The Crowned God [West Fantasy]

Chapter 36 The Demon God's Price...

With a twist of Pera's slender wrist, another boy who was chosen to lead the vocals sang the first line: "Vanessa, Vanessa, she is the daughter of the elements."

Then everyone sang in unison,

"Daughter of the wind, daughter of the earth, daughter of the moon, daughter of the night, daughter of God..."

"Vanessa, she created a divine path, allowing the gods to fly."

"Darkness, guarding the world, she has a difficult past."

"But she guards the world, and she tells the true mysteries."

"She is freedom, the law of the world."

As the male and female chorus reached its climax, a bleak wind suddenly blew in the forest. Several young children were trembling with fear, but Pera sent encouragement to them with her eyes, signaling not to stop.

The strong wind made the tree trunks and shrubs tremble, and the gray in the air began to condense at a speed visible to the naked eye. The strange scene made Amedeo subconsciously tighten his grip on Camillo.

I saw those condensed black shadows combined not far in the forest and turned into a human-shaped black shadow.It looked like a woman, who seemed to be wearing a long dress like a wedding dress, but her whole body was pitch black, like a dead spirit from hell.

Some timid children finally didn't dare to continue singing. They stared at the black shadow in horror, trembling from head to toe, and only some high-level speech spirits and Pella himself continued to sing.

The black shadow of the woman was erratic in the forest, approaching Camelot like a ghost.

"Don't even think about coming here!" Amedeo shouted coldly, and a domineering golden divine power instantly poured into the forest, scattering the black shadow in human form.

A woman's smirk came from the forest, and the scattered black shadows gathered again and turned into a human form.This time she didn't come over, but hid behind a big tree, only sticking her head out, staring at Camillo, just like in the dream, with a strange arc drawn from the corner of her mouth.


Amedeo was completely enraged. Even though Camillo stopped him, he used his divine power to attack again. The black shadow let out a shrill scream. In order to avoid the divine power, it frantically dodged in the forest at an extremely fast speed. Come and go.


"Haha, it's you!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Pella shuddered under the eerie voice, but she still endured her fear and sang the mourning song to the last line, "Vanessa, rest in peace."

After this sentence, the black shadow of the woman suddenly froze in place. She watched the crowd very quietly for a while, and then dissipated from the hem of her skirt, like smoke and dust with the wind.

At that moment, Camillo seemed to have an illusion. He seemed to see Vanessa smiling at him. It was a very gentle smile from a young and beautiful girl.

After the song, all the dark elements receded, and the air became clear again, as if the strange scene just now had never happened.

Camillo lowered his eyes and sighed softly: "She is a poor person."


Amedeo stared at him with complicated eyes: "Why do you know Vanessa, why do you still know about her?"

Camillo opened his mouth, not knowing how to tell him about the dream. At this moment, a voice behind them interrupted:

"Ka..." Pella came over looking very at a loss. She tried her best to be friendly, but obviously, they couldn't get over the barrier, "Ka, can we... talk? I think, I might ...I misunderstood you, I..."

She took a step forward, trying to show her earnestness, but was stopped by a gesture from Camillo.

"Stay away from me," he said lightly, not out of disgust, but simply stating, "I am infected with dark poison, so stay away from me."

Pella turned pale in an instant, and subconsciously took a step backwards. When she realized that her behavior was extremely offensive and disrespectful, the demon god had already waved his hand to create a barrier to separate her from Camelot, and then pulled Camelot walked towards the forest.

Amedeo didn't let go until he reached a place where no one was around.

Camillo originally wanted to complain that his hands were too strong, but the other party asked coldly, "Is it her?"

He looked away unnaturally: "This has nothing to do with you..."

"Then what has to do with me! You heard Kiria's diagnosis, if you weren't naive at the beginning, would things have turned out like this now!" Amedeo showed such anger out of control for the first time, he punched heavily On the bark in front of him, the snow that shook the branches fell, "Speak!"

There was a frightening silence in the snow for a moment, and Camillo bit his lip so hard that it almost broke his lip.

"Anyway, you have to go back to the capital with me, now only wizards can save your life!"

His angry panting could be clearly heard in the air, and Camillo almost felt that he was about to be burned by that anger. He looked at Amedeo fixedly, and said abruptly: "Why did you save me this time? What position, is it father's position?"

Amedeo was taken aback suddenly.

"I will not admit that Roger is my father, but you are not my father either, so you are not qualified to teach me a lesson. Any choice I make, anything, has nothing to do with you."

"Even if I die, it has nothing to do with you..."

Amedeo raised his eyes suddenly, and he stepped forward and grabbed Camillo as if he was on the verge of collapse: "What are you talking about, are you dying? Why don't you go to the capital with me!"

Camelot was so shocked by his pressure that his face turned pale, and Amedeo suddenly came to his senses, and quickly withdrew his spiritual pressure. Camillo, who had regained the air, gasped like a drowning man. His legs also weakened, and he staggered and fell on the opponent's chest.

"I'm sorry..." Amedeo hugged him guiltily.

Camilo leaned against the heat of the other's chest, his forced indifference gradually softened, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and he said softly: "It's not that I want to die, it's that I can't, I can't go to the capital."

He continued: "My current freedom is Kay, Linda, Blue Bird and Matthew. They worked hard to win it for me. I finally escaped from the previous cage. I can't... Send yourself to another cage."

Amedeo frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

Camillo regained some strength, so he gently pushed him away, and the corner of his mouth pulled out an arc with difficulty: "Even if Sobika is willing to save me, what about Kiria...she is the number one fugitive in Dragon Valley, I will go Leaving the capital is tantamount to exposing her, and the Dragon Clan will definitely not let her go. Besides, with His Majesty the Demon King here, if Wei Ya orders you to kill me, you have to do it, right?"

Amedeo's voice trembled slightly: "No, that kind of thing won't happen!"

"No, it will happen because of the price. As a god, you have to obey the orders of the Demon King and protect the Demon Realm. When you were in Dragon chose Wei Ya, not because you thought about it, but because you had to choose him. You don't even have your own freedom, how can you talk about saving me?"

A sentence of plain words made Amedeo fall into the cold pool. He stabilized his trembling body, stared at Camillo fiercely, and said word by word: "Who, who told you!!!"

Camillo was shaken by him, and he staggered and fell a step. The next moment, he was embraced by Amedeo.

"Only Shenting, it must be Shenting...Damn it, did those people come into contact with you, and when did it happen?"

He felt the man's uneasiness and the trembling that he had been suppressing. Camillo frowned distressedly, and stretched out his movable right hand to hug him, "What's wrong, it's okay, I'm fine, right?" .” He said softly.

Amedeo held Camillo's pale face in both hands, slowly closed his eyes, and leaned forward as if kissing, but in the end he just gently touched the other's forehead, and murmured: "Stay away from them, thousand Don't accept the coronation... Shenting must be looking for the successor of the Dark God... It can't be you, absolutely can't be you..."

By the end, he was on the verge of crying several times.

Camillo patted him on the back tenderly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I know." He had witnessed Vanessa's life and ending with his own eyes, so how could he repeat the same mistakes.

"So you still don't want to go to the capital?"

"Feel sorry."

Amedeo slowly opened his eyes. He lightly kissed Camillo on the forehead, then took out a small bottle from his arms and stuffed it into his hand, "It's not that I didn't think you would reject me, So I had someone bring this from the capital, this is the wound medicine that Sobika gave His Majesty, but it can only inhibit the spread of the toxin, and it must be completely removed by witchcraft."

Camillo smiled lightly: "Thank you, this is enough."

"If it's not enough, I'll ask someone to bring some more..."

"Don't," Camillo shook his head, he put his hand on Amedeo's chest, motioned him not to follow, then turned and walked out of the forest, "Please don't come to see me again, treat it as a For me, and Kiria."

In the boundless snow field, apart from the two people who were distraught, there was another person whose heart was also broken.

Pera sat alone in the snow, hugged her knees, and buried her head in tears, but the cold wind was so strong that her crying of repentance could never reach the ear of that person.

An old luggage bag was placed in front of her, and then a clean white handkerchief was handed over.

"Thank you..." Pera took the handkerchief choked with sobs. She wiped away her tears before she saw the person in front of her clearly—an old man with a kind face.

"who are you?"

The old man smiled, took off his felt hat and bowed, "I come from Shenting."

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