Evelia and Aldrich quickly took over the operation of Dawn City.

Aldrich found a book about the beast swarm 100 years ago, and found some experience in how to deal with the beast swarm at that time.In addition to the solidarity and cooperation of the front-line fighters, the rear also provided sufficient material support. All adventurers joined the army against the beast tide for free, led by the legendary magician Job Garcia.In addition to these, the Beastman Empire provided very important assistance, which dealt a fatal blow to the beast tide from behind, causing the beast tide to completely collapse.

Evelia quickly arranged the next thing to do, called the people to relocate, strengthened the city defense, sent people to pass the news to the entire Northern Alliance, and issued a commission order in the Adventurers Association, and all adventurers rushed towards the border like a tide Come on, from a high altitude, the animal tide and the human tide are like two torrents about to collide.

During this period, Aldrich returned to the ark and brought Julian from the ark to Dawn City.

After the initial panic, the people obeyed the order and left Dawn City. Some who were unwilling to leave were taken away for quarrying work.There are indeed a lot of troubles, such as the materials they need for the migration, how to accommodate so many people at the destination, and the planning of the migration route, and there are indeed some people who fish in troubled waters.Fortunately, the Degar family had already owned trade routes throughout the Northern Alliance. Evelia gritted her teeth and dealt with these matters. Three days later, a young soldier rushed into the city lord's mansion and handed over a bloody gemstone necklace to Evelia.

"The support has caught up, but it's too late. All the Thorium outposts died in battle, and only I escaped. The captain said... I can't live up to your expectations." The young soldier said: "But we didn't stop the beast tide ...It's too scary, they have destroyed all defenses, gnawed at people's corpses, blood is everywhere, they are coming soon, like the god of death... Please Miss Evelia leave quickly."

After he finished speaking with difficulty, he fell to the ground without making a sound. Evelia knelt beside him to check for a moment, and found a monster's paw print on his body, which almost tore him in half.

A tear fell silently on the ground. Evelia took a deep breath, stood up and said, "Bury him. The Thorium Post has bought us time. We can't retreat."

That night, they heard the sound of the horde of monsters. Aldridge stood on the city wall, dressed in armor, holding the Wind of Winter in his hand.Julian was beside him, holding a magic potion in his hand, he said: "Spread out the smell of this potion, ordinary monsters will be afraid of this smell, but it doesn't last long, and it's ineffective against high-level monsters .”

He poured out the magic potion, and then the breath that humans could not perceive floated towards the beast tide, and those monsters became hesitant and fearful visibly, they lingered in the place where the smell was emitted, and never moved forward.

"Remember, it won't last long." Julian walked back staggeringly: "But I can definitely make a magic potion that can solve the problem better."

"Take a rest when you're tired." Aldridge instructed in a low voice, although he himself had been standing on the city wall without closing his eyes.

Julian waved his hand and walked away.

Two days later, the effect of the medicine disappeared, and the high-level monsters rushed over.Aldridge led the army into the tide of beasts, taking the lead. The wind of winter was like the wind from the orc empire, harvesting the lives of the beasts.

The battle has been raging for a month, and countless reinforcements have poured in towards Dawn City, but there are also more and more monsters, among which the number of high-level monsters has increased sharply.The strength of high-level monsters is equivalent to that of a magister. They either fly, or burrow, or are as big as a mountain.Only ten adventurers above the level of the Golden Squad can kill a high-level monster. Aldrich's grasp of time is getting stronger and stronger during the battle, and he can fight against multiple high-level monsters with one person. , His performance on the battlefield is gradually attracting attention.

During the break, a soldier smiled wryly and said, "I've never seen so many monsters. If I can survive, I can show them off for the rest of my life."

"Then you have to tell your grandson about your heroic performance in the Battle of Dawn." Aldrich answered with a smile as he passed by.

The soldier scratched his head and said shyly, "Captain, I don't even have a wife."

They didn't know Aldrich's specific position, so they followed others and called him captain.As the fighting intensified, Aldridge's reputation grew.And unlike other noble lords, Aldrich will issue them solid armor and sharp weapons, knives and shields.

Generally speaking, when you are a nobleman's retinue and soldier, you have to prepare these yourself. If you don't have them, you will only have to fight physically.

The other soldiers burst into laughter, and the soldier whispered to Aldridge: "Captain, I am actually a soldier just to make a living. The beast tide is really terrifying. The owner of my city has already escaped. I met him on the way." They lost contact and entered your team unknowingly. The beast horde is indeed terrifying, but Captain, you stand in the front every time, which makes me feel less scary."

He looked at Aldrich sincerely, and Aldrich patted him on the shoulder.

In the process of fighting the beast horde, Aldrich also went to the Beastman Empire.

He met Diana and said bluntly that this beast tide is an opportunity for the empire and the alliance to cooperate again, if the orc empire can help.

"The orcs have already suffered in this matter, Aldrich." Diana said.

"Your Majesty, the orc empire, which has been fighting all the year round, needs friends, not enemies." Aldrich said, "Sending charcoal in a timely manner is especially valuable."

Diana smiled: "Presumably the Northern Alliance is not the Northern Alliance 100 years ago, and I am not the king 100 years ago."

"Just take what I mean and go see the leader of the Northern Alliance."

The headquarters of the Northern Alliance is located in Verdant Edge, but in the 100 years since the Alliance was established, its control over member countries has gradually weakened.The reason why everyone was united at the beginning has disappeared, and the competition for interests has once again gained the upper hand. The alliance is almost torn apart. Many kingdoms want to go out independently, and there are constant small conflicts and small frictions.The alliance struggled to maintain this balance, and this predicament reached its peak when facing the beast tide.

For example, when the Kingdom of Naro needed support, the Kingdom of Barker next door was unwilling to provide support. There were many excuses for asking, but the real reason was that the two countries had been fighting for control of the Kaneff River Basin between the two countries all the year round. Said to help, seeing the other party's unlucky, I can't wait to step on it.

Aldridge met the leader of the alliance in this way. The leader was really not in a good mood. Aldrich explained the purpose of coming, and the leader said: "It's a pity that the control of the countries of the Northern Alliance is not in my hands."

Aldrich said: "I think this is your opportunity, compared to them, you have the support of the orc empire."

While Aldrich was running around for the beast tide, Noah fell into the dragon abyss.

The Dragon's Abyss is just a human name, and the dragon clan doesn't call it the place where they live. They call it the Spine of Moshache, and Moshache is the name of the dragon god.

Compared with humans with various beliefs, the dragons have very firm beliefs. The dragon god Mojache will always protect the dragons, giving them powerful power, long lifespan, special abilities, profound wisdom, and eternal wealth...

Noah came to Mojache's Spine before the beast tide happened. He didn't know about the disaster that the human empire encountered, but his situation at this time was also a dilemma.

"Okay, okay, I see." Noah shook his head and said, "Eternal wealth, noble character... But with all due respect, no wealth is eternal."

He said the latter sentence in the language of the human race, so the dragon who was in charge of guarding him did not understand what he meant.

"Human, what are you talking about?!" The black dragon stared at him like a lamppost with wide eyes: "You'd better not play any tricks, just stay here! When the battle is over, I will take you Go meet the great black dragon leader!"

"When will the battle end?" Noah asked loudly, the dragons would block out some unimportant and small sounds, otherwise, with their size, they would accept many meaningless noises.

"Two more years." Black Dragon said.

In terms of the long lifespan of the Dragon Clan, their time is naturally different from Noah's time, and two years will pass soon.

"But I have been imprisoned by you for three full months!" Noah said helplessly.

He reached Mojacher's Spine through the teleportation circle, and was quickly captured by a black dragon.The black dragons are huge in size, and they are also big in the dragon clan. They are very sensitive to the aura of alien races. Noah was easily caught without precaution.

However, there is a war between the dragon clans, and there is no time to take care of this insignificant human being for the time being, so they arranged for a black dragon to take care of it, and it has been three months now.

Of course Noah thought about running away, but the strength of the black dragon was beyond his expectation, and the aura of light was shielded here.Noah played for a long time, but the black dragon thought he was playing with him, and he called many "good friends" to play together. After playing happily, he kept Noah in the cage.

Speaking of black dragons, the black dragon in front of him seems to be a little more stupid and cute.

Hearing what Noah said, the black dragon burst out laughing. It took a while before it realized and shouted: "You can speak dragon language!"

Its excited voice echoed infinitely in the cave, and Noah was numb for a while by the tangible sound waves. The saliva of the black dragon poured down like rain, and its huge fangs were exposed, and the bloody mouth of the cave pulled out a big mouth. Surprised shape.

Noah: "..." It's so hard for me.

Noah raised his head and said, "If it's Aldrich, he must have already learned it. I just know a few simple words."

"Who is Aldrich?" Black Dragon asked curiously: "You often mention this name."

"Do you often mention it?...He is my friend." Noah smiled wryly: "Best friend."

"My best friend's name is Yagasha!" the black dragon yelled, and it patted its paw happily: "Then what's your name? If you tell me, I'll tell you my name!"

No, I'm not interested in your name.Noah complained in his heart, and then said, "My name is Noah Abush!"

"Noah Abush, I'm Aman! Your name is so nice, I like your name!" Aman said excitedly: "We can be friends, Aman and Noah, let's play together!"

"So, can you let your friend out?" Noah asked sincerely.

"No." Oman replied decisively: "Yagasha told me that human beings are very cunning, and you must not be allowed to escape."

"Then how do we play together?"

"Wait until I call Yagasha!"

Noah lay alone in the cage for a while, and Oman quickly called his best friend Yagasha, who was a black dragon that was slender than him and covered with black scales. Its tail also has a little blue luster, which is very eye-catching in the sun.

Before they came in, Noah heard their conversation.

"Yagatha, you dyed your tail blue again, your mother will scold you!"

"This is the most popular color in the past 200 years, Oman, you should also dye it blue, so that everyone will know that we are friends!"

"But mother won't allow me to dye my tail..."

"You can dye it secretly. When she comes back, she will hide her tail. I still have paint that can be washed off... Look, isn't it very beautiful..."

Noah covered his face silently, what kind of kindergarten conversation is this, but these two black dragons are already three hundred years old.

Three hundred years old is still infancy for black dragons, and then they will enter adolescence of rapid growth.

Yagasha jumped out of the cage, stared at Noah with a pair of big eyes, and said, "Do you want to play with us?"

Noah nodded.

"Great!" Yagasha said, "I'll call some friends."

Soon, more than a dozen young dragons surrounded the cage, and they were no more than three hundred years old, discussing popular games and their own shining treasures, and silently comparing the scales and the arc of their tails.

Aman released Noah and said, "Let's play together!"

The gazes of the dozen or so young dragons gathered on Noah.

The author has something to say: Noah: Young, pitiful and helpless.

Noah: Unexpectedly, I have today.


Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of desserts; 5 bottles of Qianyue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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