The Crowned God [West Fantasy]

Chapter 29 A Brief Tranquility (into v2.8 in 1)

The air is almost stagnant, just being watched by this god is already frightening.

Thin cold sweat oozes from Pera's forehead. She took a few breaths tremblingly, and tried to maintain the calm on the surface: "I'm checking his pulse."

"He is already very weak, you will compress his carotid artery." Amedeo coldly pushed Pella aside, he used magic to build a warm barrier, and carefully hugged the snow people in.

But at this moment, his eyes sank suddenly, and he saw tiny white dragon scales growing on Camillo's neck. If he guessed correctly, it was the response of the dragon clan when their lives were threatened when they were extremely weak. irritating reaction.

Pella saw Amedeo's movements froze, and a heavy coercion rushed towards her in an instant. The coercion was like a needle prick, forcing her to kneel heavily on the snow.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"


Pella knew that she must not show timidity at this time. Enduring extreme fear, she calmly said: "It's not me." She used the skill of speech, and it was difficult for the other party to hear the truth.

Amedeo glanced at her indifferently, remained silent, turned and left with Camillo in his arms.

Camillo had a dream. He dreamed that his limbs shrank and he became a three-year-old child.

"Huh~" He is full of curiosity about everything in nature, especially in the snowy winter, whenever he exhales vigorously, he can spit out a white mist.

A grown man in a fur cape looked at him from a distance, with a gentle smile in his eyes.

"Father!" The young boy ran towards him happily. The man's face became clear little by little, with long pale golden hair hanging down his chest, deep and handsome eyebrows, and an extraordinary good-looking.

Camillo was stunned, that man looked exactly like Amedeo.

Amedeo bent down, hugged the child into his arms, and asked softly, "Aren't you cold?"

"It's not cold," the toddler slipped into his cloak with a smile, "Father, look at my newly learned magic, huh-look, I can spit white mist!"

Amedeo chuckled, and his warm breath turned into a mist in the cold wind.

"Ah? Father, you will too." The young boy raised his eyebrows. He intentionally took a long breath and blew vigorously towards his father's face, but this time the water mist actually became less.

Unwillingly, he continued to take a big breath, and this time Amedeo stopped him pretending to be angry: "Don't blow any more."

"I'm going to blow, huh—"

"If you keep blowing, I'll blow you too." Amedeo leaned close to his neck and blew a breath of cool air on purpose. A gust of cool air blew across his neck in the severe cold, and the young child shivered from the cold, and hurriedly Begging for mercy:

"I won't blow it, and you are not allowed to blow it anymore!"

However, Amedeo still wanted to tease him, and intentionally made a movement of blowing air. The toddler became anxious, and threw himself on him to cover his lips with his mouth.

Then Camillo dreamed that his body suddenly grew up and turned into a normal adult, and he and Amedeo were still kissing each other...

"Cough cough." Camillo woke up from the dream, a sense of fatigue invaded the whole body, he felt very cold, his hands and feet were cold, but his forehead was as hot as a fire, and he had a splitting headache, and his vision and hearing were blurred.

He realizes he's in a house and he's lying on a bed, what's going on... where is he?

In a haze, he saw someone coming to him, checking his pupils, and asking him questions, but he couldn't hear clearly, and he didn't have the energy to answer.

Finally, those people left, leaving only one man, who sat by the bed and gently placed a cold towel on his forehead.

It was just a timely rain, Camillo felt much better, his skin greedily absorbed the coldness, his headache began to ease, his lax mind recovered little by little, his eyes finally got focus, he finally saw the man's face clearly, his lips trembled slightly aloud:

"Mei..." How could it be him?

Amedeo was taken aback, "Are you awake?" He turned his head and stretched out his finger to touch Camillo's forehead, still having a high fever.

"Do you want some water?" He asked again, although he didn't get an answer, he brought a bowl of warm water and brought it to Camillo's mouth with a small spoon.

The almost parched lips were slightly opened, and he swallowed the water with difficulty. Although the liquid spilled from the corners of his mouth from time to time, Amedeo would wipe it off for him considerately. After he finished drinking, he would take a second spoonful, a bowl of water After almost half an hour of feeding, only half a bowl of water entered Camillo's stomach.

But in Amedeo's view, it is already extremely difficult for Camillo to cooperate.He sighed softly, and looked at the large and small wounds on Camillo's body in a blink of an eye, his eyes sank like the bottom of the sea for a moment, and he gently stroked Camillo's cheek with his fingertips, rubbing it gently.

"Stay by my side in the future, I will never let anyone hurt you again."

Camillo, who had drunk the water, had closed his eyes drowsily. He instinctively rubbed Amedeo's fingers. The familiar breath made him relax and fell asleep peacefully.

This abnormal harmony lasted for several days, until one day when Amedeo walked into the room, Camillo got up and sat on the edge of the bed.Amedeo stopped in his tracks, hesitating whether he should go in or not. Ever since Camillo started to lose his fever, he has been avoiding the arrival of this day. If asked, how would he explain the matter of Dragon Valley?

At this time, Camillo had already seen Amedeo at the door, and he asked, "Is there a mirror?"

"Huh?" Amedeo, who was thinking about how to answer the other party's question, was obviously taken aback, mirror?His first sentence just wanted a mirror?

"My neck... hurts."

It wasn't until Amedeo realized that he was talking about the scales on his neck. Since he was brought back that day, the skin on his neck has been constantly scaling, from the initial small scales to hard patches. Pure white dragon scales.But since Camilo could barely move his arms, he couldn't touch his neck, so he described it as uncomfortable.

Amedeo walked to him and sat down. He drew an ellipse in the air with his fingers, and the airflow began to materialize, slowly forming a mirror.

After watching magic several times, I still find it miraculous, but at this moment Camillo couldn't care less about marveling, and was only thinking about his neck.And when he saw what was on his neck, he gasped visibly.

What the hell is this? !

"The skin of dragons will scale in critical moments, and these scales will fall off by themselves after half a month."

Camillo frowned: "How can you still read my mind?"

"No," Amedeo said indifferently, "You have it all written on your face."

Camillo choked immediately, and he looked back and forth in the mirror a few times, "It's weird." Those hard scales still made a light rubbing sound when he twisted his neck.

Amedeo's eyes stayed on his scales, and after a while, he said: "These scales are beautiful."

Camillo didn't pay attention to the other party's gaze, and still insisted: "It's just uncomfortable."

"Where is the pain?"

"My hair got stuck in the scales."

Amedeo reached out and brushed his hair away from his neck, and asked again, "Is it better?"

"No... still uncomfortable, and a little itchy."

"..." Amedeo reached out and stroked the scales on Camillo's neck. As he said, these scales are pure white like feathers, and the touch is more delicate and smooth than gems. However, this kind of beauty is connected with death, according to legend. If a dragon person's whole body scales, it means irreversible death.

Amedeo's slender fingers rubbed the scales lightly, and Camillo only felt the warm and cool touch coming from his neck. Not only did the scales feel less uncomfortable, on the contrary, he even wanted to take the initiative to rub them.Although he controlled himself with reason, this little trick did not escape Amedeo's eyes. He smiled without showing any traces, and proposed to wipe the scales for Camillo, and Camillo naturally agreed decisively.

Amedeo wiped the scales carefully with a kerchief soaked in warm water. Although he had already wiped Camillo's body during the few days when Camillo was in a coma, it was the first time to clean the scales. He could It is clearly seen that the scales are slightly opened after wetting, showing a pleasant and relaxed posture.

Camillo swallowed secretly, the subtle feeling was so comfortable, he stared at Amedeo's light golden eyelashes slightly curled up, imagining what it would be like if the other party licked it himself .

The dream of the previous few days came to mind again, his cheeks flushed, and he quietly looked away unnaturally.

Amedeo sensed his nervousness from the shrinkage of his scales, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

Camillo became even more nervous: "Um... where the hell is this, why am I with you?" He randomly asked a question to divert the focus, but this question was too inappropriate, and the air pressure in the room suddenly became heavy stand up.

Amedeo paused, and said: "This is a remote town in the Demon Realm, called Bendis. When I found you, you were unconscious in the snow outside the city because your injuries were too serious to bear. The burden of teleportation can only place you here first, but the doctors are all the best doctors dispatched from the main city..."

Camilo interrupted him eagerly: "Then what happened to Dragon Valley, what about Blue Bird and Matthew?"

There was a long silence in the room.

After a while, Amedeo's voice sounded: "...Dragon Valley has been sealed off, and no one knows what's going on inside."

Camillo stared at him absent-mindedly, his eyes were a little red, although his endless grievances and disappointments were not expressed in words, they were all written in those eyes.

"Do you hate me?" Amedeo asked softly, his voice a little hoarse.

Unexpectedly, Camillo shook his head lightly, his voice was very calm: "You saved me twice, I have no right to hate you..."

He paused, lowered his eyes and said:

"But... the part about Blue Bird and Matthew, I may not be able to let go of it."

This answer is also reasonable, even better than what he thought, Amedeo closed his eyes lightly, because his arrogance did not allow him to show any expression of pain and weakness.

Camillo had the illusion for a moment that Amedeo even had a vulnerable and helpless side, but when Amedeo opened his eyes again, the coldness in his eyes completely annihilated that illusion.

Camillo twitched the corner of his mouth and asked, "Where's the fairy dragon?"

Amedeo raised his eyes in surprise: "What... a dragon?"

"Didn't you see the dragon that rescued me?"

"No, there is no one with you except for those few speech spirits."

This time, it was Camillo's turn to be surprised: "What language?"

It turned out that in the remote areas of the Demon Realm, including Bendis, a dark poisonous disease suddenly broke out in the past three months. The source of the disease was in the forest between Bendis and the nearby town of Ruiyi. The controlled dark elements suddenly appeared, so the demon world imitated the measures of the last dark poison outbreak, asking for help from Yanling Island's words to drive away the dark elements, so a large number of words appeared here.

Camillo was very pleasantly surprised when he heard the news, not to mention that he heard that there was a Ling Ling who looked similar to Pella, and he couldn't wait to meet her.

However, Amedeo would not allow it.

"You must leave here with me in two days and go to the capital of the Demon Realm to receive better treatment." He said seriously, as if an adult had arbitrarily made a decision for his child, leaving no room for Camillo to refute. That day Camilo was put under house arrest, even if he went out of the room to go to the toilet, he would be accompanied by Amedeo the whole time.

It's like when you follow him, he treats you like a pet, and locks you in a cage when you're not good... Is it so reasonable?

Camillo smiled on his back on the bed, but unfortunately he is not the kind of pet for people to play with - he is a dragon.

That night, the guards were awakened by the sound of breaking glass. They rushed into the ward, but saw a hole in the glass of the window and the curtains dancing wildly in the night wind.

And through the window, on the opposite roof was actually standing the patient whom the demon god had ordered thousands of times, and the guards suddenly panicked.

Camillo smiled lightly at everyone, and jumped to the next roof. He knew that Amedeo would go out of the city tonight. These so-called guards were just a group of hired mercenaries. Reiatsu wouldn't even work, and by the time the group of people chased him down the street, Camillo had already disappeared into the night.

Bendis is a small town, very quiet at night. Camillo leaped towards a bright hillside. It was a tavern. There was a shopkeeper at the door. She was very brightly dressed, drinking a small glass of wine liquor.

Camillo walked over and asked, "Do you know where the Yan Ling here lives?"

The proprietress took a drink and looked at him very vigilantly. Her eyes fell on Camelot's strange scales. Although she couldn't recognize the race of the other party, she never trusted people other than the demons.

Camillo had no choice but to ask again in Mozu language. This time the proprietress was obviously relieved, and pointed him in the direction with a smile.

"Next time I want to drink, little brother."

Since the town is not big, the place the proprietress mentioned is very easy to find. There is an old church on the highest hillside in the whole town, and the words spirits live in the church for the time being.

After a while, Camillo arrived at the old church. The door of the church was closed at night, and Camillo could not move his arms. He couldn't knock on the door, so he kicked it with his feet.

There was a young girl in the room who wanted to open the door, but the instructor immediately stopped her, "Don't go, maybe it's a drunk devil coming to make trouble again." When he said this, the instructor's eyes flashed with obvious contempt.

The girl gave an obedient "um" and was about to go back to the room to sleep, but at this moment——

With a bang, the door was kicked open!

The man at the door was also a little dazed, and then smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, sorry, I accidentally used too much force..."

The girl froze in fright. Who is so powerful?

The instructor immediately protected the student behind him, and sternly shouted: "Who are you? This is Yanling's residence, leave here immediately!"

Camillo could clearly feel an invisible force urging him to give his name and leave the church, but he could completely overcome this urge with just a little concentration, not at all like the passivity he had back then, which was too much. Strange, he is already so strong?

Seeing that he had overcome the verbal instructions, the mentor turned pale in a flash. Fortunately, another speech teacher was rushing downstairs.

"...Camilo?" Pera was stunned at the stairs, her expression was complicated, even strange.

But Camillo was already ecstatic when he saw Pella, and he didn't care to pay attention to these details at all. Pella's abnormal expression was simply understood as surprise by him.

"Pella, that's great, it's really you!" He couldn't wait to run over.

Pella walked down the stairs step by step, without the hugs that old friends should have when meeting each other, and she didn't ask for warmth, her eyes stayed on the scales on Camillo's neck in a daze.

"Ka... are you really a dragon?" She asked in a trembling voice.

Camillo was stunned, the scales on his neck shrank subconsciously, and he gave a soft "hmm".At that moment, he even deeply hated his own scales, even though a day ago, he still thought the color was quite pleasing to the eye, and he also liked it very much when someone cleaned his scales.

But Camillo has always believed that Pella is right, and that what Pella hates must be dirty things, because in Camillo's eyes, Pella has always been a perfect girl like an angel.

She is tolerant and kind, abides by all the virtues of the heavens, and is a perfect person.

Just like when she learned that Camelot escaped from the demon god, she silently helped Camelot repair the door of the church, arranged a place for him to sleep, and took care of him like an old friend.

Although...Pella didn't care about his injury, the bed that Pella arranged for him was cold and damp, and Pella didn't say a few words with him, but Camillo believes that she just forgot by accident, maybe she just Very tired tonight.

Tomorrow...everything will be fine.

The next morning, Pella invited Camillo to go for a walk outside the town. Camillo readily agreed. In the peaceful and peaceful life in the past, he took a peek at the silver pendant on Pella's chest. The elegant silver perfectly set off Pella's celestial temperament, and she really looked like an angel.

Camillo walked very slowly today, because the morning air was very cold, and he did not have a robe to keep out the cold.

Pella pulled him anxiously, just grabbing Camillo's left wrist.

"Ugh!" Camillo cried out in pain due to the shoulder injury involved, and Pella froze in panic, her eyes were on Camillo's gauze-wrapped shoulder.

"Ka, what's wrong with your shoulder?" Pera's voice was as soft and sweet as ever, and she sounded extremely concerned.

Camillo smiled lightly. He firmly believed that Pella was a gentle girl, and it was just an accident just now. His painful reaction must have scared her. "It's okay, a little injury." He said with a smile.

Of course, Pella would not believe that this was a minor injury, because from the drooping wrist of Camillo, his left arm should be completely out of strength, and it is even very possible that this arm has been disabled.But she firmly believes that the dragons are all hypocritical villains, and Camillo must have other plans for lying.

Pella asked as carefully as possible: "Camilo, are you... the young master of the Dragon Clan?"

Camillo was stunned: "How do you know this?"

Sure enough, it was true, Pella frowned, and asked with a worried look: "Then why did you suffer such a serious injury, shouldn't the young master stay in Dragon Valley?"

"...It's a long story. Let me tell you when we get there. Why haven't you arrived at the place you mentioned?"

"It's coming soon." Pera lowered her head, seeming a little nervous.

Camillo faintly noticed that Pella's appearance was a bit strange. Could it be that their relationship has become estranged after not seeing them for many years?It was embarrassing for the two to remain silent, and Camillo said again: "Pella, did your people see a dragon in the wild a week ago?"

Pelaton was stunned, his eyes dodged and he said: "What dragon?"

"A purple fairy dragon. It's my friend. It's not as big as Jackie Chan, but it's not too small."

Dragons and dragons have always been an inseparable combination, just like the time when the attack on Yanling Island, the giant dragon descended carrying the dragons, the scene was so magnificent that it almost obscured the sun.But those spectators who crowded up to see the dragon out of curiosity almost all splashed blood on the Temple of Heaven. In just a moment, there was no trace of gentleness left on Pella's face. She drooped her eyes and frowned, and said in a cold voice: " No, I didn't see it."

Camillo looked at Pella in surprise, why did he feel that there was a trace of undetectable murder just now?

"This is it." Pera's words interrupted his thoughts. There was a slope ahead, and Pera led him to the top of the slope. "You can see a beautiful sunrise here."

Pera smiled at him, that kind of smile was still the gentle and kind smile that Camillo was familiar with.

Pera said again: "Wait here for me, there is a kind of berry growing in the snow here, I will pick some for you."

Camillo wanted to say that he might not be able to eat cold food now because he was already cold enough, but seeing Pella's enthusiasm, he couldn't bear to stop him, so he sat patiently on a stone and waited for Pella to come back.

But the sunrise was about to begin, and Pella hadn't come back yet, so Camillo walked back along the original road. Fortunately, it was a snowy field, and he could still vaguely see Pella's footprints, so he continued to move forward along the footprints step.

Suddenly, a strong thrust shook him away, Camillo staggered back a few steps, the hidden wound on his chest was hit, and he immediately took a mouthful of fishy sweetness.

He tensed up all over, this is an enchantment!And it is a pre-established giant enchantment.

He endured the pain in his chest and released his perception, but he couldn't perceive anything outside the barrier at all. This barrier was airtight and very precise, and it was absolutely impossible for Pella to deliberately build it to trap him.

And when he walked in, he didn't feel the barrier of the enchantment, which reminded him of the enchantment of Dragon Valley. The enchantment defaults that the dragon has a special right of passage, and people with it can also enter and exit freely. It seems that, Pella also has the right of passage of this enchantment, she deliberately led herself here, and then walked out of the enchantment alone.

In this way, the inexplicable murderous intent made sense.

"You said Camillo is missing?!" Amedeo's voice was furious and frightening, and a chill froze everyone in the room.

"I-I'm really sorry. We've tried our best to find it. The proprietress of the tavern said that she had seen such a person. She said that the person asked her where the words spirits lived..."

Amedeo gave them a cold look: "Continue."

"But we went to church, and the spirits said they had never seen this man, and no one came last night..."

Those icy eyes became colder in an instant, getting colder and colder, and the fingers clasped tightly on the edge of the table almost dug into the wood bit by bit.

An invisible coercion spread heavily, and the guards immediately knelt down in fright.

"Your Majesty..." An old voice sounded behind him, the person who spoke was an old man in fine clothes, and his identity was not low at first glance, "Your Majesty, the dragon wizards have arrived in the capital, Your Majesty said, if you don't When he returned, he refused any treatment."

Amedeo glared at him fiercely, but the old man just prostrated himself on the ground unhurriedly, and said humbly and politely, "This is His Majesty's order, please forgive me."

No matter when, this sentence can easily shake Amedeo every time.His face turned ashen, and he clearly felt his soul trembling slightly under the shackles of the law. He exerted force with five fingers, and in an instant, the table under his arm shattered into a pile of wood chips.

Willa Truss!

The old man didn't even raise his head, and still said in the same tone just now: "Your Majesty, when you return to the capital, you can definitely call your subordinates to search in Bendis, which is naturally more reliable than these mercenaries."

Amedeo stared out of the window. At this time, there was already crushed snow outside, and the injured body was already afraid of the cold, not to mention that Camillo didn't even have a piece of clothing to keep out the cold when he left.

"Go back to the capital of the Demon Realm." He finally spoke, his expression completely silent.

Camillo felt that he was going to be numb from the cold, the wound on his chest was in pain like tearing, his head was heavy, if he could raise his hand to touch his forehead at this moment, he should have a high fever.

He couldn't leave the barrier, so he had no choice but to walk to the inside of the barrier. This land seemed to have traces of someone's life. Some wooden sheds and straw mats were scattered in the snow, and the traces were still very new.

Turning around a fence, Camillo was instantly stunned by the sight in front of him.

A dozen... No, there are dozens of people lying crookedly on both sides of the road like this, two or three of them leaning against each other, all skinny and skinny, and their skins are all naked/exposing black carrion of different sizes , Some were on the legs, some were on the arms, the most rotten was on the chest, the rotten skin had sunk deeply, and the bright red internal organs that were still beating could be clearly seen inside.

But they were all alive, for the weaker ones had been slain, and there were piles of bones at the end of the road, and some discarded rotting entrails.These people, like Camelot, couldn't escape the enchantment. They had no food or water. They set their sights on those who were about to die. They needed food and needed to live.

The appearance of Camillo attracted the attention of all of them. Three or two people took the lead and stood up, staring at him with strange eyes. They ground their teeth, stretched their black and dirty claws, and moved around him. .But the dragon scales on Camillo's neck and his remaining spiritual pressure acted as a deterrent, and those people finally gave up. After all, the physical strength consumed to kill the opponent far exceeded the energy they could eat back.

If Camillo's guess is correct, these people are suffering from dark poison, which is an incurable disease in which the living body begins to rot.

The bloody smell of carrion floated in the air. He resisted the urge to vomit and continued to walk forward step by step. He didn't know how long he could last, but as soon as he fell down, he would definitely fall into these crazy and terrifying things. Devil's food.

The further he walked, the situation seemed to be getting better. There were gradually some houses in front of him, but all the doors and windows were closed. He found two demons outside. Their condition seemed to be much better. All sane.

But when the two demons saw Camelot, they were all shocked: "You can't come inside, the lord won't allow it!"

That... lord?

Camillo suddenly noticed a slight movement in the air, someone was watching him?He frowned, turned his head suddenly, and the opponent also made a move at the same time, and the knife in his hand came down in the air.Camillo quickly took a step back and raised his leg to attack, but the opponent easily caught the attack, and even quickly jumped two steps back.

Only then did he see that the other party was a long-haired woman, and in her hand, she held the knife that the blue bird had left him!This is what he cherishes the most, even when he sleeps, he has to wear it, but it was taken away at the moment of the fight!

Camillo yelled furiously, "Give me back the knife!"

The woman looked at him carefully, rubbing the handle of the knife in her hand, with complicated eyes.

"What happened to your hand?" was her first question.This is obviously not a symptom of dark poison disease. Judging from the fighting posture, both arms should have been severely injured, and the scales on his neck also confirmed that he is extremely weak at the moment.

"Stop rambling, give me back the knife!"

The woman raised her eyebrows and asked the second question: "Why do you have the blue bird's knife?"

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