The Crowned God [West Fantasy]

Chapter 22 Perception

The place where Camilo wants to practice is not very far from the center of Dragon Valley, but it is near an active volcano, and the environment is too dangerous, so no one lives there.At a glance, it is full of scorched vegetation and potholes left over from the last volcanic eruption. The environment of Longgu is already barren enough, but I didn't expect it to be even worse.

He originally came out with the mentality of going on an outing, but instantly felt like he was drenched in cold water.

"Is this volcano not going to erupt suddenly?" He asked the blue bird.

The blue bird was building a tent, inserted the wooden stakes into the soil with bare hands, and then tied ropes to reinforce them. After finishing the work, he returned to him and said, "No, this volcano was set up by Lord Sobika for witchcraft, and it will be under constant pressure all year round. dormancy."

To be able to control even a volcano... is too powerful.

The blue bird said coldly: "If you want to sleep in the open air at night, you can continue to watch the scenery."

"Uh, I'm here to pitch a tent!"

Even though that was the case, how could Camillo set up a tent? It would be good not to add to the chaos. In the end, the blue bird did it all by himself.

In the evening, the blue sparrow picked some carbonized wooden branches to build a bonfire. It was getting dark and the two of them sat around the bonfire. There was a crackling sound.

"Here." Blue Sparrow handed him a piece of barbecue wrapped in green leaves.

Camilo, who was extremely hungry, eagerly took a bite, but couldn't swallow it. The meat was dry and hard, and it was especially salty.

Lan Que glanced at his expression, and said disapprovingly: "How delicious do you expect the dry food to be?" She chewed and ate her portion of jerky, and there was nothing wrong with eating the meals carefully prepared by the cook on a daily basis. The difference, to her, is just food.

She knows that Camillo is still young, and his life experience is certainly not as good as that of her who has been on the battlefield and killed people, so she specially arranged the most difficult way for this practice, cutting off contact and supplies with the clan, hoping It can be used to exercise the young master's ability to survive in the wild.

Blue Bird is always worried in her heart. One day, Camillo will face a more dangerous situation, and before that day comes, she must pass on what she has learned.

In the early morning of the next day, Camillo, who was still dozing off, was dragged out of the tent by the blue bird.

"You should be a little alert in the wild. You should have woken up when I entered the tent," Lan Que frowned. If it wasn't for the identity of the young master, it would be more than a shudder on the forehead. "Here There are many wild beasts, although insects, snakes and other small animals will be afraid of our dragon's breath, but other wolves, tigers and leopards, no matter whether you are a human or a beast, will take the initiative to attack at any time."

Camillo rubbed the little bag on his head in a daze, still yawning: "But can I still not sleep?"

The blue bird said seriously: "A top fighter should be able to maintain awareness all the time while sleeping."

"Um - what is perception?"

Unexpectedly, Kai hadn't taught him this before. Blue Bird threw the throwing knife to Camilo, then turned around and said to him, "Now throw the throwing knife at me."

Camillo wondered what she was going to do, so he slightly shifted the throwing knife and shot towards the side of the blue bird.I saw that the flying knife hadn't passed the blue bird's position. In theory, before it entered the blue bird's line of sight, the blue bird had already made a quick move, clamping the end of the flying knife with two fingers.

She took back the flying knife, turned around and explained: "Perception is to radiate the spiritual pressure in the form of qi and surround the body, so that any movement around the body can be perceived through the flow of qi, without the need to use vision to detect it." capture."

Camillo nodded thoughtfully. Occasionally, he would feel something like this. For example, when he discovered that Roger was invisible, he didn't really see it with his eyes, but intuitively felt that someone was standing there. There.

"Then let's start training?"

Camillo looked up blankly: "Huh? I haven't had breakfast yet..."

"Practice first." Lan Que said coldly, holding a small throwing knife between her hands and five fingers, she leaped back to distance herself from Camillo. This posture is not good...

Sure enough, Blue Bird threw the ten throwing knives at Camillo the next moment.

At this moment, no matter how sleepy he was, he would be scared to wake up. Fortunately, there was no spiritual pressure attached to the flying knife, and Camillo easily escaped by rolling around on the ground.

"You have to catch them all before you can eat."

As soon as the words fell, ten more flying knives shot over!

Camillo stepped back quickly, and one of the dangling silver throwing knives was directly inserted into the gap between his crotch, almost breaking his egg.He never knew that Blue Bird could hide so many weapons, not only throwing knives and silver needles, but even the bamboo branches for hair were sharpened at one end, it was like a living weapon man.

Camelot was chased by the flying knives and hid in hiding. Although he was unscathed, he didn't catch a flying knife.

Blue Bird used Reiatsu to gather up the scattered throwing knives on the ground, and threw ten more in one breath. At this time, Camillo was squatting on the ground panting. He thought that Blue Bird would at least give him a rest time, but ended up facing him. They were ten shining silver flying knives.

There was no way to retreat, so Camillo had no choice but to catch the throwing knives in a hurry, three or four in each hand, and two more under his armpit.

Blue Bird counted the throwing knives he caught, one, two, three...nine.

"There's still one more thing to do, start over."

"Wait, wait..." Camillo said vaguely, he got up, biting the last throwing knife in his mouth.

This time, all ten.

Blue Bird walked over with a face full of disgust, took away the throwing knife that was stained with spit, wiped it carefully, and then allowed him to eat.

In the first few days, Camilo seemed to be clueless, almost relying on luck to pick up the blue sparrow's throwing knife, whether he could eat or not became a matter of luck...

Blue Bird didn't expect that Camillo's progress would be so slow. He was already proficient in the use of Reiatsu, and perception should be an extremely simple skill.But she later found out that every time Camillo opened the spiritual pressure according to what she taught, the spiritual pressure was not in the form of mist, but still maintained a thick pressure.

Only then did she understand the reason, Camillo's spiritual pressure was too strong.

Maybe Kai also considered this and didn't teach him perception, because after such ample spiritual pressure is dispersed, the density is still too high, and it is impossible to achieve the effect of moving with the breath.

Seeing the disappointment on Lan Que's expression, Camillo felt bad all over: "Hey...Although I don't practice well, don't sigh."

Blue Bird only said, "Tomorrow we will practice something else" and went hunting alone. In order to let Camillo concentrate on his cultivation, Blue Bird took care of the food, and today is no exception.

Camillo sat on the ground slumped, and for a moment, the negative emotions that had been entrenched in his heart a few years ago were ready to move.


crane tail...

He lay himself on the ground in large characters, and looked blankly at the blue sky above his head. The blue was very light and pure, which inexplicably made him feel at ease. He closed his eyes and adjusted the spirit in his body again. Press to spread out around.

This time, even after reaching the ten-meter diameter mentioned by the blue bird, he continued to spread outward.

The hare in the dead wood was stunned by the sudden Reiatsu, and the grass snake chasing it behind was also stiffened, maintaining the posture that had just bared its fangs. The range continues to spread.

It was so far that it covered the tent next to it, and covered the old Humu a hundred meters away.

The suppressive pressure of the spiritual pressure decreased accordingly, and the hare just now was the first to recover its ability to move. It shook its ears and fled out quickly.Then, the smaller grass snake reacted, but the rabbit was nowhere to be found.

When the spiritual pressure finally reached a critical point, it suddenly became as thin as air, and the surrounding wind and grass could be seen in a panoramic view, even the movement of the wind seemed to be tangible, it was like opening a new world.

Camillo opened his eyes in great surprise, he could sense it now!Moreover, his perception range is nearly ten times larger than the normal range that Blue Bird said. He couldn't wait to tell Blue Bird the news, but he suddenly found a problem...

His feet are hollow.

The scattered Reiatsu has been immersed in the deep layer of the soil, just tens of meters deep, there is a dome like a house.Prevented by nature from probing any further, Camillo decided to walk around and see what was under his feet.

When he walked to the south, he could feel the ground was very thick, and when he walked to the north, the hollow feeling became more and more obvious. Anyway, Camillo had nothing to do at the moment, so he accelerated The speed has been running to the north.

What appeared in front of him was a deep pit.

There are many pits in the terrain here, but this one is definitely considered deep. Looking down, it is at least 50 meters deep.He probed down with his senses, and the ground below was dry and solid, with no signs of life.

But when he sensed along the rock wall of the deep pit, he found that one side of the rock wall was very thin, and its interior seemed to be connected to the dome he had just detected, that is to say, there was a hollow hole hidden inside the rock wall. cave.

Camillo has only one thought at the moment, he must have found the legendary dragon treasure!

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