City alone, there are seven or eight temples enshrining different gods.

In the Kingdom of Suha, the status of nobles is higher than that of religious personnel, and they are more active in various fields.Each noble has a different number of knights, and the great nobles can even raise a group of magicians to work for them.Because of the economic integration of the entire Northern Alliance, the commercial activities in the Northern Alliance are prosperous. After Noah arrived in Suha Kingdom, he settled down in Cold Wind City first.

He sold the cloth, the armor, the gold and silver, and exchanged them for Canadian dollars.Canadian coins are divided into ordinary Canadian coins, silver Canadian coins, gold Canadian coins and rare Canadian coins.An ordinary Canadian dollar is almost equal to a stone orchid copper coin, but the shape of the Canadian dollar is different from that of the stone orchid coin. It was once round and polished very smooth, with Job Garcia's head printed in the middle.This is true for all Canadian currencies.

And three years ago, there was a currency reform.The king of the Suha Kingdom exchanged the golden and rare Canadian coins for the portrait of the contemporary king.Then other kingdoms followed suit, resulting in unequal currency values, which caused great disruption to the market.Later, when the Northern Alliance took action, all the gold coins with the king's head on them were taken back by the royal family.There are only some collections circulating on the market as collections for value preservation.

After knowing this, Noah said with emotion: "The Northern Alliance is not stable. After 100 years, the Kingdom of Suha wants to break away from the Northern Alliance."

"Because in the past 100 years, there has never been any invasion of monsters." Aldridge discussed with him: "The Suha Kingdom is the richest in the Northern Alliance, and it must help those poor and weak kingdoms. After a long time, There are bound to be other ideas."

Noah said, "It's really rich to be rich... That's why I chose here."

Because the Suha Kingdom is the richest, Noah decided to start from the Suha Kingdom and become a traveling merchant!

This was the inspiration that Daniel gave him. Noah had a good conversation with Daniel in those few days and learned some ways to run a business.Simply put, buy low and sell high.In terms of complexity, it is too complicated, so some traveling merchants are making money, and some traveling merchants are dying.

After Noah exchanged all the Canadian coins, he asked Aldridge to find a local sage. The sage accepted the gift and introduced them to the local big family, the big businessman Degar.

Degal has a bank in his hand, where he can save money, take out loans, and pawn goods.The money in Noah's hands can be used to live for a few years, but it is not enough to use it for business.He borrowed a large sum of money from the DeGale Bank, secured the horses, and left the names of Noah and Aldridge.

After that, Noah started some small businesses with money in his pocket. In the first two months, they bought this yard with the money they earned.Although for traveling merchants who travel north and south, a fixed residence does not make much sense, but they still hope that they can have a place to return to at any time.

After earning a small amount of money, Noah was not in a hurry to repay the loan, but used all the principal and profits to buy a large amount of grain.

The sensitive Aldrich heard a piece of information that, outside the Northern Alliance, a small principality named Green was caught in war.Noah planned to collect low-priced grain in the Kingdom of Suha and transport it to the Duchy of Green for sale.

The price of food in the Suha Kingdom is relatively low. It is somewhat similar to the Shilan Empire. It is a rich land favored by the gods.The farmland is fertile, rich in species, and the grain output is extremely large.However, due to the inconvenient transportation and the rampant monsters outside, it is difficult to sell food outside the city or abroad, resulting in a large amount of food accumulation.Everyone wants to go this business route, but there are not many merchants who dare to go. They are afraid of wild monsters and mysterious monsters, and must spend a lot of money to hire adventurers as guards. Even so, there are very few successful merchants.

Noah felt that this was his chance.

He and Aldridge sold the horses for mules with stronger stamina.After all, they had to travel through the entire Northern Alliance, from Suha to the Duchy of Green.According to Noah's idea, they can earn at least ten chicken farms during this trip and eat chicken every day.

If that was the case, Noah wouldn't be looking for a cat by his hair now.

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