In a word, the leader of the port mafia for four years suddenly disappeared.

Maybe he chose to defect after getting tired of this position with endless troubles, or maybe he finally succeeded in suicide somewhere no one knew, and no one knew the ending of this mysterious leader.

And the last letter he left behind at the end was "Ranpo Edogawa will be the next successor".

Edogawa Ranpo, a newcomer who joined the port mafia for less than three months, a genius with insight beyond ordinary people, during this period of time partnering with Nakahara Chuya, the mafia's profits have doubled compared to before. I heard that He is also the brother of the famous detective from the Armed Detective Agency next door—like Osamu Dazai, he is now a legendary figure in the port mafia.

Even if a very small number of lower-level people were dissatisfied with this decision, with the joint support of the two cadres, Koyo Ozaki and Chuya Nakahara, the voice of protest gradually disappeared.

Zhong Yuanzhong also knew very well that the damn mackerel was not murdered or lived in seclusion as rumored.Because when he was on a mission before, he saw the man in the khaki trench coat next to the members of the Armed Detective Agency.

The time point of "a certain mission" is after Osamu Dazai disappeared.And before giving the Central Plains Zhongye an order, the new leader also said some digressions to him.

"Remember to buy some wagashi when you come back," Edogawa Ranpo who said this is much better than his predecessors who asked for western clothes or hemp rope. At least eating snacks is not a hobby that will cause people to look strange. , "And it's better to come back soon, it's better not to worry about anything."

The leader glanced at him meaningfully, pointed to the empty desk, and said plausibly: "The desserts are all eaten, so boring."

The cadres of the port mafia are not so disgusted with detectives. Naturally, they will not be as aggressive as they were when they treated Dazai's envoys. In addition, considering the personal safety of the leader, Chu Faqing just clicked his tongue So he reluctantly agreed: "What flavor do you want?"

Two minutes later, Zhongyuan Zhongye came out of the office in a daze with a long checklist in his arms.

That's the end of the synopsis.In short, after completing the task that was considered easy for the armed force faction, Nakahara Nakaya just walked into the dessert shop alone. Before he took out the paper full of complicated requirements, he saw the man standing in front of the counter. Familiar figure.

Some unknown ex-mafia boss is pointing to a strawberry cake and saying, "Take this."

This warm and everyday scene is like a bolt from the blue for Zhongye in the Central Plains.The night wind in Yokohama can wake up people's minds, but men who enter the warm room naturally cannot enjoy this benefit. After he realized it, Osamu Dazai had already been picked up by him with one hand——

By the way, because of the height difference, even Nakahara Chuka worked very hard, but Dazai's feet were still sloppy on the ground.

The man in the khaki windbreaker ignored the exclamations coming from around him. He rolled his eyes and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.Osamu Dazai smiled, still looking frivolous: "Chuya, what order should your leader give before letting you go out?"

"It's best not to worry about anything."

The reminder of Edogawa Ranpo emerged in Zhongyuan's mind.The man was a little puzzled. After blinking his eyes and thinking for a while, he still put down his old enemy: "First... Dazai, why did you appear in Yokohama?!"

Osamu Dazai followed his lead and blinked, and replied with a snickering smile, "I've never left Yokohama."

Zhongyuan Zhong also heard this, and couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

However, a man's angry roar suddenly broke in, interrupting the conversation between the two of them: "Dazai!!! It's just buying a snack, why are you so slow, this period of time is not within my plan!"

After scolding his colleague severely, Kunikida noticed Chuya Nakahara standing opposite him, and couldn't help being startled: "The port mafia? Why are you here?"

The "Port Mafia" twitched the corner of his mouth, took out the list, waved it, and replied, "I'm here to buy snacks for the leader."

The members of the Armed Detective Agency naturally know who the leader of this term is.Hearing this, Kunikida moved away understandingly—after all, his Edogawa Ranpo is also a sweet tooth, and said with a good temper: "Mr. Ranpo's younger brother is really troublesome. You took care of it."

... The relationship is so complicated that it makes people dizzy.

Fortunately, Zhong Yuanzhong is not a typical Japanese who cares about such details. He just nodded, responded with some impoliteness, and handed the list to the clerk.

After doing all this, the three of them faced each other awkwardly again, not knowing what to say.Although the relationship between the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency has eased a lot due to Edogawa Ranpo's superior position, and they can even greet each other when they see each other on the street, but in the final analysis, these two organizations are essentially a black Yibai is still an opposing position after all.

Not to mention that the presence of Osamu Dazai now makes Nakahara feel even more subtle.

Mr. Cadre finally asked his former boss: "Have you been working in the detective agency recently?"

Osamu Dazai looked at the man in front of him with arms crossed, and replied with a smile: "Of course, a slug without a brain."

Before Chuya Chuya beat him violently, Dazai reminded again: "The leader's snacks and orders."

One of the most famous honest people in Yokohama let out a deep breath, trying to suppress the soaring anger in his heart.

Fortunately, at this time, the cake that Osamu Dazai had ordered before had been wrapped, and the two members of the Armed Detective Agency dragged the other out.

After more than ten minutes, Zhong Yuan also left the store with two big bags of wagashi and soda, and walked towards the direction of the port mafia.

According to the style of the new leader, such a simple task does not need to be reported-even a written report is not required. Edogawa Ranpo especially dislikes this. If it is not necessary, he will let Nakahara Chuya do the written report confirm.

But because he bought some snacks today, Zhongyuan Zhong also walked directly to the chief's office.

The man knocked on the door three times firmly, and then he heard a somewhat familiar voice from inside: "Come in."

Although it is indeed very familiar, but I always feel that there seems to be something wrong——

When he saw the familiar figure, Nakahara also realized that the person who let him in was not Edogawa Ranpo at all.

Osamu Dazai was lying on the sofa facing the door—this sofa was bought by Nakahara himself after Ranpo Edogawa became the leader.He was holding a book with a red and white cover, and when he saw Zhong Yuanzhong coming in, he raised his hand to say hello calmly: "Hey, shorty slug."

Zhong Yuanzhong also took a step back, and slammed the door shut.

The men in black standing on both sides of the corridor looked at him in astonishment, but the man who was even more astonished than them was not in the mood to explain to them.

Zhong Yuanzhong also felt that his brain was about to explode.

I must be opening the door the wrong way.The man thought calmly, otherwise, how could there be a mackerel alive and kicking in the chief's office?

Tried to use the illusion as an excuse to convince himself that he failed, Nakahara Nakaya pushed the door open again 3 minutes later with a look of reluctance.

At this time, the one person lying on the sofa has become two sitting.Edogawa Ranpo looked at Nakahara Chuya who had re-entered with displeasure, while Dazai Osamu was still holding the book - everyone present knew the title of the book was "Complete Suicide Manual" - and read it with relish.

Under the gaze of his own leader, Nakahara Nakaya had no choice but to put two large bags of desserts on the sofa beside him, took off his hat and bowed to Luanbu, and then asked Dazai, "Why are you here?" ?!"

It feels like in the summer when you finally slapped the mosquito that was buzzing in your ears to death, and just about to fall asleep, another one that was more annoying than before came out and provoked more cheerfully next to your head people.

Dazai raised his eyes slowly, and asked his former partner, "Why can't I be here?"

This familiar perfunctory attitude, familiar rhetorical tone, and familiar sarcasm really made people feel like ghosts.Nakahara Chuya didn't rush over to kick Dazai out of the building because of Edogawa Ranpo's face, in order to satisfy his suicide dream.

The mafia cadre replied with a smirk: "Traitors should stop blatantly returning to their original organization, right?"

"If the leader leaves the organization, can that be called defection!" Dazai Zhizhi said confidently, "It can only be said that he has given up investment, or retired for retirement!"

"..." Even Zhong Yuanzhong, who had worked with him for many years, couldn't help being stunned by this brazen answer.

If the person sitting here is really Dazai Osamu who once served as the leader of Hong Kong gangsters, he probably would not have said these words.But as an honorable, innocent member of the Armed Detective Agency with an unblemished record, Osamu Dazai felt that his conscience didn't hurt at all when he said such heartless words.

"Leave him alone," Edogawa Ranpo took the book away from Dazai's hand, and knocked the man on the head with it.The young man flipped through the book and quickly browsed through the various suicide methods described above, "Dazai just came to give me strawberry cake."

Nakahara also remembered the encounter he had with Osamu Dazai and Doppo Kunikida at the dessert shop.But that's not the point. What he wants to ask more is: "Why did you come here to deliver the cake?"

Mr. Nakahara Nakaya, who has always been unable to see through this group of smart people, felt that there might be some conspiracy inside.

Then he was forced to usher in today's unknown number of critical strikes:

"Huh? Mr. Ranpo didn't tell you?" Osamu Dazai answered with his chin propped up.Perhaps it was because there were no books to read, the man looked really bored, "Because the two of us are dating."

Zhong Yuanzhong also felt that he was pitiful, weak and innocent at this time: "...huh?"

Edogawa nodded in disorder, and directly shattered his last hope with words: "That's right, the two of us have actually been dating for a long time."

In just a few minutes, the detective had read all the contents of the book and successfully memorized it.After flipping through it boredly, he stuffed it back to Dazai: "Modern society advocates freedom of love, Mr. Cool Hat."

Mr. Cool Hat doesn't really want to talk.

Osamu Dazai saw his world view being greatly impacted, as if he had suddenly understood something, he clapped his hands suddenly: "I know! Is it true that I don't believe that the two of us are actually serious about dating?" ?”

"Then Mr. Ranpo, why don't we have a kiss now?" Dazai used his handsome face as usual to come up with a bad idea, "In this way, even a slug's brain can realize the truth, right?"

A smile leaked from the corner of Edogawa Ranbu's mouth, and he agreed with a tricky mind: "Okay."

Then, Osamu Dazai lowered his head slightly, Edogawa raised his head in disorder, and his lips were pressed together.

Zhong Yuanzhong also felt that he was about to suffocate to death in front of smart people who had no shame.Looking at these two bastards who didn't seem to feel anything wrong at all, and even planned to go one step further, Nakahara took two steps forward and swung his fist straight down at Osamu Dazai.

However, the other party seemed to have guessed that he would have this action, and then dodged it with a slight side of the body, and simultaneously let out a laughing sound from his mouth.

Nakahara Chuya: It’s hard, the fist is hard.

Osamu Dazai waved at the mafia leader under the man's eyes that seemed to kill him: "Mr. Ranpo, I'll go first~ Remember to eat the strawberry cake I bought for you."

Edogawa nodded perfunctorily and hummed a few times indiscriminately.

Dazai had already stepped out of the office with one leg.However, he suddenly turned his head and smiled at Zhongya: "Hey, slug, why are you looking at me with eyes like you've been green, it's so disgusting."

The door closed softly.

Zhong Yuanzhong did not make any sound, but the black-red light representing the power of gravity was about to emerge beside his body uncontrollably——

"Calm down." Edogawa Ranpo yawned, "It's because you are so easily irritated that Dazai deliberately teased you."

It seemed like a long time before the man made a sound.He wasn't venting his anger, but he sensed something was wrong: "That guy is not Osamu Dazai."

The sharpness of intuitive beings can sometimes even be startling.

"He is indeed Osamu Dazai." Ranpo replied patiently.

"No, that bastard Osamu Dazai couldn't have said it..." At this point, Nakahara Chuya suddenly sneered.

"Whatever, it doesn't matter whether he is Osamu Dazai or not." The man said the words slowly, "As long as he really left the Mafia, it's fine for me to open hundreds of bottles of champagne to celebrate."

Zhong Yuanzhong also saluted: "Leader, I'm leaving first."

Edogawa propped his chin up in disorder, looking at the empty office:

"Your wish has come true now, Dazai."

The author has something to say: It's completely over.

The next file is "[Comprehensive] The strongest I am doing mischief in Yokohama", click on my column and the first one is, if you are interested, please be sure to bookmark it (kneel down)

See you in May~


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Phosphorescence;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Wu Xiu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles in Qingdong in Thirteenth month; 4 bottles in Xun'an;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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