The Crowned God [West Fantasy]

Chapter 98 Rules Area

Sobika got rid of the pursuers, and she immediately flew up to the Arc de Triomphe, the most iconic building in Aerys, on a wooden crutch.

The reason why this magnificent gate-shaped building stands at this location was decided after considering the layout of the terrain and water sources at the beginning of the design. Only a few spiritualists know that this is the center of the leylines of King Aerys.

At this time, the army had already withdrawn from the central square, and the heavy rain flooded the ground into several small puddles. Only Jeremy remained here, holding up his trousers to check the damage around him. He saw a little white-flowered robe jump up the Arc de Triomphe, Feeling suspicious, he asked loudly, "Who is it!"

Hearing the sound, the white robe turned around, pulled off his drenched hood, and revealed a smiling old man's face.

Jeremy's eyes widened immediately - she was the wizard Kiria ordered to arrest!

Jeremy was sure that it was the person in the portrait. He immediately pulled out his sword and was about to jump, when suddenly several small fireballs wrapped in a heat wave fell on his head, tightly blocking his way.

A person came out from behind the fireball, with black hair, black eyes, and purple complexion, he was actually a half-demon man.

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked anxiously, with the rain dripping down his cheeks, "Everyone is evacuating, it's not safe here!"

The other party stared at him without saying a word, his dark eyes were calm, perhaps because the sound of rain and wind was too loud, his voice of advice did not reach the man's ears.

Jeremy was about to go forward to speak, but saw the man leaning back with his right hand, his pupils dilated instantly, and there was a scimitar commonly used by dragons pinned to the waist of the demon!

Jeremy quickly took two steps back, held his sword and asked, "Who are you!"

Kai didn't bother to answer this boring question, so he raised his knife and approached, with spiritual pressure and murderous aura criss-crossing, this is not the power of ordinary demons at all!

Jeremy slammed his front foot across and plunged into the puddle, splashing dirty sand and water. He used the moves he learned in the Guards to deflect the blade, and slashed at the man's waist with his sword.

Kai dodged his attack swiftly, muttered a few incantations in a low voice, flames suddenly ignited on the blade, and the two of them made more than a dozen strokes on the ground, the sword clashed fiercely, and they were evenly matched.

On the top of the Arc de Triomphe, Sobika raised her wooden staff with both hands, and the storm made her robe dance wildly in the wind. She said a few prayers, then suddenly put down her staff heavily, and knocked the wooden handle on the stone slab of the Arc de Triomphe.

"Witchcraft? Highest level? Rule area!"

At this moment, the dozens of formations she laid down were all connected together, running through the east, west, north and south, like an impenetrable net, completely shrouding Iris in an inescapable nightmare at this moment.

The situation turned in an instant, and Jeremy's strength was taken away in an instant. Kai flew his long sword and fell into the puddle with a bang.


Fiona finally arrived at this moment, and she quickly drew her sword to block the fatal blow, but she also felt a heavy weight on her body, and her legs were trembling.

Kai only needed to exert a little more force on the knife, and Fiona was forced to fall into the puddle. She clenched her teeth and tried to block the opponent's knife, but saw that the shiny silver blade shortened the distance little by little until it reached the water. Pressed to her chest, Fiona was startled and frightened, but she couldn't escape at all.

At this time, another long sword came up, and Jeremy stood beside her, shoulder to shoulder, and finally forced Kai's knife back together.

Fiona was so scared that her legs went limp, she grabbed Jeremy's hand and was about to thank her.

But Jeremy's condition is not very good, he was panting hard, the rain mixed with sweat dripped down, "Fiona, the situation here is not good, you go to the palace to ask the commander of the capital guard to rescue the soldiers!"

"But the leader..." Fiona was about to explain the situation, but the urgency of the situation did not allow her to say more, so she had no choice but to get on her horse and rush to the Donor Palace.

The torrential rain gradually stopped, but the dark clouds still shrouded Iris but did not dissipate. The horse's hooves ran across the puddles, but under the influence of the ruled area, they trembled imperceptibly...

At this time, the hazy sky shook strangely, and a crack suddenly spanned the heads of everyone. With a dull bang, a figure quickly fell from the crack, followed by another figure, who raised his hand towards him. The black blade.

"It seems that space magic can't escape the scope of the ruled area." Amedeo locked his eyebrows tightly, and all his senses were focused on the falling figure. He exerted force under his feet to light the Reiatsu plane, and his body turned into a light golden god. The light rolled towards the gloomy sky, and rushed towards that black spot in the sky!

Camillo was dazzled by the light, opened his eyes to look at him, and smiled slightly: "May..."

Seeing that he was still awake, Amedeo saw that a big stone had just landed in his heart, and was about to reach out to catch him, but Camillo suddenly turned serious, and wrapped his arms around Amedeo's waist, stepping on the spiritual pressure. Taking advantage of his strength, Ping Bing raised his single sword and slammed into Roger's attack brazenly.

He gasped weakly, the body temperature of the person behind him came through the material of the clothes, but his body was strangely cold, protecting him behind him seemed to be an instinct.

The single knife left by Blue Bird collided fiercely with the black knife, bursting out with dazzling lightning, and the top-down attack gathered a lot of force. The blade in his hand was finally overwhelmed, and it was cut in two abruptly broken iron.

Camillo did not forget to protect Amedeo at this time, and backed away quickly with his arms around him, for fear that he would be injured by the wind of the knife. It was not until he landed that his tense nerves relaxed, and he staggered to one knee , A wisp of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Ca!" Amedeo hugged him hastily, and pressed his trembling hands on his chest to instill spiritual pressure, "What's wrong with you, where did you hurt?"

A few drops of cold sweat rolled down Camelot's forehead, and his lips moved feebly: "I'm not injured, it's the rule area... targeting wizards."

The rule area is supposed to weaken magic and suppress combat power, and the strong are generally affected little, but this time there is an additional effect in the rule area, the stronger the bloodline of the wizard, the stronger the restriction.

He has only a trace of witchcraft, but he also feels tired and weak, his vision is blurred, his ears are filled with mercury, and he can't hear the sound of the outside world. He must rely on divine power to maintain his consciousness. If he is a real witch, How heavy is the coercion that must be endured.

A strong uneasiness gripped his heart fiercely.

A child's rattle clattered to the floor.

The nurse fell to the ground, her hands and feet sweating profusely. She was so frightened that she almost fainted, and finally hugged the little princess who was lying on the ground tremblingly, and called the princess's name in a choked voice.

Even though he was playing well just now, why did he turn around and grab a toy, and the child fainted!What's the matter?

There was a buzzing in her mind, her own life and the life of the princess were at the two ends of the scale, she felt a shock in her heart, she hugged the princess and knocked open the door: "It's not good!"

Two iron guards lined up their silver spears and stopped in front of her: "My king has an order that no one is allowed to enter the princess' room!"

"But the princess..." The wet nurse was trembling with tears running down her face, "But the princess fainted!"

"What!" Tie Wei's face changed drastically, the palace was in chaos, and the guards immediately notified the commander of the capital guard.

The commander of the capital guard came striding over from the main hall, and angrily brought the child over. He saw the little princess's complexion was white, and her hands and feet were drooping limply. They all knelt down.

"Quick! Pass it to the doctor!"

When the commander was yelling, the glazed window of the palace suddenly shattered with a bang, and two or three dragons forced their way in through the window, "Hand over our young master!"

The left eyes of those people were shining red, and they would chop anyone they saw, whether it was a maid or a doctor. People in the hall screamed and fled in all directions.

In front of Donor's palace.

A war horse's limbs trembled slightly, struggling to pull out its hooves from the muddy water, like an old man slowly climbing up the jade steps in front of the palace. Fiona jumped off the horse anxiously, and ran to the gate of the palace by herself, but she saw Three people came.

Wei Ya, Yimil, and the pale-faced Lilith.

"You..." Fiona was stunned, "How did you get out?"

Yimil smiled and said: "Once the rule area is set, Amedeo's magic barrier will be useless."

"But what about the guards?"

"It's okay, they..." Yimil looked serious, and was about to walk over to explain to her, but Lilith didn't follow his footsteps, and suddenly fell on the white jade floor tiles.

Yimil quickly turned around to help her, but noticed that her face was unusually pale and her lips were still trembling slightly. Yimil was startled: "Lilith! What's wrong with you?"

Lilith prostrated weakly on the ground, with sweat dripping from her forehead. Yimeler's voice came from above, but it turned into an indistinct muffled sound in the eardrums, "So..."

She raised her head and stared at the sky, her pupils dilated slightly, "Solomon..." After saying these three words, she completely lost consciousness, her eyes were open, she leaned forward, and fell into Yimil's arms.

Wei Ya tensed up, and rushed over to check the girl's face: "What's going on! Could it be that bastard Camillo did it!"

Yimil quickly checked the child's pulse, and the vital signs were still very stable. He breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down and said, "Solomon...Camilo's bloodline should not be able to set up such a strong rule zone, let alone Lilith It's a witch, so it should be resistant to the rule area, unless the opponent's wizard is far stronger than her..."

He was slightly taken aback, and murmured in disbelief: "Solomon... Sobica? How could Solomon..."

Although he had fought against Roger twice and met Sobika himself several times, he had only heard about how mysterious this family was, but he had never really fought against this witch.

But how is it possible, how is it possible for a witch to be above Lilith!

Yimil immediately sent Lilith to the dimensional space, protected her with his own divine power, stood up and said solemnly: "Roger is really playing tricks this time, they have the advantage in the rule area, Iris may support But this catastrophe is over, we need to rush to the battlefield immediately."

"Great, I'll help too!" Fiona said pleasantly.

Yimil shook his head: "Just now the commander of the capital city guard was nervously called away by several iron guards. I advise you to go to Maya's residence. The princess is also of wizard blood, and she may be in danger."

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