Ever since Camillo got the spirit pendant and became an official spirit of speech, the teacher looked at him with kinder eyes than before, and the group of kids in the class didn't dare to make fun of him anymore.

Camillo felt that this kind of life couldn't be better, but the good times didn't last long. After two days of leisurely days, he was called away by the disciplining nun.

It was an older nun, and one of the strictest.

Camillo felt his nerves tense when he thought of her. He walked slowly into the conversation room, looked at the nun's back, and bowed his head to call out the nun's honorific name.

The disciplining nun turned around and looked at him with meaningful eyes: "Camilo, I have always believed that you are a kind child."

It's the same beginning every time, can you just point and scold me... Camillo didn't make a sound, and silently lowered his head.

"Fei An grew up with you, and we all believe that your relationship is a pure friendship without any impurities."

This was so embarrassing, the corners of Camillo's eyes twitched, his past experience told him that he was about to be tricked by that bastard Fean again.

"Camilo, why didn't you inform Fei'an about the qualification meeting?"

"Huh?" Camillo raised his head in a daze, incoherent for a while, what does this have to do with him?

The disciplining nun frowned, but her good upbringing made her never use violence, and only used words to educate the younger generation: "Fei An left the ceremony early to help you go to the library to return books, but how could you not tell me?" His headmaster's speech?"

It is true that I often borrow books from the library, but Fei Anke has never returned books for him, okay?Camillo wanted to cry but didn't, and continued with this unwarranted lecture.

"Now Fei An missed the registration for the Speech Spirit Qualification Conference and is crying in the room. How can you treat your friends like this."

How could he actually cry...Fei An's acting skills are super strong this time. Camillo was afraid that he would not be able to hold back his laughter any longer. He clenched his hands under his sleeves and said in a low voice, "I Wrong, I forgot about it."

The disciplining nun breathed a sigh of relief. The child is more obedient than a few years ago. "You should go and help Fei An think of a way. If you know your mistakes, you can still be a good boy."

To find ways to……

What can I do! ?

That idiot didn't know how to sign up, and now he's putting the blame on me.

Camillo kicked the stones on the side of the road angrily, but the words of the nun were sacred, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to see his mentor.

The instructor glanced at him sideways, saw that it was Camillo, turned around and continued to do his own work: "I still have the application form here, and it's on the table. But the time has expired, and it's useless for you to find anyone." , unless it is the headmaster."

He thought Camillo would give up after listening.

But Camilo really took a registration form, and with a swipe of a pen, wrote the name "Fian", and deliberately wrote the gender column as "female", and then tied the registration form with a string , took to the principal's office.

"..." The mentor snorted in his heart, thinking that he also knew how the principal could talk to him and gossip about.

Because it was school time, there was no one in the academy at this time, so Camillo found the principal's office without any hindrance.

He knocked on the door twice, and Mondia's deep voice came from inside: "Come in."

I don't know what spell the old man used, the door that was locked just now opened a crack by itself after he finished saying this.

Camillo opened the door and walked in, feeling that the atmosphere in the room was not right.

It feels like... right!It's magic energy!

At a glance, there was a man in black standing by the window, with long pale golden hair hanging down to his waist, and the light of the setting sun shone on his delicate and handsome face, which made people unable to take their eyes off for a moment.

After seeing the man's face clearly, Camillo was taken aback for a moment, then blinked to confirm that he was right, and then opened his mouth in disbelief, Mei...

The Demon God looked sideways slightly, his eyes were as cold and indifferent as ever, as if he was looking at a stranger, and the "Mei" that was about to blurt out was frozen in his throat by the chill radiating from his whole body.

Camillo pursed his lips before he noticed that the source of this strong demon energy was not the demon god Amedeo.

Just beside Amedeo, sat a young man lazily half-lying on the soft chair. He looked only slightly older than Camillo, and the gloomy devilish energy emanated from him. What came out even overwhelmed the breath of the demon god, it was really unfathomable.

Slowly, the young man opened his purple eyes and looked at Camillo. There was a careless arrogance in his eyes, and the noble posture of a superior person made people look up, even kneel down and bow their heads. Pride.

Camillo couldn't look away for a moment.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Mondia's deep voice instantly awakened Camillo, and the feeling of being awakened from a hallucination made him tremble involuntarily.

He was bewitched by someone just now!

He glanced at the young man vigilantly again. The man was staring at Camillo, lazily changing his posture, with a wicked smile on his lips, probably mocking him.

Camillo knew that there was too much difference in strength between the two, so he looked away wisely and started talking about serious business...

"Registration for the qualification conference, just give me the registration form."

Mendia didn't seem to want him to stay here for long, so he waved him out after taking the registration form, but just as Camillo reached the door, he was stopped suddenly: "Wait, this is not your registration form."

Camillo turned around and explained, "I reported it for a friend."

Mondia gave Camillo a serious look, and after a moment of silence, he took a thick roster and flipped through it: "So, you haven't signed up yet?"

"Add him, old man." Without waiting for Camillo to reply, the purple-eyed boy said lazily, with a three-pointed joking tone as if commanding, "I am looking forward to seeing his performance."

Hehe, if you want to see it, I will show it to you, right?If he didn't know that he couldn't beat the opponent, Camillo really wanted to rush up and tear the man's face, then push him on the chair and beat his ass, and tell him what the capitalized "respect" is!

The only Demon God who could peek into Camelot's heart, the corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.

In fact, Camillo didn't say a word. He stood aside with his head half down, very well-behaved.

Seeing that he didn't object, Mondia made a decision for him: "Since everyone is here, let's give it a try. The most important thing is to participate."

Until Camelot closed the door and left, the purple-eyed boy narrowed his eyes: "Devil God, what was that kid thinking just now?"

Amedeo glanced at him lightly with his phoenix eyes, and replied, "He's thinking about what to do when the exam is coming again."

"He didn't guess the identity of this seat?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"Tch!" The purple-eyed boy rested his head on his hands, his face full of displeasure.

Camillo yawned with his head in his hands, and walked towards the orphanage. He originally only wanted to solve Fei'an's troubles, but who knew he would get into trouble. It seems that now he has to think about how to cheat in this exam. .

well!Heaven is jealous of talents, that's why he suffers so much...

Fei An's room was next to him, and Camillo stood still in front of the door. As he expected, Fei An was happily playing cards with a few friends in the room, and there was no sign of crying at all.

Should I praise him for his superb acting skills?

"Dong dong dong..." Camelot knocked on the door impatiently.

"What are you doing!" The door opened, and Fei An was very dissatisfied that someone interrupted his interest in playing cards.

"The qualification conference, I've reported it for you."

"Yo," Fei An suddenly laughed, and punched Camillo on the shoulder, "I have some skills, kid."

Camillo frowned, not liking his action, and took a small step back: "Next time, don't complain again, otherwise..."

"Otherwise?" Fei An didn't appreciate Dade's virtue at all. Instead, he raised his eyebrows at Camillo disdainfully as if he had heard a big joke, "Otherwise, what else can you do to me, the tail of the crane!"

Camillo pursed his lower lip and was about to speak when the door in front of him was closed with a bang.

When I returned to my room, the chair was broken, and it was lying on the ground with a few books under it. Even the only candlestick on the table was gone, apparently taken away by someone.However, laughter could be heard from next door. After a faint sigh, Camillo picked up an unfinished book from the ground, turned and walked out.

There is a big tree on the sloping ground behind the Word Spirit Academy, it is hard to tell what kind it is, but at night, the leaves of this tree will emit a faint silver light, like a faint candlestick.Camillo went under the tree and circled around, finding a good angle to climb up the branches skillfully, as usual, reading the book by the starlight and the twilight of the leaves.

When Amedeo walked out of the academy, he looked up and saw this scene.

The boy sat sideways on the tree trunk, the white clothes against the silver light were even more eye-catching.A white bare foot is half suspended in the air, swaying lazily, holding a book in one hand and propping his head in the other. He was happy, and the corners of his lips were always curved in a shallow arc.

Beautiful things always attract admirers, like this restless... tree!

Amedeo can tell at a glance that this is a wood spirit that is still inexperienced. Although it can't transform into a human form, it can still do it by dropping a few leaves on the man's chest, not to mention that it has been using fine wood spirits. The branch flicked Camillo's wrist.

Just when Camillo pushed aside the branches blocking his book again, he suddenly heard a cold voice from under the tree: "Come down!"

The sudden cold air almost didn't shake Camillo directly from the tree. He frantically grabbed the tree trunk at hand and looked down.Amedeo under the tree didn't know when he stood there, but there was no sound of footsteps at all.

Camillo settled down and stared at Amedeo condescendingly. He didn't know where the courage came from, but he snorted arrogantly: "I won't go down, I'll sit on a tree and recruit you!"

Seeing that Amedeo's beautiful eyebrows were about to frown, Camillo's aura just now dissipated, and he instinctively closed his eyes.

No, I'm going to be beaten!

A gust of cool wind blew up from behind, no matter how tightly he held on to the tree trunk he was still thrown down, where would he hit the ground first this time?Camillo, who was free-falling in the air, cursed in despair in his heart, knowing magic is amazing!

But this time the wind didn't throw him directly on the ground, but turned around near the ground, dragging his body to the ground.

As soon as he landed, the book he had lost in mid-air was also handed to him, "Don't you want to read a book?"

Camillo took the book and gave him a blank look, but there's no light here, you bastard.

Amedeo looked down at him with no expression on his face. He snapped his fingers. After a while, orange balls of light floated in the air. They looked like little balls, which looked light and soft. Fluctuate.

"Now there is light."

Camillo was almost stunned. He reached out to grab those balls of light, but his fingertips could penetrate them. Wow, having magic is really amazing!

Suddenly remembered something, he turned his head and looked at Amedeo in amazement: "Hey, why do I always think that you can read my thoughts?"

"My divine power can obtain some other people's psychological activities, provided that the other party's strength is much lower than mine."

That last sentence is a catch!Camillo slumped on the ground in frustration. Sure enough, I am the kind of person with low strength, uh... no, no, if I think so, he will hear everything.

The corners of Amedeo's lips were slightly curved, and he reached out his hand to caress the child's head, but before he could touch it, his hand was frozen in mid-air, his five fingers were quietly curled up, as if he was struggling, he really...should... It's better to distance yourself from him, the smile on his lips was replaced by indifference in an instant, and the demon god turned around and left: "You read the book, I'll go first."

"Hey." Camillo behind him hesitated to speak, and when he wanted to speak again, Amedeo had already walked away.

In fact, he still wanted to ask, who was the boy sitting next to him at that time, but it seemed weird to ask, and it made him jealous, so it's better not to ask.

Alas - don't think about it!He will hear it!

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