For the next two days, Aldrich has been serving Viscount Kurov, and he was restless because of what Brick said.He had already made up his mind to escape, and before that, he wanted to confirm the news with Brick again, but he hadn't seen Brick again these two days.

On the morning of the third day, which was the day when the Church of Illuminati announced the execution, Aldrich put on a gray short robe and trousers, and tied a hemp rope around his waist. ,

He went to the hall early in the morning to serve Viscount Kurov for breakfast, and soon someone told him that today's breakfast would be held in the courtyard outside, because Viscount Kurov was going to enjoy a performance today.Aldridge rushed to the courtyard, first arranged the knives and forks for Viscount Kurov, and then Viscount Kurov sat down with his friends.

The servants offered food to the viscount, and soon, Brick, who hadn't seen him for two days, came out. He was wearing a pure white robe, cleanly washed, with an innocent smile on his face, holding a That yellowed bone flute.

Viscount Kurov's friend leaned over and said a few words to Viscount Kurov with a smile, and then Brick began to play the flute, and the Viscount and the others ate with the sound of the flute.

The sound of the flute was melodious, and he stood under the sun, like a pure and innocent angel.

After the song ended, Viscount Kurov's friend said, "It's really an excellent flute sound."

Viscount Kurov waved his hand and said, "Let's begin."

Then three male slaves came up, and they held Brick down, made him kneel on the ground, put wooden shackles on his feet, and pressed his hands to the ground.

Another male slave held a thin blade in his hand, knelt beside Brick, and cut a gash through the back of his head.

Viscount Kurov drank the crystal clear wine and boasted to his friends: "This is the skinner with the best skills in the entire city of Banyaf! The human skin he peeled off is complete and beautiful. This gift will definitely satisfy you .”

"Brick is my favorite slave, and the best gift is naturally given to my best friend."

It turned out that today's performance was not Brick's flute sound, but a skinning performance.

He laughed and drank wine with his friends.

Brick kept screaming, and the skinner had already cut off the entire skin on his back.Brick struggled subconsciously, his hands and feet twitched due to pain, and the bone flute fell to the ground.His voice revealed a kind of extreme pain, and the blood on his back flowed like a stream, spreading to Aldrich's feet.

Viscount Kurov frowned. He first instructed Aldrich to slice the steak into thin slices, and then said to his friend, "I never imagined that my little yellow warbler would make such an unpleasant and noisy sound."

His friend stared at Brick's exposed flesh and said sadly, "Why are there such ugly things under the beautiful skin?"

Viscount Kurov applauded his friend's literary talents, he laughed and said: "So only their skins are worth collecting, and the slaves' insides are just a mess of dirty garbage."

Brick's pain continued, and he wailed inhumanly, piercing the eardrums, making people tremble almost uncontrollably.Viscount Kurov said to Aldrich: "Go and cut off his tongue, he is too noisy."

Aldrich picked up a sharp table knife, licked his lips, took a deep breath, then stretched out his big hand and suddenly pressed Viscount Kurov's head.

Afterwards, the table knife slashed through his throat, and blood gushed out. Viscount Kurov struggled desperately, making a huh huh sound from his mouth.

Aldrich's face remained unchanged. In order to ensure that Viscount Kurov would die completely, he turned the knife in his hand and pierced Viscount Kurov's heart.

Viscount Kurov fell down in disbelief, and Aldrich reached out and drew his saber.This is a silver rapier, which is not as good as the previous great sword for Aldrich, but it is worse than nothing.

There were no guards in the courtyard, only the three skinners, the viscount's friend and Brick.

Just as the viscount's friend was about to scream, Aldrich jumped in front of him, covered his mouth with his hands, and made a very deep gap with the silver rapier from top to bottom.The viscount's friend was immediately torn apart, and a large mass of dirty garbage flowed out.

First there were lumps of yellow fat, and then there was blood mixed with chunks of meat.

It seems that his inside is not clean.

At this time, the three slaves in charge of skinning called out, and the two slaves controlling Brick stepped forward to attack Aldrich, but they were no match for Aldrich, and they were quickly dealt with by Aldrich up.

The Flayer took a step back, pointed his blade at Aldrich, and said tremblingly, "Why did you do this..."

Livestock can still find a chance to escape from the cage, but slaves must not escape.The slaves who are captured will have their ears or hands cut off. Although some slaves are not afraid of death, their children, wives, and brothers are all bargaining chips for nobles.

"How many slaves have you skinned?" Aldrich asked back.

The Skinner didn't answer, and there was a trace of blankness in his eyes. He couldn't understand Aldrich, and Aldrich couldn't understand him either.

The skinner looked at Aldrich's sword, screamed, and ran outside. He shouted, "The master has been killed—" Aldridge threw the sword in his hand and accurately stabbed the skinner in the heart.

Aldrich strode over, the skinner's voice had already been heard outside, and the guards would come in soon.Aldrich drew out the silver rapier and returned to Brick.

Brick was already in a trance, and his vision was blurred due to excessive blood loss. He saw a tall figure walking towards him, as calm and stable as the first time he saw it, like a mountain.

"Is that you..." He stretched out his hand, but the skin on his arm had peeled off, so he looked extremely terrifying.

Aldrich knelt down halfway, held his hand, and said, "It's me, Aldrich."

"Aldrich... so you also have a name..." Brick's body temperature was getting colder and colder, he said vaguely: "It hurts...Ode..."

"It hurts...I don't want to hurt like this again..."


"just kill me."

Aldrich was silent for a moment, holding Brick's increasingly cold hand, if he were Noah, at least he could say "May God grant you freedom to go to the country where there is no pain".

But he couldn't tell, he hated the gods.

So Aldrich bent down to pick up the flute, put it in his arms, then stood up, cut off Brick's head with a sword, and ended his pain.

At this time, the guards outside rushed in, and they saw the tragic scene in the courtyard. Aldridge was standing in the middle, his gray short robe was stained with blood, and it turned brownish red. The rapier, blood drips smoothly from the rapier.

He looks like a lunatic, otherwise, how could anyone dare to kill the nobleman.

The guards yelled chaotically at first, and then surrounded Aldrich.

Aldrich was holding a rapier, facing the rushing guards. This sword was not an ornament, and it was powerful in Aldrich's hands.He couldn't delay, though, or the guards would eventually call the Church.While wrestling with the guards, Aldridge looked around, looking for opportunities to escape.

This is a large courtyard with high walls.Aldrich took a few steps back and jumped onto the table. The guards swarmed up, but he forced them back with his rapier.Then he jumped up, put his hands on the wall, and climbed up with a little effort.

The guards inside quickly picked up spears or long sticks to attack his legs. Aldrich looked outside, and outside the courtyard were weeds and some indescribable sticky substances.

Do you want to jump off?When Aldrich was making a decision, he suddenly heard a crisp sound of horseshoes.

Dilo ran all the way from a distance, it was extremely fast, it ran over like flying, stopped under Aldrich, and raised its head towards him, neighing.

Aldrich showed a big smile, and jumped off the wall decisively, landing on Dilo's back.Without hesitation, Dilo ran out with his slender limbs, throwing a lightning-like back to the guards who were struggling to climb the city wall behind.

"Go to the church and the city lord!"

"Viscount Kurov was killed!"

"The murderer was a Neilbrook!"

"Diro! How do you know I'm there!" Aldridge stroked Dilo's mane, but he didn't mind being thrown away by it.

He remembered that Noah had specifically instructed Dilo not to tie the reins before, so after Noah and him were captured, Dilo could also escape at will.Judging from its appearance, Dilo has been doing well these few days, neither hungry nor exposed to any wind or rain.

As expected of lucky Dilo!

"Dillo, let's save Noah!" Aldridge held the rapier in his hand and said loudly, "He will be executed in the square at noon today! Let's squat outside the prison. He was rescued!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up at the sky. It was almost noon at this time, and the sun was hanging in the middle, turning the shadow of the person into a small round circle.

How to save Noah, Aldridge didn't have a detailed plan yet, but he felt that breaking into the prison would definitely not work, so he had to play by ear on the road.

"Diro, do you know where the prison is?" Aldridge asked.

Dilo snorted as if in response.As soon as it turned its legs, it changed direction and ran towards the Church of Light.

The crisp and rhythmic sound of horseshoes echoed in the streets, and Banyaf City was still bustling and prosperous, and Aldrich was very anxious.After killing Viscount Kurov, the church and noble forces will find him soon, and he must rescue Noah before that!

While he was thinking about it, Dilo finally came near the Church of Light. It didn't rush over immediately, but hid in a dark corner.

Aldridge said in a low voice, "We'll wait first..."

He suddenly heard a burst of exclamation.

Aldrich poked his head out, and saw that the church suddenly burst into flames. A bunch of civilians gathered around to watch the fun, while the clergy in the church fled in embarrassment.

The Temple of Light is on fire?

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