"You have to follow me well, I don't know if there are any monsters in this forest."

"...Okay." Camelot nodded, with a slightly depressed expression.

It didn't take long for Pella to sense the existence of the blue spirit orb, but unfortunately, the other two middle-level words spirits also rushed nearby.They all sensed the existence of the Lingzhu, but they have not yet found the exact location.

"There." Pella lowered her voice, she stared at the opaque lush branches and leaves above her head, and her eyes were fixed on one of the bird's nests.

Camillo looked up and volunteered: "I'll climb up and get it down for you."

"No, the vines on these trees are poisonous."

Soon one of the competitors also found the bird's nest where the Lingzhu was hidden. He smiled triumphantly, thinking how such good luck was patronized by him!He specializes in the art of controlling beasts, and he can easily catch something from a bird's nest. He sang softly: "O flyer in the air, listen to my request, spread your holy wings, use your strong claws , get something for me!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a long cry in the air, a big black bird passed through the forest, quickly grabbed the blue crystal ball and flew towards the boy.

Seeing that the blue crystal ball was about to be delivered to that person, suddenly, a sharp arrow of light suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Shining brilliance, please inherit my will, the atmosphere is the bow, the light is the arrow, the light arrow!"

Things developed too fast, accompanied by a long and shrill cry, the black feathers slid down in the air in a tragic arc along with the blood.

The boy who controlled the beast changed his face in an instant, he clenched his fists in pain, and shouted at the intervening Yan Ling: "Attack him!"

Dozens of blackbirds gathered in response to the sound. They flapped their wings and swooped straight towards the speech spirit.The group of birds and beasts were extremely fast, and their sharp and slender beaks were like sharp arrows, rushing fiercely in front of the man, and it was too late to dodge.

"Teacher, save me!" The boy shouted hastily, with tears in his trembling voice.

In an instant, a light appeared from the bottom of his feet, and a barrier was raised to block the attacks of the birds.The phantom of the silver-haired instructor faintly flashed aside, "Disqualification." He announced lightly, and the male student was teleported out immediately.

Now only the battle between Pella and the Beastmaster remained. The two sides watched each other's movements closely and remained silent, but at the next moment, the two made a move at the same time.


"Wind escape!"

The black birds rushed towards Pella quickly, and Pella took a step back, and a magical wind escape immediately rose. The two of them, one controlling beasts and the other using magic, were comparable in strength.

Camillo saw that the man had no time to take care of himself at the moment, so he took the opportunity to run towards the dropped blue spirit bead.The other party noticed his little move, and immediately dispatched a black bird to peck at him.

"Camilo, be careful!" Pera shouted nervously.

However, with a "snap", the bird was kicked away, the body of the bird hit the tree trunk, and slowly slid down.Camillo clapped his hands proudly, trying to hurt him with this kind of sneak attack?He walked over to pick up the blue spirit bead, and made a victory gesture towards Pella.

The boy who controlled the beast turned cold, and he stopped attacking Pella, but chanted a series of strange chants in a low voice, the air suddenly became more gloomy, and rustling sounds gradually came from the grass around him.

It's a snake, countless snakes are approaching them!

"Ah—there's a snake!" Pella was most afraid of snakes, and she froze in fright.

Camillo looked around warily. Although the tall grass was not clearly visible, there was a hissing sound.Looking up, he suddenly found that there were also two or three snakes coiled on the branches above his head, some thick and some thin, and they all spit bright red snake letters at him.

The other party obviously came for his spirit orb, but this spirit orb was a favor he owed Pella, and it must not be taken away!

The beast driver approached him step by step, his face full of horror: "Hand over the things, and I will let you go."

Sweat dripped from Camelot's forehead. He watched the opponent's movements vigilantly, slowly stretched out his hand holding the bead, took advantage of the relaxation of the opponent, suddenly withdrew his hand, turned and ran back.

But he didn't expect that there was a large lake behind him.

"Hmph, let's see where you can go."

Camillo had only run a few steps when a snake with a thick wrist wrapped around his ankle. He staggered and fell to the ground.At the same time, the white spirit bead in his pocket was thrown out and rolled down the slope to the lake.Camillo immediately stretched out his hand to fish it out, but before he could touch it, another snake wrapped itself tightly around his wrist.

"Hand over the Lingzhu, or don't blame me for being ruthless, the snakes here are all very poisonous." The other party pressed on step by step.

Camillo turned his head unwillingly. Now that he lost his own spirit beads, how could he hand over Pera's spirit beads?

Seeing that he was so ignorant of good and bad, the Beastmaster ordered coldly: "Give me the Lingzhu."

With an order, all the snakes bared their fangs and quickly bit Camillo, and he had no room to dodge because the snakes tightly entangled his body.

But a strange thing happened, those snakes had just bit his skin, as if they had received a great stimulus, they hurriedly dodged away like seeing a ghost, ignoring the order of the beast driver, and fled away.

"What, what's going on here!" The boy who controlled the beast widened his eyes in shock, what method did the man in front of him use to scare away the group of snakes!

Camillo stood up as if nothing had happened, he patted the ashes on his clothes, and said with a smile: "Hey, there are no animals to help you now, do you want to have a fight with me?" He raised his fist with a smile , the muscular arms that vaguely reveal the muscular lines are strong and powerful, in stark contrast to this beast-riding boy with thin arms and thin legs.

"You...you," the young man's face turned pale, and he took two steps back, "You monster, the Lingzhu belongs to you, it belongs to you!" He didn't dare to look at Camillo any more, and ran away.

Camillo went back and found Pella. She was really terrified of snakes. She squatted on the ground and hugged her arms tightly, not daring to move. He handed over the spirit bead emitting blue light, smiling very proudly.

Pella looked around vigilantly, and sure enough there was no hissing movement, and she took the Lingzhu in surprise: "How did you do it alone?"

"I don't know either, maybe that kid was frightened by my aura, hahaha."

Pella sighed with a smile, and was about to get up, but suddenly saw the red mark on Camillo's arm, which was clearly the bite mark of a snake!Terrified, she grabbed Camelot's arm and detected it with healing magic: "You were bitten by a snake?"

Camillo nodded nonchalantly: "But I don't think there's anything wrong."

Pera frowned slightly, she tested Camillo's blood, found nothing unusual, and then relaxed her tone: "Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any trace of snake venom infection, after leaving the examination room, you must find a doctor to thoroughly examine the blood. Check it out."

Afterwards, she laughed again: "It's great, now both of us have got the Lingzhu, just wait until the time limit is over."

"Actually... just now my Lingzhu accidentally fell into the lake."

"What? Where is it?" Upon hearing this, Pera hurriedly dragged him to the lake.This is a dead lake. When you approach it, you will smell an unpleasant stench. The lake is full of floating algae, and you can hardly see the color of the water.

Camillo stared at the lake with an ugly expression on his face: "Why don't I go down and fish for it."

"No, I don't know the depth of this lake, and these floating algae also look weird. If it is poisonous, it will be troublesome." Pella poked the lake with a branch, but it was obvious that they could not reach the bottom. Go forward, hoping to find the next white spirit bead.

After almost two hours, the two encountered blue ones, and even red ones, but there was no trace of the white spirit bead.

"Oh—I don't want to look for it anymore. The number of people who have been selected for the elementary level is so small, and the certain number is pitifully small." Camillo is unwilling to look for it anymore.

"How can you give up!"

"Anyway, I don't have any skills. I should have been eliminated in the first trial. I'm content with the third round." He smiled in relief, walked to the base of a nearby tree, and sat down cross-legged leisurely.

Eh?There seemed to be something stuck under his buttocks, he reached out to feel among the fallen leaves, and suddenly came across a round object, which seemed to have a weak warm current.

Pushing aside the fallen leaves, it turned out to be a white spirit bead!

Pera burst out laughing, this kid is really lucky.

The two sat quietly and waited for the time to end. At this moment, the sun had set in the west, and the wild forest would be more dangerous at this time. For safety, most of the students would not go deeper. After another half an hour , everyone was sent out of the woodland by a beam of light.

Those who hold the corresponding spirit beads will be sent to a hall alone, where the silver-haired examiner has already been waiting there, recording the names of the students who passed the level one by one.

And when he walked in front of Camillo, the end of the pen slipped on the paper, his lips parted, but he had nothing to say.

"Hey hey." Camillo squinted at him and smiled.

The silver-haired instructor's eyes sank, he wrote down his name, and moved to the next student.After everyone finished recording, a total of 25 people entered the finale of the qualification meeting.

"According to previous conventions, all the students of the school will watch your performance at the end of the conference, and at this conference, His Majesty the Demon King and His Majesty the Demon God will also be present. Please be prepared."

What?The students were amazed, why did the two great figures from the demon world invite these two great figures to hold a grand event on the Lingling Island in the heaven?

Only a few older high-level students knew the reason, and explained to them that just a hundred years ago, the dark poison disease broke out in the devil world, causing countless deaths and injuries. Afterwards, the Demon Realm, which had no relationship with the Heaven Realm, established a friendly relationship with Yanling Island.

Silver hair nodded slightly: "That's right, so this conference is also an opportunity to show the devil world my unique singing skills in Lingdao, so the final assessment item is singing!"

Afterwards, the silver-haired mentor watched everyone leave the hall, and his eyes finally stayed on the back of Camillo. A hundred years ago, a nun was entrusted by the demon god Amedeo to bring back a young Tong, if he remembers correctly, that child's name is...Camilo.

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