The headquarters of the Northern Alliance is located in Cuibian City. This magical capital has always been the most prosperous and special place in the Northern Alliance. The white tower standing tall in the distance is the most senior wizard in the magic world, Croft Julian. Christian's residence.In addition to the Northern Alliance headquarters, the city also has the Adventurers Alliance headquarters and the Merchant Union.Magic and power, wealth and freedom spread here, and it is a sacred place in the hearts of countless people.If one day, a meteorite falls from the sky in Cuibian City, and the magicians fail to stop it in time, then the progress of the entire human civilization will be set back by at least several decades.

When they had just learned about Job Garcia, they only knew that he was an adventurer, but they didn't connect him with the legendary magician.Thinking about it now, if a very powerful adventurer appeared in Cuibian City, who could even lead everyone to resist the demon tide and promote the establishment of the Northern Alliance, then he is indeed very likely to be a magician.

Noah had just landed in Cuibian City. He successfully sensed the ark in that desert. After returning to the ark, he realized that Aldrich hadn't come back for a month. Not only him, Evelia and Julian also Not in the ark.

He called the siren and asked what happened.

The sea monster said: "Shortly after you left, there was a beast tide. But you had already reached the Dragon's Abyss at that time, so we couldn't contact you."

"What about Aldridge?"

"They're in Emerald City."

Located in Cuibian City, Noah felt the horror of the beast tide.They had visited Cuibian City once before, and it was bustling and lively at that time, but now it was extremely bleak.There was no one coming and going on the street, the doors of every house were closed, and there was a strong smell of blood in the air.However, Cuibian City is considered good. There is the White Tower, the Alliance Headquarters and the Adventurer Headquarters here, and there are not many casualties.And just outside Cuibian City, there was almost a sea of ​​blood, and the stumped limbs and arms fell on the road, which was a tragedy on earth.

He looked up at the city and hurried towards the Northern Alliance headquarters.

in the palace.

"The beast tide is coming to an end, which should have been a good thing. But the Kingdom of Suha, the Kingdom of Abiber, and the Kingdom of Kilwa are all dissatisfied with the "Boundary Agreement" signed with the Beast Empire. Aldrich, I must tell You and their attitude, because you are the middleman between the Orc Empire and the Northern Alliance, and you have performed very well in resisting the beast tide."

The leader of the alliance said to Aldrich anxiously: "They stopped me in the palace, hoping to change the following articles. They are the third article, about the alliance..."

"Needless to say, one thing will not be changed." Aldridge said lightly, "It's not the "Border Agreement" that they are dissatisfied with, but me."

The leader suddenly showed a troubled expression.

"Boss, the relationship with the Orc Empire is your bargaining chip, and in the "Border Agreement", the integrity of the Northern Alliance and your position are particularly emphasized. This is to strengthen the status of the alliance, and other kingdoms will naturally have opinions, but this Opinions should be put forward before signing the agreement, not after the orc empire provides help. The thing of tearing up the agreement has happened a hundred years ago, do you still expect the orc empire to help us next time?"

The leader said blankly: "But if this continues, the kingdom headed by them will break away from the alliance..."

"They won't do that." Aldrich said exactly: "Chief, you can't compromise any kingdom under the alliance, especially in terms of this kind of foundation. It will damage your authority and become their thread puppet."

He looked at the leader's expression and thought that the leader was too weak. Because of this, the Northern Alliance headquarters gradually declined.The alliance and the kingdoms are in a trade-off relationship. A strong leader can make the alliance over the kingdom, and a weak leader can make the alliance useless, that's all.

Aldrich said: "If they have any objections, they can come to me directly." But those people didn't even seem to have the courage to face him. They were frightened by the gradually stronger Alliance government, one of which was responsible for the agreement between the Alliance and the Orc Empire. Aldrich is in full swing.Although the nobles and those in power in the kingdom don't like Aldrich, his reputation is getting stronger and stronger now. During the beast tide war for more than a year, the people know that as long as Aldrich comes, they will be safe.

Moreover, Aldrich is backed by the Merchant Guild, the Adventurer Alliance and the Orc Empire, and the Degar family represented by Evelia is especially supportive of him. Later, there were even rumors that Evelia and Aldrich had a secret friendship. .

The leader pondered for a moment, and said, "You have worked hard during this period. After the beast tide is over, when it's time to reward your merits, how do you feel about entrusting the Duchy of Green to you?"

Aldrich originally wanted to directly refuse, but this was just another trick by the royal family to get him out of the alliance, but when he heard about the Duchy of Green, he was still taken aback for a moment.

Didn't he and Noah fail to do business in the Principality of Green back then, and they were wanted by the nobles in the city at that time.It would be very interesting if he could return to the Duchy of Green as a lord.

Aldridge wanted to share this with Noah, so he hesitated for a while. His reaction made the leader think it was a joke, so he said happily: "We can discuss this matter in detail..."

As he was talking, an attendant walked in, bowed and said, "Someone is looking for Lord Aldrich."

Aldrich asked, "Who?"

"He said he was a clergyman." asked the page. "Shall he come in?"

Before the attendant finished speaking, he saw Aldrich's eyes suddenly light up, and he said repeatedly, "No, no, I'll go out to find him."

Aldridge didn't even say goodbye to the leader, he walked out of the palace quickly on his feet, and in the end, even started to run.

The leader and his attendants looked at each other, and the leader asked curiously, "What kind of pastor is he?"

The attendant thought about it for a while: "You are quite young, and your accent is a bit strange..."

Noah spoke Dragon Language for more than a year, and later learned the language of God. Before that, he spoke the language of beasts. Now he suddenly returned to the Northern Alliance. He searched for a long time to find the tone of the Common Language, but it seemed very jerky and strange.

He himself felt a bit uncomfortable to speak, so he lowered his head and silently repeated what Aldrich was going to say when he met Aldrich. In fact, he was not as talented in language as Aldrich, so he had to practice a few more times to avoid showing timidity.Thinking of this, he suddenly heard a burst of brisk footsteps, and then he was hugged tightly.

Aldrich saw him at a glance. Although Noah lowered his head, wore strange clothes, and had some changes, Aldrich still quickly confirmed that it was him, and the surrounding scenes turned into blurred colors , only Noah reflected in his mind.

It has always been like this. Among the crowd, he always seems to be able to find Noah quickly. Noah's presence is so clear that when he sees Noah, he knows where he should go.

So Aldridge rushed over without hesitation and hugged Noah. He didn't even hesitate and worry like before. After all, they had never been separated for so long. Even if there was any problem, let's talk about it later.

Noah patted him on the back, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Sure enough, seeing Aldridge would make him feel better.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" Noah asked.

Aldrich didn't speak, he still hugged each other tightly, buried his head in Noah's neck, panting quickly.His fingers were trembling slightly, his heart was almost flying with excitement, if he spoke now, his tone of voice would be very strange.He didn't want Noah to know.

"Okay, okay." Noah forgot all the lines he had thought before, and he blurted out: "Let me tell you, I ate grass for half a month!!"

Aldrich: "?"

He finally calmed down, let go of Noah, and asked with a frown, "Is there only grass to eat in Dragon's Abyss?"

"No." Noah felt that the Dragon Clan could not be blamed: "I went to the Valley of the End."

"Where is the Valley of the End?"

"That's not important, what's important is that I ate grass for half a month! Working while grazing! It's so miserable!" Noah looked at him: "You understand?"

"I probably understand." Aldridge nodded, "I'll take you back."

Aldrich took Noah to a yard in Cuibian City. When Noah was away, he didn't bother to go back to the ark, so he bought a small yard to handle affairs here.Julian and Evelia usually come here, but they are not here today.

They set up a fire outside the yard, and Aldrich and Noah sat grilling fish together. While waiting, Aldrich asked his attendants to buy some sugar and snacks, and first fooled Noah's mouth.

"That's it, that's it." Noah said, smelling the aroma of the barbecue, "Sure enough, I can't do it without you."

Aldridge smiled: "What else do you want to eat?"

"As long as it's meat." Noah looked sincere, and then he suddenly thought of something, and said happily: "I even brought you a souvenir! Where are Julian and Evelia?"

"They are all busy, but they should be here soon. I sent someone to pass the news of your return to them."

"Oh." Noah took out four dragon scales from his pocket: "This is my friend, a little black dragon gave it to me. The dragon scales are very tough, and the dragon scales of the little black dragon are also immune to magic effects. I You only got four, so you can choose one first. They came late, so you can only choose later."

Aldrich stared at the dragon scale and asked, "Is it exactly the same?"

He asked this question a bit strangely, but Noah didn't react for a while, and said casually: "They are all similar, you can choose the most beautiful one."

Aldrich smiled helplessly, took a dragon scale casually, looked at Noah's excited expression, and asked, "Did you encounter something very interesting in Dragon Abyss?"

"It's okay." Noah said modestly: "I just played with a group of little black dragons for a year, staged a battle royale with green dragons, and met ancient giants. Finally, I finally got the dragon crystal. By the way, I learned God's words."


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Ji Yulu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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