Beast tide.

These two words suddenly appeared in Aldrich's mind, even though he had never seen a beast tide, all he knew was limited to what Noah described to him.

When the beast tide comes, the monsters living in the Barney Canyon, the Snazena Mountains and various places will come out and rush to the human world, trampling and destroying everything.Even the most docile gray-eared rabbit in the past will become manic and restless. No one knows the reason for the existence of the beast tide and the law of occurrence. Although a large number of scholars and priests in various countries are studying this phenomenon, many hypotheses have been put forward. The drive of a leader, such as periodic manic contagion, may even be another punishment of the gods, but so far there has been no convincing result for everyone.

The last beast tide happened 100 years ago, when a legendary magician named Job Garcia solved the disaster that could lead to the destruction of most of humanity.

But the beast tide did not go to the Beastman Empire. Scholars speculated that it was because the Beastman Empire was too cold.

"Beast tide?!" Evelia stood up abruptly, her face pale.

All that they saw before their eyes was obviously the harbinger of the beast horde coming.

The vibration under his feet became more and more intense, the trees shook, and the cries of countless monsters suddenly sounded in his ears, and they came from far to near.A dark cloud composed of demon bees covered the sky. Behind them were even more terrifying and huge monsters. Among them, there were many high-level monsters whose strength was similar to that of a magister. And all kinds of strange abilities rushed towards the camp. Aldrich swung his sword and split an arc, splitting a thunder armor beast rushing towards it in half.

The camp was gradually engulfed by the tide of beasts, but those monsters didn't actually attack them.They're just destroying everything, whether it's camps or walls, villages or countries.

At this time, if you look down from the sky, you can see the magical beasts that are usually hidden in the mountains, swamps, and woodlands slowly gathering. They are surging towards the human empire from all directions, and the number of them is the largest and the scope is the widest. The most important are the Barney Canyon and the Snazena Mountains in the north.Without any existing guidance, their actions are neat and coordinated, like ants lined up to obey the orders of the queen, or a restless crowd bewitched by some group.

"Get on your horse! Ditch the cargo! Come with me!"

Aldridge picked up Evelia and put it on the horse, and then ran with these monsters. At this time, he must not run in the opposite direction, otherwise he would definitely be smashed into flesh by the huge beast tide.Aldrich broke out in a cold sweat, but still gave the order immediately.His face tensed up, and his palms were hot. If the time he had grasped at this time could have a wider range and stronger strength...

He took a deep breath, feeling that his skin was getting hotter and hotter, and something flowing in his body was about to rush out.He was dizzy, and there were noisy and chaotic voices in his ears, and the figures of monsters kept passing by him, vaguely...

"Aldrich, have they slowed down?" Evelia asked loudly.

Aldrich's head was hot, and double images appeared in front of his eyes. He used his power unconsciously. Something burst out of his mind. The speed of the surrounding monsters became slower and slower, but they knew nothing about it .

"Let's go back and inform... the alliance..." Aldrich said with difficulty, wherever he went, the monsters centered on him were slowed down by magical power, like an invisible ripple that was constantly spreading: "We ahead of them..."

"Let's go to the Thorium Outpost, which is the closest place to Barney Canyon. The first place this group of monsters arrived was the Thorium Outpost. If the outpost can form a defensive line, we will have time to notify people in other places." Evelia was lying on the horseback, and this speed was too much for her: "As for other places, we can only resign ourselves to fate. I hope they can still remember the lessons from 100 years ago and know what to do. It's a pity that we just I will definitely teach these monsters a lesson for the white tin mine that was excavated."

Aldridge didn't speak, but turned around and ran towards the Thorium post silently. He had a splitting headache and it was difficult to maintain clear thinking.

Evelia suddenly asked: "Aldrich, if we die in the beast tide, will you regret not confessing to Noah?"

Aldrich suddenly shuddered, his mind cleared up for a while, and then he felt the sense of distortion and uncertainty caused by time out of sync.

A long-haired black raccoon pounced on them from behind, its sharp claws pierced through the armor into Aldrich's flesh, Aldrich pulled the raccoon with his backhand and threw it down, but at the same time, Ripple Disappeared, the beast tide behind caught up again.

"We're not going to die," Aldrich said.

"You can't wait until you're really about to die before you regret it." Evelia waved her hand and said firmly, "I've always believed that if you want to do something, do it immediately, at least before I die, it's true This line."

But it's a pity that Evelia wants to do so much that she doesn't have enough time.

"But I still hope that I can live a long life." Evelia said.

"Why are you discussing death with me now." Aldrich said with difficulty: "Although the beast tide is behind us, at least I guarantee that you will not die from the beast tide."

"Because I don't want to discuss death before I die." Evelia whispered, "At that time, you can tell me about gems and gold coins."

They soon arrived at the Thorium Outpost. Aldridge was using his power intermittently. He could feel that his control over time was getting stronger and stronger. Before, he could only control his own time, but now it has obviously spread to the surroundings. .But he also paid the price. When they reached the Thorium post, Aldrich fell from his horse and rolled headfirst on the ground.

"Aldrich!" Evelia screamed in shock, and the attendants behind her quickly helped Aldrich up. Evelia took out the token of Earl Degar and handed it to the soldiers at the post, saying, "Let us Go in and meet your captain! Or let him come and meet me! The beast tide is coming!"

Degar is a real earl, and he is more influential than ordinary earls. The soldiers hurriedly took the token to find the captain of the outpost. He has been on guard here for several years, and the biggest official he has ever seen is the mayor. He has never heard of an earl like this. big shot.

Soon, the captain of the post came.He is a warrior who looks about five or sixty years old, with gray hair, wearing thin armor, drooping eyelids, and a sad face.Outposts established in such places are generally used to defend against attacks from beast hordes and illegal reconnaissance by other countries.But the outpost has not experienced a battle for more than ten years, and the captain has no hope of promotion. I am afraid that he will spend his whole life in this remote and poor place.

"I am the daughter of Earl Degar, Evelia Degar!" Evelia said sharply: "Half a month ago, we encountered a beast tide in the Barney Canyon, and you must immediately organize to resist the beast tide Line of defense!"

The captain looked at her hesitantly and suspiciously, and said slowly: "I haven't heard the name of Count Degar..."

"Then you have heard it now, the earl personally appointed by King Suha, according to the "Emergency Requisition Law", I have the right to order you to move now."

The captain looked at her with drooping eyelids: "Is the beast tide you said true?"

"You can doubt me, but the beast horde will come in two days. If I were you, what you should think about now is not the issue of credibility, but the materials and defenses at the outpost are enough for you to last for a few days."

The captain changed his color slightly at this time, he bowed and said: "Your Excellency, we will naturally do our best to resist the beast horde, but there are not many supplies left in the outpost! Those bows and defensive equipment have not been updated for more than ten years. The reserve supplies were distributed, but there is not much left in our hands, and the soldiers in the outpost can only live by hunting."

"Then do what you can, soldiers." Evelia got on the horse, and the other attendants also helped Aldrich onto the horse. When he escaped from the beast tide, Aldrich didn't give up on any of them.

"I will rush to Dawn City next, where I will collect supplies and support for you, and then send them over as soon as possible." Evelia tore off the gemstone necklace around her neck and handed it to the old man The captain: "Please guard the post and wait for me to come back, please."

After she finished speaking, she left the post directly, and the attendants followed her with the unconscious Aldrich.

After they left, the captain looked at Evlia's back and sneered, "Which family's young lady is this, who actually came to play this kind of game..."

He shook the necklace on his hand and said, "Everyone, I can assure you that you will never be able to afford this necklace if you fight here for the rest of your life. How about we sell it and leave here?"

Soldiers gathered around him, and one of the young soldiers said, "But she said the beast tide was coming..."

"That's just scaremongering. Have you ever seen a beast horde?!" The captain said loudly, "It's probably the eldest lady who is obsessed with knight novels..."

"But what if the beast horde really comes!" A soldier said loudly, "It's only two days away!"

"Should we run away..."

"We only have such a small number of people, and our weapons and armor have been secretly sold for wine..."

"We can't hold it at all! If the beast tide really comes, we will all die!"

"If the beast horde doesn't come, we run away! That would be a great crime!"

"Captain, what should we do?"

The young soldier shouted loudly: "Why run away! We are soldiers! We should all be honored to die in battle!"

The others fell silent immediately, and everyone stared at him in amazement, and then louder discussions erupted.

"Shut up! Shut up!" The captain stood on the high platform, and he looked around at the soldiers under him, holding the shining gemstone necklace tightly in his hand.

The author has something to say:


Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of dessert;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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